Celestial Employee

chapter 35: Chapter 67 - Personal grudges, heads-up-Chapter 70

The entire community was quiet, the slight crackling of the trees in the altar was clearly audible, and countless moths came from all directions, just like the falling leaves, falling into the blazing fire.

The sudden and blazing fire makes the face of the group of “auspicious wishfulness, harmony and wealth” seem even more dire.

In their eyes, Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng, who slowly came out of the dark corridor, were no different from the moths that were putting on fire.

“It really is you.” As soon as he saw Zhao Lingjun walking slowly out of the corridor, the dwarf made a terrible laugh.

“Yeah, how are you.” Zhao Lingjun looked at the dwarf and smiled. “It’s so coincidence to meet you again. Would you like to go up for a cup of tea?”

“Drink tea?” The dwarf and the rest of the group looked at Zhao Lingjun as if they saw an idiot.

“Who the **** are you?” The thin man took a deep breath. Just now Zhao Lingjun was moving like a wind, leaving an indelible impression on the thin man.

“My name is Zhao Lingjun, the designer of the R & D department of Monsini.” Zhao Lingjun said honestly to the thin man.

“Boy, you are very kind, and I appreciate you.” Jixiangruyi, the current boss of Qiqishengcai, looked at the dwarf and the thin man very dissatisfied, and felt that the two always grabbed their limelight and almost couldn’t even plug their mouths .

“Who is that, is that your name Zhao Lingjun?” Chu Xiangyun said looking at Zhao Lingjun. “Just you made our boss and Gao Jun?”

“Where did I do them? Zhao Lingjun shook his head and said,” It’s not my business at all, I just beat them down. ” ”

“You beat them to a crushing fracture, and even if they were saved, they would be a waste person.” Chu Xiangyun looked at Zhao Lingjun and said, “For us to be lucky, and to be wealthy, the waste person has to die.”

As soon as Chu Xiangyun’s words came out, Zhang Changsheng was dumbfounded. “You really became their boss?”

“That was an accident.”

“Why didn’t you tell us before you came down?” Zhang Changsheng looked at Zhao Lingjun depressed.

“This is not an emergency. I can’t say it.” Zhao Lingjun smiled embarrassedly. “Besides, I said that they came to trouble me. You don’t believe it.”

“I … I was really going to be killed by you this time.

“Hey, what are you two whispering about? What do you think of me?” Chu Xiangyun looked cold. When spitting out this sentence, two snipers ambushing in a building behind the building of Montsini found that a snow-white, like pompon appeared not far away from their side. kitten.

“What a lovely kitten.” The two snipers didn’t find it in the corridor for a long time. They were bored. A cute kitten suddenly appeared, which surprised the two.

“Come, come here.” One of the snipers waved at the white kitten. What surprised him even more was that the white kitten seemed to come to him at a brisk pace as if he could understand him.

“It’s so good. You said we should take it back and have a play.” Watching the white his kitten walked to his side and looked at himself with his blinking eyes. The sniper couldn’t help but reached out and touched the kitten’s head, then turned his head to look at another sniper who was lying beside him.

“It’s fun, take it home and raise it first. If it’s troublesome, you can give it to the microwave.” The sniper just said this with a smile. I saw the kitten screaming, then stretched out its paws, it seemed to just gently pat the sniper’s neck, and the sniper suddenly tilted his head, as if asleep. The same.

“It’s really embarrassing, we are sorry for each other, and we can’t help ourselves, so we accidentally forgot you.” Zhao Lingjun’s words almost made Chu Xiangyun not come up in a single breath, suffocating alive.

“By the way, you are in the middle of the night, what is the matter of calling us out, are you coming to this cold barbecue party and want to invite us for supper?” Zhao Lingjun’s next sentence made Chu Xiangyun almost fainted.

“Boy, you actually beat me up.” Chu Xiangyun felt that if he talked to Zhao Lingjun again, he was auspicious and his prestige in Heqishengcai would be defeated, and it would be very low-key in the future.

So Chu Xiangyun just waved his hand and wowed, and the muzzles of more than a dozen black holes were aimed at Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng.

“We are auspicious and have a clear sense of grievances and grievances. As long as you take out what we want, you can go.” Chu Xiangyun looked at Zhang Changsheng coldly.

“You shouldn’t give him anything, and then I don’t want to go away.” Zhao Lingjun watched in disbelief as Zhang Changsheng quickly pulled out a bag wrapped tightly in a black plastic bag.

“What do you say.” Zhang Changsheng smiled shamelessly towards Zhao Lingjun, and suddenly took the bag and said to Chu Xiangyun: “Brother, I will give it to you, please let me go, I don’t know This kid’s. ”

“Haha. Or you are better than soft.”

“You …, you guys who have no righteousness.” Zhao Lingjun’s tragic expression made Chu Xiangyun very happy. After looking at Zhang Changsheng with a satisfied eye, Chu Xiangyun nodded toward one of his men. Take the thing tightly wrapped in a black plastic bag in Zhang Changsheng’s hand.

“*, Your bandage is pretty good.” Chu Xiangyun found that Zhang Changsheng’s black plastic group bag was tightly packed. After a long time without unraveling, Zhi Xiangyun forced to tear the black plastic bag. Too.

“How strange it is.”

But as soon as the black plastic bag was torn apart a little, Chu Xiangyun smelled a pungent smell.

“Be careful …” The face of the dwarf’s nose changed a lot just after he smelled it.

But the dwarf just shouted the word caution, and the black plastic bag in Chu Xiangyun’s hand suddenly exploded.

A dark red smoke zero suddenly burst out.

The sudden red smoke zero is not thick, but the spicy and stimulating red minuscule makes all the auspicious and energetic people who are enveloped by the red smoke zero, and the wealthy people feel that their eyes are like being scattered The same as a handful of pepper.

For the first time, Chu Xiangyun, staring at the black plastic bag in his hand, suddenly felt that both eyes were hot, and his tears and nose were all down together.

“Fuck, it’s self-made tears …” The dwarf was interrupted by his cough and a burst of gunshots before he finished speaking.

“Without my orders, who dares to shoot without permission?” Chu Xiangyun stumbled out of the red mist and shouted angrily.

But when Chu Xiangyun could see things with his eyes clear, Chu Xiangyun was silly. Except for a few people who stumbled out of the red smoke like themselves, the rest of the people who had been standing in every corner of the building were lying on the ground in silence. And their foreheads, without exception, have a black hole, and there are still wounds of red and white things flowing out.

“Who is it?” Chu Xiangyun’s body suddenly stiffened.

“Spicy hand detective?” The answer to Chu Xiangyun was the same red and swollen eyes, the face was full of shocked thin men, twisted green muscles on the hands holding the gun, obviously heart-shocked. “Do you remember me?” A footstep sounded in the dark corridor, and a middle-aged man who was slightly fat appeared in front of everyone.

“It really is you.” The thin man’s pupils shrank.

“I thought I would never touch you again. But I didn’t expect that you would still appear in front of me.” Xiao Ping looked at the two Zhao Lingjun in his hand and grabbed it from the man in the corridor The ordinary pistol and the modified sniper rifle in the hand. He said to the thin man in a very plain tone that he didn’t seem to put Chu Xiangyun and others looking at him with horrified eyes.

“Do you know him?” Before the thin man could speak, Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but ask Xiao Ping.

“How can I not admit him.” Xiao Ping’s face appeared a desolate look. “He used to be my favorite apprentice.”

“What?” As soon as Xiao Ping’s words came out, Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng suddenly froze.

“You lied.” Zhao Lingjun hadn’t had time to ask Xiao Ping what was going on, and the thin man shouted with trembling. “You are lying at all. If you really treat me as your favorite apprentice, how could you testify that time and let me be expelled from the Blackhawks.”

“I testified because I was telling the truth. At that time, the robber had dropped his gun and surrendered. You shouldn’t shoot him.” Xiao Ping’s face also showed a bit of pain. “Then why do you want Black Hawk to fire me?” The thin man looked at Xiao Ping. “As long as you say a word, Black Hawk will leave me behind, but you …”

“I didn’t speak to you because Black Hawk has the discipline of Black Hawk.” Xiao Ping looked at the thin man. “And I have already told them that I will transfer you to the best police force. As long as you perform well, the Black Hawk can just transfer you back. But I did not expect that you actually made a Thieves, but also helped them kidnap my family and kill me … ”

“Impossible, impossible, you must be jealous of my marksmanship faster than you, you have to expel me from the Blackhawks.” The thin man trembled all over and excitedly interrupted Xiao Pingkuo. “Don’t you always think that your marksmanship is faster than me, accurate than me? Are you always looking for opportunities to compare with me?” Xiao Ping’s painful expression flashed across the face. After a while, Xiao Ping’s face was calm, and looking at the thin man, Xiao Ping pointed coldly to a wasteland not far away. “I will break with you today.”

“Let them go.” Zhao Lingjun just wanted to stop him, but Zhang Changsheng stopped Zhao Lingjun. “This is a private grievance between their mentors and disciples, let them solve it themselves.”

“What kind of personal grievances from shit.” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t help but watched as Xiao Ping and the thin man slowly walked towards the wasteland, Zhao Lingjun was very depressed and raised a large black brick from the ground. “I only know to beat them all down, and it is still popular with such old-fashioned duels? Still singled out”

Zhang Changsheng was made to laugh and cry by Zhao Lingjun, but Zhao Lingjun’s words and the movement of no one beside him picking up bricks from the ground greatly angered Chu Xiangyun and others.

Although he was shocked by Xiao Ping’s marksmanship at first, Chu Xiangyun and others were masters with great skills. So when he heard Zhao Lingjun’s words, he was lucky and Zhao He in the Qiqishengcai jumped out.

Zhao He is auspicious Ruyi. He is one of the leaders of He Qi Cai Cai. He is the top expert in free combat. Gao Jun, who is hung in the hands of Zhao Lingjun, is known as the King of Guangxi Boxing. In the organization, Zhao He is a well-deserved number one in the organization.

“Boy, I know you are a trainer.” After Zhao He jumped out, he stared wildly at Zhao Lingjun. “I know that Gao Jun also lost in your hands. However, I want to tell you the truth today that there are mountains outside the mountains.”

Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhao He and smiled, but did not speak. He weighed the big brick in his hand, and seemed to be very satisfied with the weight of the brick.

“You are too arrogant boy, you think you can knock us all down with a broken brick?” Jixiangruyi, Tian Fuqi in Heqishengcai couldn’t help jumping out.

Tian Fuqi is a master of Thirteen Taibao’s hard Qigong practice, and he has already practiced like a steel bar. Even if a hundred bricks come, Tian Fuqi only tickles himself.

“This is mine, you don’t want to grab it with me.” Zhao Lingjun just wanted to say, okay, when the two of you came up to try my big brick, Zhang Changsheng walked up.

In Zhang Changsheng’s hands, I don’t know when, but also a pair of gleaming Emei thorns.

“Then you have to be careful.” Zhao Lingjun just said to Zhang Changsheng with a smile. Tian Fuqi had already roared, and Zhang Chang vividly started his hand.

Tian Fu Qi practiced Thirteen Taibao’s Heng Qigong exercises. When he started, Tian Fu Qi’s muscles all seemed to swell suddenly.

When Tian Fuqi swept out with a punch, the whole arm felt like a huge steel bar, but Tian Fuqi’s arm just swept out, and Tian Fuqi saw Zhang Changsheng suddenly jump in front of him.

“I *, jumped so high.”

Zhao Lingjun did not expect that Zhang Changsheng would jump at once, and then jumped over Tian Fuqi’s head. When Tian Fuqi’s fist was swung up again, the two Emei thorns in Zhang Changsheng’s hand had already stabbed Tian Fuqi’s shoulders.

Zhang Changsheng ’s movements are clean and beautiful. Zhao Lingjun never expected to ride a broken electric car to work every day. He would put his legs on the cold public table in the morning and take a company ’s blister braised beef noodles. Sports athletes also need clever moves, and his weapon is actually a pair of Emei thorns used by women.

Zhao Lingjun thinks this is really amazing.

But Zhao Lingjun’s applause had not been exported, and Tian Fuqi, stabbed by Zhang Changsheng, exhaled and gave a loud cry.

After Zhang Changsheng succeeded, he wanted to pull out the Emei thorn that pierced into Tian Fuqi’s shoulders. But after pulling out, Zhang Changsheng failed to pull out the Emei thorn inserted into Tian Fuqi’s shoulders. Tian Fuqi used his muscles on his shoulders to clamp Zhang Changsheng’s Emei thorn stiffly.

Zhang Changsheng’s face changed a lot, but even if Zhang Changsheng responded quickly, he let go of Emei’s thorns with his hand at the first time, but he was still punched by Tian Fuqi’s punch.

Zhang Changsheng groaned, and when Chang fell down, Zhang Changsheng’s mouth had oozed a trace of blood.

“Isn’t it, even the Emei thorn can’t poke in?” Zhao Lingjun looked at Tian Fuqi with an unbelievable laugh and shook the Emei thorn stuck on his shoulder, “It’s too powerful.”

“Awesome you.” Zhao Changjun was greeted by Zhang Changsheng’s scolding, “I’m almost beaten down, and you are still watching over there.”

“How do I know you don’t take things so seriously?” Zhao Lingjun was very innocent, thinking about helping the longevity with a big brick, but was stopped by Zhao He.

“Your opponent is me.” Zhao He looked at the big bricks in Zhao Lingjun’s and Zhao Lingjun’s hands and couldn’t help laughing.

“What’s so funny about you.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Zhao He very strangely.

At this time, Tian Fuqi had already rushed towards Zhang Changsheng. Zhang Changsheng, who had lost his weapon, fled left and right, and the situation was very critical.

“You said you wanted to beat me down by raising a big brick? You too …” Zhao He hasn’t finished his words yet. Zhao Lingjun has knocked a brick on Zhao He’s head.

After a muffled noise, Zhao He collapsed to the ground like a rotten snake with cramps.

“Can’t the big brick knock on people?” Zhao Lingjun stepped over from Zhao He’s paralyzed body. “Did your mother ever tell you that bricks are harder than heads?”

Chu Xiangyun looked at Zhao Lingjun dumbfounded. He couldn’t believe it. The fighting king, Zhao He, was beaten by a brick without even having the time to react.

The sound of someone slamming down behind him caught the attention of Tian Fuqi, who was beating Zhang Changsheng on the ground, but when Tian Fuqi turned around, a large brick had already hit Tian Fuqi’s head. A fluffy red powder exploded on Zhao Lingjun’s hand and Tian Fuqi’s head.

Tian Fu Qi Huo retreated three steps in a row, stabilized his figure.

“No, the head is harder than the brick?” Zhao Lingjun clapped his hands. A big red brick turned into a powder under one blow, and only a blood bag bulged on his blessed head.

“My thirteen Taibao has been practicing Qigong for 90%. You want to stun me with a big brick? Ah–” Tian Fuqi has just been shot by Zhao Lingjun’s brick , But when he heard Zhao Lingjun ’s words, Tian Fuqi could n’t help but say it, but unfortunately Tian Fuqi had n’t finished speaking, he saw that Zhao Lingjun clapped his hands and pulled up the flower bed beside him like pulling grass There is a man’s thigh-thick tree.

“I don’t know if this tree can smash you?” Zhao Lingjun waved the big tree as lightly as a matchstick.

Tian Fuqi just issued a scream like a pig, turned around and wanted to escape. Zhao Lingjun had smashed the big man’s thigh-like tree on Tian Fuqi’s head.

“Boom”. Chu Xiangyun and the dwarf felt the ground shake. A stream of air mixed with dust and leaves came across.

When I watched it again, Zhao Lingjun clapped his hands and stood on one side.

And the tree as thick and thick as thighs, lying across Tian Fuqi’s head on his knees. Tian Fuqi’s eyes turned white and his mouth foamed, as if before the big tree knocked on his head, he seemed to have been scared to death.

The dwarf had already grabbed two grenades in his hand, but when he saw Zhao Lingjun pulling out a tree with thick thighs, the dwarf almost shook his hands and dropped the thunder on his feet.

When the dwarf came back, and just wanted to pull down the ring on the grenade and threw it to Zhao Lingjun, the dwarf suddenly felt that the sky was turning around, not knowing how to do it, his head crashed into the ground and was lost. perception.

Chu Xiangyun must have dazzled himself. Because Chu Xiangyun actually saw a white kitten suddenly appear at the foot of the dwarf, and then the kitten seemed to suddenly sweep a dwarf leg like a sweeping leg. But Chu Xiangyun didn’t have time to rub his eyes, he heard it again.

As soon as Chu Xiangyun turned his head, he saw the blood pouring from the thin man’s hand.

Xiao quietly dropped the pistol in his hand, and looked at the thin man coldly, at this man who used to be his best disciple, but now he is an enemy who doesn’t share the same sky.

“You are right, you are much faster than me. You don’t need to be jealous of me at all.” The thin man looked at the blood gushing from his hand, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. “It seems that I was really wrong.” After saying this, the thin man pointed the gun in his hand with his other hand, pointed it at his head, and pulled the trigger.

After a dull gunshot sounded, a huge blood mist stained Xiao Ping’s eyes.

“Wonderful, wonderful, really wonderful.” When Chu Xiangyun, who was ashamed, was ready to fight desperately with Zhao Lingjun and others, Chu Xiangyun heard an applause from the darkness behind him.

As soon as Chu Xiangyun looked back, he saw a group of people coming out of the darkness. The head was the young man with scars on his face in the Hexing Society.

“I didn’t think that the company was really a hidden dragon and a tiger. It not only has a sharpshooter who has a terrible thief, a sharp shot like a god, but also a talented talent.” Scarface looked at Zhao Lingjun and three others with interest.

“Are you talking to me?” Zhao Lingjun didn’t know the origin of the large group of people who suddenly appeared in front of him, but intuitively knew that this group of people was not a good thing because of the smile on their faces, look It’s very cheap.

“Ha ha.”. Scarface looked at Zhao Lingjun and smiled, but before being able to answer, he was interrupted by Chu Xiangyun’s words.

“Who are you?”

“We are this time asking you to help us get back the things that Zhang Changsheng had on him. Scarface looked at Chu Xiangyun with pity.” Unfortunately, you are a group of waste, and now we are alone. ”

“Are you a member of the Hexing Society?” Chu Xiangyun’s eyes suddenly turned red. “You repeat what you just said?”

“You are a group of waste.” Scarface looked at Chu Xiangyun, saying one by one. “If I were you, I had already committed suicide by jumping off the building.”

“You all die to me.” Scarface’s words just fell. Chu Xiangyun, who has never shot, has already shot.

Auspicious Ruyi, He Qisheng Cai must have been planted today, but Chu Xiangyun feels that even if he is desperate, he must kill the person in front of him who dares to insult himself and Jixiang Ruyi, He Qi Caicai.

Like a gust of wind rolling up a pile of fallen leaves.

Chu Xiangyun just moved, and there were countless black things flying out of him, flying towards the scar-faced group of people.

Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng were stunned at once, and neither of them thought that Chu Xiangyun, the second son of auspicious and polite business, turned out to be a master of underground weapons only seen in the movie.

Countless dark darts made a sharp sound of breaking through the air. Zhao Lingjun could not help wondering if such a dart hit the ground, would there be a transparent hole directly in his body.

But seeing the darts swept across the sky with a sharp blast, the scar face just snorted coldly.

Numerous cyclones visible to the naked eye suddenly appeared in front of the scar face.

The darts flying all over the sky, as soon as they hit those cyclones, as if they were caught by an invisible pair of hands, they can no longer move forward.

The scar face didn’t even move his fingers at all, and Chu Xiangyun didn’t know the darts released by any means, and he was all suspended in front of the scar face.

“Don’t you listen to the thin man telling you, can I even hold the bullet?” A young man with a small inch beside the scar face smiled at Chu Xiangyun.

“It seems that they are not very convinced of you, the new boss, even such news did not tell you.” The young man with a small inch just waved his hands, and those cyclones scarred by the scar face were pulled in the air. Darts, suddenly Qi just turned around.

Chu Xiangyun opened his mouth wide, and wanted to drag out the dwarf who had collapsed to the ground and beat him badly, but at this time, Chu Xiangyun just wanted to escape from the other side quickly, from these people who were not like people.

“Now do you know the real power of our Hexing Society? Then you can die.” The young man with a small inch just waved his hands, and the darts stuck in the air were several times faster than the previous one. , Swept back and shot Chu Xiangyun, who turned around and wanted to escape, into a horse honeycomb covered with blood.

Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng were not far behind Chu Xiangyun. At this time, of course, they also became the targets of those darts.

“I fucking.” Zhao Lingjun threw Zhang Changsheng all at once and hit two rolls on the ground before he escaped the darts coming towards him.

Zhao Lingjun ’s first sentence after rising from the ground was: “Who are you?”

“Who are we?” A group of people with scar faces smiled. “We, like you, are talented abilities.”

“What a talented **** answerer.” Zhao Lingjun’s words changed the face of the scarred face. “You guys, don’t sleep in the middle of the night, and come here, what do you want to do?”

“A subordinate with only talented speed and power, dare to talk to us in such a tone?” Scarface looked at Zhao Lingjun coldly. “Don’t you ever hear the idiom of sitting in the sky and watching the sky?”

“Did you come in at midnight just to tell me an idiom story?”

Without saying anything, Zhao Lingjun picked up the tree that was pressed against Tian Fu’s head, and threw them at the knife with a sore face.

Zhao Lingjun is not a reckless person, but Zhao Lingjun knows the reason to start first, and then start to be attacked by Yang.

The tree thrown by Zhao Lingjun is much larger than the darts thrown by Chu Xiangyun just now, but I do n’t know how many times the tree thrown by Zhao Lingjun is flying faster in the air than Chu Xiangyun ’s darts. Much faster.

When the whole tree was flying in the sky at an amazing speed, it made a huge sound like a trumpet. And when the tree had scar face and others waiting for a certain distance, the scar face and others had already felt the gust of wind that swept through.

The face of the scar changed, and it didn’t seem that Zhao Lingjun actually said that he should do it. In an instant, there were countless visible cyclones surging around him at once, welcoming the big tree that Zhao Lingjun threw.

Countless cyclones visible to the naked eye suddenly rolled the leaves of the big tree around and fluttered around, but those cyclones did not seem to be enough to resist the big tree thrown by Zhao Lingjun.

Scarface grunted, and when he took two steps back, the big tree that Zhao Lingjun had cast came to the face of Scarface.

At this time, behind the scar face, a middle-aged man who suddenly jumped out of a Chinese character face pressed the big tree that flew by one hand.

Zhao Lingjun only heard the sound of “Poo”, and a complete large tree became countless pieces of flying wood. The middle-aged man who suddenly jumped out of the Chinese character face was also hit by a big tree and flew backwards.

“I can’t think of your power so arrogant,” Scarface released a cyclone in time, supporting the middle-aged man with Guozi face that leaped backwards. But the scar face has seen blood on the corners of Guozi’s face. “Unfortunately, the lower abilities are after all …”

But before the scar face was finished, the figure of Zhao Lingjun appeared among the flying wood fragments.

Scarred face only saw Zhao Lingjun’s figure appearing in front of him, Zhao Lingjun’s fist was already swung over.

There is no words to describe the speed of this punch, it seems that just seeing the afterimage of a fist, the scar face flew back.

Zhao Lingjun’s movements are faster than everyone’s imagination. Everyone seems to have just seen the scar face fly back, Zhao Lingjun’s second punch has fallen on the scar face again.

Without even saying a word, Dao Scar’s face was beaten into the air by Zhao Lingjun’s punch from the top.

“So cruel?” Zhao Lingjun’s movement reminded Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping, who were watching the play, to remember the scene of the protagonist who beat the starring Zhou Xingchi in the Kung Fu.

But the scar face did not bang like Zhang Changsheng thought.

“I told you all, the lower abilities are the lower abilities, and they cannot be compared with the higher abilities like us.”

After flying a few meters backwards, numerous cyclones visible to the naked eye appeared around the scar face, and the scar face was unbelievably suspended in the air. And under Zhao Lingjun’s two heavy blows, the scars looked harmless.

The scarred face surrounding countless flying cyclones looked at Zhao Lingjun with sympathetic eyes, as if an eagle was watching a little hen. “Although your power is strong, you can’t hurt me at all. Because the difference between our upper abilities and your lower abilities is like the difference between high school students and kindergarten students.”

The four people around Scar Scar’s face also looked at Zhao Lingjun with a sneering look, as if wondering why Zhao Lingjun surrendered quickly.

“What is the upper power, and what is the lower power?” Zhao Lingjun glanced at his fist, still reminiscing how he had just hit an invisible air cushion.

“The lower abilities are variations of ordinary strength and speed.” Scarface looked at Zhao Lingjun as if looking at an idiot child who knew nothing. “Although you are already the strongest one of the lower abilities I’ve seen, our upper abilities, in addition to the normal power and speed variations. We also have abilities you can’t imagine.” Scar His face smiled proudly, “For example, I can control the air around me at will, so you can bounce me off at most, and you want to hurt me with a hair.”

“So powerful?” Zhao Lingjun said, looking at the cyclone flying around the scar face.

“So you still don’t needlessly resist.” Scarface looked at Zhao Lingjun. “As long as you hand over things and join our organization, I will spare you today.”

“What you said is true?”

“of course it’s true.”

“Then how can I believe you?”

“What do you say I have to do to believe it?” The scarred face and the four people who came together, the more they looked at it, the more they felt that Zhao Lingjun was a standard limb-developed, simple-minded guy.

“Why don’t you let me punch you again?” Zhao Lingjun looked at the scarred face with sincerity: “If I can’t hurt you, I will surrender and give you things to join your organization.”

“Okay, one word is for sure.” Scarface smiled, and countless cyclones surged behind Scarface, and Scarface slowly walked to Zhao Lingjun as if stepping on the void.

“Then I really hit it.” Zhao Lingjun said looking at the scar on his face.

“Come on.” Scarface concentrated his energy to the extreme, and countless cyclones surged in front of Scarface.

“Good.” Zhao Lingjun’s good words were only exported, and the scar face flew out again.

Zhao Lingjun’s movements were still dazzlingly fast, but when the four people who came with the scar face originally watched the scar face fly back, they looked at Zhao Lingjun’s face. Still a sneered smile.

Because these four people feel that the scar face will still float in the air as they did just now, because all four people think that Zhao Lingjun can’t hurt the scar face at all.

But to the surprise of the four people, the scar face slammed like a dead pig and fell into the flowerbed in the distance, stirring up the dust.

“A Hao!” The four of them all exclaimed in silence, and when they ran past, the scarred face was dead in the flower bed.

And there was a small blood hole on the chest of the scarred face, blood was flowing out.

“Why didn’t you just hit him with a punch, and now he was beaten down with your fist?” Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping, who each moved a large brick to sit and watch the show, quietly asked and returned to the two Zhao Lingjun.

“Hey.” Zhao Lingjun smiled shamelessly and threw the Emei thorn in his hand into the flower bed next to it.

“I *.” Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Ping suddenly realized.

One punch may not break a basketball, but what if it is pierced with a needle? And what if the person who poked with a needle still possessed the strength of gold and steel, and the speed of bullets?

“Boy, you are dead.”

As soon as he saw the tragic appearance of the scarred face, the other four people jumped and roared.

As soon as the young man with the board jumped out, his hands were just drawing a circle, and the concrete floor in front of him suddenly burst, and countless black steel bars flew around him like a black snake with life.

The face of Guozi, who was previously injured by Zhao Lingjun’s big tree, jumped out, and there was a faint light in his hand.

“I *, Zhao Lingjun, you play slowly, let’s go first.” I haven’t seen the movements of the other two people. Just looking at the reactions of these two people, Xiao Ping and Zhang Changsheng felt that they were still plugged back into the room. Ears, it is safer to sleep well.

But before Zhang Changsheng’s words were finished, Zhao Lingjun and the four so-called supernatural powers had already started.

The hands of the young man who kept the plate only moved slightly, and the countless black steel bars that circled around him like a poisonous snake flew towards Zhao Lingjun like an arrow out of the string.

However, Zhao Lingjun’s speed is faster than those of the steel bars that are like the arrows out of the string. When the steel bars are shot on the concrete floor, they make a sour tooth, and the sky sparks, the people of Zhao Lingjun have reached the most. * Beside Zhao Lingjun’s balding middle-aged man.

And Zhao Lingjun’s fist also directly hit the bald man’s face.

Zhao Lingjun’s play is direct and wild. Zhao Lingjun knew that the four people in front of him were all feared adversaries, so Zhao Lingjun did not leave any room as soon as he shot.

Zhao Lingjun’s punch is already too fast to describe. Zhao Lingjun can even feel that his fist style raised a few hairs on the bald head, but when Zhao Lingjun’s fist fell on the bald face, Zhao Lingjun’s eyes suddenly lost the trace of baldness. .

When Zhao Lingjun fell into one punch, he felt the sound of breaking the sky behind him and on the left side. Subconsciously, Zhao Lingjun flashed away.

Zhao Lingjun had just flashed off, and a huge arrow made of numerous steel bars blended into the concrete floor where Zhao Lingjun had just landed.

At the same time, there was a dagger shimmering in the bald man’s hand.

“Move in an instant?” Zhao Lingjun’s heart was cold. But Zhao Lingjun hadn’t had time to have extra thoughts. The countless black steel bars under the control of the young people who remained in the same size, like countless flying black snakes, shot towards Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun subconsciously wanted to jump back, but Zhao Lingjun didn’t move a bit under a jump. Zhao Lingjun was shocked. When he looked down, he found his feet and didn’t know when to start. A thick layer of concrete, as if his feet were cast on this cement road.

Zhao Lingjun was so cold that he couldn’t help but let out a roar, a thick layer of concrete wrapped around Zhao Lingjun’s feet, was crushed by Zhao Lingjun’s hands, and Zhao Lingjun also rolled and escaped Countless black steel bars flying from above.

But when Zhao Lingjun had just rolled over to the flower bed, the bald man appeared beside Zhao Lingjun, with a dagger shining in his hand, and inserted it into Zhao Lingjun’s body.

Zhao Lingjun did not expect such a tacit understanding of the cooperation of these people. When he found that the bald man appeared beside him, Zhao Lingjun could even feel the coldness of the dagger in the hand of the bald man and the pungent smell coming from it. .

“Did I just hang like this?” Zhao Lingjun had just heard this thought in his mind, and he heard a bang shot.

“You don’t feel shy if so many of you fight alone.”

The dagger in the hand of the bald man was shot by Xiao Ping when he was two or three centimeters away from Zhao Lingjun’s body. Xiao Ping seemed to be very satisfied with his gun, but Xiao Ping hadn’t had time to be proud. The young man with a small inch stepped forward and waved toward the gun in Xiao Ping’s hand. Xiao Ping only Feeling a rush of force, the gun in his hand flew towards the young man with a small inch.

“You dare to shoot in front of Tianbin’s gold controller.” When Xiao Ping’s gun flew into the hands of the young man with a small inch, he had turned into a pile of twisted scrap iron.

“Return to you” The young man with a small inch waved his hand, and the pile of twisted scrap iron flew towards Xiao Ping at an alarming speed.

“Thank you.” If Zhao Lingjun didn’t throw Xiao Ping aside, Xiao Ping might have been shot by a pile of twisted scrap iron into a transparent hole.

“You’re welcome.” Zhao Lingjun glanced at Xiao Ping depressively. He couldn’t figure out how it was time for life and death. How could Xiao Ping be so polite to himself.

“Actually, I want to share the same problem with you.” Xiao Ping looked at Zhao Lingjun and said. “I’m wondering that since he claims to be a natural gold controller, he can change the shape of the metal at will, so why didn’t he turn the gun into countless spikes when he was still in my hand? My hands are pierced into a horse honeycomb? ”

“You ask me, I ask who will go.” Zhao Lingjun looked at Xiao Ping, yelled “MLGBD” and pulled up a tree larger than just now, and threw it on four people.

In the eyes of the young man who kept the plate, a flash of light flashed in my eyes, and countless steel bars immediately formed a huge steel wire mesh in front of the four people.

And behind the steel wire mesh, there are countless concrete and mud surfaces that suddenly detached, and behind the huge steel wire mesh, a raised mound was formed out of thin air.

Zhao Lingjun threw a big tree with all his strength, and broke the huge steel wire netting, but was blocked by the raised mound.

After a piece of dust flew, looking at the big tree that was deep into the raised mound, the face of the young man with a small inch couldn’t help but show a look of horror.

“Sure enough, it is the most powerful inferior player we have ever seen. Perhaps one-on-one, we are not necessarily your opponent, but now you only have one person, and we have four people.”

Zhao Lingjun took a deep breath, and Zhao Lingjun knew that the young man with a flat face was not telling lies. Although he has been able to unexpectedly manage an extremely powerful opponent in the opponent’s lineup, and the remaining four people, perhaps alone, are not their own opponents, but these four people, together, cooperate But it is seamless, not at all comparable to oneself.

Perhaps now only Xiaobai can help himself. So Zhao Lingjun could not help but shouted, “Xiao Bai.”

“You actually dare to call us an idiot by this time?” But Zhao Lingjun’s voice made the four people on the opposite side wrong.

“You go to die.” The young man with a small inch shouted, and then the offensive of the four was launched in full swing.

The overwhelming rebars swept over like countless arrows.

Zhao Lingjun wanted to rush forward in one arrow step, flashing the steel bars flying towards him, and punching the young man with a small inch, but Zhao Lingjun took a step, staggering, unsteady, and fell. On the ground.

The concrete floor under Zhao Lingjun’s feet suddenly looked like melted cream, and Zhao Lingjun’s feet suddenly fell into it.

And when Zhao Lingjun fell forward, Guozi face had already flew towards Zhao Lingjun. Although I do n’t know what the power of Guozi ’s face is, but just thinking that he smashed that big tree into pieces of sky, Zhao Lingjun can be sure that if he is hit by this Guoyu face, the taste will definitely not Feel good.

At this time, the bald man also suddenly appeared behind Zhao Lingjun, who still had a dagger in his hand with a blue light.

Zhao Lingjun was cold all over, because at this time, Zhao Lingjun was able to punch Guozi face before he hit himself with both hands, but he was too late to avoid the sneak attack of the bald man behind him.

“MLGBD.” Zhao Lingjun was preparing to fight desperately to punch the Guozi face in front of him, and then when the bald man stabbed himself, he pressed the bald man into his arms and strangled him alive to see how he would teleport.

“Who said he has only one person?” Just when Zhao Lingjun was aroused by his blood, ready to kill one to earn one, and two to earn one pair, Zhao Lingjun suddenly heard a lazy voice coming from the corridor.

A hazy green flame suddenly lit up around Zhao Lingjun’s body, and there seemed to be countless invisible faces swaying in it, shouting and struggling with sorrow.

The bald man’s dagger and Guozi face’s hands struck the green flame tightly surrounding Zhao Lingjun.

Zhao Lingjun hadn’t had time to figure out what was going on. Guozi’s face and baldness had already made a screaming scream.

The two men’s daggers and palms just touched this hazy green flame. As if they were hit by high-voltage electricity, they curled their bodies and bounced back.

Then, as the hurricane-strength rebars swept over, the green flame wrapped around Zhao Lingjun, without exception, bounced back and fell to the ground.

When the green flame on Zhao Lingjun slowly disappeared, all the people present were stunned.

Lin Yiren in pajamas stood quietly at the entrance of the corridor, and behind him stood Wu Xiaoye, whose face was slightly pale and black hair was quietly hanging.

“How is this possible?” The young man with an inch of flatness looked at the groaning Chinese character face and baldness on the ground in disbelief, as well as the steel bars that fell like a scorched poisonous snake.

The face of the young man with a flat face changed greatly, and he jumped to Guoyu’s face and baldness in one arrow. There is no trace of scars on Guozi’s face and bald man’s body, but the expressions on the faces of the two people are more painful than being tempted by someone.

“How could this be?” The voice of the young man with flat head changed, and he looked at Lin Yiren with incredible eyes. “Are you also a power?”

“Skiller?” Lin Yiren looked at Wu Xiaoye and shook his head.

“Then … who the **** are you?” The face of the young man with flat head changed. Can’t help but waved his hand and erected a wire mesh in front of himself. “What the **** is going on?”

“We are employees of Monsney.” Lin Yiren’s smile made the young man with a flat head shudder. “You can rest assured that they are not in danger of life.”

After looking at the two people who were groaning painfully on the ground, Lin Yiren went on to say: “The ghost fire on the way of Huang Quan’s lead only has the effect of imprisoning the soul and will not damage them.”

“What the **** are you talking about?” The young man who kept the plate only felt that he was shaking, and even the steel wire netting under him was rippling like waves.

“Forget it, you won’t understand it even if I said it.” Lin Yiren’s eyes made young people with flat heads feel like an idiot. “Let’s go.”

“Okay. Our Hexing meeting is considered to be planted this time.” The young man with a flat foot stomped his feet, and seemed to turn around to leave.

But at the moment when the young man with a small inch turned around, the huge steel wire mesh behind him suddenly dispersed again and became countless arrows, shooting towards Lin Yiren and Zhao Lingjun and others.

“*, Too TMD is insidious.” Zhao Lingjun felt that this young man with a small size would not be good at rest, and now this hand is really not what Zhao Lingjun expected.

But before Zhao Lingjun had time to move, Zhao Lingjun saw himself and Zhang Changsheng and Xiao Pingping suddenly appeared a thick black mist.

It was already late at night, but the dense fog of black seemed to be a hundred times darker than night.

And countless harsh voices sounded in everyone’s mind. And in those dark mists, there are countless looming faces. It seems that there are countless people who want to escape from the thick black mist, but it seems that they can only hit a sad face shape on the edge of the black mist.

“What is this?” Zhao Lingjun, Zhang Changsheng and others were completely dumbfounded and simply forgot to dodge.

By the time Zhao Lingjun, Zhang Changsheng, and Xiao Pingping recovered, the thick black mist had dissipated, and the sound of seemingly countless people screaming suddenly disappeared, and everything seemed to be everyone’s The illusion is the same, but the steel bars flying all over are gone.

“How could this be?” The young man with a small face looked at him in disbelief.

The countless steel bars can be swallowed up by the black mist.

But in Lin Yiren’s eyes, there was a flash of coldness, “Do you know which two people I hate the most in my life?”

The cold light flashed in Lin Yiren’s eyes caused the young man with gray scales and the gray-haired middle-aged man who could control the concrete to shudder, and he took a step back involuntarily.

“I hate people who don’t count and those who secretly count on me.”

Lin Yiren said coldly that the young man with a small inch had not answered. When Lin Yiren’s last sentence was exported, Lin Yiren’s hands. I don’t know why there is a short white stick with a strange shape.

This short stick is only as thick as the thumb of an ordinary person, and is less than half a meter long, but on top of this short stick, there are a few gems brighter than blood. The whole short stick was covered with all kinds of strange symbols, which looked very strange.

The young and middle-aged man with a short hair who saw Lin Yiren saw the white short stick in his hand, and he felt very frightened somehow.

The two of them suddenly had no fighting spirit. After glancing at each other, the two turned around and ran. But the two talents ran two steps, and they heard a sound that made their scalp explode. That kind of sound is like something screaming and tearing a person’s flesh.

A black vortex suddenly appeared on the ground not far in front of the two people.

The gray-haired middle-aged man stopped his footsteps as soon as he saw the black vortex not far in front of him. The young man with a small size ran faster and accidentally planted into that black vortex.

When the gray-haired middle-aged man hadn’t figured out why the concrete floor in front of him suddenly turned into a black vortex, there was a deep growl in the black vortex. With this low roar, the gray-haired middle-aged man only heard a cry of scream from the black vortex.

And the cry was made by the young man who kept the inch.

Then the gray-haired middle-aged man only felt that the black vortex in front of him suddenly seemed like a gust of wind.

When the wind blew through, the gray-haired middle-aged man only felt that his whole body was covered with a layer of sticky things. The gray-haired middle-aged man unconsciously wiped his face and put his hand in front of his eyes, only to find that his hands were all full of blood, and it seemed to carry some broken pieces of flesh and blood.

“Ah …” The gray-haired middle-aged man couldn’t help but gave a scream.

“What the **** is this?” The gray-haired man’s exclamation hadn’t disappeared. Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng and others saw a huge head suddenly appearing in the black vortex.

The first thing that catches everyone’s eyes is the four **** eyes like red lanterns, and then the sharp white teeth like saw teeth.

A huge monster that seemed to be seen only in the movie appeared in front of everyone.

This monster’s body is as big as four or five adults, and the monster’s body is covered with black, tumor-like things, and its head seems to have no ears, but it has four Huge blood-red eyes are clear, and a huge, mouth with countless sharp teeth and a thick blood-red saliva keeps flowing out.

With each low roar of this monster, its blood-red saliva sprayed on the gray-haired middle-aged man who was standing opposite him and was so scared that he would not even walk away.

“This is a beast of **** in six reincarnations.” Lin Yiren’s voice was calm, as if telling a beautiful story to others. “After killing too many people in the world, after falling into the **** of six reincarnations, they will continue to suffer from the beast powder.”

Lin Yiren’s words just fell, with four huge blood-red monsters, and he rushed towards the gray-haired middle-aged man in front of him.

It was only for a moment that the body of the middle-aged adult man was torn apart by the beast like a piece of paper.

“I * ……” Zhao Lingjun just felt a nausea and vomited out directly.

“It’s disgusting. When I first saw it, it was the same as you.” Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun sympathetically, and then waved the bizarre pole in his hand.

A hexagonal flashing awn array lit up at the foot of the tiller that was eating the gray-shattered flesh and blood, and then turned into a huge black vortex.

“Roar …” The beast uttered an unwilling roar, seeming to want to jump out of the huge black vortex, but the black vortex seemed to have an inexpressible suction, slowly dragging the beast Went in.

When the black vortex disappeared, only a shocking blood trace and some broken flesh remained on the ground.

“Uh …” When the beast was finally dragged into the black vortex, the strong **** smell spurted Zhao Lingjun up again.

“I know you must be full of question marks in your heart now.” Lin Yiren straightened his waist towards finally, and Zhao Lingjun and Zhang Changsheng, who stopped vomiting, smiled weakly. The staff consumed a lot of energy. “But it’s not important now, because I’m leaving.”

“Go? Where do you go?” Zhao Lingjun asked Lin Yiren in surprise.

“I don’t know.” Lin Yiren smiled weakly and looked at Zhao Lingjun. “But you still think that we can still live a peaceful life here with our shot?”

Lin Yiren’s words made Zhao Lingjun fall into the ice cave.

In the war just now, let alone Lin Yi, even if he himself, has already shown the ability of extraordinary people, how can he live in this community in the future?

If you do n’t leave, maybe you will be caught tomorrow to study as a mouse. At the thought of this, Zhao Lingjun was speechless.

As soon as he saw that Zhao Lingjun was speechless, Lin Yiren couldn’t help but smile weakly.

Lin Yiren looked at Zhao Lingjun and behind him, and the only one who saw the hell-like scene in front of him, but did not say anything-after Wu Xiaoye, he could not help but sigh. In terms of time, I really want to know what kind of people you are. ”

“I …” Zhao Lingjun hadn’t had time to answer, but saw a black flute appearing to be wrapped with countless gold wires in Wu Xiaoye’s hands.

“I am the same person as you.” Wu Xiaoye looked at Lin Yiren’s eyes with a strange light. “And, you don’t have to leave.”

Zhao Lingjun, Zhang Changsheng and others were stunned, and did not know what Wu Xiaoye said, but Lin Yiren’s face changed when he saw the flute in Wu Xiaoye’s hand.

In Lin Yiren’s changing face, Wu Xiaoye put the black flute on his mouth and started playing.

The melodious flute resounded throughout the community, a tune that Zhao Lingjun had never heard.

Since Wu Xiaoye’s flute made the first sound, there was no sound except for the flute in the whole community.

Countless dark clouds, I don’t know when it started, they gathered densely above the community. The dark night became thicker.

Zhao Lingjun thought of the Hunyuan umbrella recorded on the bamboo sheet for no reason.

“Forget about worry, lead!” But Zhao Lingjun’s mind, just after the idea of ​​death, Zhao Lingjun heard Lin Yiren exclaimed and lost his voice. “You are the heir of the Black Witch.”

“Yes, I am the sixty-third generation descendant of the Black Wizard.”

After the sound of the flute ceases, UU reads the book www. uukanshu.com Wu Xiaoye slowly raised his head.

“What about you? Nether Master?”

“What? Heiwumen? Nether Master?” Zhao Lingjun couldn’t believe his ears.

“Fairy Master …” But before the Lin Yiren could answer, everyone was startled.

Suddenly a person jumped out of the window of the building opposite and fell to the ground.

Lin Yiren and Wu Xiaoye’s complexion changed, and Lin Yiren couldn’t help waving his staff.

But the man’s next move made Lin Yiren completely stunned.

“Fairy Master, please accept me.” The man fell to the ground in front of Zhao Lingjun at once, and banged loudly.

“Fairy Master?” Zhao Lingjun was stupid.

But Wu Xiaoye couldn’t help but ask: “Are you?”

Because Wu Xiaoye knew that it was definitely not ordinary people.

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