Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 773 - The different space of change! [Seeking flowers! 】

Li Xing couldn’t be more clear about what this meant.

The smile on Li Xing’s face didn’t even hide the slightest bit of it. He touched the heads of the two big tigers kindly, and said with a smile: “I promise, I will never let you regret your choice, I Speaking of it, you can definitely do it!”

Li Xingyi’s space domain instantly enveloped two big tigers. Seeing that his current space point had changed from 10.9 billion to 13.1 billion at the beginning, Li Xing became concerned.

The frequency of the domain instantly adjusted to the same degree as the energy frequency of the two big tigers themselves. Then, each person’s 5 billion space was transformed into the past. Without worrying about the exhaustion of his own space points, Li Xing made the two big tigers truly feel the benefits of following him, which is still very good. Even with 5 billion space points, it is impossible for the two big tigers to advance to the mid-level of heavenly power. But increased strength is an indisputable fact. So, as long as there is such a fact, then, the mentality of the two big tigers will change from the surrender under the faint surrender to the surrender under gratitude and awe, right? The latter is what Li Xing needs.

Exactly the same as Li Xing had expected, the five billion space points per person did not reach the level that allowed the two big tigers to be promoted to the mid-level talent. However, these five billion space points have greatly increased the strength of the two big tigers! Already faintly able to reach the top level of the first stage of the sky. However, even so, Li Xing concluded that if they want to advance to the ranks, everyone needs at least five billion space points!

Li Xing secretly smacked his tongue. . . This is really terrifying. Although it is possible to manufacture masters in batches. But every time it goes up a level, the number of space points required is like a geometric increase, which is simply fatal. fortunately. . . Fortunately, Li Xing still has a way to obtain space points. If not, even if he knows that he can make a master, Li Xing dare not start!

The two big tigers shook their bodies suddenly. At the beginning, when the force that made the two big tigers unable to resist reappeared, the hearts of the two big tigers were full of panic. Doesn’t this human being understand that we have expressed surrender? Why do you still want to do this?

However, they have not waited for the two big tigers to express their doubts or express their anger and dissatisfaction with Li Xing. Suddenly the whole body was shaking again, and only once, it was countless times stronger than before! Because the two big tigers suddenly felt that the energy in their heads inexplicably obtained from the cyan stone was growing like crazy! It instantly grew to the level that two big tigers could take decades to reach!

The two big tigers are very psychic, combined with what Li Xing said earlier, you already understand that this is the ‘gift’ after surrender, right? Moreover, thinking of Li Xing’s incredible magical powers, the two big tigers were truly surrendered to Li Xing from the deepest heart.

Seeing the shock and surprise on the faces of the two big tigers and then the awe, gratitude and submission to himself, Li Xing finally laughed happily. At this time, these two big tigers were truly and thoroughly conquered.

Moreover, Li Xing also thought in his heart that if he had enough space points in the future, he must try to make these two big tigers advance to the heavenly superior or a higher level. A situation! Even Li Xing thought of the cyan stone, and even the powerful creatures with their own territories in the core area of ​​Shennongjia. . . If these creatures are allowed to produce the ability of the capable while retaining their own strong physical strength, then what will happen? Moreover, if you move them all into the built castle. Are there any concerns about safety in the castle?

To be honest, Li Xing was taken aback by his own thoughts. But if you think about it carefully, it doesn’t seem to be impossible. Since the two big tigers can rely on the cyan stone to evolve into this way, then those creatures cannot evolve into capable ones without reason! Besides, which of the creatures in Shennongjia are not all psychic? Li Xing had known this for a long time. In the case of early psychic, then, isn’t this a very simple thing?

And, most importantly, Li Xing discovered that there was a trace of energy fluctuations in the heads of the four little tigers. Although it is still very weak, it would be impossible to detect it if it weren’t for Li Xing’s use of different space domains. But this also illustrates a problem. The cyan stone is the root of all this.

Li Xing didn’t believe in the cultivation techniques of the two big tigers. This is absolutely impossible. And the Qinglian trio had seen one of the two big tigers decades ago and injured it with their hands. What does this show? This fully shows that at that time, the big tiger was already an adult! But adulthood does not prevent mutations due to being close to the cyan stone. Now the four little tigers have proved that no matter how old they are, there is nothing to do with no mutation. So, those creatures in the core area of ​​Shennongjia, even if they have existed for a little longer, but this doesn’t seem to prevent them from mutating, right?

Faced with the very humane expressions of the two big tigers, Li Xing smiled slightly, and said nothing tacitly. It has been proved by action, so, what more should be said in words? This is a step that is not necessary at all!

They patted the heads of the two big tigers, and the two big tigers licked Li Xing’s fingers very affectionately. . .

All this made the Qinglian trio feel a little dumbfounded. The three of them never thought that it would end like this. To subdue these two big tigers, they are still such powerful big tigers. This is an impossible task for the Qinglian trio. Because the tiger is proud, and very proud. How can you succumb to one person?

But all this incredible has now been transformed into reality. If you don’t admit it, there is really nothing else except self-deception.

As for the cyan stone. . . How could Qinglian three feel strange? When the strange white stone was discovered, the blue stone was also found at the same time. However, the blue stone didn’t help Qing Lian trio at all, so Qing Lian trio didn’t care at all. Looking at it now, it seems that the cyan stone is the root cause of the two big tigers changing into the present. And when Li Xing conquered these two big tigers, it was obvious that the cyan stone also played a big part in it!

At the same time, a feeling of powerlessness arose in the hearts of the three Qinglians. Facing such a Li Xing, how could there be revenge? I thought that when Qi Jin was still there, at that time, the three of them were all celestial beginners, what was the final result? Wasn’t it solved as it is now without the slightest strength to fight back? And there must be no difficulty for Li Xing to deal with mid-level or even high-level air trainers, right? So, how much power is needed to retaliate against such a person? how much time is required? Thinking about it this way, the three Qinglians found it very sad that they seemed to be wrong when they had this idea from the beginning.

The thought of revenge in his mind slowly faded, and finally disappeared completely. . .

In the face of absolute strength, sometimes hatred will gradually fade. . .

“Qinglian… We are leaving here. Are you following me or leading the way?” Li Xing turned on the male tiger’s back and sat comfortably, and the male tiger seemed very excited. Look like. The four little tigers are playing on the back of the female tiger.

The three Qinglians were attracted by Li Xing’s words. . . However, when he saw the position pointed by Li Xing, his face was full of wry smiles. Let Qinglian sit on the tiger’s back? It is true that the space on the tiger’s back seems to be enough. However, look at the look of the tiger watching the Qinglian trio, even if it has now been subdued by Li Xing. But the hatred towards the Qinglian trio still seemed to exist in his eyes. The unkindness in his eyes still seemed obvious. Under such circumstances, where would the Qinglian trio dare to go up and sit?

As for leading the way. . . The three Qing Lian smiled bitterly. On the way here, the three of Qinglian knew how dangerous they encountered. If it were not for Li Xing’s protection, then the three would have died long ago. It’s impossible to even keep the finished body. Now Li Xing asked the three of them to lead the way, isn’t this asking them to die?

The trio found out sadly and guessed that after finishing all this, Li Xing has lost patience with the trio?

But even if they knew this, the Qinglian trio had nothing to do. Because the three of them now have no power to resist Li Xing!

“Hehe, you three think too much, right? I am Li Xing who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge like that? Is it a silly person? I have already promised you to restore your sense of spirit. So, first of all Must ensure that you are alive, right? They are going to go out with me. What is your place? Their territory! It is safe within the territory. Then, as long as it is within the range they have walked through. Yes. Is there anything that doesn’t open your eyes? I really don’t know if the three of you are really stupid or scared!” Li Xing said with a smile. How could the changes in the expressions on the faces of the three Qinglians escape Li Xing’s eyes? If I don’t explain it, I don’t know what the three will do. It’s not that Li Xing pays more attention to the Qinglian trio, but look at the current harvest. . . After all, these were brought by the three Qinglians. Then, by appropriately giving them some sweetness and honoring the promises mentioned before, Li Xing can still do it.

The three Qinglians were taken aback for a moment, and then bowed their heads silently. . . It seems that the three of them are thinking too much!

The tiger is called the king of Zonglin, there is no doubt about this. Look at the current territory to know how correct this sentence is. And their territories, in the final analysis, are not limited to any scope. Looking at this issue in an expanded way, it can be said that the entire Zonglin is the territory of the Laohumen. It’s just that there are no other animals around them, it’s just a kind of awe and respect for tigers. Then, this territory can be said to be constantly moving as the tigers move. From this point of view, what Li Xing said about letting Qinglian lead the way did not mean anything to hide everything.

“Let’s go!” Li Xing smiled and patted the male tiger on the head, it was time to leave here.

“Roar…” The male tiger and the female tiger stood up and roared at the same time, looking at the simple house, full of reluctance, nostalgia, and nostalgia. Here is the place that has changed them. Here is the place where they have lived for countless years. Here, there are their bits and pieces, and here are their rich memories. And all this will disappear completely with this departure. It is conceivable that when the tigers leave here, then, here will quickly restore the unique style of the original forest. All traces will slowly dissipate under the passage of time. . . Obviously, the tigers are saying goodbye, an emotional farewell!

Seeing this scene, Li Xing almost decided to let the tigers stay here. But in the end this idea was suppressed!

It seems that the construction plan on the castle side is going to be changed. At least there are a lot of woods, right? Without the woods, how can they be called the king of the jungle?

The three Qinglian led the way. Under Li Xing’s orders, the tigers’ footsteps were also not fast, just closely following the footsteps of the three Qinglians.

And until now, Li Xing has really had time to see how the cyan stone has changed the different space.

Although there are only 3.1 billion space points left, Li Xing is not worried at all.

The growth of space points now reaches a figure of 2.21 billion every day! This is a terrifying number!

Li Xing looked at this number and slowly understood how the changes brought about by the cyan stone.

First of all, the original spatial point increase in the different space, without the strange white stone and the blue stone, is 70 million! Qiqi Shiraishi itself can bring one billion space points of growth every day, and the side effect is to increase the growth of the space itself from 70 million to 140 million! And the growth brought by the cyan stone itself is one billion spatial points every day. This is exactly the same as Qiqi Shiraishi. And the same effect as the incidental effect of the strange white stone, the cyan stone also has this effect, but the base number of the cyan stone doubled is not 140 million! But the original 70 million! So the number that grows every day should be 2.2 billion! Eliminate the 70 million consumption of the mysterious material that needs to be consumed every day. Exactly 2,210 million spatial points!

There are more than two billion every day. . . Li Xing smiled a little bit from ear to ear. . . .

—————————————————————— Updated, please support me with flowers!

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