Carry a Different Space with You

v4 Chapter 760 - The voice of the Tang family! [Seeking flowers! 】

Beijing, Tang Family Courtyard. . . Elder Tang, Elder Li, and Elder Chen are still killing them in the living room. It seems that everything is not involved anymore. But Tang Bing and Tang Long waited quietly in the study. The study was very silent. Both Tang Bing and Tang Long closed their eyes slightly as if they were asleep. Only the sound of a finger tapping the table can tell what state the two of them are in now.

Stunned. . . A fax machine set up in the study began to work. There was a rumbling noise.

Tang Bing and Tang Long opened their eyes at the same time, and a bright light appeared stunned. The two walked quickly to the fax machine, picked up one of the documents that were still popping up, and looked at it carefully.

“Good boy!” Tang Bing couldn’t help but praised the materials that were continuously passed on, but when Tang Bing really saw the contents of the materials, he was furious. . .

“Hmph… It’s amazing, really amazing, there is still such a soil emperor on our land. And it turns out that we didn’t get any wind. It’s amazing, it’s amazing! Really… It’s time to kill.” !” There was a strange color in Tang Bing’s eyes. . . There is anger, but more is a deep look of helplessness.

“Let’s split up?” Tang Long’s face was also ugly, well, it should be said to be very, very ugly. The information on the data is really shocking.

“Never let your hands down!” Tang Bing said in a deep voice, then picked up the military information and went out.

Tang Long smiled slightly. This is the first time the Tang family has used swords in many years. . . How can you feel soft? Some people should hear the voice of the Tang family. . . .

“Will! Haha. It’s gone, right?” Mr. Chen said to Mr. Tang with a laugh: “My children and grandchildren have grown up and matured. But are you really relieved?”

“What’s wrong with me? People? Or something?” Old Tang said with a smile indifferently.

Old man Chen was taken aback, then laughed at himself, yeah, why don’t you worry? people? Is there anything that Tang Bing and Tang Long can’t worry about now? thing? Haha, what is happening now, speaking of it, is too small. . .

“Play chess, play chess!” Mr. Chen said with a smile.

In less than half an hour, all the members of the Central Standing Committee and the Standing Committee of the Military Commission gathered together. The special enlarged meeting was held late at night.

In fact, since this time. Well, especially in the past two days. The Tang family’s influence on them is really too great. From the beginning, I noticed the Tang family’s long-term plan on the time difference and gradually realized the panic afterwards. So I tried every possible way to see if I could prevent this from being realized. However, by this time, everyone discovered that the power of the Tang family can only be suppressed unless everyone is absolutely united! And this is simply impossible. Not to mention that Chairman Ren is always on the side of the Tang family. In other words, it is impossible for other families to truly unite together. People say that the intention of harming others is indispensable, and the intention of preventing others is indispensable! Now they all have the heart to harm others, so if the heart to defend against people doesn’t exist, then it’s not that it’s unfortunate that they can still have others fail?

Therefore, under the situation that normal channels can no longer prevent the realization of the Tang family’s long-term plan, some people have seen a position outside the Tang family’s plan. . . After all, no matter how the Tang family plans, there can only be one location. There are many more positions left. There is no need to give up these positions in order to stop the Tang family. And some people, such as Zhu family, Yu family and Bo family. . . This is the three major families that now rank alongside the Tang family. But it is also the three most miserable families with extremely bad prospects. . . Under such circumstances, He Chang didn’t want to occupy high positions with the Tang family as they do now. In this way, even if the Tang family had a perfect plan, it would not affect them at all. However, the fault of personnel is like an insurmountable gap in front of the three major families. As long as the next election begins, the three major families will disappear completely at the highest level of power. So, once there are no members of the three big families at the top, are the three big families still the three big families? This strength immediately declined by a geometric factor. Well, although it can cultivate power in factions. However, when no one can stand up for the backbone of a faction, then this faction will lose its centripetal force. . . Factions without centripetal force. Well, it can’t withstand a little bit of wind and rain! The three big families understand this very well.

Under such a circumstance, when normal channels could not help the three major families, the three major families couldn’t help but target the eighth and ninth innings at the same time. . . Regardless of whether it is the eighth or ninth game, its own power and influence on the upper echelon are absolutely huge. As long as the three big families can get the support of any one of the eighth and ninth rounds, then, although the super family, the top family cannot be expected, there is no problem in maintaining the status of a first-class family. This is better than letting the three big families fall to the second-rate family all at once, isn’t it a little bit better? Well, it is a second-rate family, there is absolutely no doubt about it. Few people give charcoal in the snow, and more people fall into the pit. This is only in officialdom, but it’s too common, too common.

Of course, the idea is good, and the reality is often cruel. The eighth and ninth innings have always been aloof existence. Now it is about participating in the power struggle. The difficulties in the middle will definitely not be less. However, no matter how difficult it is, it is worth a try, isn’t it? It is a pity that, under the circumstances that the attitudes of the eighth and ninth innings have not been fully given, the three companies have received the news that Li Xing has become the senior director of the eighth and ninth innings! The elders of the eighth and ninth innings. . . They all knew what the position of the elders meant for the eighth and ninth games. Now Li Xing has become the elder of the eighth and ninth innings, and the elders of the two most powerful institutions. This directly destroyed the three families’ hopes of using the power of the eighth and ninth innings.

So, facing the expanded meeting that the Tang family convened, including the Politburo Standing Committee and the CMC Standing Committee, I feel a little bit overwhelmed. . . Although the three companies are now united, they can still speak up, and can block all the proposals of the Tang family. But the consequences of this, not to mention how many people can stand on the side of the three big families, just if the Tang family settles the old accounts in the future, how can the three big families resist?

Therefore, now whether it is Bolingjie, Zhu Dingtian or Yu Fucheng, they are all quiet. Quite a little bit of a smile to see Fengyun’s meaning, but this smile. . . Now it is a veritable wry smile. . .

Liu Xing was very serious and asked him to hand over the thick documents to every member of the Standing Committee. Then lit a cigarette silently.

The entire conference room seemed very silent. It is Zhu Dingtian and the three who are now looking at the information in their hands very seriously. I want to know what the Tang family wants to do this time. Now that the Tang family has a long-term central plan, although it has not made any major moves. Well, only something new happened in the northwest side where no one wanted to go. But these things, to put it bluntly, are not for everyone to dispute. Of course, if Xingnong Food Company had already made such a big move in Gansu, there might be fierce competition. But now it is not at all. So, this time, looking at the big fanfare of the Tang family, it was obvious that there was something big.

When Zhu Dingtian saw the words Northeast and Heilongjiang, his heart shook. In the three northeastern provinces, the traditional power of the Tang family now controls almost half, plus the influence of the military region. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Tang family is the emperor of the Northeast. However, Zhu Dingtian also knew in his heart that the Tang family’s influence in the Northeast was almost concentrated in Liaoning and Jilin provinces. . . Jilin Province is not yet fully controlled. Zhu Dingtian knew that this was a self-spurring trick played by the Tang family. The only thing the Tang family did not set foot in the Northeast was Heilongjiang Province. And now, it is obvious that the Tang family is going to extend its tentacles to Heilongjiang. Well. . . In the Northeast, who can compete with the Tang family? Zhu Dingtian’s heart is really heavy.

But when Zhu Dingtian continued to watch, he also hurried to shocking. . . This is simply too rampant! I couldn’t help but sigh secretly, no matter who encountered such a situation, it was an excellent opportunity to enter Heilongjiang. Now it fell into the hands of the Tang family again.

“Comrades… shocking, shocking… The Northeast has always been our old industrial base. And Heilongjiang is now our main granary. And in such a place, something like this happened. Comrades, Our work is not in place!” Old Ren said in a deep voice. Now Ren Lao basically represents the Tang family. The younger generation of Ren Lao simply cannot take advantage of the convenience of Ren Lao now being the No. 1 Chief. Therefore, if you want the Ren Jia to develop steadily, then it is natural to lean on the Tang Family.

“Don’t be afraid of everyone’s jokes… These materials were provided by Mr. Li Xing, the chairman of Daxing Group. However, it was discovered that this situation was due to the so-called Green Bamboo Club, which actually planted the medicinal materials developed by Xingrong Tangguan under Daxing Group. The plan is completely shelved. I want to reap huge benefits from it. Organizations like this… can carry out such destruction in the face of projects that have such a huge benefit to the region. Then, do you still need to doubt this information problem? What I mean is that the central government immediately responded, using the most intense, severe, and absolutely unacceptable attitude and means to thoroughly integrate. Instead, it will return to our people, a bright universe!” Liu Xing said in a deep voice. Liu Xing said Li Xing. . . It is also Tang Long’s meaning. Because now Li Xing’s weight and influence are even more deterrent than Tang’s future prospects. . . In the eighth and ninth innings, which one was sitting in awe? Li Xing was the elder in the eighth and ninth innings, so it would be too wasteful to use it fully.

“I agree, act now!” Zhu Dingtian said first. It is no longer something to prevent or not prevent. Instead. . . It is something that cannot be prevented. In the face of such big rights and wrongs, this issue does not allow any objections. Of course, who is going to do this, how to arrange the follow-up personnel arrangements, this is what everyone can argue about, after all, this is within the scope of the rules.

“Heilongjiang Province has rotten to such a degree. We have not received even one report. What does this show? I suggest that the Politburo Standing Committee unanimously decide on the handling of the entire team in Heilongjiang Province.” Old Ren said in a deep voice. . The following things are very simple. After the Tang family revealed their own voice for the first time in such a long time, with the overall situation in mind, a series of plans were immediately approved by all members.

The powerful force from the central government has already set out and taken action at dawn. . .

Xingkai Lake. . . Liu Qingzhu and the group of four stayed on the same boat, and their faces were not very attractive.

“Damn, what the hell… Little Junior Brother, if you didn’t stop me, I would really **** kick that Skadowski.” Qinglin said cursingly.

“Big brother, everything that Skadowski has given us, sooner or later we will find the venue.” Liu Qingzhu said in a deep voice. It turns out that within two hours after Liu Qingzhu learned of what was happening in China, Skadowski knew the whole thing. And without any hesitation, he pointed the guns at Liu Qingzhu. Although Liu Qingzhu’s four have three gas trainers. Moreover, they were all pre-level Qi trainers. However, the opponent has too many people, and the firepower is too fierce. As a last resort, the four of them had to obediently put aside the cooperation funds they had brought, and were driven out in embarrassment.

Liu Qingzhu still clearly remembered what Skatowski said. . . He said that this is the destruction of Liu Qingzhu, the upper class in China, so this ending is impossible to change. Under such circumstances, what value does Liu Qingzhu have for cooperation?

Liu Qingzhu swears. . . Skatowski must pay for this sentence. . . As for comforting Qinglin now. . . In my heart, it is unsatisfactory, aren’t you guys? Isn’t it very capable? Why didn’t you even dare to fart at that time? Now I am proud. Yes, I stopped you at that time, but did I **** let you down? What the hell. . .

Liu Qingzhu found out, the so-called backer he found. It seems not so reliable! And the last words that Skatowski said, also reminded Liu Qingzhu. Why was there no problem before, but now there is a problem at this time? Is it really made by Daxing Group? Is it really that Li Xing? Liu Qingzhu’s heart was full of doubts, and at the same time, he felt a little regretful. . . Because, it seems that Skadowski is not aimless! Is it true that you are wrong? Liu Qingzhu’s heart is now full of questions!

——————————————Updated, please support me with flowers!

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