Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 958 - : Double insurance

(It will be updated in the next three days, alas, this body, I have to write something else, I really can’t stand it.)

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan had to go if they didn’t want to go, but they didn’t need to bring a large number of men to attack the Holy Empire. Chu Cheng wouldn’t be able to get any benefits. He didn’t mind if he sent a million troops.

Now he has a corps, about 120,000 combat units, and more than 18,000 elites.

In his serious non-elite troops, it is not fooling people to make up the number, and no one can say anything.

However, Chu Cheng had to think about whether someone was targeting him, so this time he will not only bring a million troops, he plans to spend two million. One million offensive, one million guards him and Luo Yan, whoever counts them will kill him.

With his position on the top of the mountains, he was already qualified to be calculated by others.

Even if someone despised him, he was Jiang Yuan’s powerful right-hand man.

Don’t look at him all year round in Daxia, but who can make it clear that his actions over the years were not what Jiang Yuan wanted? The people in the Milky Way universe now have the illusion that they are the enemies of the Gods Continent, which is easy to deal with. Chu Cheng felt that this was the rhythm of internal fighting in advance.

He couldn’t help it either. The contradiction between the three continents had lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one said to stop in such a vast galactic universe.

After all, the development of my own star map is too radical, giving the three continents a technological advantage. It is impossible to produce this illusion, and no one really understands the power of the kingdom of God.

Li Aotian thought the same way, he felt that someone wanted to harm him.

Therefore, when discussing with Chucheng, whether the technology of airdropping soldiers can be used, everyone thought that they should be kept for a while. Chu Cheng asked him: “The technology is chained. If you start it now, it actually means we are about to start the second phase of the equipment plan, which is more than five years earlier.”

“However, the attack on the Holy Empire will begin next year.”

“Then you ask Bailixue if you want to start it.”

“You agree?”

“I just don’t object. If Bai Lixue doesn’t agree, then you still have no choice.”

Chu Cheng couldn’t help it either. The alliance had three aspects, and Bai Lixue was very important. Although he represented the triple gate, in fact, his personal will was even more important. Almost all the people in the triple gate were Bai Lixue’s cronies. Although he was not separated from the triple door, he was already semi-independent.

This was what Chu Cheng deliberately did, and he continued to benefit Bai Lixue and promote his position in the triple gate.

He doesn’t like a harmonious triple door. He needs Bai Lixue to have enough voice and even the ability to split the triple door. Bailixue is also doing very well, what can he refuse?

Loyal to the triple door? His power can no longer be said to be loyal to anyone, or loyal to a certain force.

Even if Chu Cheng told him directly, Bai Lixue couldn’t refuse Chu Cheng’s request, nor could he oppose Chu Cheng’s ideas. Who doesn’t want more freedom?

Not to mention that Chu Cheng just hoped that his right to speak in the triple gate was strong enough to facilitate the alliance’s actions.

Li Aotian had to come to Bai Lixue, and he discussed with Bai Lixue about the second phase of the weapon plan. Bai Lixue asked him: “Are you worried about the death of this clone now?”

“This clone is very important.” Li Aotian told the truth, like Chucheng’s second soul. His clone has more meaning than ordinary clones. If he dies, the loss can’t be made up.

“Then don’t go. If we increase the progress of the weapon now, we will definitely leak the secrets, and we will not be able to keep it. It will cause the acceleration of the weapon system of the whole world. Have you thought about it, if that way, our advantage will not exist, we can only do more Make the next plan aggressively.”

Li Aotian said: “We have enough technical reserves.”

“Others have them too, but they all know that it’s not suitable for taking it out now, and it’s not the time for an arms race.”

Seeing Li Aotian not understanding, Bai Lixue sighed: “Our advantage is unexpected. Many technologies are relatively unpopular, so if they are suddenly taken out, they will have an advantage in a short time. For a long time, others will have more advantages. Money, with more scientists, will soon find the crux of the problem.”

Li Aotian understands that in long-distance races, he does not have the advantage, his advantage is sprint.

In the process of fighting for Gaia, a sprint win is enough.

So triggering an arms race too early is not good for him as a sprinter.

“This time, the three of us have to go. What do you think?” Li Aotian said to Bailixue. He wanted to convince Bailyxue from another angle, or to see if Bailixue had a good way, he really Don’t want to venture into the Holy Empire.

“I can’t go.” Baili Xue said.

“Ah? Let’s not go?” Li Aotian didn’t understand.

“Of course I don’t have to go. It is the other masters of the triple gate. You just make a clone to deal with it. If you lose a million troops, can we not afford to lose?” Bai Lixue asked.

But Chu Cheng…

As if knowing what he was thinking, Bai Lixue said, “If you don’t understand, just ask him directly.”

Li Aotian felt that he was indeed too arrogant, why did he live so long without dying? Recently, I have lost some of my IQs, but I have lost too quickly. But he was really persevering and never discouraged.

Bai Lixue said so, he came to Chucheng again.

Chu Cheng said to Li Aotian: “I am willing to go, using my clone as a bait. I want to see who wants to target me or us. If I don’t want to know, I will just send a parasite. , What can they do to me? Bait, if the weight is enough, just have one, you don’t need to go.”

Li Aotian didn’t expect things to be so simple. He asked Chu Cheng, “How do you guarantee your safety?”

“Single-person teleporter, teleport directly into my star map.”

Li Aotian was speechless, teleported to the star map, and the coordinates could not be known. To catch up with Chu City, you must rely on flying skills, and the star map can easily fly hundreds of thousands of miles away. Fly, slowly.

When there are coordinates, it is relatively easier to transmit to the sky, because there is no elemental change in mountains and rivers, it is directly to the air, or even without air, just chaotic cosmic rays. Sounds harder? It’s actually simpler, as long as you have sufficiently accurate coordinates.

Chu Cheng could sense his three-walled star map, and since this star map was created, he has been following Chucheng’s actions.

Li Aotian still didn’t know that the three emperor-level magic eyes of the Three Yuan Star Atlas were themselves quite powerful plague creatures. Because these three had been ascending and were not sleeping, they were already in the eighth peak state.

The three magic eyes at the peak of the Eight Rings are used as coordinates to actively receive Chu City, which is really foolproof.

The enemy wants to approach by means of teleportation. There are more than 100,000 magic eyes in the Sanyuan Star Map, the weakest are all Tier 5, forming an array to release their power, which can tear those who want to teleport to pieces.

Manipulating space is never easy.

Otherwise, your own teleportation array can be used by others casually?

“I have a back road and you don’t have it, so you are still honest, stay here, help me find a way, continue to attack the surrounding area, and strive for the Miya Empire to send more angels. The next battle depends on you. Up.”

“Don’t worry, I am best at provocative things.”

“I believe you.”

Chu Cheng patted Li Aotian on the shoulder, Li Aotian felt strange.

The next thing becomes simple.

The second soul of Chu City personally led the army, starting from Gubei City, taking a fleet, bypassing the east coast of the Gods Continent, and heading straight to the north of the Gods Continent. Luo Yan didn’t use the second soul, just used the parasite to pass.

Li Aotian creates a parasite clone, which is just Tier 6 and commands an army of one million robots.

Bailixue is also a parasite clone, and this part of the army is dispatched from the Daxia mainland and the triple gate. The triple gate is also to verify their latest technology, and dispatched new weapons researched there.

Bailixue passed by purely from a battlefield observation.

Soon Gubei City was ready. What no one knew was that except for the second soul, Chu Cheng quietly summoned the mirror clone.

The mirror clone did not die when performing the task, but now it has quietly grown to the eighth level, and it is not suppressed by many laws.

This was something that Chu Cheng hadn’t thought about either, he didn’t understand, was it because Gaia’s Law was loose, or because the mirror clone was special.

The question is that when things happen, they shouldn’t be isolated incidents, or others will have this ability? If Gaia has begun to loosen the law, the powerful existence of the seventh and eighth orders will soon run everywhere.

It’s not usually possible. Now it’s a world war, and no one will bear it anymore.

Anyway, it has already started, a bit later than before he was reborn. Chu Cheng didn’t think it was unacceptable either, his second soul was now at the ninth level, and he was suppressed much less than expected.

This is also the reason why he wants to go over and take a look, if it’s just his personal suppression and reduction, it would be fine.

If everyone’s suppression is weakened and they can fight with a stronger posture, then the world will undergo tremendous changes.

Luo Yan’s second soul did not go anywhere else ~www.mtlnovel.com~ directly through the teleportation mode, and entered the Sanyuan star map.

In this way, Chu Cheng’s transmission is truly foolproof.

Luo Yan practiced in the eyes of the emperor star. He didn’t do anything. Chu City was in danger. After sensing it, Luo Yan could provide him with more accurate coordinates. Even if there was a space storm around, Chu City could pass through the space storm. Enter the eyes of Emperor Star Demon. This is double insurance.

The person Chu Cheng trusted most was Luo Yan. With her, Chu Cheng would dare to go anywhere.

He had told Li Aotian about transmitting himself to the star map, and of course he would save it again. Li Aotian will not leak secrets, but in this world, there are many traceability skills, and the big prediction technique is more scary than anything.

So Luo Yan’s secret is only known to him.

After Luo Yan entered the Emperor Star Demon Eye, Chu Cheng took the initiative to seal this memory, and the way to activate this memory was that he died once, and the moment he was resurrected, he would be sent to the star map and returned to Luo. Smoke around.

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