Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 955 - :invite

“What’s the news?” Chu Cheng asked directly without waiting for Bai Lixue to sell her.

“The Golden Continent has created a giant robot, which is said to be a kilometer in height and has a spell resistance of more than eighth rank.”

“How could you know this?” Li Aotian was the first to not believe that he also had an intelligence system in Daxia, no worse than a triple gate. There is no need to stop him with this kind of information outside of Daxia. He is the prince and has the authority to know.

Of course Chu Cheng didn’t believe it, but he still asked, “Where is the source of intelligence?”

“I got it directly from the Golden Continent, and I have a substitute over there.”

A giant robot with a height of a kilometer is of little significance in nature. At least in the age of the galactic universe, it is very simple to make a larger robot in the universe. But on the ground, the appearance of this kind of robot is strange and terrifying. Stepping on it is equivalent to a big move.

This is like the magic eye of a star map, throwing a dragon spear to the ground through a hundred thousand miles.

Regardless of the power of the law carried on it, the law of gravity cannot run away.

In Chu City, Li Aotian’s robots were the most powerful, less than two hundred meters tall, and there were not many in number. Moreover, it sounded that the robots of the Golden Continent were not only tall, but also extremely resistant to spells.

For giant robots, the physical defense is definitely good, and the spell resistance reaches the eighth level, which is almost not destroyed by spells. Because it takes a ninth rank to destroy this kind of robot, it can only rely on the accumulated attack value to wear it out a little bit, but in that case, the giant robot may have been destroyed for a long time.

The most frightening thing is that as long as technological weapons can be manufactured, they can often be manufactured in batches, even if the cost is high.

Being able to copy means losing one and another.

As long as the robots that you lose can destroy the enemy’s higher-value goals, you earn money. Isn’t that the way to fight war? It destroys the enemy’s economy.

Now the war is breaking out in the continent of the gods, which is beneficial to the galactic universe.

So Chu City provoked a war and made the three empires of the Milky Way Universe a little rushed, but no one flinched. After all, fighting like this is better than shrinking.

The galactic universe has been expanding for so many years, pushing the fleet into various star fields like barren land.

Compared with Gaia, the banking universe is more aggressive. Gaia’s aggressiveness is determined by Gaia’s consciousness, and the galactic universe’s aggressiveness is determined by the human culture of the galactic universe. Even if the consciousness of the galactic universe doesn’t do anything like influence at all, the human beings in the galactic universe still yearn for development and conquest.

“This news is very important.” Li Aotian said: “I have calculated that giant robots really have actual combat effects. Based on my research, it will take about 30 to 50 years. Not only the material problem, but the design problem is even bigger. We capture giant creatures for research, and the progress is not very good. The body structure of giant creatures is just as weird, not relying on the strength of muscles and muscles, but by the law to act like small creatures.”

Chu Cheng and the others also understood this truth, but the truth was the truth. After the giant creature was captured and died, the power of the law was also abolished.

When they are alive, they can be like walking mountains, and when they die, they are collapsed houses.

On the galaxy universe, there are no giant robots, which are as high as kilometers, and many mountains are not so high. However, the giant robot has an anti-gravity system, essentially floating on the surface of the earth, and the carrying capacity of the robot is not that powerful. The meaning created is just looking mighty and majestic.

Now the Galactic Universe has this technology in Gaia, it is not very useful in wars, and its defense is not good.

The research of Golden Continent should be giant robots with practical significance. The arms are hundreds of meters long, and even an angel can’t stand it with a slap.

Robots that can withstand the eighth-order spells, of course, have their own powerful laws. Why do you fly?

Can’t resist hard, it’s just meatloaf.

“There are so many giants like this, and we are afraid that we are not rivals either.” Li Aotian said with worry.

“Where is the star map?” Chu Cheng asked.

“Star map, there are enemies too.” Bai Lixue sighed.

The sharp weapon on the ground destroys the city and the village. If it cannot be destroyed, the weapon in the sky is powerful, but it is in vain. People have destroyed your city, and the effort is spent. What’s the use of killing a few giant robots?

Li Aotian and Bai Lixue also had far-reaching thoughts, their star maps had melee combat capabilities, and sooner or later the golden continent would have them.

In other words, it is already under study, and there will definitely be, and it will not be too far away. In the future when star maps are entangled, the significance of ground weapons will become even more important.

The things that the Milky Way Universe didn’t come up with were brought out by them in Gaia, and Chu Cheng was also depressed.

“Can you steal information?”

“The core information is definitely not available.” Baili Xue said.

“The three of us know about this.”

Bai Lixue nodded. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to let other people in the triple gate know, but inside the triple gate, there might be so many spies from the Golden Continent.

Chu Cheng said, “My side is the safest, and there are no spies, so I will allocate a part of the computing power to study specifically how to target this giant robot.”

“When you need computing power, I can share it with you.” Li Aotian said immediately.

“I can provide resource compensation.” Baili Xuedao.

The three people have cooperated for a long time, and they will not take advantage of each other. The triple door is not good for confidentiality, but Bailixue has the power to provide resources without pressure. Li Aotian’s computing resources can be allocated to other projects, so that the Crown of Thorns will not be occupied by this matter too much computing power.

The Crown of Thorns has a good secrecy effect and is responsible for researching and dealing with giant robots.

Only when the intelligence of the giant robot is no longer a secret can we openly research it. Keeping it secret at the moment is good for Chu Cheng and others.

This can only be regarded as a big episode, and the three of them have to study the issue of offensive direction.

Bai Lixue said: “Our strongholds on the Ash Continent are useless. Why go to attack the Holy Empire? Why not hang on the north side and wait for the opportunity. The Miya Empire is more powerful, the Kolasu Empire, yes The site of the Temple of Dawn, we choose one.”

Chu Cheng didn’t refute, he looked at Li Aotian.

Li Aotian said: “We can attack the Miya Empire at every step. The Kolasu Empire is too unified.”

Baili Xue said: “I also hope to attack the Miya Empire.”

Chu Cheng said, “Then attack. Gubei City will advance to the base and let the Legion continue to harass, and then we will launch attacks on the Principality of East. One by one the temples are pulled out.”

“That’s it, I decided to transfer some people over.” Li Aotian said.

“Me too, the main attack is still on the side of the Principality of East.” Baili Xue said.

Chu Cheng pondered for a moment and said, “Well, in a month, we will cross the border and start attacking the Miya Empire.”

There was a chill in Chucheng’s words, and Li Aotian heard it, and his heart burst, “What’s the plan?”

“Cut weeds and roots.”

When Chu Cheng said these four words, it was Bai Lixue with **** hands, and she felt cold all over.

Chu Cheng’s style is really like a devil.

Chu Cheng said, “This time, I am going to officially launch a war. I will destroy all of Gaia’s heritage and completely clean. Not only killing people, but also destroying their roots, without leaving them behind. “

“What if it causes backlash?”

“We used star maps to attack many cities, didn’t we come here too?”

“Too cruel, you will be attacked, on the top of the mountains…”

“I just want them to attack.” Chu Cheng said coldly: “If they want to fight inwardly, I immediately use the star map to hit their lair. It depends on whether they dare to fight me.”

“Why is this urgent?” Bai Lixue didn’t understand.

In fact, at the end of the war, it will definitely become extremely bloody, but it is not yet.

“I think something is wrong in the underworld, so I want to wipe out all of Gaia’s people, without leaving their souls. Even if the underworld kills them, I see how they stand. I don’t care about other places, the territory we laid. Come on, don’t have any remnants of Gaia.”

Bai Lixue gritted her teeth, thinking about what Chu Cheng said.

Li Aotian reacted and said, “Okay, I support you in this matter.”

Bai Lixue looked at Li Aotian, Li Aotian nodded at him, and Bai Lixue said, “Then I will carry it together.”

“Yes, carry it together.” Li Aotian also said to Chu Cheng.

“Then carry it together. If you do this, it’s normal to be treated as a demon.” Chu Cheng said with satisfaction. He is drawing salary from the bottom of the tank. If there is any attempt in the underworld, it must be rooted in Gaia. The undead from the underworld want to stay in Gaia for a long time, then they have to absorb Gaia’s power.

Chu Cheng uprooted Gaia’s life, and the underworld would not be able to borrow it. However, all three of them will bear a lot of pressure ~www.mtlnovel.com~ no matter where it comes from. And even if they prove that they are right in the future, someone will make a fuss about this matter.

Li Aotian and Bailixue didn’t care, but made up their minds that in the future, they will stand at the pinnacle of power.

Whoever opposes them will die.

So their determination is not just as simple as the **** killing of the natives of Gaia. They have to go all the way and become a true alliance, facing a common enemy, and will not change partners.

Today, tomorrow, the distant future, carry it together.

No need for friendship, no warm past, just looking at the future, with the same courage.

Chucheng’s creation of the kingdom of death is not too secret, and someone must know that Li Aotian and Bai Lixue are the people who know this level of secrets.

Chu Cheng invited them together. If they refused today, the alliance would collapse sooner or later.

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