Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 941 - :powerful

In the vast books of the Shrine of Light, this skill is mentioned, there are hundreds of names, all of which are variations, the core rule is the ring of death.

If it is not used by powerful gods, it can only be called the ring of death.

What a horrible feeling, something in my memory suddenly jumped out.

The ring of death used by this ancient god, after the skill, there is no human being in a thousand miles.

It is not that they have not survived. Some robots with more than five orders have not been damaged and are still alive and kicking. But robots are always known for their outbreak attacks, and the number above the fifth order is very small. Chucheng has made hundreds of millions of robots, and has invested about 70% here.

Among the hundreds of millions of robots, there are more than one hundred thousand in the fifth order.

Then in the battle with the angels, tens of thousands more were lost.

In fact, among the army of robots, about 40,000 have survived. Chucheng discovered this, and knew that the ring of death was mainly the true meaning of attacking the living body.

In addition to the laws of the living body itself, there are ecological characteristics. Although all robots are not life, ecological characteristics are arranged inside, such as some muscle fibers and biological nerves.

Forbidden spider silk is also a commonly used material in the body of the robot. Even without these, the original biochemical light brain of the robot will be destroyed by the ring of death.

What if there are no vital signs? Pure mechanical creation, the core program uses all inorganic properties?

Chu Cheng pondered for a while, and found that even if that was not the case, in the face of the ring of death, the robot would be brilliantly distorted.

The ring of death targets the thing of vitality.

More precisely, the essence of the ring of death is entropy reduction. Turning order into disorder, but the range is too large, will inevitably cause a loss of attack power, even the ancient gods can’t really destroy the world.

But this is suppressed by Gaia’s law. An ancient **** who has just been resurrected has no strength.

If it is the complete version of the ancient god, in this ruined relic, he may cover all places with a single blow, no matter if there are tens of thousands of miles or hundreds of thousands of miles.

The damage may not be so high only at the edges.

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan communicated with Jianyi Tianxin. If the queen could not protect them, what method would they use to escape from the ancient gods.

Now Chucheng doesn’t think about the victory, it is still important to save his life.

Because he is an advanced second-level god, he doesn’t know if he can walk outside. Although he has learned a lot by watching battles, he has learned a lot, which is reasonable.

The problem is that the ancient gods appeared. It is also possible for Gaia to partially suppress this area.

If the laws around him change, he and Luo Yan may both be unable to leave.

Luo Yan’s answer is also very simple. She is now in the ninth order. She can mobilize the power of the ninth order sword symbol. The original functions of the sword symbol are now available. This sword symbol was not made by her own. It was originally given by her teacher Su Zhenren. Later, she personally refined it and made many modifications.

But there is a function that has never been changed, and that is space jumping.

This function can be said to be the killer skill that Su Zhenren prepared for her. If it is used for attacking, you can ignore the distance, and if you are running away, nothing can trap her.

It is also simple to take Chucheng away. Chucheng’s four-dimensional swordsmanship does not conflict with Luo Yan’s, and he can be led away by Luo Yan while driving Jianguang to follow.

Communicate with the heart of the sword, the time is short enough to attack as fast as a sword, and the dark sky cannot be explored.

The queen did not know that at this moment, Chucheng had already wanted to escape.

He didn’t care about the mess here, and it was a big deal to withdraw from Gubei City, not even the Four Gods Island. The ancient gods could not kill him at most to this extent.

And his second elementary **** entered the ninth level, and he did not enter as originally planned. After the ninth level, he saw the ancient gods and the three major temples projected battle, realized countless things, and passed it to the body, who loves who Anyway, Chucheng earned it. He didn’t have to go back to the crown of thorns, gave lectures to his staff, and taught them all his experience. With the accumulated resources, at least his staff didn’t have to worry about guidance before the ninth level.

Luo Yan thinks more. Does Chucheng not trust the queen?

But she can’t feel the queen and Jiang Yuan, and has any malice towards them.

But Luo Yan’s most trusted person can only be Chu Cheng, even if she has no perception of it, she is willing to prepare for it.

“Will your majesty come?” Chu Cheng asked the queen.

“If it’s good, come on. If I can do it alone, he shouldn’t leave easily.”

“I haven’t seen your majesty for a long time, and I miss some.”

“Then you go back.”

“Fortunately, if something happens here, go back with your Highness.” Chu Cheng felt in his heart. This time I should go to the emperor to see if there is any gain.

When Chucheng said this, he settled down in his heart, as if he had escaped any number.

He didn’t know if Jiang Yuan made him feel that way, even if he did, he recognized it. When he saw the ancient **** breaking through the ring of death and silence, Chu Cheng knew that his ninth order power was mixed here, too.

The ninth order of the second yuanshen is far from the ninth order of the body.

It’s like that if the queen wasn’t brought by the body, she cast a dark sky and was already torn apart by the ancient god.

The Second Yuanshen has weaknesses, but Chu Cheng does not know all the weaknesses. He can only clear all possible problems with the body while practicing.

But after all, the second primordial **** is a newly created thing, and it hasn’t been many years since the establishment of theory to actual formation.

Even after supercomputer simulations and experiments in various relics with different time flow rates, the second elemental spirit is still not a perfect shape.

Maybe it is necessary to touch the category and bypass it. It is still possible to solve problems that cannot be solved by going to Qingcheng.

Thinking like this, I heard a violent explosion outside the dark sky, almost tearing the darkness. But it was the ancient **** who hacked out again and was blocked by the golden scales by the projection of the **** of justice.

Not only blocked, but also bounced back the ancient god’s long sword. Then there was a loud and frightening loud noise.

What followed was a long sword composed of light that penetrated directly into the space of the ruins. This long sword made Chucheng start to tremble on the soul level, that was the divine attack of the goddess of dawn.

The dawn of hope, but now it is the meaning of extinction.

Chu Cheng believed that if this lightsaber attacked the dark sky, then he and Luo Yan could not survive at all. The queen said that she could take them away, Chu Cheng thought it was impossible. The speed of the lightsaber, I am afraid that even teleport cannot escape.

The lightsaber pierced, and behind the lightsaber, there was a thick flame, followed closely.

The ancient **** roared, slashing towards the lightsaber, and he ignored the burning flame.

The flame instantly submerged into the lightsaber, and the lightsaber of the goddess of dawn soared from the lightsaber to the physical state, which lasted for thousands of kilometers. When the sword was cut down, the power doubled.

The ancient **** seemed to have been prepared for a long time, otherwise he would not ignore the terrible flame.

A flame ignited above his long sword. The flame was very strange. It looked like cold blood. It suddenly boiled after being excited. There was even something like bubbles in the flame.

Chu Cheng wanted to look outside. The projection of the Temple of Dawn sent the lightsaber in, and there was no weapon in the projection.

If the weapon is still there, it looks really interesting. You and Luo Yan may also be able to use it. Luo Yan uses a sword to provide more energy.

The strength of Taoist couples complements each other and can explode with greater lethality.

It’s not right, the **** of light and goddess of dawn can be like this, how intimate it must be!

Are these two gods still a pair, having a son called the **** of justice? Otherwise, how could there be such a mutual trust for hundreds of thousands of years, just for today’s plan?

Such a plot of dog blood happened to the gods, it is really possible.

Because the gods have no lower limit, it is not surprising that what happened to Zeyang.

The queen thought more, she thought of the myth and legend of the galaxy universe, the so-called trinity. In her opinion, the gods of the three great temples may be an expression.

But how did the priesthood of the God of Justice blend in?

If the guess is true, the combined strength of the three temples far exceeds the emperor’s estimate. Fortunately, the seemingly defeated sword of the ancient **** had almost dispelled the projection of the Temple of Justice.

The huge projection wobbled as if it were very blurred.

Swords fought, silently, the ancient god’s long sword cut off the giant sword of the Dawning Temple, and the broken half-length sword flew silently to the side of Chucheng.

Chucheng is horrified, the ancient **** can’t negotiate with the new **** to deal with himself?

Is this a conspiracy or a fate?

“Don’t move.” The Queen’s voice sounded in Chu Cheng’s heart. Chu Cheng really didn’t move. The half-length sword also had more than 400 meters. It penetrated the dark sky without hitting Chu Cheng’s body, and shot directly into the underground. .

The broken sword seemed to be unobstructed. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com quickly penetrated the ground into the hot magma.

At this time, the ancient god, beyond everyone’s expectations, flew out of the ruins as soon as he leaned in, rushing straight at the projection of the **** of justice.

For them, a distance of several kilometers is the same as melee.

Chu Cheng looked at the ancient **** from the ruins in surprise, but the cloak behind was still in the ruins. It was pulled for a long time, and the **** cloak dragged behind the ancient god. It was not resistance, but continued to provide the ancient **** with the remains. Power of law.

This ancient **** showed weakness before, it turned out that there was already a means of counterattack!

Fortunately, he didn’t move. If he moved, the ancient **** would destroy himself.

The queen said at this time: “The new gods are indeed smarter and more advanced, just like the latest light brain, but the ancient gods are naturally fighting machines, and they were fighting each other when they were born.”

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