Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 935 - : Dear

The cost of Terminator series robots is already very low, but the whole body is covered with special alloys. The only flaw is to control costs. Regardless of recycling issues, many parts are simply disposable. Only the skeletal core has some recovered value, and the outer armor will not work.

However, the combat power of the Terminator is not weak at all, and it has a strong ability to resist spells during suicide attacks.

Under Li Aotian’s men, there are very powerful scientists, more than the number of scientists in Chu Cheng’s hands.

The number of marshals on the two continents is not large. The avatars came over in person, originally wanting to change the situation, but they suddenly found that even with their own power, even the Chucheng army could not beat.

Can a sword be a million division? People are hundreds of millions of robots, how do you fight?

When the manpower is poor, even the gods are like this.

However, so many robots have the means of powerful scientists to stimulate energy and fight with the same goal, but they cannot hurt the projection made by the god.

And this is not a projection of the gods themselves. I am afraid that they are slaves around the gods.

The **** of light, the goddess of dawn, and the **** of justice all have powerful subordinate gods under their hands. They do not need to come down in person. This is true even for projection.

Iron Nicole and the Duke of Blood, facing Wang Qinglong, did not know what to do.

Because the crown of thorns is really a force that is very difficult to engage. The homeland is at sea and you are difficult to attack. Then there is the crown of thorns, which is what Chucheng said. If you want to do anything, if you provoke Chucheng, you can’t kill Chucheng. In fact, it is really endless trouble.

The most important thing is that Chucheng has a seat on top of the mountains.

This means that Chucheng has obtained the authority of the galaxy universe. No matter how much it is, his practice will always have peculiarities, which is in accordance with the fundamental laws of the world.

The two of them are not as powerful as Chucheng at the top of the mountains, so they know the difference.

At the beginning, Jiang Yuan played a trick to make Chu City and Luo Yan climb to the top of the mountains and gain a core seat. Such an atmosphere is really incomparable to the emperors of the other two continents. Because of this, Da Xia’s benefits are huge, and Jiang Yuan also surpasses other competitors.

It’s a pity that things have happened and it’s difficult to remedy them.

If the emperors of the other two continents can also carry their juniors, they will not necessarily receive huge benefits.

But with different cultures, it is impossible to do the same thing. Jiang Yuan is really a hundred rivers, and the other two emperors are only self-respected.

“The two figured it out?” Wang Qinglong asked.

The ten-step sword technique of his body has broken through the rules and has become a standard for destroying the country with one sword. The so-called country is of course an ancient saying, which is roughly the concept of a powerful city. The capital of a country brings together countless strongmen, the strongest legion, called the country.

Although this second primordial **** is not as good, but the sword spirit is accessible.

If the two marshals don’t know what is going on, then as long as he goes out with a sword and each side can’t kill the opponent, then the rest of the second Yuanshen will come.

Iron Nicole doesn’t need to look back, every pattern on her armor is eyes.

Each of those second-element gods surprised her and had the potential to threaten her life. Although she is only an avatar, her armor is almost the same as the body.

The Duke of Blood looks calm, although the Second Elemental God is powerful, it can only explode to the sixth order level.

He and Steel Nicole can both explode into the seventh order.

This fight, it is both defeated and injured, the other party is definitely not willing to use so many people to exchange their lives.

“Then you say, we can only watch here?” The Duke of Blood asked Wang Qinglong.

Wang Qinglong said: “Looking is also an option. Can’t the ancient gods and the three great temples be able to distinguish between success and failure?”

“Who wins is better?”

“Of course, it is better for the ancient **** to win. The strength of the three major temples is far beyond our expectations.”

“What about the ancient god?”

“The ancient gods will not be mingled with the new gods. Isn’t this world more chaotic?” Wang Qinglong said without mercy.

The world is in chaos, and the unlucky will always be the people.

The Duke of Blood didn’t think there was anything wrong. Anyway, this is the case with Gaia. At that time, the ancient gods and new gods alternated, and there were few ordinary people who died?

The new **** develops civilization and establishes a kingdom. The ancient gods are not allowed to kill the city at every turn.

The fighting in this is at the expense of ordinary human flesh.

The Duke of Blood pondered for a moment and said, “You are right, our enemies are, after all, the gods of Gaia.”

“Then wait.” Steel Nicole said coldly.

For the two of them, worldly things are no longer important. When they come into this world, everything has changed. Weili belongs to itself, and it needs to find its own way.

Of course, they are those who have already obtained the benefits, so they can think so.

For ordinary people, secular things are still important, because if you want to go up, you have to have resources, and resources will not change out of thin air.

They also assume responsibility, that is, to open the way for newcomers.

But the steel Nicole and the Duke of Blood both have the idea that Gaia’s world is different from the galaxy universe. Their development does not need to go to outer space, and the sea and land are too large.

It seems that beyond a few continents, there will be more worlds waiting for them to develop.

If this is the case, resources do not have to be obtained from the galaxy, and the conflict between races is not as important as it used to be. The racial contradictions in the past were nothing but different forces, which were done to increase cohesion.

Reaching their height, of course, understand what the fundamental meaning is.

Race is not impossible to coexist, but the prerequisite is sufficient resources. When resources are scarce, even the same race will kill the corpses, and there is no room for negotiation.

It’s just that the two of them are in high positions, and it is impossible to change the contradiction of the Galaxy universe for so many years.

Or hatred.

When the world of the galaxy universe opened up to the astral world, the three forces fought against each other, causing countless casualties. The predecessor of Daxia, the Republic of China, has almost cracked down in order to compete for resources with other races.

Later, after the truce, everyone was afraid that they would all die together. Development outside the solar system was only on the right track at that time.

Once the resources are insufficient, the historical hatred will be raised again.

Mentioned, it is the catastrophe.

History cannot be erased because it can be used. How can the two of them fight against Huanghuang?

Wang Qinglong sighed. He used to be a senior member of the military. How could he not understand these things? It is impossible to really unite the three continents.

When the Pantheon broke down, it was the day when the tops of the mountains split.

Two hundred miles, but only one hundred thousand kilometers, three huge projections walked step by step towards East City. This is the route that was booked hundreds of thousands of years ago, and no one can stop it.

The projector holds the artifact, the Terminator robot or the star chart attack, but it only weakens the power of the projection, and naturally there will be power in the artifact.

This kind of weakening can’t be replaced by the ninth-rank strong, but the inside of the artifact is really a little bit of the three major temples.

If you give Chu City hundreds of thousands of years, the crown of thorns will not be less than the new god.

But how many years did Chucheng rise? Even relying on the management capabilities of the galaxy universe and strong scientific analysis, it is impossible to compare with the three major temples.

Unless he can bring up all three Yuanxing maps, he can suppress these three artifacts.

How easy is it to talk about?

Among the relics, Chu Cheng and Luo Yan still have no way to deal with the ancient god. Chu Cheng has now sensed it. Even if he went out, it is too late. Fortunately, he polluted the ancient god. The ancient **** is resurrected. Nor can it be what the three temples expected. If the three great temples want to enslave the ancient god, the ancient **** will collapse on his own.

If the three great temples want to devour the ancient gods, the pollution suffered by the ancient gods will also be absorbed by the three great temples.

Chu Cheng knew that the pollution was insufficient, but it could destroy the enemy’s plan.

He doesn’t need to surrender to the ancient god, or even get the idea of ​​the ancient god. As long as you maintain this mentality, it is easier to engage in destruction. Besides, if there are any troubles caused by the three temples, he does not believe that Jiang Yuan and others will just sit by and ignore them.

Thinking in this way, a figure appeared suddenly above the ash land, directly ignoring the law of the ash land and sinking into the ground.

Chu Cheng was surprised, he and Luo Yan were in the earth, although not very deep, but this is a spell.

If you want to invade and be close to your side, you can still be in the air. This ability to control the law is no different from his body. Who is coming?

Can’t Jiang Yuan come here in person? That is impossible. Jiang Yuan has to manage Tianzi Longqi at all times, and he cannot leave Daxia.

“It’s the queen.” Luo Yan spoke. Their bodies, now under the influence of spells, can hide in the earth. The queen of Daxia is the ninth-ranked Xeon, of course.

Luo Yan was also surprised. Why did the queen come?

“Two Qing families.” The queen’s figure is like a dark night~www.mtlnovel.com~ She can’t see her face at all, but Chucheng can feel her true existence, as if standing in her palace In the middle, salute two people with a smile. The Qing family was called purely for a joke, and did not appear to be arrogant and alienated at all. Instead, Chucheng and Luo Yan could not bear the resistance.

“Niangniang is so powerful!” Chu Cheng really praised.

“I’m just here to see. Jiang Yuan said, “You can’t figure it out here, nor can I figure it out. I didn’t expect it to be true.”

“You can’t figure it out?” Luo Yan was even more surprised. The queen’s power in her induction was no different from her body.

“If I shoot, the two of you can’t afford it, and this place can’t afford it anyway.”

“Then this ancient god?”

“My goal has never been the ancient god, the dog of the bereavement family.” In the voice of the queen, the domineering revealed, not anyone can speak out. The two marshals outside were compared with the queen. It’s really a terrier chicken.

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