Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 930 - :action

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Luo Yan said to Chu Cheng at this time: “The biggest problem is the separation between inside and outside. Wang Qinglong can’t see the inside, otherwise he will give orders directly.”

“Hopefully he has this intuition.” Chu Cheng also had no choice.

This time the war, relying on Wang Qinglong’s intuition, is simply a matter of no record. The war in the galaxy universe never pays attention to intuition, only intelligence analysis.

The two men talked, did not idle their hands, and had been collecting specimens from the ruins.

East City…

Wang Qinglong hesitated for a moment when he saw the three great temples show power, because what he saw was not the same as Chucheng. In his intelligence picture, the ancient **** was in control of the thunder and lightning in the middle of the week, toward the three giant angels in the distance The door attacked with great bravery. The angels around the three archangel doors were almost swept away. The angel door itself, besides continuing to release the divine light, was almost crumbling.

Wang Qinglong might have realized it for a minute.

Can the three temples be so stupid? Isn’t this insulting others’ IQ?

It’s just that the three major temples are fully fired. At this time, the attack effect of the ground troops is not great. Fortunately, the main elite is in the southern area, and it does not affect the pond fish. In the other two directions, the plague creature is okay, and the robot is miserable.

Wang Qinglong thought about it, let all robots use Terminator mode, activate the program, only retain the last point of use time, go all out to attack the angel’s door, and do not have to consider damage and repair.

Plague creatures have to dig into the ground. There are tunnels excavated by the earth dragon. Although they will be attacked and will collapse, the plague creatures will not be suffocated.

The Terminator Robot, the original model has this function.

Under the order of Wang Qinglong, these steel bodies no longer hesitate to cost. One by one, they started to activate the final mode, and the energy efficiency was instantaneously improved. All robots, according to the group calculation mode, rose one by one and rushed into the sky.

When they reach their destination, they may have a few minutes left.

In the sky, the star map also began to run in this procedure. Wang Qinglong still did not mobilize too many thorns dipper, mainly the galaxy star map, the attack strength of the galaxy star map is not low, he is still arranged in Eastbourne Near the city.

Now that the communication is restored, Wang Qinglong knows that there will be such a wave again, and he has no star map to use. He simply divided the star map into two parts, one part in East City and the other part above the Angel’s Gate, and began to prepare for intensive attacks.

Intensive attacks require a sufficient number of magic eyes, and the number of star maps required is also huge.

Those magic eyes, densely spread in the air, separated by only a few meters, are really attacked and will fall into pieces. This is already an act at any cost.

Wang Qinglong was willing to give up on things that Chucheng could not bear.

He is sensitive to the grasp of the battle situation. Although he knows that there is a certain chance of misjudgment, he thinks the other way round. If the time is delayed, all the power here will be ruined.

In the galaxy universe, many marshal-level generals have the power to make temporary decisions.

It seems that Chucheng didn’t know about it, Wang Qinglong knew.

Because there can be no perfect prediction of war, when the crisis occurs, no one makes a decision, which is the worst thing.

Numerous examples of warfare have demonstrated this. Sometimes, it is better to do wrong than not.

If you do something wrong, there will be changes. If you don’t, it’s basically based on the enemy’s script, and it’s the worst result. But people with this right are all masters of strategy, and they have reached a very high level in tactics.

In this case, the staff can only be responsible for scrutiny of details.

In the sky, the star chart started a real attack.

Those metal thorns fell off from the metal magic eyes, and the energy inside the metal thorns excited quickly, causing them to suspend in the air and form an attack formation.

After releasing the magic eyes of the metal spikes, they immediately flew away, letting the new star chart flow in, and arranging more metal spikes.

All of this is maintained by the energy array method and has a fixed procedure, which cannot be changed after the start.

At a height of five thousand miles, I don’t know how many metal magic eyes fell off into metal balls. They spread to a larger area, and the energy rays in the magic eye irradiated the array of metal long thorns, maintaining a suspended state.

One floor, two floors, ten floors, one hundred floors…

In the sky, the dense metal spikes even attracted the angels’ attention, but at an altitude of five thousand miles, the angels felt the disaster of extinction.

Wang Qinglong sneered. The robots on the ground, burning energy one by one, hit the sky at a speed of more than ten times the speed of sound.

There is no choice but to attack hard and hard.

Such a legion shocked that the long-used combat robot was consumed as a disposable item, and it was hesitant to switch to anyone, but Wang Qinglong did not hesitate.


Wang Qinglong can afford the price, and the trust Chucheng gave him is more than just making him command the army.

His practice is the most important.

Wang Qinglong gave orders, and at the same time, let all the second elemental gods not disperse and prepare to fight.

He also didn’t know where the turning point was. Anyway, he had a group teleportation scroll. The ninth order, in the military town, could be inspired by the life of the plague creature.

Wherever needed, send these second primitive gods.

This is a heavier responsibility, and when people need to bear it, Wang Qinglong has this courage.

“Come.” Chu Cheng was very sure this time, in the sky of the ruins, on both the left and right sides of him, there was a space passage at the same time. Chu Cheng only hated that the passage was too far away from himself, otherwise he could send Luo Yan out.

But now the news can also be sent out, and Chu Cheng instantly inspired the Ash Throne badge to send the prepared message.

Wang Qinglong was outside, and suddenly received the information prepared by Chu Cheng. After reading it, he felt relieved. Fortunately, he was already arranging, otherwise he would really delay the fighter.

Even if the fighter plane is not delayed this time, it will be a heavy loss. What if it is delayed?

After Wang Qinglong received the information, he gave orders to the thorn map. Allow the space above East City to leave Chu City ready.

Half an hour later, the Misaki Star Map will strike a fatal blow on the ancient god.

Whether he was tamed or not, this blow was enough to change the situation.

The sword projection of the sword track astrolabe, but Chu City didn’t move, and now it hits the ancient gods and has no benefit to him. The angel doors of the three great temples have to pay a great price to tame the ancient gods.

Luo Yan and Chu Cheng fell to the ground, unable to see the reinforcements in the distance.

They didn’t release their perception, they just looked at it quietly with their eyes.

At the moment when the tunnel was torn apart, not two people were cast at the same time, but two large legions. Each legion had more than 200,000 combat units.

No wonder they have to prepare for an hour and so long, instead of Chu City, I am afraid that it will take so long to send so many combat units into it.

Although they did not see the specific army clearly, they could not hide the two eighth-order breaths.

Without any sense of power, Chu Cheng can clearly distinguish the two eighth-order trajectories, and they flew in the direction of the ancient god.

Chu Cheng couldn’t see, and after flying for several miles side by side, the two stopped.

The army they carried was also moving in one direction.

In the army, a large number of long-range weapons have been erected, with magical cannons, technological artillery, magic ballistas, and orbital throwers.

Among these armies, there are giant mages with huge scrolls in their hands, ready to respond to long-range attacks from ancient gods.

However, the ancient gods still have the ability to attack remotely, but they are struggling to resist the rain of divine light in the three temples.

Two huge teams, with insufficient distance, arranged positions, and less than one-fifth of the army remained, while the other troops marched deep into the ruins.

They collided with the monsters swarming like a reef breaking through the waves.

A large number of golems above level five, giant **** soldiers, formed a sharp torrent of shock in front, crushing the monsters. Chu Cheng found that in addition to the two eighth ranks, there were not less than six eighth ranks in the army.

Obviously, the emperors on both continents were very interested in this ruin.

And Jiang Yuan said the support, he did not feel.

But Jiang Yuan never lied, which was also important to Jiang Yuan himself. Chu Cheng didn’t know if the jade he left was out of order. If that were the case, the eighth order from the other two continents would do it to themselves. What has happened, I have no reason to go.

Chu Cheng had no doubt about this, so he did not dare to use perception to investigate, and Jianyi Tianxin only passively received the information in the distance and made a vague judgment.

If you actively investigate, there is a great possibility that it will be discovered by the other party.

The marshals of Golden Continent and World of Warcraft may not have any opinions about themselves, but it does not mean that they will not take the opportunity to kill themselves.

Just like the Gaia gods are not iron plates, the humans in the galaxy universe have already produced irreparable cracks.

Now Chucheng and Luoyan~www.mtlnovel.com~ gave up a large range of magic, but used two long swords to fight among the monsters, marching deeper into the ruins, avoiding the impact of the two continental legions direction.

The Golden Continent and the Warcraft Continent only temporarily adjusted the power of observation nearby, and the combat power is so strong, which is beyond the expectations of Chucheng. Because before his rebirth, the strength of these two continents was shattered by the shrine, and it was not as good as Da Xia’s resistance.

Originally thought to be a pig teammate, now it seems that it is a powerful legion that can threaten his second primal god.

Well, the forces of these two continents outside should not threaten Wang Qinglong and them. It is a pity that the channel is closed, otherwise, it is not very safe outside.

Chu Cheng and Luo Yan evaded the Bingfeng, Wang Qinglong’s side was already ready, and the star attack began.

In the sky, the bright light erupted instantaneously, and the divine lights of the three major temples were submerged by this instantaneous explosion.


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