Burning Ashes

v2 Chapter 920 - : Libra

The large angel dashed across the midline and rushed towards East City.

The legions on the ground quickly obtained data and quickly passed the messages through the legions badges.

The flight height is five miles, the speed is 28 meters per second, and it can be intercepted!

On the ground chariot, metal bullets suddenly rose into the sky. These angels even lowered their height. Wuli was already within the attack range of the chariot, and it was quite close.

The legions on the ground are also section by section, and there are no mountains and fields.

When the angel approached, in a gully, thousands of robots flew into the sky. Among the Terminator robots, hundreds of metal demons were mixed.

Behind these mechanical legions, there were biochemical soldiers of the plague and thorns legion trailing, numbering about two hundred.

A total of six thousand, this is the force of an impact.

All Terminator robots propel themselves in a very ancient way. Flames are sprayed under their feet. Behind their bodies, metal wings are supported. The wings are not large. The energy lines above are more like the resistance against gravity.

The flying speed of these robots is much faster than that of the large angels, but the feathers on the large angels fall off and float towards the ground, blocking this flying force.

The metal demon among the flying robots fluttered violently and rushed up.

These demons have indeed abyssal powers, spraying black fireballs towards the angels’ feathers.

The fireball is not a real ball, but more like a jelly close to the sphere, burning strangely, with a dark color.

The angel’s feathers collided with the black fireball, and a strange entanglement occurred. Those feathers, stuck to the black fireball, began to burn, and fell deep into the fireball.

The angels’ speed is slower, and they draw their weapons one after another.

These weapons of justice angels are the swords of justice, and the sword grid is a golden scale.

Originally to deal with those protruding metal demons, the abyss fireball spitting out by the metal demons, which seems to be a huge threat, has an erosive effect on the divine power, far more than human magic.

This side of Chucheng has never shown such power.

The angels are alert to the abyss, just like Chucheng is alert to the kingdom of God. The abyss is never weak, but the law of the abyss cannot be applied in any world.

The powerful existence at the bottom of the abyss seems to be able to sleep forever.

But the gods knew that the power of the abyss and the divine power restrained each other. The most powerful existence in the abyss is that the gods cannot match things.

The reason why the abyss cannot erode all the worlds is because such a powerful world as Gaia, the abyss can not create enough cracks to send troops into it. Without the demon’s attack, the abyss will not dare to show his head under Gaia’s will.

But the gods cannot enter the abyss, if they go, they will go without a return.

Compared to the Angel’s Gate, the number of demons in the abyss is frightening. No matter how many angels the gods carry, in the end they will all be exhausted.

There are countless demons in every abyss.

But when the angel wanted to deal with these metal demons, all the robots accelerated at the same time, and the speed instantly increased five times upwards, and immediately came to the angel.

The robot’s weapon is their jagged long sword attached to their deformed forelimbs.

This batch of flying robots has given up most of the long-range attack methods, and must use the steel body and angels to fight.

In the sky, the metal devil squirted thousands of kilometers of firewire silently, and the black firewire was woven into a net. Although the angel could resist, he found that the use of divine art became a problem.

It was not released, but delayed.

The robot is already in front of us, and it is too late to release the magic.

The sound of metal crashes instantly, and the angel and the robot collide in one place. It stands to reason that the robot has no chance of winning. The angel has a body over fifteen meters high, with huge wings spread, which is extremely oppressive. The oppression feels like divine power, really. Ordinary people will not even have the idea of ​​resistance in front of the angel.

However, robots have entered a stage of self-destruction, and any deterrence laws have no meaning for robots.

Even if it is suppressed at the law level, in the crazy self-destruction mode, it only reduces the attack power of the robot, and the speed has not slowed down by half.

A robot, slashed by the sword of justice angel, was cut from the midline.

But the two halves of the robot were still circling in the air, with two serrated swords, stab at the angel’s waist.

The broken robot looks like a smooth mirror wound, with a purple current flashing on the mirror surface, as if it is a piece of energy block, which will explode at any time.

A shock, thousands of robots were cut by angels of justice.

At this moment, the flying thorn warlock spewed out a void fireball. Covering the entire battlefield, those two halves of the robot will blow up at any time, and the angels are trapped inside.

This is an army of angels with more than 500 people. Fifty angel wings immediately burst into the sky like fireworks. The white feathers on these wings hit the robots in two halves, and the current in the robot’s wound quickly dissipated. But the Void Fireball came.

Evaded the wings of the sky, exploded in the air, and turned into countless small fireballs.

An angel of justice was hit by a void fireball, just rubbed at the end of the wing, and the entire wing was instantly ignited and quickly spread to the whole body.

Angels in the core circle, long swords stand up, and golden light blooms.

On the golden scales at the sword grid, countless rays of light interweave and transform into a huge scale, suspended in the air.

On the scales, the prose flows, the angels praise the **** of justice, and at the same time inspired the ultimate power of this divine art, more than four hundred angels of justice, also released a golden light, merged in the huge phantom of the scales. That day the phantom of the scale suddenly coagulated a lot, and one end sank slightly.

“Judgment, Ru wait, die!”

A magic lord instantly ignited his life and made a group teleport. The plague creatures fled the golden light, but most of the metal demons and robots were shrouded in golden light.

It is clearly a lifeless mechanical creation, and it is instantly decayed under the divine light.

Chu Cheng frowned. This trick is so powerful. Of the five hundred angels, only dozens of them really lost. Sharing life? Or the weirdness of Libra. After these angels inspired Libra, they did not perish, and they seemed to be more powerful.

This is not enough. If the angels become stronger and stronger, they will not have enough strength.

“What kind of magic is that?” Luo Yan asked Chu Cheng.

“Libra ruled that it absorbed the lives of robots and metal demons and made those angels more powerful.”

“Is the life of the machine?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t encountered such a thing yet.” Chu Cheng felt a bit heavy. Gaia is also a very balanced world. It stands to reason that there will not be such a weird magic.

Deprive the enemy’s life, add to the angel, the angel does not have to pay the price.

Even if that golden scale is a real artifact, it should not be like this.

The Lord of Magic took away the plague creatures of the Thorns Legion, and took away a small number of high-level robots. Almost all the remaining 5,000 combat units were shrouded in golden light.

The power of Libra’s ruling makes these robots, like tens of thousands of years, when they fall to the ground, they have disintegrated in the air and smashed to the ground, just a small piece of corroded metal , A slight impact has turned into dust.

The remaining four hundred angels rushed towards the ground.

Chu Cheng sensed in an instant that those angels were not consumed, but only a dozen of the first 50 angels were sacrificed. The proportion of sacrifices is not high, but it has an absolute killing effect. The light of the golden scales can obviously last for a while.

The golden light shone on the angel of justice, so that the angel of justice seemed to be bathed in the gift of divine light, and the power was rising.

Sacrifice teleportation!

One hundred ashes mages were transported directly above the golden scales. At the same time, these ashes mages performed a sacrifice of life.

All the wizards turned into black liquid and spilled down.

Blasphemy altar, this is a group spell.

After Chucheng was burned, no combat unit has ever used it, and he is also very concerned about the fighting in this place. If the blasphemy altar is useless, it is his own huge mistake.

The black liquid, like a cold rain, suddenly accelerated.

More than four hundred angels couldn’t avoid it at all, and the feathers were wet with black liquid.

The body of the Angel of Justice, with almost no resistance, becomes full of holes. In the wet area, the material disappears, the corrosive power is terrifying, and the angelic divine power is also ignited.

One hundred sacrificed mage in exchange for more than four hundred large angels.

By the way, there are more than five thousand robots pinned before.

The golden light of the Golden Scales failed to save these justice angels at all. The spell of blasphemy altar was specially dealt with by angels in Chucheng. At least for now, the angel of justice cannot find a solution. After the group of justice angels fell, the golden scales dissipated in the sky. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Countless golden light spots, like a storm, flew towards the huge golden scales in the distance.

Chu Fei’s eyes were even colder as if he were flying into the forest.

Is this also recycled? Then I have worked hard for a long time, not white hard?

A fifty-man thorn knight was sent by the group to the front of the golden light spot. All the thorn knights and a burning snake made of World of Warcraft leather on their wrists were released. The flame was orange, with some gray in the orange, which swept through the space instantly. Those golden light dots burst into the flame and exploded passively.

Divine snakes composed of flames were also detonated.

Chu Cheng looked at this scene and felt that it was not a loss. Those flame **** snakes will not be destroyed at all, except that the burning snakes of these plague knights are temporarily unavailable.

If you want to repair it, the cost is not small, but it can be completely worth destroying the golden scales from the sacrifice.

At least, Chucheng now has a way to deal with the golden scales, so as not to smear his eyes.

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