Burning Ashes

Chapter 56 - : Ancient God Necklace

In the shrine, an idea of ​​exploration swept across the square under the steps, and Chucheng was calmly accepted, and did not resist.

“Lord Master, are you?” The priest suddenly saw the badge hanging on Chucheng’s chest, the fourth-order Aurora badge!

The idea in the temple was also aware of this badge, and immediately took it back. The goddess of dawn is not a powerful god, but it is still more powerful than the storm master.

“Mr. Pastor, you misunderstood. I am not a goddess believer, I just did a mission for the Temple of Dawn.”

The priest with a big beard hesitated for a while, but invited the city of Chu into the shrine and came to a wide prayer room behind the shrine.

In the prayer room, an old man wearing a black robe was already waiting for Chucheng. Instead of standing like a believer, he stood up and said, “Mr. Master, welcome to your arrival.”

He is very polite, but he does not use honorifics, because he is the regional bishop here, a legendary magician.

Chu Cheng took the initiative to salute. After the bearded pastor withdrew, Chu Cheng introduced his identity again. I heard that he was a necromancer, and the regional bishop did not respond.

He was also curious. How did a Necromancer get the Aurora badge?

“His Bishop, I want to go to sea.”

“The Lord will bless you.” The regional bishop’s very formulaic answer, in fact, if it is not the black Aurora badge, it is impossible for him to personally receive this second-order little mage.

Chu city directly took out a snow-white skull and placed it in front of the regional bishop. This is the remains of the underworld creatures he found in the shrine of the dawn. If it had not been purified, it would have been destroyed by the burning tears of dawn. He didn’t know what use these bones had for the Temple of Dawn, and it wasn’t much use for him anyway.

Because it can no longer be used to make undead equipment, it also occupies space.

The regional bishop moved slightly. This skull is more than one meter high. It must have been a behemoth during his lifetime. After a little exploration, he discovered that it turned out to be a legendary material.

He took another look at the Aurora badge of Chucheng, which was absolutely true, with the breath of the goddess of dawn on it.

Magicians are at most pan-believers, not even lay believers. However, the gods always pay attention to the cultivation of the magician, draw the relationship, and when the battle of the gods erupts, the magician will also choose the camp and take advantage.

There is no conflict between the Lord of the Storm and the Goddess of Dawn. This Necromancer has received the attention of the Goddess of Dawn and presented legendary materials, which is very interesting.

Chu Cheng smiled and said: “I don’t know, are you still satisfied with this item?”

“Of course.” The regional bishop did not take the skull to sacrifice, but put it away, and said to Chu Cheng: “My name is Goniz …”

Chu Cheng’s face is quite wonderful. He has heard the name. This is not a fifth-order legend. After ten years, Gonzitz may be one of the most powerful fighting powers in the Temple of Storms, known as the Storm Hammer.

Gornitz smiled: “If it’s okay, stay and eat.”

Chucheng nodded, which was better than he wanted. He took out a purified carapace of the underworld spider, and put it on both hands, saying, “This is a lot worse, but the gods value the mind most.”

Goniz did not receive space equipment this time, but called the priest with a beard and asked him to send the items to the altar.

And Chucheng was taken to the lounge, Gonzalez said to him before leaving: “You rest here first, see you at night. By the way, you can live here before you leave.”

“Thank you very much.”

“It should be.” Gonzitz hurried away, he was to study the purified bone. Chu Cheng came up with such a high-level thing to test, just want to know whether this thing is useful for the goddess of dawn, or is it meaningful to all gods. If it is the latter, then he is a bit dangerous.

Of course, it will also be full of opportunities.

Chucheng didn’t think so much, he just made the worst plan, the legendary wizard was dead, came to Leeds City to kill himself. Therefore, it is the safest to stay in the temple. He is more familiar with the operation of the temple. He came up and sacrificed high-level items, and he was really left behind.

In many cases, the temple is still more reliable than the nobility, although they are all the same hypocrisy.

Chu Cheng meditation in the room for two hours, got two red life crystals, and then he began to check his harvest since this journey.

Miao Yao only left him a snow-white skull, which he refined into a ghost, only second-order.

The combat effectiveness of Baigui Nightwalker is not very good, and he has no time to refine Baigui. Even if it is refined, there is not so much yin supply, and the combat effectiveness is still not very good.

However, the young Necromancer gave him a lot, and even had legendary Necronomicon materials.

This is not surprising. A total of eighteen skins represent eighteen talents. The lucky luck adventurer was killed by the young Necromancer. The luck of these people was cut off by him. The good things of these people are all taken away.

The most precious thing is the recovered seven-degree gold. Other materials are expensive, and they can always be bought with money.

Seven degrees of gold can only be obtained when it appears when it has status.

After checking all the supplies, Chu Cheng set his sights on those eighteen skins again. The young undead mage refines these human skins, which of course has his use, but there are other uses in the pale book of Chu Cheng.

Is not a small investment. However, these eighteen people have imprisoned souls in their skins, and they still carry the original luck of these eighteen people. The value is not as simple as ordinary undead materials.

There are only six undead spaces in his own, with obvious defects. These 18 pieces of human skin must be used anyway.

Just do it in the temple, it’s not good, at least consult with Gonzitz and get permission. Otherwise, you will be too impolite and even cause hostility.

Chucheng was very patient, he began to check his equipment and plan for further improvement.

Actually, if it was n’t Miao Yao ’s last time, he did n’t have to. But he found a more serious problem, and his equipment was defective. At the beginning, he didn’t care much, anyway, he was powerful enough, and finally his achievements were still in cultivation.

As long as you get through the fourth level, reach the legendary level, and the equipment rises, the defects will be repaired.

But the night clothes of the Hundred Ghosts destroyed his plan, and he suddenly thought of a problem, the collision of the two worlds, even if the laws of the galaxy universe were suppressed, Gaia would not remain unchanged.

Reacted to the equipment problem, that is, his equipment law was unstable.

At the time, the Temple of Light had also studied this aspect, but the most advanced research on the collision between the two worlds was Shenzhou.

Because the Gaia gods had no way to retreat, the research investment in the later China was almost at no cost. Chu Cheng happened to know a lot of secrets, and how huge the impact of the later rule changes.

He thought that there were many years, but now, he is aware of the problem from his equipment.

Luo Yan obtained the body of the Sun King. The impact of this matter was greater than he thought, and it was also terrible. Legend has it that the Sun King has the blood of the gods, and in his previous life, Shenzhou has never been able to obtain similar things. The study of the gods also encountered walls and took countless detours.

But if they got the blood of the gods, what did they study in it?

Chu Cheng suddenly realized that he might have changed history.

It was going to be late, and someone came to invite him, and Chu Cheng was taken to Gonitz’s own restaurant, which surprised him. Does the Lord of Storms also need Underworld creatures?

Is in trouble, he knows that the **** of the fall, if this thing is necessary to enter the underworld, then he can’t go even if he wants to go!

No matter how weak the gods are, they are ambitious. Although the **** of demise has fallen, he has some powerful secondary gods under his solemnity. In the underworld, the combat power is still strong.

While the warriors of the gods entered the underworld, they were suppressed so much that they could not win.

Chu Cheng had a little panic in his heart, and his face had not yet expressed.

The two of them sat at the small dining table, and hadn’t had dinner yet. Gonzitz first took a necklace out and placed it in front of Chu Cheng, saying, “Are you satisfied with this thing?”

Chu Cheng took the necklace in his hand, and was very upset.

This necklace has a simple shape, and the silver-grey metal is contaminated with history. I am afraid it is not an antique?

On the necklace, wearing a blue pendant, the size of the little finger ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Chu Cheng’s eyes were attracted by this pendant, and the sound of the waves sounded in his ears, and the breath inside was like the sea.

“this is……”

“An ancient god’s things, but for a long time.” Goniz smiled.

Chucheng doubts, this thing is remarkable. It was definitely an item of order 7 or above, and now it is also a legendary equipment. The most important thing is that inside the pendant, there is something familiar to him.

That is divinity, which is immortal.

So the pendant did not fall below the legendary level, and it may even slowly repair itself.

Someone brought up the main meal. Gonzitz broke a piece of white bread, dipped it in the soup, and stuffed it into his mouth. The believers of the Lord of the Storm are not so particular, and the etiquette is simple.

Gorniz is tall and sturdy, and the skin on his face is rough. There is no feeling of nourishment, and he looks like a straightforward man. However, Chu Cheng had been in the temple of light for so many years, how could he be deceived by his appearance.

This Goeniz is the most important priest on the northern shore of the Sun.

“I heard that you are waiting for someone in Leeds City?” Gonzitz looked up and saw that Chu City did not eat or confiscate the necklace. He did not persuade him, but asked another question.

Chu Cheng suddenly realized that without the permission of the Storm Temple, he would not be able to cross the sea.

The Lord of the Storm is on the sea, which can let him die without a burial place.

But there is no way to provoke the legendary wizard, and if you are not careful, you can easily die unclearly. The traces on the pale book are gone, but Chu Cheng can be sure that the legendary wizard definitely remembered his breath.

It is unlikely to be found in the distance, but as long as you are close, you can be remembered.

Was able to protect him, only Gonzitz in front of him.

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