Burning Ashes

Chapter 38 - : Exploring character

“Su Ji is joking with you, you don’t mind, but we do need a captain.” Chu Cheng said to Wang Qinglong.

Wang Qinglong was really puzzled and looked at these four people.

“I think they are pleasing to the eyes. When you come up, they are also pleasing to the eyes. At this moment, if there must be a regional mission exploded here, then team up together, rather than stand alone. There is no captain authority in the Second World. People, I am lazy, they are immature. “

“I’m not too young.” Wang Qinglong said.

“At least you have a beard.” Su Ji said beside him.

Wang Qinglong was amused and said, “How did you get together?”

“I am not, just met them one day.” Su Jidao.

“If you are willing to do it, then sit down and eat, and while you are eating, you will be familiar with each other after eating, and we will start.” Chu Cheng reached out and let Wang Qinglong sit by the fire.

Wang Qinglong just sat down, took out a small bamboo tube, poured out a little tea, and threw it in boiling water.

Gruni was also over there, and it was indeed captured by the army of undead, and the east was now in a mess. Wang Qinglong escaped from there, did not follow everyone north, but bypassed the undead army and went west.

Going in the opposite direction, if there is no big trouble then.

Chucheng also told Wang Qinglong the plan, and joined another adventure team, without causing big trouble, first look at the situation.

“How is your weapon durable?” Chu Cheng asked Wang Qinglong.

“It’s almost gone, but I have spare weapons.” Wang Qinglong said.

“Really rich, also said that you are novice equipment.” Su Jidao.

“Now I am the captain, of course I have to tell the truth.” Wang Qinglong looked calm and straightforward.

“Both swords show me.” Chu Cheng reached out and Wang Qinglong hesitated to release the sword, but pulled a sheathless dagger from his sleeve and handed it to Chu Cheng.

“Durable so much!”

“Will you repair the equipment?” Wang Qinglong was surprised. The second-level wizard would be alchemy?

“It will be repaired quickly by crystallizing life, but …”

“I understand, is it okay to use a magic core?” Of course, Wang Qinglong does not expect Chucheng to consume experience points to help him, and it is not a cost-effective deal for anyone. In the alternative, he is not willing to use experience points to repair his own weapons.

“That would be a waste.” Chucheng Road.

“Thank you very much.” Wang Qinglong said, taking out four third-order magic nuclei.

Chucheng received two and returned two.

Wang Qinglong was surprised, Chu Cheng smiled and said: “Captain welfare, I will charge the next time.”

Wang Qinglong nodded slightly, this time is really grateful, Chu Cheng took his sword and went back to the magic tent to help him repair the equipment. Wang Qinglong’s two swords are of blue quality, and they are directly improved from the novice equipment. Their durability is more than 240. Now they are on the verge of collapse. It can be seen how intense the fighting was before.

Bai Yexing saw that he was willing to consume the magic core, to buy time, and quickly invested in the task, the evaluation of him was much higher.

Many people, like the tycoon, have the resources to put in, and as a result missed a good opportunity.

“Where did the spare weapon come from?” Bai Yexing couldn’t help asking.

“The army of undead broke the town, the blacksmith fled, and I made a fortune. I almost got entangled. If I came again, I would not dare to say anything.”

After he finished, he took out a standard Gaia sword and shook it in his hand.

The long sword made a buzzing trembling sound in his hand. Bai Yexing looked at his hand holding the sword and the steady frequency of the tip of the sword. He knew that he was a master with a sword.

“Although they don’t fit together, this is a Tier 4 weapon, and I got two at a time.”

“Is there a cure?” Bai Yexing asked.

“I grabbed a blacksmith, but not a pharmacist.”

Chucheng didn’t plan to waste time. While joining the magic core repair, he also accelerated a white tear of dawn. Even so, it took two hours to make up for the durability of the two swords.

Chucheng took the sword out of the magic tent, put away the tent first, and then went to Wang Qinglong and gave him the sword.

“My level is low, I can only waste a little bit of crystallizing life, you are lucky, I won’t charge this time.”

Wang Qinglong took two swords and looked at it, and said to Chu Cheng: “It is already very fast. Last time I asked a craftsman to repair and told me that it would take three days. At that time, the durability was not so strong.”

“Okay, captain, please tell us about our plan.”

Wang Qinglong had a good conversation with everyone, and it was natural to say: “Xiao Chu is a magician, the most precious presence in the team. I heard that it can heal, repair equipment, and attack the first. Su Ji said she is a boxer. , Then protect Xiao Chu personally. Lao Bai is a thief, and of course is responsible for exploring the way ahead, but Lao Bai now has less attack skills and the power of the crossbow is not high, I am responsible for responding. “

“what about me?”

“Hully followed, you are a wanderer. Although the initial system gave many skills, the only reliable ones at present are flying knives and muskets. Are you without a musket now?”

Hu Li shook her head. After her last death, she was still lucky, but the musket was not easy to get along with.

Musket is a melee weapon, the attack distance is 10 to 20 meters. When it is less than 10 meters, the power will become larger and larger. The profession of the wanderer is actually a juggler in the circus. There are flying knives at a distance, and melee weapons are usually whips or short knives.

The professional attributes of a wanderer often overlap with thieves, and even people of this profession often steal.

Chucheng had given her the advice, Hu Li had no choice. She felt that it was better to do what she was familiar with, and the man was not reliable. The wanderer itself can still tame the beast. If she can sign a powerful Warcraft as a pet, then she will have a sense of security that can be seen and touched.

An illusory future? She never thought about it.

Therefore, Chu Cheng said that she would spend millions of gold coins to buy a noble dangdang, she did not intend to join. In Hu Li’s view, this is a group of patients with delusions.

Furthermore, buying aristocrats is a huge expense. If you join, the team is definitely very short-term in the short term. She also hopes to make a little money in the game and support her family.

Talking about dreams, the old lady no longer accompanies.

“So you just need to pay attention to the movements behind the team. If something happens, don’t take part in the battle.”

“Yes, Captain.” Hu Li nodded obediently. It doesn’t matter if you look down on her, as long as you don’t let her take risks.

Chucheng didn’t intervene, he saw that, Wang Qinglong was screening the players. But Hu Li doesn’t work hard, what can he do? Hu Li is clever, but just looking at it, this little cleverness becomes stupid.

Wang Qinglong is also observing himself to see if he will protect Hu Li.

If he protects Hu Li, then Wang Qinglong will definitely resign and leave. Such a captain is just a decoration. The last life in Chucheng was the sword of light, and the people directly under his control broke thousands, and the leadership ability is still there. In his view, Wang Qinglong’s temptation should be done by a qualified captain.

The team that hurriedly picked up was on the road. Because of the invasion of the underworld, the disaster range was very large, and Chucheng did not refine the headless knight.

If you get misunderstood, you will be killed if you die.

There is a lack of warriors in the team, and Chucheng also lacks the defensive magic of Elemental Mage. There is a suit skill in the space armor, space silk armor, good defensive attributes. However, like the wall of ashes on the ring of ashes, the cooling time is not short. In addition, the winter wings on the winter ring also have defensive abilities.

Winterwing is a continuous type of equipment magic. However, this is a fourth-order skill. If Chucheng wants to use it, he can only burn the blue life crystal and barely release it.

Life crystal can’t burn like this, no one can burn it.

Third-order ashes wings, used once, the mana value consumed quickly, he did not want to burn the crystal of life.

It stands to reason that if you do n’t encounter the big scene, the two defenses are enough. He is not a standing mage, and swordsmanship is also very good. But the current situation is very likely to encounter the big scene.

Learn defensive magic, if you want to upgrade, you must practice hard or invest in experience points.

I need all four magics of my choice. I do n’t have enough time and experience.

Chucheng quietly opened the pale book, and made a choice in it, and finally learned two types of defense magic.

Undead armor, giant bone shield.

Undead armor is a prerequisite skill. If you want to learn pale armor, you have to learn this first. Although the Bone Shield can also break through the legendary level, this is a magic that requires cast materials to release. It is good to say before the fourth level, but beyond the fourth level, you must use legendary bone powder to release the magic.

Chucheng can’t afford to burn unless he finds the dragon cemetery.

Chu Cheng did not expect ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The situation is forced, he will learn the excessive magic of the giant bone shield. To know that as long as he advances to the third level, the four-dimensional swordsmanship unlocks the mystery of the wind, and he has defensive skills. Four-dimensional swordsmanship reaches the fourth level, with the thunder attribute, then it will be invincible like the warrior.

This is also the reason why he did n’t learn defensive magic before.

Undead armor slowly practiced, this is a long-used skill, and the giant bone shield, Chu City directly consumes experience points and is upgraded to the second order.

Chucheng was ruthless and learned the wings of death.

The second-level elemental master can blink, and the consumption of release alone is not too large, but the loss to the body is a bit high.

Wings of Death is the predecessor skill of Pale Wings. The acceleration effect is not as good as the Wings of Ash, but the current consumption is small, and the curve movement effect is also good.

Chucheng judges its abilities, usually elemental wizards and the like. At the second level, it will choose 12 first-level skills and 6 second-level skills. I now have 10 professional skills. In the end, neither meditation nor creating undead are combat skills. The most powerful thing is death cutting. For the rest, only the flesh demon eye has reached the second order, and the giant bone shield is promoted by the crystal of life.

Anyway, at the end of this road, there are three magics: the pale throne, the pale holy cloth and the pale scepter. The rest are embellishments.

Is reluctant to experience value, because there is a sister to support.

But the adventurers spend a lot of time wandering in the second order, the skills of mainstream wizards will be more and more, and the matching is more and more reasonable and powerful.

If the cooling time of the Eclipse Ball is within 15 seconds, the cooling time is as long as 180 seconds. If you put four at a time, the cooling time will exceed 600 seconds.

Thinking about it, my own Necromancer, or swordsmanship is reliable.

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