Burning Ashes

Chapter 36 - : Bai Ye Xing Bai Ye Xing

Stygian sigh launched, the third-order headless knight could not afford such a blow at all. As soon as his body shook, he immediately fell from the undead battle.

Undead brand!

Chu Cheng knew that 480 soul damage could not kill the headless knight. He simply released the equipment skills of the Ash Ring. A dark mark, penetrating the armor, was imprinted on the headless knight’s soul fire.

Ashen Ring and Stygian Sigh, the skills of these two pieces of equipment are quite powerful.

And the equipment skill is reset mode, not cooling mode, the practicality is more powerful. The headless knight is directly controlled by the undead brand, and the fourth-order skills control the third-order undead. The effect is very ideal.

“Little Chu!”

Two of the fugitives knew Chucheng.

One is Bai Yexing, the other is Hu Li. The third adventurer, a 16-year-old girl, was staring at himself at this time. The image of Chucheng falling from the sky is still impressive.

Chucheng’s hand, the sword and the ashes pointed, and the lifeless missile hit the soul of the undead horse. The undead warhorse lost the knight, was at a loss, was hit by the soul fire, and fell directly to the ground, as if it had fallen apart. Chu City released Chu Xiang, born with white bone-winged wing skeletons, carrying a sickle forward, and with a knife down, the soul of the undead horse was completely broken.

Chu Xiang turned around, and the sickle became a spear, poking toward the chest of the headless knight who had just stood up from the ground.

The headless knight wanted to resist, and was forced to control the movement by Chu Cheng. He could not move at all, but was stabbed to death by Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang’s spear was transformed into a sickle and carried on her shoulders. She bowed to Chu Cheng as a regular undead, and then returned to the palace of the dead.

The image of Necromancer was suddenly mysterious.

Actually, Chucheng greeted his sister out, just to share experience. The headless knight and the undead warhorse were quickly processed by him and stored in the undead space. He sighed as he handled it.

The reset time of Undead Brand is up to 3600 seconds, which is 1 hour. The reset time of Stygian Sigh is 900 seconds, but 15 minutes. If the undead brand can be synchronized with Stygian sigh, the two skills are really seamless. Hit by the Sigh of Styx, the soul is in a state of deep pain, and the resistance to the brand of the undead will be reduced to the extreme.

Still lifeless missiles are more practical, although they lose 1 point for 5 consecutive releases. But when the battle is not fierce, it is quite cost-effective to put one occasionally, don’t release it to the limit, and it will not last so fast.

“Little Chu, see you again.” Hu Li was quite happy and came to say hello to Chu Cheng.

“Go up and talk, it’s not safe here.” Chu Cheng pointed to the high ground, everyone went to the side, climbed up from the steep place, but didn’t walk the gentle slope. The adventurers are all agile and have strong physical fitness. Hu Li is all second-order, and so is the girl who doesn’t speak.

Camp people have already started, and introduced each other to the three newcomers.

After seeing Chucheng, Bai Yexing felt calm in his heart and didn’t worry about talking anymore. Hu Li was about the same. The 16-year-old girl, wearing a robe, couldn’t see weapons and equipment all over her body, which was a little weird.

“My name is Su Ji, my own.”

Chucheng suddenly realized that he knew the name, and he was also a figure in the last life.

Su Ji, race nine tails. Her fame-making magic-annihilation.

The notion that the demon clan does not exist in the early stage is strong, even in the later stage, it is a bit sad. In the final analysis, this is the real world, and the demon clan is just a genetic warrior created by the technological means of the Earth Federation. Are there any weaknesses of gene warriors? The biggest weakness is that as the fighters become stronger, the genes will also be on the verge of collapse.

Su Ji later died in battle. Her genes are stable and she didn’t have to die.

But the believers of the gods and the war of Shenzhou, she rushed to the front. Su Ji, who claims to have done nothing for himself, chose to die with the enemy.

Chucheng didn’t know why, Su Ji stood directly on his side, forming a model of two teams.

“What happened to you later?” Sitting down by the fire again, Chu Cheng asked Bai Yexing.

“Of course luck is good, the people who stayed there should all be dead. I didn’t run from the original road, and came out all the way, and went all the way north. Later, when I met Hu Li and Su Ji, everyone felt that the desert could not stay Run to the White Deer together. “

“White Deer Creek.”

Was Su Ji, and Chu Cheng gave her a glance. Su Ji was shrunk in the Jinpao, sitting on the ground in a small ball.

“Hu Li, you are second-order ah.” Chu Cheng looked back, seeing that Qi Qi was obviously better than Hu Li.

“Well, I was also lucky. Before I met Bai Yexing, I met Su Ji, or I would die again. Tell you, I killed Qin Shou again.”

Chucheng was speechless, Qin Shou was killed twice by himself, and once again by Hu Li. The novice period is spent in a sad life.

Bai Yexing took out a rune and gave it to Chu Cheng. Chu Cheng checked it and asked, “What is this for?”

“Teacher ceremony.”

“You are really willing, this may be the best item under the legend.” Chu Cheng said with a smile.

Advanced Rune (Black): After use, you can specify a skill to advance to level 4, the current durability is 2/2.

“There is nothing unwilling. If you killed me, I wouldn’t be today.” Bai Yexing said like this. In addition to showing his determination to learn from Chucheng, he was mainly stationing for Chucheng. He saw that Chu Cheng did not form a team with the opponent, and that Jin Quanzhong was the captain.

“OK, I accepted it.”

After Chu Cheng finished, Bai Baixing came to his ears, whispered a few words, and put the runes in his hands. Bai Yexing continued to nod to indicate that he understood, and then hid away, using the runes silently. Chu Cheng continued to chat with Hu Li by the fire, and after more than half an hour, Bai Yexing returned and handed over the rune with the remaining opportunity to Chu Cheng.

Both of them were ordinary, and no one could see anything. Bai Yexing’s heart was so excited that he wanted to dance.

Adjust the advanced process according to the way Chucheng said, investing in life crystallization, he actually got an opportunity to rename his skills. Bai Yexing is not Xiaobai, he knows what it means. He named this fourth-order skill directly with his own name, and really got a few tips.

First of all, I gained experience points. The crystallized life I invested before is equivalent to returning 60%.

Is then skill-specific, and then there is an advanced space where skills can be advanced to a legendary level.

Self-made skill Bai Yexing (current level 4): Continue to consume the blood gas pool or the magic pool, and every step of your will be on the enemy’s perception blind spot. Day is like night, you no longer have to walk in the shadows.

Tier 4 skills are too expensive, but Bai Yexing is improved step by step from the shadow of Tier 1, and the skills of each Tier are still there. For him, as long as he has advanced to the fourth level, he can use this skill freely. Of course, if he listens to Chucheng and continues to invest in experience points, he will temper this skill more and more refined.

This night many people sleep unsteadily. Underworld creatures and undead often pass by not far away.

Chucheng patiently helped Li Dian deal with the materials. The idea of ​​the warrior suit was already completed. He also had the mind to redesign the Ash Ring. In the past, there were empty and good materials, but the technical level could not be reached. The properties of the Ash Ring were very simple and extreme. The same is true for the miserable sigh, stacking a lot of materials, excellent attributes, and the final result does not satisfy Chu Cheng.

With seven degrees of gold, he certainly will not tolerate the waste attribute anymore.

Against a third-order headless knight, it consumes the skills of two pieces of equipment. Even for a second-level mage, he and his equipment skills are somewhat less.

At dawn, Chu Cheng said directly to Jin Quanzhong: “I want to adjust the equipment attributes and delay for an extra day. If you are in a hurry, first go west, set up a camp at the predetermined location, and I will look for you.”

Jin Quanzhong wanted to make the final decision, but the opponent now has four people, and a new team is vaguely formed. He nodded and said: “Then let us go first, be careful yourself.”

Chucheng greeted Li Dian and said, “If you are not worried, I will put the processed materials first with you.”

“I can trust you.” Li Dian said.

Chu Cheng smiled, or handed over the entire set of materials he had processed to Li Dian.

Li Dian took it, Chu Cheng said in his ear: “Be careful not to explode, UU reading www.uukanshu.Com material contains the body of the seventh-order winter girl demon.”

Li Dian’s hand was a shake, but even if he could trust Chucheng, he should consider that if he died, after re-landing, it would be difficult to find Chucheng.

“If you can’t find me, you need at least a legendary craftsman to help you get these materials.”

“Thank you, you are a reputable mage, just me …”

Chu Cheng understands that the other party has invested heavily in the second world, and it is impossible to put the future on trust in him. This is not the same as Bai Yexing. Bai Yexing basically means good luck, not high investment.

Other people also came to say goodbye, and soon deserted from the high ground.

Chucheng opened the magic tent and refined his equipment inside. Bai Yexing three are guarding outside, Su Ji looks at the flesh and blood demon eyes suspended in the tent and asks Bai Yexing: “Little Bai Brother, that thing was made by Xiao Chu brother?”

“Undead spell, nothing, not dangerous.”

He is a little absent-minded, and is constantly perfecting his own skills. Hu Li didn’t speak, and hung a target in the distant tree to practice her flying knife.

The magic silk of Chucheng, Chucheng’s soul silk, all plunged into two rings. The material in Stygian Sigh was pulled away by his soul silk and thrown into the ring of ashes.

The seven degrees of gold invested in expand the ashes ring, and the materials are rearranged and combined.

The ashes ring expanded to a diameter of three meters, suspended in front of Chucheng.

The material was transferred quickly, Chucheng’s soul silk, cut seven degrees of gold, and then put the usual money into it. The ring is shrinking rapidly, and all materials have enough space to arrange because of the addition of seven degrees of gold. Chu Cheng felt that there was no problem, so he put the advanced runes given to him by Bai Yexing.

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