Burning Ashes

Chapter 28 - : The protagonist\\\'s follower

“You hurry to grab something.” Luo Yan said, continue to rush forward, to pull the spear of the Sun King.

Chu Cheng knew that he might not have this chance anymore, so he raised his left hand very succinctly, and his index finger was his newly refined equipment, the Ash Ring.

Ring of Ashes (Black): Equipment skills, undead brand. 3600 seconds to reset.

Undead branding this skill can forcibly create an undead to fight for itself. The control target can be a corpse or a living creature. The higher the target level, the shorter the control time. Dead bodies are easier to control than living things, and living things are easier to control than dead things like stones.

That’s right, even if the undead is imprinted in the stone, it will also become an undead.

The ring of grey light shot out and hit a selected corpse in Chucheng. He chose this one, because the size is big enough, and there are three heads, it looks special. Second, there was a smell that bored him in other nearby corpses. It was a real sense of death and complete destruction.

Once a success, Chu Cheng did not want it, and included it in his own space of the undead.

“Hurry up!” This time Chucheng felt more sensitive. The gray wings behind him spread out against the ground and flew into the mound like a fly, escaping towards the exit of the Underworld Fault.

The idea of ​​ruining the earth is slowly spreading over, and it feels very slow. In fact, the speed is as terrible as the storm.

Luo Yan escaped no slower than Chucheng. Her body, like Jianguang, flew straight to the exit.


Luo Yan was bounced back, Chu Cheng shook his sword, the blade edge was raised, and above the blade edge, black fine lines spread.

Death cut!

Chucheng instantly burned out a blue crystal of life, the black fine lines skyrocketed, three meters away from the sword front. The barrier on the exit was slit by a sword of Chucheng. Chu Cheng threw himself out, and in the inner armor, the short sword ashes flew out, and there was an invisible filament behind the sword. When he wrapped around Luo Yan, she also dragged her out.

Luo Yan was snatched out, Chu Cheng held her rolling, throwing out more than ten drops of tears of dawn, and lit with soul refining.

The white brilliance bloomed, and the idea followed Chu Cheng and Luo Yan to break out of the crack, and it collided with the divine light burning in the tears of dawn.

Seemed to groan, and the idea retracted like a spring.

Chu Cheng held Luo Yan, still trembling in his heart. What happens if it is caught?

“I’m fine, Chucheng.” Luo Yan struggled in Chucheng’s arms, Chucheng let loose Luoyan, rolled over and stood up.

“You are hurt.”

“Look.” Luo Yan pointed to the escaped underworld fault, and the cracks cut by Chucheng had disappeared, but it seemed that there was something in it, impacting outward. The barrier deformed repeatedly.

He has a feeling that if the thing breaks through the barrier, the law inside the underworld fault will spread out, and then if he dies himself, he will really die.

I’m just stealing materials, as for?

“You’re stupid, he hasn’t come out yet.” Luo Yan said, grabbing the ashes of the short sword that Chu Cheng hadn’t recovered, and silently inserted it into her own forehead.

Chucheng epiphany, at the same time crying and laughing, Luo Yan is really decisive. I can’t always watch her turn into a rotten flesh, that’s too bad.

“Sister, let’s go home.” Chu Cheng said, manipulating the invisible soul silk, also gave himself a sword.

It hurts so much!

In the landing interface, Chu Cheng covered his head, and the feeling of just the sword piercing was unforgettable. I can’t play this way in the future. God knows that this player’s protection measures are unreliable. If someone really dies, who should I justify?

Did not expect to hang up for the first time in the Second World, it turned out to be suicide.

Chucheng hurriedly released the three-headed corpses that it had snatched. The length of time that the undead brand can control is related to the level of the undead itself. This three-headed monster, whose armor level has not fallen much, should be in the underworld projection, and it is much better than the outside.

The monster has three heads, four arms, a weapon in one hand, a chain, and the remaining three hands are empty.

Chu Xiang slipped out of the palace of the dead and looked at the space of the landing interface, very curious.

“Brother, what is this?”

Chu Cheng looked at it for a while, searching for information in his memory, and then said a long time: “It may be the warrior of the Hades Temple, the Hades are more powerful thugs, and they were at least eighth-order creatures during their lifetime. And they are kept intact, I ca n’t bear Trade with the Temple of Dawn. “

“Then keep it?” Chu Xiang said: “Anyway, the Temple of Dawn, I don’t know if you secretly hid this thing.”

“How do you do? The Temple of Dawn looks very good-tempered. I said to you that there is nothing to provoke about the gods. Besides, this thing gives me, at most, to create a powerful undead. Give Dawn In the words of the temple, I can exchange a lot of tears of dawn. Tears of dawn, today … “

Chu Cheng remembered that he and Luo Yan escaped from the space fault, leaning on the burning tears of dawn, and blocked the terrible idea.

Tears of Dawn do n’t have much power, but after being ignited by Soul Refining, it is terrible. It is estimated that it was there, thinking that there was a **** from the light department outside in ambush, and he was scared. But soon it was found that this was not the case, and as a result, the gap he had cut was restored, and the thing was constantly striking inside, and he wanted to come out.

Chucheng realized that the tears of dawn were in his own hands, maybe more than the material of the refiner.

Is well utilized and can do many unexpected things.

“Brother, what can you leave behind.” Chu Xiang was very courageous, and she did not feel terrible when she saw the Warrior of the Hades Temple more than ten meters high. She stood beside Chu Cheng and gave him an idea.

Chu Cheng slapped his head and said, “Yeah, why did I break my brain, today is really …”

“With Luo Yan, become silly.” Chu Xiang laughed. When she laughed, the teeth of the skull also made a clicking sound, which made this landing interface space seem eerie.

“Chu Xiang, don’t blame me, this body is not very beautiful.”

“Very good.” Chu Xiang stroked the armor on his body, the white bone wings on the back spread out, one by one.

“The structure I built for you is still second-order and very fragile.”

“Understood, the armor is of the fourth order, I checked, and so are the weapons.”

“You are familiar with the body first, and you can take risks with your brother later.”

“I don’t want to add chaos to you. When it’s okay, I was inside. Now I can control the space of the palace of the dead. Inside, I can become flesh and blood.”

“It’s so boring.”

“When I need to fight, I will still come out, the palace of the dead is more suitable for training.”

Chucheng heard, Chu Xiang was very anxious, growing up anxiously.

He wanted to persuade, but the collision and fusion of Gaia and the galaxy universe would not be too far away. If you spoil your sister, when that day comes, she will die, and she will die with it.

Can only support each other and grow faster. Even a moment of rest and warmth are luxury.

Chu Xiang did not return to the palace of the dead, but walked aside and stood still. Chu Cheng knew that Chu Xiang felt the fighting instinct of fallen angel in the soul fire.

The body material is second-order, but she is first-order. What she can experience is first-order and second-order skills.

A little higher ability, she can’t sense it.

Chucheng looked at the warrior of the Hades Temple more than ten meters high, and began to figure out how to use this guy. The Dawning Temple requires materials, but it does n’t matter if it ’s incomplete.

And take this guy and refine a kind of undead?

Although he has a lot of spells, the main fighting power is also reflected in swordsmanship. What is in desperate need at present is an undead that can cast spells. If you create an undead with a strong ability to cast spells, you will be a lot easier in the future. If it is not forced, who would like to fight with a sword.

Must be a spellcasting attribute. Necromancer must look like a necromancer. Come on, let me ravage you!

Chucheng mumbled, started to dismantle the armor, and took off the Hades Warrior naked. Armored weapons were thrown aside and piled, and the ashes of the necromancer demon sword made by him were now flying out, dissecting the corpse in the sky, and decomposing materials.

Chu Xiang learns aside, adapts to his body, understands the battle mode, and ignores him.

Two people are busy with their own affairs.

Whether it is Chucheng or Chuxiang, there is indescribable satisfaction in my heart. After the death of their parents, both of them lived hopelessly, and now even one is transformed into an undead, better than before. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Chucheng had tossed for five days before stopping. Chu Xiang, knowing that he was done, curiously came over and asked Chu Cheng: “Brother, what is this thing you refined!”

In front of Chucheng, there was a weird undead, three heads, dragging a snake-like thing underneath.

The three heads look like human faces, but one of them has three eyes, and each head has sharp fangs in its mouth. The things dragged under the three heads, looking carefully, are metal shells, one by one, so they look like snakes.

“My first undead, Flying Skull, is it scary?”

“It’s a little cute.” Chu Xiang reached out and touched, Fei skull suddenly backed away and opened his mouth towards Chu Xiang.


“I am also counted?” Chu Xiang asked with surprise pointing at his nostrils.

“Of course, your authority is very high. If I get stunned, I can command it on my behalf.”

Chu Cheng tried to use a calm tone to describe, and he felt that he had not been correct for his sister these years. Such a fierce and evil spirit, in her mouth, is actually a little cute?

“Take a look around me?” Chu Xiang said to Fei’s skull.

Fei skull immediately wriggled in the air, three faces turned.

“Stop and look dizzy.”

“I can turn around the other way.” Fei Kang’s eyes looked like a treasure.

“You can still turn around.” Chu Cheng interrupted Flying Skull and said to Chu Xiang: “This is an undead capable of casting spells, dragged by its spine below, and refined it with that chain outside. A protective case is also a weapon. “

“Spine, can be used to stew soup, if the owner is hungry.”

“Brother, this thing, is it reliable?”

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