Burning Ashes

Chapter 24 - : The Story of Bai Yexing

Nico only stood up at this time, came to Chucheng and Luo Yan, and reached for two bottles of medicine.

Luo Yan took it without hesitation, and put away one bottle himself, and gave the other to Chucheng. Chucheng suffered more injuries and damaged skin and muscles in many places. This is the result of Ruby Dan’s treatment. He swallowed the potion in one bite, and still lay still on the ground.

“I’m sorry, I have to take care of the whole situation. You stayed to deal with the corpse. You have to ask me to help in front.” Nicole bowed slightly, with a solemn look, and saluted Chucheng.

Luo Yan noticed that the previous battle had not ended yet.

In the tomb, the scarab has been eliminated, but there are a lot of mummy guards.

Looking at Luo Yan’s eyebrows, Chu Cheng sat up and took her hand: “Don’t be angry with them, Nicole can foresee me killing this monster.”

Foresee? Luo Yan calmed down and didn’t struggle. She really wanted to hack the **** Nicole.

Killing the beloveds is also a contribution, no big deal, no task!

Chucheng took out six huge hoses, put them on the ground, and asked, “Do you want it?”

“What is it?” Luo Yan didn’t know this thing, it seemed to occupy a lot of space, and the length was three meters away.

“Heart of the underworld worm.”

Luo Yan looked at something as thick as a sewer, and he said it was the heart? You have to say that the large oil drum is almost the same.

Chucheng is not much talk, release soul silk, one by one to deal with the past. The heart of the fourth-order underworld worm is close to legendary quality, which must be processed immediately and transformed into undead material, otherwise the attributes will be lost a lot. He was not angry with Nicole. If it were n’t for Nicole, he would n’t get such a good trophy.

Six hearts, he quickly filled up the space in his space. When processed into undead material, it can be placed in the undead space. The space for the undead is quite large, but it cannot accommodate ordinary items. In addition to the undead, it can only contain undead materials.

Chucheng dealt with the heart of the worm one by one, and the human face demon spider came back with a fourth-order magic core and presented treasure in front of Chucheng. Chucheng put away the magic core and inspected the next human face demon spider. It did not fight much and released two third-order elemental magics. The damage was not great, but if it was undead magic, basically there would be no damage.

“Go eat it, don’t eat high-quality materials.” Chu Cheng issued an order, and the human face demon spider ran happily and pounced on the body of the underworld worm.

The scabs on Chucheng’s skin have come off, exposing smooth skin. The healing potions of the Dawning Temple are effective.

“Your Excellency, please process these materials as soon as possible.” A temple warrior came over to remind Chucheng.

Chu Cheng didn’t answer, but just nodded, processing the materials of the underworld creatures to the Temple of Dawn is his task, and he is the biggest piece of his profit. Other things, the temple will not give him the tears of dawn.

Underworld worms are huge, but not many are worth recycling.

Muscles and blood are unnecessary, and it is of some value to Chu Cheng. He first digs out a bunch of eyes of the worms, handles them one by one and put them away. This thing can be used as a casting material to release the flesh and blood magic eyes. The worm brain tissue was damaged too seriously, and the material was almost destroyed after death and cutting.

Chucheng still dealt with a little bit of clean, income into the space of the undead, and then began to purify the temple materials.

For a necromancer, killing this worm is a huge gain. The experience value alone is enough to upgrade Chucheng. However, he consumes a lot of red life crystals, so that, the gain of experience will shrink by half. But the worm’s material can be exchanged for Tears of Dawn, which is still a lot of money in essence.

The organs and flesh in the worm are also spellcasting materials for the necromancer, or materials for making undead. After finishing the treatment for the temple, Chu Cheng saw that the battle ahead was still going on, so he could get some income for himself.

Is like a flesh and blood demon eye. If you use bone meal to cast a spell, it is convenient and cheap, but there is ready-made flesh in front of you. Why don’t you reserve more?

In addition to the needs of flesh and blood, many undead magic can also be used.

Leaving the relic, Necromancer wants to obtain similar materials, it is much slower to collect. Chucheng’s own strength, it is impossible to go to the Underworld adventure, go to die.

Luo Yan ’s master, there must be a way to store materials in the login interface.

The login interface is also called the safe house. When the last city of Chucheng needed it, it didn’t have this ability, and after it was there was no need for it.

After the transfer, the explosion rate becomes lower, which is not equal to 100% non-explosive equipment. Luo Yan ’s teacher gave himself a box that could be stored in a safe house. It was really generous. If this is easy to do, the coalition government will definitely promote it for the whole people. It will not be like it is now. Most people do n’t know that there is a solution.

When Nicole turned around, she was very satisfied with seeing the material processed by Chu Cheng. She took out the cloth bag and put it away.

“Take a ten-minute break before setting off. You can go ahead and see what you need. You can choose first.” Nicole said to Chu Cheng and Luo Yan. Luo Yan’s heart finally disappeared.

The fighting in the tomb room should be fierce, even the fourth-order indigenous adventurer was injured.

When Chucheng came over, he saw things lying on the ground and picked them up with no mercy. If there is no outsider, he must take it away. It does n’t matter if he does n’t need it, and it ’s okay to sell money.

The novice stage only has a total of three landing periods. After this village, there is no such shop.

The loot, the highest level is also the fourth-order material, but there is a mummy, Chucheng feels the legendary atmosphere. But the scarab in the mummy is gone. The temple still cares about the legendary materials, and it is impossible for him to stay. Chu Cheng and Luo Yan picked up some advanced scarab beetles.

Chucheng made some mummified torches of leg bones and hand bones.

The battle priest saw it, and he took charge of Chucheng.

After getting it, it was found that it was red equipment, but the combat priest was not embarrassed. The two men and Nicole whispered a few words. Nicole came over and said to Chu Cheng: “These are the temples to buy your things, but they cannot be exchanged for the dawn tears.”

“Then change the medicine, you just give it.”

Chu Cheng didn’t raise his head, hurry up to deal with the materials, said a good rest for ten minutes, but Nicole did not urge to leave, it was regarded as taking care of him.

Is mainly the bones of the legendary mummy, the higher level, he wants to mix the blood of the underworld worms, refining bone meal.

This kind of bone meal can be used to release the fourth-order undead magic, which is not cheap at all. In order to preserve the attributes, Chucheng had to use a little crystal of life to reconcile. After processing valuable materials, seeing the temple does not care about these things that they can’t use, Chu City let those indigenous adventurers share.

Aboriginal adventurer still asked for Nicole ’s consent, and then quickly started to do so, even the mummy ’s bandage was not let go.

Chu Cheng felt that the consumption was not high anyway, so he continued to manufacture leg bone torches, but the second-order materials, the most whiteboard equipment. These fires distributed him to everyone, even the temple warriors.

The result is that the team stayed here for an hour.

Finally Nicole had to put it on the road, and then Chu Cheng stopped and clapped his hands.

The team returned to the road, and Chu Cheng asked Bai Yexing in a low voice: “How is the harvest?”

“The harvest is good. Both the beetle’s carapace and wings can be used to upgrade my dagger. I also got a spearhead of a mummy spear with black quality. After this adventure, I can go to the mainland of the gods to develop Now. “

“Go to the continent of the gods, are there any people who have turned to their trust?”

“Where is the teammate of the last game, there is a good start over there, want me to go. If possible, I would rather follow you.”

“Why do you follow me?”

Bai Yexing slightly embarrassedly said: “I want to worship you as a teacher.”

“How do we know?” Chu Cheng asked with a smile.

Bai Yexing is even more embarrassing, how do they know? It was because he was going to attack Chucheng, and he was almost killed by Chucheng.

“Lao Bai, don’t feel sad, I don’t lack your money.”

“At least, I am not a pitman!” Bai Yexing still intends to work hard.

“How to guarantee?”

Bai Yexing was asked, Chu Cheng smiled and said: “Dare you tell me the real name?”

Bai Yexing gritted his teeth and said, “Mars colony, C4 administrative area, my real name is during the day. If you are pitted in the game, you will ask someone to beat me on Mars.”

Chucheng was very surprised, Bai Yexing actually told him his true identity!

“When you were studying, what was your major?” Luo Yan suddenly asked beside him.

“Space engineering, and later found a way, UU reading www.uukanshu.com opened a small company, contracted an area, my brother and my sister are in daily management, I am responsible for technology. Just look at the report every month. Now. “

“Then you study well!” Luo Yan knows that the colony is a little stupid. The colony’s daily mechanical maintenance work is generally not very dare to contract out and must be a company with excellent technology.

“That’s it.” Bai Yexing’s face was a little proud, but then collapsed and said: “When I graduated, I was the first in the C4 administrative region. I thought I could rely on this to work on the earth, and the quota was ended. People were crowded. I was so angry that I didn’t even study for graduate students, so I just started a company and continued to study on my own. “

Chucheng thought, what about Mars, which is close to the earth? I thought it was only the distant Kepler galaxy.

“Actually … I am also a plaything. I mainly found that I have no future on Mars. My daily work. My current technology is a bit ahead. Learning is purely because of fun. I don’t know what to do tomorrow.” Said Here, in Bai Yexing’s eyes, there was a trace of loneliness that did not match his age.

“Are you starting to contact purely automated maintenance?” Luo Yan asked.

“Yeah, in a few years, I will have no business with a company like this. I can’t catch up with the technology of a large company. I just can’t win without funds. I haven’t saved enough money and dare not find a girlfriend Marrying and raising children on Mars is very expensive. If you have a child and the company closes, I might have to leave the solar system. “

Bai Yexing said something cruel in a very plain tone. Like many people, he cannot see the future.

Technological progress has made some people go to heaven and many people to hell.

He envied Chucheng and Luo Yan very much. Looking at their age, their conversation should be a big family from the earth.

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