Burning Ashes

Chapter 15 - : Sincerity of Qingcheng

Even though the attributes are strong, Chucheng still didn’t learn much undead magic, and chose death cut because of the additional attack on his sword.

Because of the low level, it does not have much power to summon skeleton soldiers to fight, it is better to rely on their own swordsmanship.

The last life was the sword of light, and he also created the four-dimensional swordsmanship in this life, which is much more powerful than the low-level undead magic.

Long-range attack, because he has the Necromancer Sword, he doesn’t need it too much.

And even if you use the pale book to learn skills, the skills themselves need to be invested in life. If you learn too much, the consumption will be greater.

Chucheng now has to leave a crystallization of life, ready to make a body for her sister. This time the turnover is very high, and most of the inventory in the crystallization pool is used. When creating the face-faced spider, Chu Cheng didn’t dare to invest much life crystallization, and the result was quite a failure. Tier 3 creatures may not be as effective as many Tier 2 undead.

On the login interface for three days, Chucheng performs four hours of final meditation every day instead of sleeping.

Normally, mage meditation cannot replace normal rest. Eventually meditation can, but instead of sleeping, it cannot be less than two hours. Otherwise, the rest effect will definitely not be enough, just like lack of sleep.

After the three Gaia days passed, the wall of the login interface began to blur again and became transparent. No, it’s not so transparent this time, as if there was a layer of mist. Chu Cheng saw those greedy and evil eyes again across the blurry wall. Maybe if you upgrade yourself, this safe house will completely isolate those eyes?

Is still the tomb, Luo Yan came to the Second World earlier than himself.

“I haven’t seen you in a long time, Chucheng.” Luo Yan’s expression was particularly bright in the firelight, indicating that she was in a good mood.

“Only one day.”

“I feel that after a long time, this thing is too heavy in your hand, you just hold it.” Luo Yan said, patting a wooden box beside him.

“Ah?” Chu Cheng looked at the box, dumbfounded.

Luo Yan pretended to sigh and said, “The things I equip … The rewards decided to you by Shimen are all here.”

“That means?”

“You and I will never owe anyone.” Luo Yan lowered his head and secretly looked at Chucheng with Yu Guang.

“No one owes anyone, but I didn’t expect to make such a big box!” Chu Cheng, like a hungry tiger, almost knocked Luo Yan over, lying on the box, stroking with his hand, all eyes were like gold coins. .

“This box can be placed in the login interface, and the contents inside will not be affected.” Luo Yan said next.

Chucheng froze for a while, that’s a good thing. The login interface can’t actually store the adventurer’s materials, and it is useless no matter how big it is. The box is more than one meter long, 80 centimeters wide, and more than half a meter thick.

“The reason for the material?” Chu Cheng asked.

“Most of them are.” Luo Yan himself was not very clear. Anyway, Shimen did not explain this in this regard.

Chucheng nodded, novice can not take the initiative to return to the login interface, otherwise he must get the box back to try.

“Do not open to see?” Luo Yan asked.

Chu Cheng yanked open the lid of the box. There was no golden light shining and no special sound effects. Only full of items were stuffed in the box, which seemed to be the sincerity of Luo Yanmen.

He could hear the meaning of Luo Yan’s words. Luo Yan’s teachers did not want Luo Yan to involve himself too deeply.

The reason is the same as she said before, she is too young to understand people’s hearts.

Although it is not possible to defraud a child with Soul +5 equipment, Luo Yan is the focus of training, of course, be careful. But for the matter in the space, Luo Yan’s teachers really didn’t want to owe humanity, and simply gave something more. It seems sincere, but in fact it is a thousand miles away.

Chucheng doesn’t care so much, so I will collect the good stuff first.

Three formula drawings-sapphire paste, purple jade paste, and ruby ​​paste.

Each drawing can be used five times, each time it can be refined to almost 1 kg. The color of this jade paste does not correspond to the large level of adventurers. Ruby paste is a second-order item, purple jade paste is a fourth-order item, and sapphire paste is a sixth-order item.

With the recipe drawings, there is also a slap-sized turtle, which is quite heavy and has a uneven nine-grid grid on the back.

“Leave a mark of the soul on the abdomen, you can control the grid on the tortoise shell, and let the black turtle spit out the corresponding medicine in the abdomen.”

“Pill box?”

“Mysterious Turtle Box, a baby with more than five ranks, the function is to preserve the medicinal properties, just like the wooden box you took before.”

Chucheng dragged the Xuangui box with his palm, and said that Qingcheng was indeed a martial art, and he could not pick out the fault in his work style. The space armor has a space attribute. This black turtle box also has a space attribute, which is obviously more precious. Soul silk pierced, left a brand mark, and also explored clearly. There are nine spaces in it, three of which contain three kinds of jade paste, which are about 200 grams.

Sapphire ointment is a sixth-order drug, which may not be comparable to the soul +5 attribute. However, in terms of price alone, it is already a huge asset.

Mysterious Turtle Box (Golden): Space × 9; Mysterious Turtle Spit Dan; Constitution +1; Strength +1; Real Damage Reduction 25%.

Equipment skill: Get death exemption when suffering fatal injury and enter into the state of suspended animation. Reset in 24 hours.

Note: The wearing requirements have been changed.

If this thing is seventh-order, Chucheng will not hesitate to turn it into soul equipment. The words of the Golden Epic are slightly worse, and the difficulty of making a semi-artifact is too high and too high.

Even so, Chu Cheng carefully took it into the four-dimensional ring. The most important role of the four-dimensional ring space is not to contain items, but to be used as equipment for wearing items. The mage can equip three rings or ring-like items, one on the left and one on the right.

Looking at Luo Yan’s envious expression, Chu Cheng felt that Qingcheng might be miscalculated.

The things hidden in that expression are something that close people will have.

There are packages of medicinal materials in the box, which are used to make ruby ​​ointment. Then there are various materials for refining equipment, such as glazed gold, moonlight silver, star iron, lightning strike wood and so on. The quality of these materials is no more than the fourth order, which is regarded as a head start. And Chucheng’s current level, these fourth-order materials are more practical.

Finally, there is a scabbard of a short sword, a separate sword grid.

Luo Yan said: “There is a special technique on the scabbard, which is used for jumping swords, do you understand?”

“Understand, what about the sword grid?”

“There is a problem with your dagger’s refining technique. The sword grid is not strong enough. When you encounter an enemy with too much strength, the sword grid may be broken when you block. These two are applied for by you. Yan was proud, she used Chucheng’s short sword to be unknown, and saw the nameless refining problem. She took the right medicine and asked for this scabbard and sword grid.

“Good eyesight, this is for you.” Chu Cheng covered the box and received the space armor, and then put a gold coin in Luo Yan’s palm.

“A gold coin …” Luo Yan found out that it was equipment, so he didn’t go on.

Sun King’s priest’s gold coins are red repairable equipment, and the repair limit is golden items.

“I have the same one.” Chu Cheng smiled at Luo Yandao.

“You look like a ghost!” Luo Yan wanted to knock Chucheng’s head, but Chucheng was taller than her, and the raised hand was put down.

“Luo Yan.”


“Aren’t we going to wait here for nine days?”

“Of course not, I still have tasks. Now that I have changed jobs, things are not easy to drop.”

“Then I will accompany you to do the task.”

“Okay, would you like to deal with the dagger first?”

“Not in a hurry, I have to think about it.” Chu Cheng knew what was happening with the sword jump, or magic power or something like Eastern Zhenyuan, or even spiritual power. The blood gas pool was consumed, and the sword could be used from the sword Jump out of the sheath or sword box and fall directly into the palm. This is nothing. This kind of jumping sword itself can be used as a pre-action for various skills.

This scabbard has to be refined again, and it is more suitable for his four-dimensional swordsmanship.

The perfection of the pre-movement can make the completion of the skill higher and save power.

Otherwise, even a Western swordsman, if he masters the gas, he can fetch the volley and grab a short sword out of the sheath. It’s not difficult to refining parts and equipment. Everyone’s equipment position is limited, it is impossible to hang seven or eight chains around the neck, two rings with two hands, and seven or eight layers of vests.

The four-dimensional ring of Chucheng was upgraded to second-order red, and the weight of each space was increased to 10 kg. Inside is now the stick sword Wei Chu, the ruins map, the mysterious turtle box, and then there is an empty space to keep the most important loot at any time.

After the second order, the explosion rate becomes lower, Chucheng also has to be careful, the space of the four-dimensional ring is safer.

Actually, there is no need for the sword to be included in the four-dimensional ring, UU reading www.uukanshu. com he has been bound into his own exclusive equipment, equipment bonus will not be affected in any way. But if you want to change it, you have to spend a lot of life crystallization.

“By Luo Yan, how much experience did you gain when you came in?” Chu Cheng asked him the question he wanted to ask long ago. He had been very busy and excited before, so he forgot about it.

“Less than half a million.”

“Then this ruin will surprise us a lot!”

“Maybe it’s a shock.” Luo Yan also began to check the weapons and equipment and was about to leave.

“If you can’t die, you will be pleasantly surprised. If you die, you will be shocked.”

“Chucheng, people can’t win all the time, we must consider the consequences of failure.” Luo Yan said carefully, also watching Chucheng’s reaction. After all, she has an extraordinary background. Even if she really likes Chucheng, she has to look at the quality of Chucheng.

“Luo Yan, I am not unable to lose, I just have a reason to win.”

“So profound.” Luo Yan poses like a little girl.

“I just don’t want to let my family down.”

Luo Yan suddenly felt like he understood, and said: “My parents, I always want to make you better and better. In fact, it is for your own good. It is true to work hard, but you must have your own way of living.”

Chucheng bowed his head, the space mine disaster, his father died on the spot, and his mother lay in bed for seven days.

Finally, there was bleeding in the tube of the respirator, and the doctor had no choice but to give her a shot and let her say two words to the child.

Mother grabbed her hand and worked very hard. Chu Cheng remembered that it hurt very much.

“Chucheng, take good care of your sister, don’t let her suffer.” The mother said to a six-year-old child, but her eyes were full of despair.

But, who will take care of me?

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