Burning Ashes

Chapter 12 - : Soul + five

I was really tired of moving, and the two talents stopped. Netherworld spiders are too large, and if all are moved over, both tombs will be dissatisfied.

On the last trip, I felt that there was not enough place to live. The two talents blocked the passage with white materials.

Didn’t change jobs and wouldn’t create traps. As long as you use a clumsy method, if someone pushes the wall, the two people can’t find out how sensitive they are.

Two people were sitting in the tomb, and the coffin behind them was also filled with materials. It is estimated that even if the corpse is scammed, it is impossible to push the coffin cover away.

Chucheng felt hungry now, took out the dry food and water, and used a little.

“Chu city.”


“how old are you?”

“In three months, I will be eighteen.”

“That’s almost a year older than me. Which family are you from? Swordsmanship is really powerful.” Luo Yan heartily praised. Although the juvenile demon spider has a thin shell, if you want to kill it with a sword in the air, then you must have a thousand skills.

Chucheng was silent for a moment, not intending to lie to Luo Yan, saying: “I have no home.”

“Ah?” Luo Yan looked at Chu Cheng’s face, making sure he wasn’t kidding, and whispered sorry. Although there are still doubts in my heart, I don’t want to ask anymore.

“It’s alright, used to it, I still have a younger sister.”

“She has also entered the second world?”


“Then no matter how old she is, let her enter early. The second world … is really important.”

“I know.”

“Did you know?” Luo Yan looked at Chu Cheng doubtfully. If he was not from a big family and had no background, how could he know that the second world is real?

“People always have secrets, right?”

Luo Yan blushed, yeah, she knew a lot, but she didn’t dare to speak out at random. Some things spread, folks are not frying pans? The second world can only be imperceptibly and slowly accepted, this is a real existence.

“How to deal with things?” Luo Yan pointed to the material in the tomb and changed the subject.

“If you can trust me … I can refine the red equipment, but I am physically weak. If you wait for so many days and bring it back, you will lose a lot of attributes. Simply integrate with the novice equipment and try the clothes. How about it? You can rest assured that my refining methods will not damage the materials. “

Luo Yan bit her lip and thought for a while: “I plan to refine the space gland sac in my underwear. You have no problem with lack of physical strength. I have ruby ​​cream.”

Luo Yan said while thinking, she was very clear that all the materials of the novice have very special attributes, will not burst. If the space gland sac and underwear are refined in one place, it should not explode? Other things … Except for the magic core, it is gone, but this space gland sac is really precious.

“It’s not very convenient.” Chu Cheng was a little embarrassed himself. Luo Yan waved his hand and walked to the tomb next door, took off the underwear in his novice equipment, and put it on the next set.

Chucheng speechless, okay, the future falling sword Jianyan is indeed like this.

Saw the old at the age of three, the ancients never bullied me.

Stabilized his mind, Chu Cheng said: “Give me the foot, that one.”

Luo Yan stretched out her leg, Chu Cheng’s hand was held on her ankle, the soul refining technique started, the spider silk wrapped around her ankle slowly loosened, and it fell off Luo Yan’s ankle in about three minutes .

Luo Yan rejoices, unravels the spider silk and fangs from his body, and gives it to Chucheng.

“Ruby ointment.”

Luo Yan took out the wooden box, placed it directly beside Chucheng, and opened the lid. Chucheng plucked out a lot with his fingers and sent it to import. Then he took the large glandular sac, first released the liquid inside, and used the soul refining technique to deal with it first.

Luo Yan could not see anything, and among the souls of Chucheng, a piece of soul silk which was invisible to the naked eye was released and penetrated the magic core.

Luo Yan looked at the magic core liquefied in surprise, fused in his underwear. Immediately afterwards, he also processed Luo Yan’s underpants in the same way. After the fusion was completed, a huge seventh-order magic core left half. Chu Cheng used soul refining technique and at the same time inspired a little ruby ​​ointment to keep his condition intact.

Luo Yan can’t see the soul silk, so it’s not at all clear how Chucheng did it.

The film inside the gland sac and the remaining mucus are all merging. Chucheng also refined the spider silk and fangs, and the crystal of life was constantly burning, causing his power to be consumed quickly.

“Eat less, feed me a little more.” Chu Cheng concentrated, Luo Yan picked up more ruby ​​paste with his fingers, and stuffed Chu Cheng into his mouth.

Chu Cheng put the mucus just processed into it again. Luo Yan saw that he was sweating, so he took a face towel and wiped him.

Only wiped twice, the blue light flashed in front of Chu Cheng, his man was pushed down by Luo Yan’s hand, and fell heavily on the ground.

“Chu City!”

The back of Chucheng’s head hit the ground, waking up from the dizziness, said weakly: “It’s okay, I’m out of force.”

Luo Yan quickly picked some ruby ​​ointment and fed him.

Chu Cheng was lying on the ground, carefully recalling all his previous movements. It felt hazy, as if he was about to slip away. He struggled to get up, first inspired the swallowed ruby ​​paste with soul refining, quickly absorbed Recovery state.

“You go there, I want to continue.” Chu Cheng’s eyes shined.

Luo Yan is unknown, so he still took a set of underwear and ran to the next room. Chu Cheng took off his underwear and began to repeat all the previous steps, while the inspiration was still there. This time, he directly dug out half a box of ruby ​​ointment, swallowed it in his stomach first, and then the soul silk in the soul slammed into the seventh order magic core.

Luo Yan is next door, put on underwear, and check the attributes.

Space inner armor (currently red; suit): Soul +5; Constitution +1; Space 3 + 1 cubic meters. Durable 500/500.

Set Skill: Space Silk Armor (Currently Tier 2)

With weapons: Nether Spider Sword

Luo Yan is stupid. She hasn’t heard of it. There is equipment with soul +5. Although it is a second-level equipment, the current two words are written on it, which means that you can upgrade. If you are willing to invest, you can still maintain the soul +5 attribute at the fourth level.

Durability is rather outrageous, but considering that there are too many spider web mucus in the underworld demon spider, that thing is really tough.

Blue weapons were cut up without any scars.

Look at the set skills, consume the mana pool or blood gas pool, and activate the silk armor attribute. It is sustainable and has no cooling time. As long as your power is not exhausted. In addition, it can be stimulated by consuming life crystals. The defensive power is 150 ~ 900, 150 is the basic defense value, which is marked in detail later, even if the skill is not stimulated, it has this defensive attribute. After being stimulated, the defense power increases slowly, and will not immediately explode to 900.

Defensive value of 150 is the best among red equipment, usually excellent equipment. In the red phase, the upper limit of the soft armor type is only 50 points, and the heavy armor may exceed 200 points.

The Nether Spider Demon Sword is a short sword made of fangs, connected with an invisible spider silk, and the attack distance is up to 28 meters. Mental control is a means that can be used immediately for oneself. Maybe at the fourth level, if you learn to control the sword yourself, the significance of this equipment is much smaller, but at present, it is really a good weapon.

Attack 80, durable up to 150/150.

No, no, these are not important, or go back to the beginning, what a ghost +5 soul?

This equipment is usually a necklace, appearing in the position of the headdress, and some badges are also available. Although this attribute is limited to the second level, when you reach the third level, you can not get such a high attribute, but if you invest enough life crystallization to upgrade, even if there is a loss, it is still a powerful equipment!

And I have only heard about the Soul + 1 type of equipment. This upgrade to Tier 4 may keep it at the Soul + 3 level.

No, this thing, the teacher sees it, will only encourage himself to invest higher. At the fourth level, it is still +5 soul.

Become a legendary equipment, and then start to lose value.

“It’s done!” Chu Cheng’s voice came from the next door. Luo Yan ran to Chu Cheng and saw his eyes glowing, and he reached out and stroked his own chest like a pervert.

“the same?”

“the same!”

“Can we continue?” Luo Yan asked expectantly.

Chu Cheng’s face collapsed suddenly: “No, the inspiration is completely gone.”

“It’s already very good, really good …”

Luo Yan’s words resonated with Chu Cheng. The two young men and women, in the tomb, smirked relatively. I do n’t know why, when Chu Cheng was next to Luo Yan, he could n’t find the feeling of maturity, the memory before rebirth. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to affect him, and his soul was no longer mature.

The smiling cheeks were sour, and Chucheng pushed the wooden box to Luo Yan.

“Send you, this thing is precious.”

“Do you have any more?”

“One year … there’s enough, enough.” Luo Yan originally wanted to say one box a year, I took it for three years, but that said it almost exposed the things of the teacher.

Seeing Chucheng still looking at himself, Luo Yan said: “I still have a lot, and the equipment attribute of soul +5 is much higher than the ruby ​​cream. This thing, you can get it with money.”

“How much does it cost?”

“It’s hard to say, if you buy it in Shenzhou, it is more than one hundred thousand gold coins. Other continents are not easy to circulate, and it may be possible to increase it several times. Ruby ointment healing speed is very fast, the most obvious in the second order The third order is still good. But you have used this thing, you should understand that its biggest role is to restore your state, not treatment. “

“It seems there is no so-called drug resistance attribute?”

“Unless you eat a few pounds at a time, in the second order, taking 20 grams is enough to heal the wound.”

“Unfortunately no prescription …”

“I have a one-off, about 1200 grams can be refined.” Luo Yan did not hesitate, took a formula out and stuffed it into Chucheng. This is a one-time equipment. There is no need for Chucheng to refine pharmaceutical agents. As long as there are materials, corresponding to the recipe, you can get ruby ​​ointment by consuming this recipe.

“Give me, what do you do?”

Chu Cheng said so, but still infiltrate the soul silk into the formula to analyze the formula composition principle. However, he was not good at this in the last life. After studying for a while, he knew that it was impossible for him to learn the refining of ruby ​​paste through this formula. But I also learned a lot, and I have a deeper understanding of ruby ​​paste.

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