Broken Night

Chapter 7 - ──The end of the young master’s life

Chapter 7 – The end of the young master’s life

Xu Yan’s mouth was slightly open, his eyes were dead silent, and he was carrying a large backpack like a mentally retarded person.

There are daily necessities and a few clothes in the backpack, as well as some daily silver taels.

It’s just that he looks awkward standing in the classroom. Some classmates even laughed out loud: “Where’s the hillbilly from?”

“Hahaha, he looks stupid.”

The thick-browed man frowned again like a caterpillar, and his voice was like a chilling autumn wind: “Shut up for me.”

This man was obviously very deterrent, and after he gave a low drink, all the noisy children were silent.

He looked at Xu Yan again, and saw that Xu Yan was still looking like a dementia, and he couldn’t help but have a headache: “You guys should study by yourself first, I’ll be back soon.”

Then, he pulled Xu Yan and walked out again.

Xu Yan was pulled by the thick-browed man like a walking corpse.

Soon, he came to a building with a height of about three stories, but it was designed in a tic-tac-toe shape, so that it could accommodate many households.

He was obviously familiar with this place: “This is the academy dormitory, as long as you want, both students and teachers live here.” He dragged Xu Yan as he walked, looking at the house number: “Room No. 19, this is the place. Your room is over. You don’t have to worry about rent and the like, it’s included in the tuition fee. I know it’s a little nervous for you to leave home for the first time.”

“So you take a rest today and go to class tomorrow.”

“My name is Zuo Chengzhe, and I’m your class teacher. If you have any questions, you can come to me in the teacher’s room. Get it sorted, and I hope to see you in the class room tomorrow.”

Zuo Chengzhe patted Xu Yan’s head, then put a key into his small hand and turned away.

Xu Yan blankly opened the door with the key in his hand.

Just opened the crack of the door, and a stench came out like a ghost.

Dust, stench.

He even saw a few mice fleeing from the crack of the door in a panic.

Looking into it, it was a square room with a diameter of only about ten meters.

There were two beds in the room, which already took up more than half of the room.

All that’s left is a wooden table and two wooden chairs.

It’s just that these things are now full of bite marks, excrement and dust from the rat’s infestation.

The backpack on Xu Yan’s back fell to the ground at some point. He stared blankly at the situation in front of him, and then remembered that he would have to mess with those **** for six years…

Xu Tian smiled and stood outside the academy door, looking at the sign on the lintel—Chengyun Academy.

Ride the cloud? is a good name.

The most important thing is…the tuition is cheap enough.

Xu Tian turned around and left happily, while calculating how much money he could save by throwing this guy into the academy. As he walked with ease, he remembered that if Hong Niang knew that she had sold a child like this… Xu Tian’s body suddenly froze, but he immediately shook his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

It’s time to let this child suffer, only to know that a child with a father is like a treasure!

Xu Yan had already deeply felt it.

Xu Yan has been a human being in two lifetimes, so naturally he doesn’t even understand how to take care of himself. But only because Xu Tian took care of him too well in those six years. Warm greetings, there will naturally be a coat when it’s cold, popsicles when it’s hot, meals when you’re hungry, and even collapsed in the garden a few times and was carried back to bed after waking up.

This kind of thoughtfulness is like the spring breeze and drizzle, moisturizing things silently.

Xu Yan felt extremely uncomfortable when he returned to his own life.

He opened the small window, which was only a few meters in size, to let out the turbid air. Then I tied a cloth to my nose and started cleaning.

He filled a bucket of water and kept scrubbing the ground.

Although I don’t understand why there are two beds, it is my own room after all!

So Xu Yan still took care of the two beds.

Throw away the old bed and go to pick up the new one.

This is how most of the day has passed.

When he stood outside the door again, the room had changed abruptly. It’s still so small and narrow, but at least it’s much cleaner.

Xu Yan wiped off his sweat. Fortunately, he hadn’t stopped exercising over the years, otherwise these activities alone would have been enough to touch his heart.

As I said before, after an extremely intense physical exercise, this kind of work is now not even an exercise for Xu Yan, and he doesn’t even sweat. Because his lung function has been extremely strong, if it is not really intense sports – such as fighting, otherwise it will not touch his heart disease.

Zuo Chengzhe came to Xu Yan’s door, just in time to see the room that Xu Yan had taken care of. He was a little surprised. He thought this kid was a pampered child, but he didn’t expect to take care of the room by himself. You must know that the vast majority of students are left to their parents or servants to take care of them.

It seems that there is an interesting little guy.

He quietly left without attracting Xu Yan’s attention.

Xu Yan came to the canteen of the academy with silver coins.

Because he needs physical exercise every day, he eats a lot.

The consumed energy needs to be replenished immediately in order to strengthen the body faster.

He ordered a casual meal.

Stir-fried beef with vegetables, a small plate of roasted meat.

Ordinary, two dishes, a bowl of rice, a cup of hot tea, and two taels of silver.

Xu Yan counted the silver taels in the bag and was a little speechless.

Classes are held five days a week.

Two meals a day, two taels of silver per meal, this is not counting breakfast.

And the silver taels in the purse were exactly twenty taels of silver.

Xu Yan’s teeth itch with hatred, knowing that this is Xu Tian’s calculation that he must go home every weekend to get the new week’s silver taels. And when you go back…that means studying medicine.

He was a little unimaginable.

That Xu Tian, ​​who had been a gentle and loving father for six years, suddenly transformed into a sinister and cunning devil! What the **** happened!

Xu Yan didn’t know how much his study year had hit Xu Tian.

Xu Tian took good care of him every day, and he did not forcefully persuade Xu Yan to study for two years, but he was fooled by Xu Yan and fled every day.

But when the temptation begins, it is immediate!

Doesn’t this make Xu Tian’s “response” to Xu Yan change drastically?

Xu Yan took a mouthful of beef and put it in his mouth, his color changed greatly, and he almost spit out everything in his mouth!

What the **** is this?

Is this what people eat?

He looked suspiciously around the dining hall, and saw that some students were eating the same food as him, but they were eating with relish. This is how the same thing?

He didn’t believe in evil, so he took a piece of roast pork and put it in his mouth, but it was still unpalatable and wanted to vomit.

But remembering that this was bought for two taels of silver, Xu Yan had no choice but to pinch his nose and finish it.

When he returned to the dormitory, he no longer wanted to do anything, not even study or exercise. Today is too big a blow for him, he wants to be quiet.

the next day.

The sun is shining and it is warm.

As the sun sets in the south city, there is a loud noise again.

Like a giant beast being awakened.

Xu Yan was like a walking corpse, inquiring about where the room for the first-year class was.

In fact, he didn’t sleep well last night either.

Because the bed was so uncomfortable.

He was horrified to discover that he had been too comfortable for the past six years, and he had actually changed into the pampered young masters he hated the most in his previous life! He made up his mind not to continue being so decadent, but… After all, it still takes time to get used to…

Xu Yan comforted himself like this.

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