Broken Night

Chapter 26 - ——Incapacitated exercises

Chapter Twenty-Six – Incomplete Exercises

Xu Yan stopped before a tattoo technique.

The first-order pattern technique——Finger of Flowing Flame.

The energy of the fire attribute is concentrated between the fingers to attack the enemy, which can cause burning damage to the enemy while hurting the enemy.

“That’s it.” Xu Yan said to Elder Dong and Bai Yun behind him.

Elder Dong and Bai Yun stepped forward to investigate the tattoo technique, but Bai Yun frowned slightly.

too easy.

There is no merit to this tattoo technique, it is simply the power of tattooing between the fingers, and it is also limited to only attack and damage the enemy at close range. But he still didn’t say anything. After all, the exercises or tattoo skills that each student chooses are their own decisions. They cannot and are not qualified to criticize students.

“Okay.” Dong Lao’s right hand probed into the ball of light, and then he didn’t know what he did. When he stretched out from the ball of light again, there was a red halo between his sword fingers, and he said towards Xu Yan. : “Relax your mind.”

Immediately, it was lightly tapped between Xu Yan’s eyebrows.

Xu Yan’s brows were slightly wrinkled, and then he eased down. When he opened his eyes again, he felt something more in his mind. That is the training method of the pattern technique of Liu Yan Finger and the running route of pattern force.

“Thank you, Dean, thank you Elder Dong.” After bowing slightly, Xu Yan walked towards the door, leaving behind Bai Yun who was frowning at his back.


When Xu Yan came out, Lan Ming greeted him and said excitedly, “What’s the matter, Big Brother Xu, have you obtained any powerful exercises?”

“Lan Ming.”

Zuo Chengzhe’s voice sounded coldly.

Xu Yan and Lan Ming have always been the first and second in the class. When Xu Yan came out, it was Lan Ming’s turn. Lan Ming stuck out his tongue and walked towards the Gongfa Pavilion.

There were also some people who whispered to Xu Yan to inquire about the information inside, but Xu Yan just kept his mouth shut and did not speak.

I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you little brats.

If it wasn’t for waiting for Lan Ming, Xu Yan would have left now.

However, not long after Lan Ming entered, the kung fu pavilion in front of him fluctuated.

Strictly speaking, the entire Gongfa Pavilion is constructed from various patterns. Therefore, there are various means of identification, data display, and protection. At this moment, the entire Gongfa Pavilion is a means of revealing it again – notification.

Even Baiyun, who was about to leave after watching Xu Yan’s selection of tattoo techniques, was stunned.

Because this notification was set by him.

In the Gongfa Pavilion, he put several third-order exercises. Among the three, some were bought back by him with a lot of money. And one of them was picked up by him back then. That place is still a dangerous place.

It is said that the exercise method is a incomplete exercise method. But even if it is incomplete, it is already listed in the third-order cultivation technique. If it can be restored, it is likely to be the legendary fourth-order and fifth-order exercises. But this exercise has extremely high conditions for master selection, and no one has been able to successfully obtain it since the beginning of Chengyun Academy.

And at this moment, this notification from the pattern is to inform Bai Yun himself that someone can get the approval of this mysterious practice.

Although this incomplete exercise method is ranked third, the power contained in it is very strong, and the pattern array cannot complicate the information of the exercise method. Therefore, when a student obtains this exercise, it means that the original of the exercise must be given to the student.

That means that this incomplete exercise method will belong to that student from now on.

When Bai Yun and Dong Lao appeared in the Gongfa Pavilion, they saw a student standing in front of the ball of light panicking.

And the ball of light has floated away from the bookcase in the Gongfa Pavilion, hovering above the student’s head and spinning. Bai Yun’s expression changed.

After he obtained this practice, there have been countless tattoo practitioners or tattoo masters who wanted to exchange or **** it. After many accidents, he was able to save it in this practice pavilion. At that time, he knew the extraordinaryness of this practice method, but he could not obtain the approval of its practice method, so he could only put it in the Gongfa Pavilion as the treasure of the town courtyard.

And at this moment, that practice method can actually resist the pattern formation of the entire practice pavilion.

The student looked at the light ball above his head and kept running away like a ghost, but the light ball followed him like a shadow.

Bai Yun’s figure moved, and he didn’t know when he had come to the ball of light. With a touch of his right hand, he lifted the restriction on the exercise. The ball of light dissipated, and a tattered book fell on the student.


On the cover of the book, there is only one record.

On the record, there should obviously be two words, but it was stained with a piece of ink, and the other two words could not be seen.

Bai Yun looked at the embarrassed student in front of him with a complicated expression, and then remembered the practice that he had protected many times, and said slowly, “From today, this practice belongs to you.”



A palm landed heavily on the table.

Just when that palm slapped on its table, a fiery breath filled the room.

The table seemed to be ignited by flames and slowly burned.

“This is the first time in the past four years? In four years, six second-order tattoo soldiers have been stolen? What are you all doing?!”

This is the Chen family.

To Nancheng, Bing Street Chen’s house.

In Zhinan City, it is a big and famous family. Because the head of the Chen family at that time successfully forged the third-order pattern soldiers at one time, it became an instant hit. Received orders from countless tattooists to customize tattooed soldiers, making the Chen family become the leader of forging in the southern city.

Then the head of the Chen family of that generation gave way, and this person was sitting in front of him and became the head of the new generation of Chen family—Chen Tie. And Chen Tie is Chen Aotian’s biological father.

Seeing the anger of the head of the house, the subordinates in front of him knelt down in fear and fear: “The head of the house, calm down. The thief is cunning, like a prophet. It often appears when our guard strength is the weakest, and then when we come back to our senses, the tattoo The soldiers disappeared…”

“It’s all excuses! All of them are excuses!” Chen Tiebao roared angrily. He is not like his father, who is still alive now, but engrossed in casting. However, he has no interest in casting, but has a talent for running a family. It was also for this reason that his father was so relieved to put the Chen family in his hands.

“Did you know? The story of the theft of six tattoo soldiers has already spread. The entire Zhinan City is waiting to see our Chen family joke. They all say that we are just tyrants and have no power to protect the tattoo soldiers.”

“If we only have the technology to forge tattoo soldiers, but we don’t have the power to protect them. Those wolves like tigers will devour us, and such things will only increase. In the end, our Chen family will only be reduced to tattoos. Weapons production tools. Do you really want such a thing to happen!”

At this moment, an old man sitting beside Chen Tie coughed lightly.

Chen Tie also looked at the old man with a respectful look on his face: “What’s the opinion of the first elder?”

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