Broken Night

Chapter 2 - ──Where is this place

Chapter 2 – Where is this place?

“Is it the flame of the first blacksmith of the Cang Huang Continent?”

“Hahaha! Good wine!”

“Brother Flame!”

“Forbidden Spell—The Curse of Death!”

“Big Brother!!!”

“Xiaoqing, can you be saved?”

“It can’t be saved! This curse has directly destroyed all life!”

“I have spent my whole life with flames and forged countless weapons. I can forge two divine weapons before I die, and I have no regrets in forging all the way. The most worthwhile thing is that I have known you all over the past few years!”

“I suddenly want to drink! I want to drink!”

“Cough…haha! Good wine! Good wine!”

“Guys, I’m going.”


“When my master is dead, I will accompany me. Goodbye. Promise me to avenge my master.”

It was pitch black all around, but he clearly felt that he was moving.

What’s this?

He sensitively captured what was constantly revolving around him. But it doesn’t feel foreign, like a part of one’s own body. In an instant, he understood.

is it you? Silly big.



As if something was shattered!

He opened his eyes suddenly, but found himself in the arms of a man.

what happened?

what happened?

He was breathing constantly, sucking in the air greedily!

I saw that the man kept speaking some language he didn’t understand, what was he talking about?

Looking to the other side, a young woman in red began to cry, looking at herself with a terrified look, and then at the man holding her. At this time, he consciously raised his hands and looked at… Why are the hands so small…

He wanted to shout.

I wanted to hear the cry, but it turned into the baby’s first cry.

yourself… what’s the matter?

Where is this place?

into the night.

Lying in the crib, it was indescribably awkward.

Any adult who suddenly finds himself a baby and is coaxed like a baby will feel awkward and unaccustomed.

He saw the young woman in red coming over.

Probably his own mother?

The young woman looked at herself and did not speak, but the tears from the corners of her eyes quietly fell.

Almost at the same time, he couldn’t control his emotions and cried subconsciously. It was as if I felt someone who was very important to me was leaving.

The man who held him earlier looked at him, said something softly, and then fell asleep feeling very tired…

Five years are fleeting.



In that big and small garden, a tiger-headed, bald child was exercising earnestly.

At this moment, he picked up a large rock in the garden, kept raising it over his head, and then slowly lowered it. Keep repeating this action.

This big stone is about two or three meters in diameter, and there are two grooves on the left and right sides, which can be put in and not slid out. Even so, watching a five-year-old child hold the big stone in such a way is still shocking enough.

His movements are fast, without any stagnation, even the simple lifting of stones has his unique breathing and rhythm. That seemingly small and fragile body can already see the lines of a little muscle.


The boulder was thrown to the ground.

In the child’s mind, it’s almost the same.

Then he lay on the ground and started doing various exercises. Arms, waist, chest, legs…

His movements were so fast that it was dizzying.

As if competing with something for time…


Suddenly, the child stopped, his body as red as a boiled shrimp.

He was lying on the ground in a big shape, breathing the air with big mouthfuls.

With his breathing, the redness on his body gradually dissipated.

Children seem to be working hard, but their minds are still clear.

Yes, it can last longer.

This is the first time I can hold ten minutes.

When the redness on his body dissipated, he sat up cross-legged and began to exercise.

To outsiders, it was just a child sitting on the ground thinking about some childish trick. But his body was slowly changing.

A little invisible force was gathered, and then sucked into the body with his breath.

Jiuzhong Tianhuo Gong.

Learn from his teacher, a powerful practice from another world. Once upon a time, it was because of this practice that he was oppressed by all parties. In the Cang Huang Continent where he came from, it was a world with two different powers, magic and fighting spirit.

But Jiuzhong Tianhuo Gong is a method that can ignore the two systems.

The power cultivated from Jiuzhong Tianhuo Gong can be used in magic or fighting spirit at the same time.

He doesn’t know what it can be used for in this world.

But for him, practicing his Jiuzhong Tianhuo Gong and daily physical exercise is like eating and drinking water. It’s a habit, a habit that can never be changed.

After a long time, he opened his eyes.

It’s just that he didn’t see the deep redness of those incomparably immature eyes.

“Homura! Where are you!” A man’s voice came from inside the house: “Breakfast!”

“Oh!” The child responded and counted the time. From the ten minutes of physical exercise, the five minutes to return to normal, and the time for pranayama, it took about thirty minutes in total. For him, this is absolutely unsatisfactory. In the past, physical exercise alone would take at least an hour or two.

He hurriedly ran into the house, as if he didn’t look at the food on the desk, he poured his brain into his mouth.

Sitting across from him was a middle-aged man.

The man’s face was pale, and his slender willow-leaf eyes were not ugly. Instead, he gave people a gentle feeling, and he smiled like two crescent moons. He wears a scholar’s hat that covers his forehead, revealing a pair of sword eyebrows and a long black drape that reaches his waist. Not only her face, but even her ten fingers are white and thin, like a woman with a yellow flower who can’t get out of the door in three steps.

“Sissy…” The child glanced at the man, chewing the food in his mouth fiercely. He really couldn’t find any problem with this father in this world.

His father’s name is Xu Tian.

Although it is a father and mother, there are no adjectives for Xu Tian’s evaluation except perfect. He can cook when he is hungry, and he also guarantees two or three dishes for each meal three times a day; when he drinks, he can fetch water, and the water he drinks at home is also drawn from the well; and when his clothes are torn, he will mend them. This is not quite accurate. Even the clothes he wears now are made by him stitch by stitch.

As for livelihood, Xu Tian is the only doctor in the village. Every day I see a doctor for the villagers in the village, and I don’t charge too much, just enough to cover the living expenses of their father and son. In addition to being a kind person, many people like this doctor. He even secretly saw that after seeing a doctor, several beautiful young women quietly left a note to Xu Tian, ​​wanting to give it a shot.

The only thing that made him very dissatisfied was his appearance.

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