Broken Night

Chapter 16 - ──Xu Yan dot pattern

Chapter 16 – Xu Yan Dot Pattern

As for Xu Yan, apart from Chen Aotian and Lan Ming, the most important person.

Whether it was his calmness when he won the squad leader, and his calmness that did not take Zuo Chengzhe and Chen Aotian in his eyes, he became the focus of everyone. Even Zuo Chengzhe was extremely curious about Xu Yan. When facing Xu Yan, Zuo Chengzhe often had an illusion that he was not facing a student, but a feeling of being on an equal footing like a friend of the same generation.

“Stretch out your hand and place it on the dotted stone.”

Zuo Chengzhe said slowly.

Xu Yan stretched out his hand and touched the dotted stone.

His face was calm, as if he had never worried about his talent.

“Let go.”

Zuo Chengzhe said again, his face also became solemn and stared at the dotted stone.

And those students didn’t dare to take a breath, staring at the black stone.

a moment, two moments…

The corners of Chen Aotian’s mouth began to rise, this guy wouldn’t be a waste, wouldn’t he have the talent for tattooing?


Chengyun College is not a first-class college in the entire Zhinan City.

But the dean of Chengyun College didn’t care.

In fact, the dean of Chengyun Academy is just a tattoo artist with the strength of the first palace. Compared with the teachers and deans of other colleges who have at least the strength of two palaces, they are pitifully weak.

The dean of Chengyun College is Bai Yun.

He used to be just a coachman.

After living most of his life, he opened such a Chengyun Academy with all the silver taels he had saved up. Tuition is the cheapest, he did it on purpose. Because he knew that people with tattoos and those who didn’t have tattoos were different in terms of their quality of life—even if they only practiced to the level of the first palace.

So as much as possible, he wants to do his best for the young children.

Bai Yun’s slightly old body slowly lay on the chair, and his body smelled of twilight.


Suddenly, a wave of fluctuations came out.

Bai Yun’s eyes that were about to close suddenly glared, and he stood up abruptly, completely different from the slow movement just now. His left foot lit up with a ray of light, and the next moment he disappeared from the dean’s room.


On the dotted square, the dotted stone statue was burned.

The dark and reflective stone body was filled with a raging flame, and it looked like an extraterrestrial meteorite pulled its fire tail and fell here!

Not to mention those students in this wonderland, even Zuo Chengzhe has never seen it!

But he subconsciously dispersed all the students away from the dotted stone, except Xu Yan.

The vision in front of him was touched by Xu Yan, so only Xu Yan stayed in front of the stone.

As he thought, those flames dissipated by themselves when they came to Xu Yan, as if driven by something.

Even though the flames are monstrous, the reflection on the dotted stone is so clearly visible.

Zuo Chengzhe saw his voice tremble slightly: “Xu Yan… Qi Gong Xin Gong… Innate Double Palace.”

Innate double palace.

Innate Shuanggong is not unprecedented, and there is no shortage of Innate Shuanggong powerhouses in the entire Continent. But what is certain is that as long as the congenital twin palaces are born, they must be among the powerhouses of the Big Six. It is said that Yang Tianxing, the son of Yang Xia, the master of the Four Seasons Mountain, is a powerful force in the far north, the Four Seasons Heaven. It is certain that there will be another powerful generation in the future.


Innate double palaces, there are also high and low points!

The most important thing for tattoo artists is the Qi Palace and the Heart Palace.

The Qi Palace affects the strength of the lines, and the Heart Palace affects the mind and body.

Therefore, as long as any of the two palaces is the Xiantian Palace, it is considered to have the most basic conditions to become a tattoo artist. But the congenital heart, the double palace of qi… This does not mean that he is born a genius of tattoo artist! ?

Bai Yun didn’t know when he came to Zuo Chengzhe’s side, and also looked at the burning dotted stone with a horrified expression. What’s going on here…


After a long time, the flame on the dotted stone went out on its own, but the dotted stone had become dark and non-reflective, and it looked like an ordinary black stone. Although those students didn’t know the clue, it gave them a very simple feeling—the stone was “dead”.

After the dotted stone has been dotted to Xu Yan, it will lose all its effectiveness.

This 10,000-dollar dotted stone has become a piece of garbage.

Only Xu Yan stood innocently in front of the dotted stone. He turned around to look at Zuo Chengzhe and asked nervously, “This… I don’t need to lose money…?”


“What the **** is going on here! Who is that student! What kind of big family sent to try it out?” Bai Yun yelled at Zuo Chengzhe like a barrage of cannons, and the countless spit bubbles looked like patterns that were good at long-range attacks. Skill shot in Zuo Chengzhe’s cheek.

Zuo Chengzhe wiped his cheeks a little speechlessly, and dared to pretend that Dean’s appearance that he was about to die all these years… It turned out to be so healthy and angry…

Bai Yun paced back and forth, muttering to himself, “No… This kind of genius shouldn’t be wasting time in our academy. Xiao Zuo, I sent you to the house of that little guy surnamed Xu and discuss it with his family. Waiting for the genius, it should be sent to the major forces for training!”

“You can’t ruin a genius like that.”


Xu Yan sat in the classroom while countless students talked and pointed at him.

For his own talent, though not clear. But he at least knew that he had the talent to be a tattoo artist. Over the years, with those mysterious and unfathomable drawings, he knew that his father was not as simple as he seemed to be just a good guy.

Since he has so many drawings, it means that his father will be a tattoo artist.

And since Xu Tian constantly wanted to teach himself tattoo doctors and various tattoos, he was sure that he had the talent to become a tattoo artist. Otherwise there is no way to waste time teaching yourself what you can’t learn.

Lan Ming on the side said in a low voice, “Brother, you’re really amazing. I’ll mess with you from now on.” But Xu Yan, who was beside him, seemed to have not heard, and still looked out the window.

“Is it a malfunction?” Chen Aotian’s voice sounded loudly at this time.

He stood up, looked at the students in the class and said loudly, “Did you not see that the patterned stone was burning? It is probably because the patterned stone is broken to show such absurd situation!”

Hearing Chen Aotian’s words, those students nodded secretly. There is no other reason, the innate palace of qi and heart is indeed a bit too scary. They’d rather believe it was a malfunction than stay with such a genius.

“Yes, it’s a malfunction.”

A voice suddenly sounded.

Zuo Chengzhe walked in from outside the room, and immediately said: “There is a problem with the dotted stone, and it has now been destroyed. Last correction, Xu Yan is good at the innate Tiangong.”


Hearing this news, those students breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had forgotten the astonishment when they first heard that Lan Ming was innate to the Heavenly Palace.

Compared to the Innate Heaven’s Heart Palace, the Innate Heaven Palace is so plain.

Chen Aotian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but he couldn’t help clenching his teeth when he thought that this country bumpkin actually had the talent of a tattoo artist.

Zuo Chengzhe looked at Xu Yan who had been looking out the window: “Xu Yan, come with me after class.”

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