Broken Night

Chapter 12 - ──Teachers need to be knowledgeable

Chapter 12 – Teachers need to be erudite

This is a pattern that is simply intertwined with several strokes, which is a bit similar to some small parts of a “Wind Demon Pattern” that Xu Yan has seen. It’s just that the wind evil pattern is hundreds of times more complicated than the one in front of him.

“This is the light wind pattern.” Zuo Chengzhe said, “The light wind pattern is a very basic and well-known pattern. Because it is widely known, some people who have no background and no inheritance will choose this pattern.”

“The reason why the tattoo artist is complicated is because the same tattoo has different effects in different positions and palaces.”

Zuo Chengzhe taught him his knowledge very seriously, even if the children in front of him might not understand it, he was doing his part: “Most people choose the location of the light wind pattern, which is the Palace of Two Feet. Because the light wind pattern is in the The bipedal palace can increase the body’s ability. It can also improve the speed of walking, mobility, etc.”

He raised his right hand and pointed his left hand to the palm of his right hand: “Take the light wind pattern as an example.”

“If you engrave the pattern on the palm of your hand, if you are good at palm art, you can use the light wind pattern to activate the force of the pattern, and you will be able to hit the palm wind one after another, injuring the enemy from the air.”

“If the tattoo is engraved on the forearm, it can improve its shooting ability.”

“If the tattoo is between the fingers, you can shoot a finger force, pierce the golden travertine.”

“Even if it is the same pattern, it can be ever-changing. This is just the strength of the first palace. The more palaces the person with the pattern breaks through. The patterns between palaces and palaces can complement or cooperate with each other, producing more different powers. or ability.”

“These are all things that tattoo artists need to know and learn.”

“So this is what I said. There is no one in ten thousand tattoo artists. But this is still a polite statement. If you really want to count the number of people, there is no one in tens of thousands, and no one in one hundred thousand.”

Xu Yan was stunned in his seat, is this such a complicated thing?

“As for the release of grain power, the void structure forms grains to hurt the enemy. These are all things that the tattoo master has a certain understanding of thousands of tattoos. I won’t say more here, lest you be too ambitious.”

Zuo Chengzhe looked around the students below with serious eyes, and then said in a sincere tone: “The tattoo artist is a thankless profession. Although it is powerful and relied on by countless tattooists, because of its own weakness, it is also necessary. The protection of countless tattooed people.”

“To be honest, unless you have a special talent. Otherwise, I don’t recommend any of you to practice tattoo artist. There are so many things that tattoo artist needs to learn, if you have the talent of tattoo artist in your generation Those who started to learn to recognize tattoos as early as four or five years old. At six years old, they started to make tattoos.”

“Even so, this is only my personal opinion and does not represent the opinion of the academy. I will take all of your academic performance over the years into consideration. If you are talented as a tattoo artist, you can even skip a grade to a higher academy, or a different level. Great forces and sects to study.”

Hearing this, all the students exclaimed.

Zuo Chengzhe said it was not complicated, and even just roughly explained the meaning of the tattoo artist’s existence. However, it revealed the rarity of tattoo artists in this world.

“Teacher, I have a problem.” At this moment, a hand was raised.

Zuo Chengzhe raised his eyebrows slightly, and it was Xu Yan who raised his hand.

“what is the problem.”

Xu Yan stood up and said slowly, “Isn’t it true that no one has ever thought that a tattoo artist and a tattoo artist can cultivate at the same time?”

Zuo Chengzhe’s expression changed when he heard the words: “Ridiculous!”

He stretched out his finger and pointed at Xu Yan: “What absurd idea do you have!?”

“A tattoo artist and a tattoo artist, even if any path is enough to spend a lifetime studying. Do you know? If it is within some major powers and sects. Any disciple who has the talent of a tattoo artist will tell the teacher that he wants to practice both. , you will be severely punished with the rules of the gate!”

“A waste of time, a waste of talent. In the end, it’s more likely that both paths are half-toned and can’t make it into a big scene.”

“Don’t even think about it in the future!”

Seeing Zuo Chengzhe speak so vigorously, some students were a little panicked. And Chen Aotian looked at Xu Yan with a mocking look, but what made him dissatisfied was that he couldn’t see any expression on Xu Yan’s face, just calm like water.

“Oh, that’s right.” Xu Yan said and sat down.

Xu Yan was eating the unremarkable lunch while thinking.

The tattoo artist needs the tattoo artist to enter the tattoo, so how can no one think of doing both? If you want to practice both, only you know what kind of tattoo you need, and this is the most suitable for you. Just like a blacksmith forging weapons for himself, the blacksmith himself naturally knows what he needs.

But why did Zuo Chengzhe react so strongly, such as mentioning some taboos that cannot be said?

Thinking of this, Xu Yan shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The tattoo artist uses his body to enter the tattoo and uses the power of the tattoo to wave his power through the six palaces, but in the end, it is still a close combat like a warrior. This way of moving fast and fighting fiercely is not suitable for the weak-hearted self.

Then, there is only one way left for him – the tattoo artist.

But thinking about what tattoo artists need to learn…

Xu Yan’s head hurt.

It was the first week of school, and Zuo Chengzhe didn’t really teach anything.

It is more a simple introduction to the pattern, so that they know what the big goal in the next six years is, and have a general concept. On weekends, Xu Yan paid a coachman to go to his home village.

In this regard, the driver was a little surprised: “Hey, how can there be such a small child.”

“It’s the weekend, I’m going home.” Although he replied calmly, it was indescribably pleasing to say in the mouth of Xu Yan, a child with fair skin and lovely skin. The coachman laughed and said, “Okay! Seeing how cute you are, I’ll give you a free ride today, old coachman.”

“No, I have money.” Xu Yan took out ten taels of silver from the purse: “It’s ten taels of silver, right?”

The old coachman was stunned for a moment, then laughed: “That’s wrong, just two taels of silver.”

Xu Yan got into the car bewildered, and then the Nailao horse walked away “clucking”. Isn’t it ten taels of silver? I did a good job of data collection before I came to the car. It seems that this handsome sissy skin is really useful.

The Nair is a cross between a horse and a striped beast.

It does not have the fierceness of the tattooed beast, but it has the innate tameness of a horse.

Because of its mixed blood, the Nailao horse has a [light wind pattern] on the soles of its four feet, which greatly reduces the strength required for its walking, and its speed and endurance are far beyond that of ordinary wild horses. As long as you give it a full meal and sleep, you can walk for a full day without getting tired. This is where the name Naloma comes from.

Nail horses are naturally docile and herbivorous, and they are easy to breed. They have become the most common means of transportation for both the North and the South.

The village where Xu Yan lived was not too far from Nancheng. If he walked, it would take about two hours. If it is calculated on weekends, it is not too much to go back once a week. But because he accidentally got the squad leader’s order to save the meal money, Xu Yan didn’t mind extravagance.

Xu Tian was cooking at home humming a tune.

Although he seems to be strict with the little guy, he is his own child after all. Moreover, he cared for the child who had been taking care of him for six years. When he learned that the child was coming back on the weekend, he couldn’t help but cook in a good mood. The meal money was held tightly by him, and Xu Yan was asked to go home on weekends by using medical skills and patterns. The main reason was that he did not want to part with Xu Yan for too long.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the house.

Xu Tian frowned, put down the kitchen utensils and went out to take a look.

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