Broken Night

Chapter 0.3 - Sequence 3

Sequence Three

Four Seasons is very lively today.

As one of the biggest forces in the north, it is an existence that stomps the entire north to shake.

They have the demeanor of their bosses, and Gujing has no waves and is not in a hurry…

It’s just that at this moment, if an outsider comes to the site of the Four Seasons – the Four Seasons Mountain, they will be extremely surprised.

Because at this moment, the Four Seasons Mountain is actually guarded tightly like an enemy, with five steps, one post and ten steps and one post. Every member of the Four Seasons is a soldier with tattoos in hand, guarding his position with solemn eyes. Only occasionally turned to look at the location of the mountain.

That is the mountain, a place where only the core members of the Four Seasons can live.

At this moment, what everyone is paying attention to is the room of the Four Seasons Heavenly Mountain Lord.

As the master of the Four Seasons Tianshan Mountain, his surname is Yang and his name is Xia.

The rise of Sijitian was the result of his father Yang Xia, Yang Siji.

Then Yang Siji gave birth to four children, named Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Among them, Yang Xia was the most powerful, and finally became the mountain owner after Yang Sijixian traveled westward.

Four Seasons is a very cottage-like existence, and it is also an anomaly among the major forces. They pay attention to strength, but pay more attention to blood. The position of the mountain master is absolutely hereditary. In other words, the child born by Yang Xia is very likely to be the next Four Seasons Heavenly Mountain Lord!

At this moment, Yang Xia could only pace back and forth outside the door, looking at his room worriedly from time to time.

Yang Xia is extremely powerful and is one of the strongest in the world today.

Therefore, when he was anxious, his body exuded a palpitating breath like a beast. Some Shijitian disciples who are not stagnant in strength even feel cold sweat from their vests even from the mountainside. In this regard, they couldn’t help thinking to themselves in horror: This is the strength of the five palace tattoos!

“Ahhh!” The screams of his wife continued to sound in the room, making Yang Xia’s mood even worse and nervous.


At this moment, there was a thunder in the sky!

Yang Xia glanced at the sky unhappily: “What is it called!”

At this moment, he is in a rage, even if God has no mercy!

But he seemed to anger God, and the thunder was louder.

Dark clouds covered the entire sky, like a huge mass of black cotton.


A lightning strike!


The Four Seasons Mountain suddenly lit up!

The distance of the thunder and lightning from the mountain will automatically dissipate.

This is the mountain protection formation of Four Seasons Mountain, even the thunder in the sky can block it. But this made Yang Xia uneasy. He grew up in the Four Seasons Mountain, but he had never seen the thunder and lightning in the sky hitting the Four Seasons Mountain.

Boom boom boom!

There were three thunderstorms again, but the mountain protection formation of the Four Seasons Mountain was naturally extraordinary, and it blocked the thunder and lightning once again!


The screams of his wife and the roar of thunder and lightning sounded rhythmically!

In the sky that no one saw, two figures suddenly appeared.

One of the figures looked a bit complicated, looking at the ball of light in his palm. He murmured to himself, “It’s up to you. See you in the future.”

The other person seemed a little impatient: “Come on, I have to see my unqualified disciple.”

The man sighed faintly and threw the ball of light down in his hand.

The ball of light sank into the clouds below and disappeared.


A faint blue lightning turned into an extremely sturdy thunderbolt, slamming into the Four Seasons Mountain like a dragon and a snake!


Since its establishment more than a hundred years ago, the Four Seasons Mountain Protection Formation was instantly shattered under this thunder!

The mask was broken, but its thunder and lightning remained unabated, and it went straight to the mountain master’s room!

“No!” Yang Xia’s eyes were about to split, and he jumped up.

The abdomen, hands, and feet each lit up with colorful lights!

The rays of light converged in an instant, and Yang Xia was already holding a big sword in his hand, and the big sword was also filled with colorful light!

“The Four Seasons Reincarnation!”

As if a phantom flashed in the sky.

spring flowers.

Summer sun.

The bleak autumn wind.

The coldness of winter.

Then the knife greeted the lightning.


Yang Xia vomited blood, and the colorful sword flew away!

The thunder and lightning still slammed into the mountain master’s room unabated, punching a big hole in the roof!

Under the big hole, there was a stunning woman who was giving birth. Her beautiful eyes were helpless as she watched the lightning strike her!

“Rong’er!” Yang Xia rushed into the room regardless of the injury.

Just the moment he entered the door, there was a cry.

It was the baby’s first cry.

The midwife on the side was already so frightened that her legs were trembling, she looked at Yang Xia, then at the young woman lying on the bed like a blank sheet of paper, and finally at the baby in her arms, and said in a trembling voice, “Report. …reports the mountain master…is…is a son. Mother…the mother and the child are safe.”

Yang Xia only felt that the surroundings had become colorful, and the thunderstorm that had been annoying to him just now became cute. He first ran to his wife’s side and kissed her forehead: “It’s hard work.”

The young woman known as Rong’er also burst into tears: “That’s great… That Lei just now… What the **** is going on?”

“I don’t know either.” Yang Xia frowned and looked at the big hole in the ceiling.

The divine thunder that was enough to smash the mountain protection formation, but did not hurt his wife and son, and even the connection with the birth wife was intact?

“Probably our child is pitiful…” the young woman whispered, “Fortunately… I want to change our child’s life to Tianxing.”

“Tianxing… Yang Tianxing! Haha! Good name!” Yang Xia laughed!

At this time, three figures had already appeared outside the door: “Hahaha! Is my nephew or niece out yet!”

“Don’t be so loud! Your voice will scare children!”

Yang Xia had already walked out with the child at this time: “Big brother! Third brother and fourth brother! He is a man! I also gave birth to a baby! Hahahaha!”

In this way, the moment Yang Tianxing’s name was born in this world, it spread throughout the North.

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