Bring the System To Join the Chat Group

Chapter 562

“Thank you for your gift, please tell us your god’s name!”

Countless people fell on their knees to express their gratitude.

People on all planets, regardless of their status, knelt down and asked Li Huan to tell 320 the name of the gods.

Li Huan is not a god, and he does not need the power of faith, but he said his title.

“I, the evolver of all things, not a god!”

“You don’t need to build a temple for me, I’m not happy!”

When this word fell, with a little emotion, everyone’s hearts trembled. WeChat search [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Programs, more free TXT unlimited downloads

Religion has advantages and disadvantages, and the disadvantages are obvious.

For example, doing selfish things under the guise of gods. Medieval Europe was a typical example.

And Li Huan doesn’t like religion very much, so he won’t let himself become a religious supreme god.

To him, the Supreme God is nothing but a weak person.

“Yes, follow your orders!”

Li Huan said again: “Everything returns to peace, let the society run again!”

As he spoke, he waved another light, restoring all the destroyed buildings to their original condition.

Then it slowly disappeared from everyone’s shocked eyes.

His huge figure disappeared.

This is Li Huan’s Law Bodies, not his body.

At this time, his body was standing in the capital base.

Opposite him stood the general.

“Thank you for your help, nothing in return!” He really couldn’t say thanking my god, and said hard.

Li Huan said: “Blue Star is my hometown, so this planet should have an ultimate protective force, a force stronger than the universe. What do you think of my thoughts?”

Hearing this, the general was stunned.

Set up a barrier stronger than the universe to protect the Blue Star.

What a thought, and how powerful the young man in front of me should be!

The general couldn’t imagine that kind of power anymore. He couldn’t think of how strong he should be to have this kind of power.

“I have nothing to say, only one sentence, thank you!”

Seeing the general’s solemn expression, Li Huan patted him on the shoulder and said, “I hope you will not be too comfortable. If you encounter any danger in the future, remember to hide in the solar system. This is a galaxy that cannot be attacked. Counterattack the opponent, root out the opponent, completely wipe out, remember.”

After explaining all this, Li Huan used a Chaos-level Taoist law to protect the entire solar system.

Then he said: “It has been set up, this seat should also leave, remember, develop well, I will come back anytime.”

“Yes!” He gave a military salute.

Li Huan left the base.


The whole world is running again, and everything seems to be back to what it used to be, but Li Huan is being discussed whether it is online or in reality.

Li Huan became a topic that everyone couldn’t avoid.

God can resurrect life at will, and go back in time at will.

This powerful life beyond cognition makes people full of desire for exploration.

So someone turned up the ancient book, combined with the appearance of Li Huan, and came up with a surprising conclusion.

The ancient gods exist!

Of course, the ancient gods exist, but they don’t exist in the blue star.

Li Huan returned to his former home.

It’s still the same here, not even a grain of dust has come in.

Many people are wondering why other places have been demolished, but it is still there. Many people are puzzled and cannot let this place be demolished.

He sat at the computer desk and turned on the computer.

The previous game has completely changed.

Now this game is not only available on the PC side, but also on the virtual online game side.

Li Huan did not enter the virtual terminal because he was still familiar with playing on the computer.

The familiar game interface came into view, and Li Huan was silent for a moment, and suddenly he was deeply moved in his heart.


As soon as I entered the game, there was a continuous sound in the stereo.

I saw that Li Huan’s mailbox showed 99+.

He opened the mailbox and looked up anxiously.

Starting from five years ago, the total number of letters has exceeded 100,000.

Li Huan watched carefully, looking at each other one by one.

“Big idiot, why isn’t it online anymore!”

“I’m your vice president, I’m going online soon, everyone is waiting for you.”

“Hmph, the little fairy is going to be angry!”

“What’s the matter with you? Why are you not online? If you won’t be online tomorrow, I will ask for leave and visit you at your house.”

“I have been to your house, you are not at home, I stuffed the letter into your door, you must read it when you come back, remember to come to me.”

“What’s wrong with you! It’s been a month, and it’s not online yet, so there won’t be any trouble!”

“I called the police, but I still couldn’t find you. Are you missing?”

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