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Chapter 29

So after he returned to Daqin, he immediately issued a series of decrees.

Plant high-yield crops, such as potatoes, corn, hybrid rice, wheat, etc.

Then, the Northern Expedition was announced.

As soon as the decree came out, the whole country was in an uproar.

Da Qin unified the six countries for only two years. Not only did they not recuperate, they also launched two wars against Baiyue and the Xiongnu.

The number of troops on the field alone has reached more than 800,000. If you count the auxiliary soldiers and civilians, more than two million people have been recruited.

It can be said that the power of the whole country is used to start war.

All major schools condemned the first emperor one after another, but they were all violently suppressed by the first emperor.

“The world is not stable, Ying Zheng launched such a big battle, it’s a nonsense, tyrant, tyrant of the ages.”

“How innocent the people are, heaven, my Da Qin is going to die!”

“The world is suffering for a long time, and Ying Zheng is digging his own grave.”

“Everyone, be prepared. We will assassinate King Qin while the army is on the march and when there are few soldiers in Xianyang.”

“As long as we succeed, our former fiefdoms and slaves will return, not only that, but they will be multiplied tenfold.”

“Kill King Qin, punish Da Qin!”

Ying Zheng’s decree drew endless scolding.

It also made the undercurrents surging in the world that had just stabilized. .

===Chapter Twenty-Fourth Slaying, Massacring the Remnants of the Six Kingdoms (plus one more) ===

Xianyang City. Feilu Fastest Update Chapter [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Program

The flow of people coming and going, the noisy screams, filled this majestic city, adding some smoke and fire.

However, in a tall merchant mansion, at this time several six-nation nobles with long swords were plotting to assassinate Qin.

“I have already mobilized the dark lines. These dark lines were buried by the king of Qi in our country when the kingdom of Qi was not destroyed. Now that there are less than a thousand soldiers around King Qin, I will launch these dark lines to assassinate King Qin.”

“In the Palace of King Qin, although it is tight, I also have a dark line, and I can poison it to clear the guards around King Qin.”

Everyone discussed and looked at Xiang Liang, who didn’t say a word.

Xiang Liang frowned, and finally made up his mind: “My Xiang family also has five hundred dead men who can be the vanguard.”

“Okay, let’s do it like this. We will give King Qin Yingzheng a salary from the bottom of the tank, and we will combine the inside with the outside and destroy this great Qin in one fell swoop!”

These people gathered together, discussed a plan to destroy Da Qin, and then began to take action.

Xianyang Palace.

Under the tall window, Yingzheng stood with his hand, and Wang Ben stood by his side.

Ying Zheng looked at the heavy night outside the window and said leisurely: “Did they act?”

Wang Ben respectfully said: “Your Majesty has a brilliant plan, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms have already begun to act.”

Ying Zheng nodded and said: “Unsurprisingly, since Jing Ke came to assassinate me, I have understood that people in this world want me to die, not the people, but the nobles of the six countries.”

“If you don’t kill these nobles, the fire of the six kingdoms will never die. Feilu’s fastest update chapter [Sheng Ying Download] Mini Program”

“Wang Ben, I have ordered you to lead three hundred black scale guards to kill all the remnants of the six kingdoms.”

“I want to avoid future troubles, and let Da Qin completely settle down.”

The black scale guard is a martial arts master who is drawn from the black armor guard and has taught the inner strength mental method.

They are the elite of the elite, taking the best medicine and practicing the best martial arts.

Wang Ben took his orders and immediately quit: “Wei!”

At this time, the undercurrent in Xianyang city was surging.

Xiang Liang and other nobles of the six countries, dressed as merchants, tourists, or officials, shuttled around high official residences, brothel bars, barracks and other places.

“Ho **** ho ho!”

Suddenly, a strange roar sounded in the calm night. This was a signal for the nobles of the Six Nations to launch a military transformation.

One of the aristocrats of Qi State put down the cowhide horn and was about to turn around and leave, and suddenly bumped into a majestic body.

“You are the remnant of the Six Nations? Hey, come with us!”

Without saying anything, the black scale guard lifted the person up like a chicken, lifted his breath and walked away.

This aristocrat of Qi State was both frightened and frightened. He was surprised at how powerful the soldiers of Qin State were, and he was terrified of death in his heart.

The entire Xianyang city is full of black scale guards flying over the walls, they are wearing black scale soft armor that is more sophisticated than the black armor guards.

It was a few meters away with a leap, and he was still holding a telescope in his hand to detect the situation, which can be said to be accurate.

The nobles of the Six Nations who had started to act seemed like fish, throwing themselves into the trap.

A few nobles of the Six Nations who had escaped a disaster were frightened and dared not make any abnormal behaviors for fear of being caught.

The next day, the court came.

“A big event happened yesterday, do you know?”

“Of course I know, it seems that many merchants and travelers have been arrested.”

“More than that, many undercover spies have also been caught.”

“Lao Liu next door to the old man was arrested for colluding with the remnants of the Six Nations and trying to assassinate Your Majesty.”

The ministers talked a lot.

“The officials are quiet, your majesty will arrive.”

The next moment, all kinds of voices in the court stopped abruptly, quiet enough to be heard.

“The ministers welcome your majesty, your majesty ten thousand years!”

Ying Zheng sat down and waved: “Zhu Qing is flat!”

“Thank your majesty!”

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