Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 61

Chapter 60: When The Turmoil Started, 1 Wen Entered The City

Yuezhou suddenly turned upside down, and there was a riot.

Like a calm surface of water that suddenly heats up, bubbles, and boils.

Even some officials are on the list.

A certain official was going out when he encountered two Tsing Yi team members who were like wolves and tigers, holding letters from the study: “Is this what you wrote? Also, you still have Emperor Dayan Zi in your house? What do you mean, come and come, let’s talk about it.”

“The old man is a court official…”

“Officer, you are paralyzed! Take it away!”


The door of a casino was kicked open, and five Tsing Yi stepped in.

The steward inside hurriedly came out with a smile on his face: “Master, we are here belonged to the second concubine of Lord Zhou Mu…”

“Aunt Nima! Take it away! Don’t let one go! Search the secret room!”

After a while, there was an excited cry: “The secret room has been found, and indeed there is someone from the State of Yan…”

Then there was the sound of ping ping pong fighting.

Immediately, he roared: “Forbidden! Kill it! Don’t let one go!”

Cyan fireworks shot into the sky.

The owner of a certain gang.

The helper is having breakfast.

With a bang, the door was pushed flat, and two Tsing Yi walked side by side.

“The two adults are…”

“We just want to ask, when your gang started, who gave you so much money? Why did the gang take over the work from the state of Yan and Qi? What kind of bird are you, what do you want today? Touch!”

“Tsing Yi’s nose is really well-informed, but it’s a pity that you still let Lao Tzu have a chance!”

“Which country is it?”

“Long live Dayan!”

“Draft Lai Lai!”

“Avenge Feng Langzhong!”

“Kill him!”


The battle started immediately.

The entire city of Yuezhou suddenly seemed to be fighting everywhere.

In the middle of the battle, Fei Xinyu fell from the sky, punched and kicked, and fell to the ground, standing with his hands behind his back, majestic: “What’s the matter? .”

“Deputy team, these guys are poisoned!”

“Draft Lai Lai! Why don’t you watch him!”

“Treat the corpse properly, don’t torture it again when you die, search the body, then search the house, search the secret room, Te Niang, you should go quickly!”


It has to be said that each of these veteran thorns are sensitive to the enemy’s spies to a certain extent. If they make a move, six or seven times out of ten, they are basically the spies of the State of Yan.

Some are not, they are also from Qi.

Of course, there are also those who have really caught the wrong ones. Those are why it is necessary to go to another department to be responsible for wiping the buttocks. Oh, it is to appease…

At the city gate.

Wu Tiejun stood upright, his whole body like a cheetah about to save its prey.

Although there is no enemy in front of him, he is still meticulous.

Seeing that the calves of the city gate guards were weak, they instinctively felt a little cowardly.

“Master Wu, he has more military style than the generals in our army…”

“You know the shit, people were originally generals.”

“I am Cao!”

“Be smart. When he sees that you’re loose, you’re about to die. It is said that this gentleman doesn’t rub sand in his eyes… he’s all cheered up.”

There were riots in many directions in the city.

Everyone watched in amazement. Could it be that something happened? But the distance is too far to see or hear anything.

Only vaguely saw a thick smoke rising into the sky.

Wu Tiejun stood upright like a pine.

A figure in the distance, straddling dozens of meters like lightning, erratic all the way, constantly covering his body, striving to be the most secretive, and rushing towards the city gate like a wisp of blue smoke.

A few men in Tsing Yi hurriedly chased after the wind.

The man was obviously running for his life.

South City Gate, going out is the wilderness, not far away is the mountains and forests, and crossing the mountains and forests is the national border.

If it is based on the strength of the guards, it is absolutely impossible to stop the opponent.

The other party is high up and down, obviously not an ordinary person.

But at this moment, Wu Tiejun suddenly turned into a golden light and shot out from the sky, shaking his hand like a giant axe.

“Go down!”

A cold drink.

With a bang, the man’s cultivation was scattered, and he fell to the ground like a rag bag.

Tsing Yi, who was chasing after him, rushed over immediately, grabbed the person, sealed Xiuwei, locked his dantian, removed his chin, and pulled out the poison sac hidden between his teeth.

Tear off the collar, and put the venom on the collar directly into the collar.

He patted his body all over, and found a few fine needles at the joints that were ready to be used for suicide.

The whole set of movements is extremely skilled.

“Sir, it’s a dead man!” Tsing Yi reported.

Wu Tiejun stood with his hands behind his back, his body neat and spotless, even the streamers behind his hat were like the braids of a girl with obsessive-compulsive disorder, one on each side, neat and refreshing.

I saw him saying solemnly: “Calling Team Zheng, Team Zheng is not qualified to be called an adult!”

“Yes, Master Team Leader!”

“Take it away.”

A few Tsing Yi saluted Wu Tiejun, turned around and ran away.

On the other hand, Wu Tiejun had already appeared in another high sky, and his fists and feet were like thunderbolts: “Go down!”

Puff puff!

The two of them landed on the ground again, and they were done in the same way.

When Wu Tiejun was at the South City Gate, he was like a single man, and no one could escape from here.

And there are people who fled from other directions, but from there, they have to go around in a big circle, and in the end they have to go over mountains and mountains, and it takes thousands of miles to get back.

And along the way, there is still a chase.

At the very least, the news will not pass for the time being.

And why do you need to ask for it, is the short period of time when the news doesn’t pass.

Somewhere in Nancheng.

A handsome young man dressed in moon-white clothes is sitting on the teahouse, watching the movement here; his movements are graceful, and his expression is relaxed, just like the son of a big family coming out to play in the spring.

Indescribably leisurely and chic.

It was Bai Yiwen.

Opposite him are a few scholars, all with pale lips and pale faces: “Is this Rainbow Tsing Yi arresting people? This battle is so terrifying. And the means are brutal.”

Bai Yiwen smiled: “Brother Sun is wrong.”

“Ah? What’s wrong?”

“The stronger Rainbow Tsing Yi is, the stronger our Qin Dynasty is; the more spies we catch from all over the world, the better. As for the means, we don’t need to judge too much.”

“Brother Bai said that he was taught.”

“Well, the exam is about to start in September. How are you guys preparing?”

“With Brother Bai here, how can we prepare.”

“Hey, that’s too bad, we can prepare together, and, on my side, my teacher also gave me a lot of questions… Brother Sun, Brother Li, Brother Li, Brother Wang, you all come and see, for reference .”

“And this matter? Many thanks, Brother Bai, he is truly a gentleman of a generation. We admire him.”

“I only hope that I can go to high school with all the brothers and be a scholar, and do something for me, the Qin Dynasty, to rule the world.”

Bai Yiwen sighed softly: “The beacon in troubled times creates heroes, but Bai would rather have no heroes in the world, and only hope that the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment. If Bai can be fortunate enough to be in power in the future, he will definitely show his ambition to rule the people and seek a foothold and happiness. .”

“Brother Bai’s article is unparalleled, and his talent is unexpected. It is definitely possible. In the future, even if he enters the imperial court, talks about the emperor, and is in charge of the Qin Dynasty, it may not be impossible with Bai’s amazing talent.”

“Bai only wants to show his talents in one state. As for high officials, wealth, fame and wealth, he doesn’t care much. He only hopes that in this life, he can live up to what he has learned in his chest and his seven-foot body.”

“Encourage Brother Bai.”

Several scholars stood up solemnly and saluted respectfully.

“Well, let’s look at these questions, such as this one…”

is talking.

A team of Rainbow Tsing Yi has arrived at the building: “Check your identity! Everyone, please cooperate!”

When he found Bai Yiwen, Bai Yiwen smiled calmly: “I didn’t bring it, it should be in the guest house.”

“Didn’t take it? Take it away!”


A scholar stood up with anger on Junxiu’s face: “Brother Bai is the leader of our Yuezhou youth literary world. What can he be suspicious of? Don’t arrest people in Rainbow Tsing Yi!”

Immediately, several other scholars also stood up, filled with righteous indignation.

Among them, two of them were the sons of high-ranking officials of the state government, and they patted their chests as security.

The book business is angry, how can these rude warriors take away the literary leader? Besides, the topic in Bai Yiwen’s hands needs to be explained by Bai Yiwen in order to fully understand it…

This is a major event related to the future.

Finally, the Tsing Yi people retreated.

Bai Yiwen smiled bitterly: “Thank you brothers for speaking up, but there’s really no need for Bai to resist law enforcement Tsing Yi so much. After all, they are also for our Daqin.”

“Brother Bai’s words are bad. We know that you are innocent, so can’t we say a word? Brother Bai treats me like someone!”

“As for the future…”

“Brother Bai, you will live in my house from now on. We will study together and review together.”

The prince of the state shepherd’s family looked excited.

“Why live in your house? Can’t live in mine?”

When the others saw that this kid actually wanted to eat alone, they were immediately excited.

They competed for each other.

“It’s the same when I live there. I’m in the inn, and I can review my homework with my brothers every day.” 1

“That won’t work. It’s really inconvenient to be in the inn…”

Under the repeated persuasion of everyone, Bai Yiwen finally reluctantly agreed to live in the prince’s house.

But it is also a solemn statement: I am only staying temporarily, and I will not participate in boring things such as official banquets; I can only read books on weekdays. Satisfied.

My greatest hope is to go to high school with my brothers! So I must try my best to learn and make progress together with my brothers – Bai Yiwen said.

The sons are even more overjoyed!

Young Master Bai, he is indeed a brother and a brother.


Bai Yiwen turned his head to look inside the city, where black smoke was rising.

Although very far, although very few.

But the inexplicable look in his eyes flashed by.

Your lord’s layout, Yuezhou’s Rainbow Tsing Yi, has already begun to act.

This arrangement was indeed self-defeating.

Now, what should we do?

What’s more, I have to find a cat.

Bai Yiwen sighed, why are you still looking for a cat?

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