Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 59

Chapter 58: Big Sister, 2 Little Brothers


Feng Yin felt a deep headache.

Originally, I thought that these two children could become brothers, at least they are good friends from the same line, and they would be intimate and affectionate.

But now it seems that just after opening his eyes and having enough to eat, he will fall into a fierce battle.

And it’s the kind of life and death for each other.

Fengyin was at a loss for a moment, and it was the first time he gathered spirits for enlightenment.

At the beginning, when we cuddled with each other, you have me, and I have you, regardless of each other?

When they were full, they began to fight each other.

Isn’t this looking for something for me?

I wanted to have another cyclone like that day for the third brother Xu, but thinking of the feeling that my body was hollowed out that day and I couldn’t straighten my waist for several days, I really didn’t want to do it again.

Just when the wind seal was at a loss.

Feng Ying squatted on Feng Yin’s neck and showed her head.

With bright eyes, he looked at these two little things on the ground.

A little bit of interest.

The beard moved, tilted his head, looked at it, and looked a little curious.

Then he turned his head to look at Feng Yin’s face, only to see Feng Yin frowning and having a headache.

Bowing his head and thinking seriously, he slipped off Feng Yin’s body.

It still quietly landed on the ground, walking gracefully, noble and reserved, walking towards the two little guys step by step.

As he walked, his small back arched slightly, then relaxed, and arched slightly again, the feeling of accumulating energy.

But the steps are still light.

As Kazekage approached, the two little things were clearly unable to stand still, but they were still sensitive to the threat.

Unexpectedly, he tilted his head and turned his ping-pong ball-like body to face Kazekage with difficulty.

Four small round eyes, full of ferocious warnings.

The meaning is clear: don’t come here!

The two little ones who were still trying to fight for life and death just now turned into a joint state, and the two little little mouths shrank back; they were ready to attack.

Moreover, he also naturally uses his body to support and lean on the opponent, so as not to fall, so as to maintain his complete combat effectiveness.

“These two little things have high IQs… It’s not even a full moon yet…” Feng Yin looked at it and was amazed.

Kazekage stepped forward, very curious, and tentatively raised a small paw to try the water.


The two small beaks pecked down at the same time like lightning.

Kaze was even faster, and immediately retracted her claws, holding them in midair, feeling startled.

Then his eyes suddenly became fierce.

These two little guys actually dared to be their enemies!

Fengying suddenly burst into anger!


There was an extremely fierce grunt from the throat, followed by a jump. Directly rushed down the mountain like a tiger.

Like a big tiger.

Rush to the two ferrets!

Not to be outdone, the two small tender yellow and sharp mouths attacked at the same time and counterattacked together.

The speed is so fast that an afterimage is formed, obviously it is desperate.

It’s a pity that this kind of hard work is completely useless to Kazeying’s invincible state at the moment.

Kazuki had an absolute advantage, and the tanks generally overwhelmed him.

The momentum is like a broken bamboo.


The peerless master Feng Ying patted the two boys who were waiting for the battle into two real table tennis **** with one paw.

It is directly destroying the rot!

The two little Gululu rolled out with their round stomachs, but they rolled all the way to the wall, and bounced back with a bang.



The two little boys screamed.

Then it was time for Kazekage’s one-sided show of power, and the performance began.

Jump over, jump over.

Woo-woo, arrogant, majestic in all directions.

When the Cloud Piercer and the Falcon Falcon finally stood up.

Swish and rush over, one wave, one wave, one wave, another wave…

The Cloud Piercing Eagle and the Falcon Falcon are like two **** of wool, and they are very happy to be played by Feng Ying.

Rolling to and fro on the ground, Jijijiji’s desperate screams sounded continuously. He twisted his neck hard and looked in the direction of the windmark.

Asking for help from Fengyin.

But then he was dialed in a different direction.

Drop yo, drop yo, like two spinning tops.

Feng Yin ignored it and just watched from the sidelines. On the one hand, there was a difference in closeness, and on the other hand, he hoped that Feng Ying, the eldest sister, would use this to set the rules.

Can’t you two? Don’t they look down on each other? Can’t I control you? Are you not obedient?

Can you do it again?

Can I take a look at one more?

“As long as they are dishonest, you will beat them up; if they fight each other, you will beat them too; if they are rude to you, you will beat them up; anyway, as long as you don’t like it, you will beat them.”

Feng Yin called Feng Ying over and gave Feng Ying supreme power in front of the two small faces.

Feng Ying squatted in front of Feng Yin, his eyes sparkling, and his little head nodded.

Very affectionately, he leaned on Feng Yin and rubbed it again and again.

Then he turned his head, and the momentum was even more different.

It was a kind of “Shangfang’s sword in hand, the imperial decree is here,” that kind of complete condescension from psychology to momentum.

The eyes are different from before!

The two little ones shuddered.

No matter how they don’t understand, they also understand that good days are coming.

Feng Ying became more serious, the little paw was raised in the air, and he looked at the two little ones eagerly, as long as there was a movement, it was a paw…

“As long as you don’t play to death.”

Feng Yin quickly added one more thing, Feng Ying is still small after all, if he can’t keep his hands and play it to death, it will be bad. After all, the two little ones are not mice, they are all bought with money.

“Eh, eh.”

Kazuki hummed a little unhappily.

He underestimated me too much. After finally having two toys, how could he easily die?

Besides, these two goods still look quite resistant, how can they be compared with ordinary goods.

In one night, Cloud Piercing Eagle and Sky Splitting Falcon ate three meals and were beaten more than 30 times.

When Fengying was tired from playing, she went to rest herself, and then she beat her when she woke up, no matter whether it was pleasing to the eye or not.

Anyway, as long as you see it, clean it up.

The next morning.

Feng Yin looked up and saw that the two youngsters had stood firm, walked very neatly, and were affectionate and united. What’s more, they were really obedient!

Although they may not understand what they mean, as long as they demonstrate and guide them a little, they can obediently implement them.

With two half-bald wings that had just begun to grow hair, he ran extraordinarily fast.

On the other hand, they are smart, well-behaved, and cute.

It’s completely different from the two little things that were fighting with each other last night. They were completely reborn!

But even so, Fengyin didn’t take these two little truths to heart.

In Fengyin’s eyes, these two children are just goods for sale. Even if their qualifications are not good and their potential is good, at best, they can exchange for more cultivation resources or more silver taels during the transaction.

Now, his occupation is that of a pet shop owner, an animal trainer, and a pet trader.

But also because of this, he never thought about it at all. After the little eagle and the little falcon, which he had touched half a time, the extraordinary background was beyond imagination, and he turned gorgeously to the point where he has the potential to be a hegemon in their respective ethnic groups.

Fengyin was even thinking, should these two little guys act so dumb, should there be a second touch? !

Fengyin’s concept of cultivating pets is based on the accumulation of human knowledge in two generations, and it still has a direction.

People in this world basically have a few needs when buying pets. The first one is cuteness and cuteness. The second one is to be strong in combat. The third, obedient, well-behaved, if you can be full of spirituality, that’s the best.

Among these three basic options, the first ones are cute and cute. For the Cloud Piercing Eagle and the Falcon Falcon, the wind seal has been removed for them.

These two guys look cute now, but they are definitely not cute when they grow up, let alone cute.

When one is unhappy, he pecks with his small mouth, and even the owner will have an extra transparent blood hole in his hand.

But the second aspect of combat power can be considered, and once again, being obedient and obedient can also be considered.

Based on this basic understanding, Fengyin plans to start from these two aspects.

Feng Ying also got up at this moment, like a fluffy ball of wool, jumped off the bed, and rushed out excitedly.

Feng Yin found that at the moment Feng Ying left the, the little eagle and the little falcon outside shivered almost immediately.

Then, at the same time, they stood up straight, and the two little guys stood in line with their heads held high.

Standing in front of Kazekage, he looked like a soldier being inspected by the leader.

It was an almost reflex-like inertial move.

Feng Ying jumped, and the little claws slapped the little eagle to the ground. Instead of struggling, the little eagle tumbled along the way, rolling all the way around the yard, actually playing the role of a ball automatically.

While rolling, he looked at Feng Ying in a pleasing manner.

The arrogance and ferocity of “I am the first in the world, I refuse to accept anyone, I am the king, I am the eldest, and Heaven is also the second child in front of me” has disappeared after I just received enlightenment yesterday.

Feng Ying raised his hand with another slap, and before the filming could take place, the little falcon had already taken the first step and voluntarily rolled on the ground, rolling smoothly, and the movement was no different from that of the little eagle.

The two small **** rolled regularly on the ground. They tried their best to close their wings, wrap them around their bodies, shrank their feet, and shrank their necks and heads, trying to make themselves as **** as possible.

Fengying’s eyes widened, watching the follow-up with great interest.

Squatting gracefully on the ground, her little tail swayed comfortably behind her buttocks, and her two little ears fluttered from time to time, which was very pleasing to the eye.

The two **** were spinning back and forth around it.

Every time the small round eyes meet Feng Ying’s eyes, they will show a flattering and humble look at the first time.


[Updating ahead of time to mess with the waist, it should be the old problem of the lumbar disc, and I accidentally twisted it all of a sudden. Another axis, sitting for a while feels like a needle stick]

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