Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 57

Chapter 56: Blood In The Hands, Pure Land In The Heart

“Little brother, you… it’s really not easy.”

He Xiangming said very emotionally.

“It’s not easy…”

Fengyin was stunned for a moment, then sighed with a wry smile, and said in a low voice, “Who in this world has such an easy life?”

This sentence immediately resonated with He Xiangming and sighed deeply.

Yes, who can live so easily?

Even yourself, in the super sect, looks like the best of heaven, but…is it really easy?

If it’s easy, then why don’t you go to some places in the capital to be in charge? But to a place like Tiannan Road where rabbits don’t poop?

“It’s not easy…”

After that, He Xiangming only stayed for a short time and then left. She was afraid that she would cry and lose her temper.

Because of the wind in her eyes, this young man’s encounter is really too sad.

It’s rare that he is still so strong, so simple and honest, so persistent, so bottom line in being a man… It’s even more difficult!

He Xiangming has only seen such a young man for so many years.

“What a good boy.”

“I have to help him as much as I can. I can’t let this mortal world contaminate the world and contaminate his innocent heart prematurely.”

Until he returned to where he lived, He Xiangming was still excited and made up his mind secretly.

Although today’s approach is sentimental, this child Ling Yunyun is indeed good.

Worth helping.

Treat it as a good deed!

Go back to your boudoir.

He Xiangming immediately called the maid and instructed lightly: “This man, well, this young man Ling Yunyun, you should check his origins and past events.”

“Yes, miss.”

“Check it out carefully, um… I’m not malicious.”

“I understand, miss.”


. .

. .

The night is deep.

And the ‘honest and honest child’ in He Xiangming’s mouth, and the ‘strong child worthy of help’ in his heart, is veiled in black, stepping out of the moonlight, and what he is doing is killing people.

He was ruthless and merciless.

The light of the sword flew, the head was broken, and blood was sprayed.

The wind seal rises on the wind and leaves on the moon.

Like Shura in the dark night, killing gods in the wind.


A knife fell, blood spattered.

In the blink of an eye, two bronze medal missions have been completed.

Jun Tianjian, the nameplate of the exclusive wind seal has quietly changed its color, and even the material has also changed its texture, turning into a yellowish brass color, and a bronze color for bronze medals.

Bronze Medal Killer, gentle, ranking, 29,876.

The gentle ranking of famous killers has gone one step further.

And this time, in addition to the daily steamed buns, exercises, and basic combat skills, as a reward for the official promotion to the bronze medal, there is also a ‘low-grade congenital breakthrough pill’.

The usefulness of this medicinal pill is obvious from the name.

When you reach the peak of the ninth rank of the innate, and you want to hit the eighth rank of the innate, taking this medicine pill can increase your probability of success in the level by 50%!

Fifty percent is a very high probability.

The reason is very simple. For example, a cultivator who can be promoted to the Innate Realm has a considerable talent and aptitude. It is only the initial breakthrough of the Innate Realm. Great difficulty, on this basis, the success rate is increased by 50%, and the success rate does not exceed 100% to have ghosts!

In other words, it means that we can definitely break through the past.

However, this kind of medicinal pill is still only given as a reward when the brand is upgraded, and at other times, it will not appear at all.

After I got the medicinal pill, I looked at the other mission targets, which were far away.

Fengyin didn’t want to make himself overworked, and he still understood the truth of haste.

“You can’t get a gold medal in one night, so instead of running away, it’s better to practice the Spiritual Transformation Sutra for a while.”

Looking at the bronze medal, Feng Yin was still a little emotional.

The goal of the gold medal, one step forward again.

At the same time, he also had a feeling.

“This world, the wicked, is really inexhaustible.”

Tonight’s second goal was originally a good person, indeed, he used to be a good person.

“Lu Zhengliang, originally a martial artist in Yuezhou, with a filial wife and filial son, lived a happy life; he never hurt anyone, he made a living as the head of the martial arts hall. However, a sudden change happened, and in the dark night, his family was destroyed, his son was killed, and his wife was killed. The sexually prostituted, and then killed. In one night, his wife and children died; his temperament changed greatly, and he turned into a dark night demon. Every night, he would go out, enter the house to commit murder, kill innocent and weak people, humiliate their wives and daughters, and kill them. Six families have been killed by it.”

“My own suffering is not a reliance on evil, nor is it the source of evil; special order, Juntian’s hands will kill them, and they will be reported to the sky, and the people will be safe.”

This is the second goal tonight.

Fengyin understands very well that this kind of person has suffered a sudden change and has lost all reason, thus destroying humanity and starting to take revenge on society.

To understand is to understand, and to understand is to understand, but soft-handedness is even more difficult.

So he was the first to go out to capture and hide this Lu Zhengliang.

Then, according to Jun Tianjian’s reward, he killed another lecher in Yuezhou City; that man did the same thing, and Lu Zhengliang’s wife was killed by him.

This battle is not easy.

A lecher has done evil many times, and there is no bronze medal killer to punish, which shows his strength; this is a fierce battle for Fengyin.

And not very sensible.

But the wind print still went away.

The sneak attack was fruitless, only minor injuries, so we just fought head-to-head.

Fengyin has exhausted his cards, and in the end, with the continuous replenishment of the Spiritual Transformation Sutra, he will kill the **** demon!

He chopped off the head and brought it back.

He got this in front of Lu Zhengliang and slapped him awake.

“I have killed your enemy for you. This head is the one who killed your wife and your son.”

“But you have to kill me for the evil things you do.”

“Your family is ruined, you can go to the murderer, you can go for revenge, but what kind of skill do you have when you attack innocent people?”

“Lu Zhengliang, today I stabbed me and went down to Huangquan, but you still have face to see your wife?”

With tears all over his face, Lu Zhengliang knelt on the ground and handed over all his property to Fengyin.

A knife fell.

Heads fall.

Blood splattered.

Fengyin ran around again, divided Lu Zhengliang’s property into six shares, and quietly put it down for the six families. Didn’t say anything, didn’t leave a word to explain anything.

No matter how you explain it, Lu Zhengliang will never be forgiven.

But that doesn’t prevent Feng Yin from insisting on doing so.

“I am a killer, with a killing blade and a killing knife; I walk in the dark and kill in the long night; I have countless dead souls, and rivers of blood under the knife. But in my heart, I have three feet of pure land, and the sun is shining. Although I walk in the In the dark, but I am still the same me in my previous life.

I am Feng Yin, but I am still Feng Xiaoyin. I still believe that the world is bright and the world is beautiful; If not, then I will report. ”

“Even if there are thousands of people who say it, what if I go my own way?”

Fengyin knew in his heart that he was actually a bit of a nosy; he was also a bit too righteous. If it spreads out, I am afraid that countless people will say that they are pretending.

She will say that she is contradictory and pretend to be coercive.

Countless people will say, you are a killer, what kind of saint do you pretend to be?

So he didn’t plan to say it either; he kept it in his heart.

How do I act, why do I need others to judge?

Lao Tzu is alone in this world, he can do whatever he wants! What qualifications do you have to comment on my Yanhuang Wind?

So he felt at ease.

Anything is in accordance with his own moral standards, even if it is a little cumbersome and troublesome – just like Lu Zhengliang’s enemy, Fengyin has no need to care about it.

Killing Lu Zhengliang means completing the mission; but Fengyin insists on doing this.

The price paid is a sword in the leg, a sword in the shoulder, and a punch in the chest. The injury is neither serious nor light.

But he didn’t have any regrets in his heart.

And he didn’t want to comment at all, thinking about why good people became bad, what social reasons, what psychological reasons, and so on…

Those are none of my business.

I have only done what I want to do, what I can do, and everything is OK!

In one night, behead two targets.

And the two are related.

Fengyin not only succeeded in hurting himself, but also in depression.

The mood is extremely low.

Even in this mission, the pride of ‘doing justice for the heavens, eliminating violence and peace’ did not arise in my heart, and I felt very depressed for some reason.

Looking up at the sky, there is a kind of dullness that the sky is very close and is about to be suppressed.

So I stopped looking at other tasks.

Going straight back to the mansion, stepping on the moon and returning home, the vortex of gathering spiritual energy is about to be formed again.

This time, Fengyin didn’t plan to enchant Xiao Fengying again, after all, it was too close to the last enchantment.

It’s just the second time, and then the third time… I have to give Kazeyage some room to grow.

Even if Fengyin doesn’t understand the mystery and wants to explore the changes, he won’t blindly try on the little guy.

On this point, he was very cautious.

Isn’t there a new member in the family? The little ones can’t, they can!

Cloud-piercing eagle, air-splitting falcon.

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