Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 55

Chapter 54: Come When You Want, Go When You Want?

He Xiangming has already come over.

Regardless of Feng Ying’s terrified struggle, he held it in his hand, with a look of love on his face.

At the same time, it is the same time that the martial arts of the Imperial Beast Sect, the Spiritual Beast Classic.

This practice, as she said, has the power of psychic power, but lacks the ability to control beasts, but since it is the magic method of the beast master sect, how can it only be limited to psychic power, the other part of this method One of the wonderful things is that it is very beneficial for the growth of the monster cubs.

Because of this, if this kitten is a cub of a monster in its bones, then under the influence of the Spirit Beast Scripture, it will definitely not be able to escape.

The faint blue light lit up, covering Xiao Fengying.

Xiao Fengying seemed very curious, raised her little head, looked curiously at the blue light covering her body, stretched out her little claws to touch it, but couldn’t touch it, so she grabbed it again, then rolled over and fluttered.

Still unable to reach him, he squatted on the table and stared at it with wide eyes, his eyes were full of hazy colors.

What’s the matter?

He Xiangming sighed softly. There was almost no reaction on Xiao Fengying’s body. Except for a little bit of life aura flowing on her body, there was no other abnormality.

And that little bit of life breath is the reaction of normal cats and dogs, not the reaction that monsters and beasts should have.

It shouldn’t be the reaction that high-level monsters should have!

“It turned out to be really just… an ordinary house cat.” He Xiangming looked at Xiao Fengying in extreme disappointment, and the color of his originally overflowing love had gone seven or eight.

Such a cute little thing is actually just an ordinary little animal.

Originally, He Xiangming had already made a decision when he saw Xiao Fengying, even if this little guy was just a low-level monster, he would bring it back, because it was so cute, and it was worth the ticket price. !

But I never imagined that it was not even a low-level monster, just an ordinary house cat!

The loss at this moment is really huge.

He let go of his hand weakly, Feng Ying jumped lightly, and quickly jumped out, rushing towards Feng Ying impatiently.

Feng Yin was already waiting with open arms.

As soon as the little guy jumped, he jumped on him. The small body was like a big caterpillar. It climbed up with hands and feet, climbed onto the collar, and tucked the small body into the collar. The small body was warm. Relying on the windmark neck.

Only then did he feel safe, he turned his head, looked at He Xiangming with vigilant eyes, opened his small mouth, and threatened him fiercely.

“Hur… snort…”

Don’t come near me again! Be careful, this lady scratches your face with a paw and blooms for you!

“Why isn’t it a monster?”

He Xiangming regretted to death.

It has to be said that Feng Ying’s appearance is really unparalleled in the world. That kind of clever, obedient, and cute, regardless of gender, age, and age, can kill all.

Of course, the appearance of the wind print itself also played a huge role.

Complementing each other, they are absolutely invincible.

——The world of beauty.

“This is probably due to personal fate!”

Fengyin’s face was full of gentle smiles: “It is also a coincidence that I came to Yuezhou City on a rainy night and accidentally found a litter of kittens that were just born. With a sigh of relief, I couldn’t help feeling pity, and I took it home. I didn’t expect this little guy to be unexpectedly painful, and he was very clingy to me. I had to squeeze the quilt when I slept at night, and sometimes I was afraid of pressing it… …I didn’t expect this little thing to fall into the eyes of Miss He…”

His voice was full of indescribable doting.

Xiao Fengying also rubbed her head on his chin at the right time, indescribably affectionate and dependent.

He Xiangming, as the head of Yuezhou of the Imperial Beast Gate, is a person with rich experience. Hearing Fengyin’s words are full of love for the kitten.

The thought of wanting to take Fengying away couldn’t help but reduce it by three points.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, what’s the use of just grabbing an ordinary domestic cat?

No matter how smart and cute they are, they will only have a lifespan of more than ten years, and domestic cats are very easy to grow up.

Thinking about it this way, the regret is certainly not diminished, but when it comes to how to love it, it is not as strong as before.

He wanted to end the conversation right now, forced a laugh, and said, “The reason for this is that I am not good at learning, and all the misjudgments made Young Master Ling laugh.”

Without a trace, he made a gesture, and the masters of the Beast Sect who were already in ambush retreated silently one by one.

Nothing good, I left.

Fengyin also saw that the other party was a little less interested and wanted to withdraw.

But, do you want to come? Do you want to go?

Your sect is so responsive to the business I am about to carry out, how can you let you go like this?

Then I was frightened for nothing?

Since it’s here, let me use it.

“The girl is the favored son of the heavens. Being so modest makes me feel ashamed and flattered. It’s a great honor to meet the girl today. I didn’t expect that the girl is also a fellow pet player, so Xiao Ke really needs to ask her for advice. “Feng Yin looks a little cramped.

ask? What qualifications do you have to ask me? He Xiangming rolled his eyes.

But I invited someone to come, so I can’t stand up and leave, not to mention this guy is quite handsome.

“Young Master Ling loves kittens so much, why do you want to buy other kittens?” He Xiangming was a little bored and felt that there was no topic, so he asked this question. It’s really a bit confusing.

Is it not enough for you to have a cat? Still want to play with birds?

“It’s like this, in the middle of the next family, although there is a little savings, it is inevitable to sit on the mountain and find a way to make a living.”

Fengyin smiled bitterly: “Previously, the girl said frankly that the mystery of the spirit beast scriptures is the grandeur of the sect… Well, to be honest, there will be a natural talent that makes spirit beasts get closer, and there is also the ability to train monsters. It’s a little bit of experience; the superficial tricks can’t be compared with your sect’s way of guarding beasts, but if you just run a small pet shop to keep alive, it may not be impossible.”

“Let me tell the girl sincerely, this kitten is the only family member I have now, and the experience is the same as me… I will never sell it.” Feng Yin said apologetically.

On the one hand, show yourself: I’m very good, you should need it. This kind of talent for being close to monsters should be the right match, right?

On the other hand, the road is blocked again: you can’t like it, I won’t sell the kitten!

This is my only family.

He Xiangming’s eyes flashed, and he couldn’t help feeling a sense of pity.

Kitten is the only other kitten that has died. Is this handsome young man in front of him also…

Thinking of this, I felt a little uncomfortable.

No wonder he adopted an ordinary house cat, it turns out.

A person is alive, alone, without any support, even the only consolation is actually an orphaned kitten.

In the vast world, there are no relatives.

Then I saw the other party’s handsome and foul face.

All of a sudden, the emotional heart is somewhat overflowing.

“A pet store?”

These three words instinctively caught He Xiangming’s attention.

As a member of the Beast Master Sect, it can be said that he is much more familiar with this kind of business than anyone else.

This kid dares to say anything about a pet store in front of me, I really don’t know how high the sky is.

He Xiangming’s smile added two points of playfulness: “Just those two pets, it’s not enough to open a pet store, it’s not enough to support the scene.”

Fengyin showed an embarrassed expression: “It’s really embarrassing, so I had to buy two first and maintain the situation for the time being. Although my talent is self-conscious, I didn’t really try it. I always try one or two. As for the big loss of money, ahem, I’m not afraid that the girl will laugh, but these two still almost used a handsome man’s trick to buy them… If they were purchased at the real market price, they were not enough.”

This self-deprecation made He Xiangming feel like he was laughing out loud.

The more I look at this handsome young man in front of me, he is kind, honest, handsome and dashing, with a little bit of innocence. What is especially rare is that he is simple and honest, which is the most rare.

The situation of the other party actually made him feel a little sympathetic involuntarily, and he couldn’t help but want to help. After all, it is also the reason why he has nothing to do with himself.

Moreover, supporting the pet store was originally one of my jobs in this area.

Because that’s one of the main sources of wealth for the Imperial Beast Sect.

“It’s not easy to do a pet store.” He Xiangming frowned, looking at Feng Yin with some playfulness.

“So knowing that the girl is an insider, I feel like I have met a guiding light.”

Fengyin was a little embarrassed: “I want to ask a few questions, but I think a little too much. I hope you don’t blame me.”

Just now he said he wanted to ask for advice, and He Xiangming was full of disdain.

But now, He Xiangming felt a little more comfortable when he asked for advice.

This young man, be honest.

Divine Consciousness locked his gaze, saw the boy’s expression, and listened to his tone. These words were all spoken from the heart, and there was nothing false.

“You want me to help you?” He Xiangming narrowed his eyes.

Fengyin was a little embarrassed: “I dare not, I dare not do such an extravagant hope…”

In a hurry, a few drops of cold sweat even appeared on the tip of the nose.

The feeling of greenness of the ‘freshman’ is even more obvious.

He Xiangming couldn’t help but Sure enough, he is a young man who has not yet entered the world. Besides, it should be, but he is only an eighteen or nineteen-year-old child, how much heart can he have?

“But I can help you.” He Xiangming held up her cheeks, and an inexplicable feeling of ‘mocking a good woman and man’ suddenly rose up in her heart.

“Then… that’s so embarrassing.”

Fengyin refused again and again: “It is a great joy to be able to mention a little, give some pointers or two.”

He Xiangming smiled and said: “In the future, you can come to me directly to get the food and resources you need, and when you confirm that you can train more monster cubs, you can also come to me to get the goods. goods.”

Lowered his voice and blinked: “Including the highest quality. As long as you have the ability to raise cubs.”

Fengyin’s face flushed immediately: “How can it be, how can it be, how can it be… I, I, girl, I don’t mean that. Isn’t that cheap for you? No way.”

For a while, I was at a loss, embarrassed, embarrassed, and a little shy. In short, it was the feeling of a simple and honest boy, and all of a sudden, a well gushed out.

He Xiangming smiled even more, looking at the anxious face of the young man in front of him, his face turned red; that kind of youthful feeling, simple and honest appearance, anxious stammering… Really honest.

Where can you find such a pure boy in a sect?

Those in the sect, all of them are like old fried dough sticks, and they have more hearts than each other, and they are not pleasing at first sight.

This Ling Yunyun is handsome, honest, honest, cute, and a little naive, naive, not deep in the world, and has no experience in the world…

I couldn’t help thinking in my heart, if this kind of character really supports his shop, then he will be able to control it more than others in the future, right?

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