Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 42

Chapter 41: Night Soul Hunter

While walking, Feng Yin muttered in his heart and sighed.

Jun Tianshou, as expected of Jun Tianshou.

As Fengyin has always believed, the Juntianshou organization has a very low tolerance for evil.

So much so that even a small character like Hu San was on the must-kill list of the dignified hands.

It can be seen that Jun Tianshou’s punishment is not based on the law, but has a unique set of standards for punishment.

Just like the four slogans of Jun Tianshou.

In a chaotic world, when you hold the sword in your hand, you will clear the world of ugliness, and your head will be in the blue sky.

The law maintains fairness and rules; but it is undeniable that the law is not omnipotent. Since the creation of the law, some people have become the slippery fish of the law.

Or plunder a lot of wealth, or act on the sidelines, so that the law cannot do itself.

And what Jun Tianshou is targeting, of course, some of them overlap with the law, and some are punished too lightly by the law, and some are the fish that slip through the net.

And another part of the judgment is not completely consistent with the law.

For example, the bronze medal task Ma Sanqian.

How many people have you killed since you became a one-legged thief? Fighting in the rivers and lakes, how many souls are there? This is inevitable and certain.

But before that, Jun Tianshou didn’t take it as a mission target.

In other words, in the previous battles between the rivers and lakes, the death and injury did not fall into the standard of punishment.

Only after Ma Sanqian plundered ordinary innocent merchants did he make it to the Juntianshou task list.

And this time, in order to escape, he sneaked into Yuezhou to kill an innocent family. The method was terrible and heinous; so Jun Tianshou was promoted to the red task.

That is the key task!

Completing this task, the reward is far richer than the ordinary bronze medal task.

One thing to pay attention to here: Ma Sanqian was already a bronze medal mission before he was marked red, and there are definitely many bronze medal killers who came to perform the mission and died under Ma Sanqian’s hands – that is to say, Jun Tianshou Killer His death is not recorded in the guilt value of the three thousand horses! ——The murderer is always killed, even if you are the killer of Jun Tianshou.

From here, you can see what the punishment standard of Jun Tianshou is.

As Fengyin had guessed before, Juntianshou’s biggest penalty criterion is: the bottom line of morality!

This is Jun Tianshou’s true standard of punishment.

Just like what this Hu San did, no matter what the laws of the dynasty were, it would not be a capital crime. Even if this Shusheng Li’s wife really died, this Hu San would not be a capital crime according to the law.

However, Jun Tianshou’s sentence was a direct conviction for the death penalty!

It can be seen how low Jun Tianshou’s tolerance for moral evil is!

And even more coincidentally…

Feng Yin himself has a very low tolerance for this type of sin.

It can even be said that windmarks have no tolerance!

What he hates most is this type of gangster.

Murderers at least really rose up to kill, and these **** don’t even dare to commit crimes. They would never dare to provoke them who have a little power, a little influence and a little influence. Harassment, bullying to death.

Even if you resort to the law, the punishment you get is nothing more than verbal warnings and neighborhood mediation.

The toad came on the table, but it was disgusting and dead without biting.

Because the punishment is too low, the repeated teachings of such people lead to many tragedies. Because ordinary people cannot afford such harassment. Especially weak women.

Such scum, at least in Feng Yin’s eyes, is worth dying for, and dying is not a pity!

This kind of thinking, in Fengyin’s previous life, was a bit extreme. Feng Yin knew this in his heart.

So I often feel suffocated and aggrieved when I see something.

Not anymore.

In such a world, to actually be able to punish crimes with death, Feng Yin only feels that this is really just what people want, and it can’t be better.

For a while, just seeing this sentence, Feng Yin was like drinking a puff of ice-cold sweet water in the summer, from head to toe, the ironing was indescribably comfortable.

Therefore, as long as Fengyin sees this type of mission goal, even if it does not meet his own benefits, even if it will cause the failure of the established mission, he will give priority to completing it!

Not for anything else, just to keep my heart happy and at ease.

I can endure grievances, but I can be beaten, misunderstood, and even killed, but I can’t stand the disgust!

Seeing that Hu San was not very far away from him, Feng Yin took a detour from his heart and rushed over.

In the dilapidated house, Hu Sanzheng lay happily on the bed, thinking about what to do next.

It would be great if that weak scholar really divorced his wife; who would look up to that charming little lady being divorced? It is just around the corner to become the index of your own mouth, and what you pay for is just a few words!

Well, then Scholar Li is still a little hesitant. If he wants to add more money tomorrow, he will go to him and tell him how soft your wife is, her buttocks are really soft, and it is really comfortable to hold. I envy him again, I have only played a few times, you I’m so lucky to have held it for so many years…

Destroyed this guy, and hurriedly wrote a divorce letter. This kind of nerd who blushed all over after scolding him but didn’t dare to attack, and would only say ‘shameless” angrily, is too cute and too bullying.

I have made this method more and more handy by myself. It costs little and gains a lot.

In the future, we must learn from experience. The more the better, the better! Use this method in other things to see if you can gain more.

When he was smugly thinking about it, suddenly a dark shadow broke through the window.

“Hu San!”


“Scum! Let’s hit the road!”


Fengyin didn’t say a single word of nonsense. He punched Hu San’s head like a meteor, smashing his brain into a crack, and thousands of peach blossoms bloomed.

Hu San even begged for mercy, and even the thought of begging for mercy didn’t even have time to turn, and he was already killed in one blow.

Fengyin wanted to scold a few words first, but when he got there, he really had no interest in scolds. He felt disgusted at a glance. Such a thing should be killed neatly.

He doesn’t even have the qualifications to ask me to scold me!

There is absolutely no need for reasoning or judgment.

I sentence you to death now.

I will execute the death sentence immediately!

Immediately ready to leave, but after thinking about it, he still left a note, changed the handwriting, crooked.

“Spreading rumors, destroying people’s innocence, and intending to break up other people’s husbands and wives, to achieve their ulterior motives; the crime is extremely heinous, the law of man is difficult to be investigated, and the law of heaven is not allowed, so I came here to kill her. The wife of a scholar, virtuous, virtuous and knowledgeable, is a good match. ; Good people should not be wronged, and villains should be eliminated. Those who follow the hands of Juntian, the iron card is gentle.”

Originally, I just wanted to write about Hu San’s sins, but Fengyin thought about it and added the last few words.

With this note as a follow-up, not only can we deal with the official investigation, but also think that the woman’s life will return to peace in the future, right?

Fengyin searched again, found the unconscious woman, fed a medicine in her mouth, shook her head, sighed, and threw herself away.

I just made a move at the right time. As for what happens in the future, it’s none of my business.

There are too many injustices in the world, one or two of your own fetters is already the limit, and if you interfere too much, you are asking for trouble, asking for trouble!


In the dark night, the fierce battle is in full swing.

The two figures, swords and swords, flew up and down.

It is an iron-brand killer who is completing the mission, but the strength of the established mission target is really tyrannical.

Can’t win for a while, or even fall into a disadvantage.

Suddenly, there was a cold drink in the dark night.

“Qian Zhong?”

In the middle of the fierce battle, one person was startled and shouted, and with a bold move, he forced the enemy in front of him to retreat, turned his head and followed the sound.

Right at this moment, a blade of light suddenly appeared, smashing through the night sky, and a ray of light in the sky like lightning, but seeing the light of blood rushing, the head rushing up.

Qian Zhong’s body swayed and fell to the ground.

The Jun Tianshou killer didn’t know who killed Qian Zhong, but only saw a black shadow flying by, and in a flash, it was already on the eaves, and in another flash, he disappeared.


The killer was almost exhausted from the battle at this moment. Seeing that he was defeated, he tried his best to maintain it with one move just now, and he was almost defeated. How could he think that the target Qian Zhong would lose his head in an instant and die…

In addition to his thoughts, he hurriedly opened Jun Tianjian to see The task has been completed, the completers: Tieban Gentleness, Killer Sequence, 70,000… . ”

The killer couldn’t help but be stunned.

“The iron card is gentle? This…this kind of cultivation, this kind of speed, this kind of means…it’s just an iron-colored iron card, and the ranking is so low? I am more than 60,000 higher than him…how is this possible? Aren’t you joking?”

Looking at his iron ranking of more than 7,000, the killer felt a little messy in an instant.

Because the bronze medal killer clearly felt that if the “iron medal gentleman” stabbed him, 99% of the time he wouldn’t be able to resist it.

Not even a knife can stop it!

“The size of the world is truly amazing. This kind of expert is actually 60,000 places lower than me…”

The killer shook his head and left with a puzzled face.

Although the mission was not completed this time, compared to picking up a small life, this person was not resentful for the tenderness that robbed him of his mission. Instead, he felt grateful. There is only one life left, and only survival is everything.

But another idea is also very clear.

“This gentleness is worth paying attention to.”

Fengyin moved to the Quartet this night, and completed one card, two wooden, and three iron missions in succession. The mission was 100% complete. Naturally, the card and wooden missions were not enough, but the three iron missions were all Completed in one go!

one move!

Among them, the third is a difficult task that has been hanging for more than half a month, a task that many iron cards have not been able to complete during this period…

Feng Yin’s confidence was greatly boosted by the easy completion of tasks one after another, and he couldn’t help but study the bronze medal task again.

“Ma Sanqian… The one-legged thief…”

This task has not been completed yet.

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