Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 38

Chapter 37: Tianyi Headquarters

In the city of Yuezhou.

Wu Tiejun took the wounded back and started running all the way to apply for subsidies, pensions, and various supplies.

Afterwards, we will evaluate merits, discuss awards, fill out various forms, and prepare various summaries and reports…

All kinds of busyness, from the moment I went back, I was completely devastated.

He had to finish all these things in the shortest time, and then he had to find a house for Fengyin in the safest place in Yuezhou City and take Feng Langzhong over.

This is the task that he set before leaving.

Why did he leave the brigade halfway, and disappeared directly with Tiannan Samsung.

However, he went directly to the Tsing Yi Tiannan contact point, and then contacted the Rainbow Tianyi headquarters through a secret method.

An official.

Want a job.

I want a soul bead!

Ask for money!

Want the treasures of heaven and earth!

Brother Feng needs everything!


Beijing, Rainbow Sky Tsing Yi headquarters.

A middle-aged man held a jade token and smiled bitterly. This is the Qianli Sound Transmission Jade Card that is qualified to possess the level of a general manager or above in Rainbow Sky Clothing.

It was made by the Great Master Qingming after the Juntian Jian of Jun Tianshou.

But it is rarely used, because to activate this, you must use fairy spar.

The fairy spar is a rare treasure, how can it be used for normal chatting and farting? Therefore, there are strict regulations on the use of such things.

It’s not a major event, it’s not a very big event, this connection is not allowed.

Now, why go to actually use this for a husband.

This middle-aged man is the head of Rainbow Sky’s Tsing Yi Department, Ming Gongyu.

A gentleman in Tsing Yi, jade of the Ming Palace.

Xun Xun seems to be elegant, with a gentleman’s demeanor, but in his bones, he is a generation of ruthless men who kill people and fill mountains with white bones.

But this generation of ruthless people frowned at the moment, but his face was bitter.

“This big brother He really gave me a big problem.”

Ming Gong Yuru’s elegant eyebrows were all wrinkled together: “For a man… This man, can he really live and die as he said?”

The two are old brothers, and Ming Gongyu entered Rainbow Sky Clothes more than ten years later than He Ne; the two have always had a good personal relationship.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was seriously injured and tried his best to resign from the post of minister, Ming Gongyu wouldn’t be able to take this position.

Therefore, Ming Gongyu has always respected why he went.

Suddenly receiving this news, although Ming Gongyu didn’t quite understand it, she also knew why she was going to be a nonsense person.

After thinking for a while, he immediately set off for the headquarters.

“Ming Gongyu of the Qingyi Ministry, discuss important matters with the ministers of other ministries, and ask the headquarters to convene, preside over, and make decisions.”

After a while.

Five of the seven ministers had arrived, and the other two had already left.

Deputy Headquarters Ren Kyongyan presided over the event in person.

“Tell me, what’s everyone’s opinion on why you should go and the requirements of the Tsing Yi Department?”

Several ministers were all in deep thought.

Everyone is a mature and prudent person, and everyone understands that if this person really has a great strategic role, why should he be a mature and prudent personality, he would never bring it up like this.

If it is proposed, there is a reason for it.

For this point, everyone is very convinced why there is no need to go.

After so many years old brothers, everyone still understands.

Kong Gaohan, the head of the white-clothed department, frowned and said, “Why go to Ming Gongyu, it’s not right for your Tsing-clothed department to do this.”

“What’s wrong?”

“As we all know, the most important duty of our Rainbow Sky and White Department is medical treatment; since we have such a genius doctor, then it should be attributed to our White Department, so why do you guys stay? Heavenly clothing taboo.”

Ming Gongyu said with a smile: “Thank you for being so good at saying, why go to the army this time, if it wasn’t for your white-clothed department being dragged back, it would not be our Tsing-clothing department’s turn to know this genius doctor, there is a personal fate, Mr. Kong, Am I right.”

It means that you are not doing things in white clothes, you have made mistakes, and you have delayed things, yet you still have the face to ask those of us who have been tortured by you to be your best friend?

In other words, he pointed to his nose and asked directly: Do you want a face? You want shame!

Kong Gaohan said angrily: “If there is something to talk about, what are you doing with a gun and a stick. If the headquarters hadn’t arranged otherwise, how could I have made a mistake? Can I blame the white-clothed department?”

Deputy Minister Ren Kuang said indifferently, “Kong Gaohan, you have to pay attention to what you say. Every department has made mistakes, and each department is responsible. Why is the headquarters involved again? What do you mean by my deputy minister’s order? Made you make a mistake?”

Obviously, the Vice-Minister is also a little guilty.

After all, when the Tsing Yi Department was dispatched, the Tiannan battle situation suddenly eroded, and the number of wounded reached an uncontrollable number. It was an order from the Vice-Minister to temporarily dispatch the Bai Yi Department to rescue people.

Although there is no loss in the big festival, but after all, I am ashamed of the Tsing Yi Department. This is undeniable.

Minister Ziyi, Chu Xiaotan, stroked his beard and said with a smile, “The position issue has not yet been decided, and the requirements for why you should go have not been met. The two of you are actually fighting for someone; it’s not a shame!”

He coughed and said, “But then again, I don’t think you need to fight for this person. In my opinion, it is very suitable for our purple-clothed department, so let him come to us. Besides, why don’t you ask for safety? Is it? Our purple-clothed department is almost out of the capital, isn’t it safe to the extreme?”

Kong Gaohan and Ming Gongyu spit at the same time: “What does it have to do with your purple-clothed clan we rob people! Go away!”

Dao Wantu, the head of the blood-clothed department, was annoyed when he heard it, and stood up first to express his position: “As for the request for why we should go, our blood-clothed department has no objection. I have finished expressing my position and I will leave.”

Strides away.

“This embryo kill will do nothing but kill.”

Feng Poji, the head of the black-clothed department, spit at Dao Wantu’s back.

These two people didn’t like each other, but in front of Dao Wantu, Feng Poji was still a little scared.

So you can’t see the shadow and complain again, to prevent the executioner from the blood-clothed department from suddenly going crazy.

“It’s forbidden to spit here!”

Deputy Headquarters Ren Kuang said his face was as black as charcoal, Feng Poji hurriedly stretched out his foot on the ground and crushed the saliva.

He just let Kuangyan say: “How about leaving this person at the headquarters…?”

Ming Gongyu hurriedly said, “Brother He made it clear that this person is very important, and our Tsing Yi Department must stay.”

Ren Kuangyan rubbed his temples with a headache: “Are you a minister or why should he be a minister? You, a minister, have to be somewhat authoritative. What’s the point of transferring someone from your side? You need to know if the meat is rotten or in the pot.”

Ming Gongyu smiled lightly: “Of course the meat is rotten in the pot, but who’s mouth is not sure.”

Immediately, he said, “As long as Brother He recovers and returns, I will relinquish the post of minister at any time.”

He really wasn’t lying.

Since I became a minister, I was about to suffocate to death. There is no joy in the joy of the rivers and lakes.

Why go, come back as soon as possible to be a minister, just because this windmark can make you heal, I will do my best to keep him in the Tsing Yi Department!

This is about my freedom.

A group of people talked a lot, and their hearts were moved, but Ming Gongyu, although the youngest and the most junior, clenched his teeth and did not give in!

Everyone was so angry that their teeth hurt and there was nothing they could do, so they finally decided.

Ren Kuangyan, on behalf of the headquarters, made two small requests to go through the motions, and then agreed to He Bi’s request, and transferred ten soul beads from the headquarters and handed them over to Ming Gongyu.

“Tell why you should go, save it! This is the Soul Soul Orb! The Soul Soul Orb!”

Ming Gongyu could still hear it, and finally completed the task.

He felt relaxed all over, and after picking up the Soul Soul Orb, he couldn’t wait to go out with a spring breeze on his face.

Watching Ming Gongyu leave, Kong Gaohan, the minister in white, suddenly stood up and said, “Old Ren, I want to go to Yuezhou.”

Ren Kuangyan suddenly had a headache, rubbed his temples and said, “Don’t make trouble, it’s all settled, what’s the use of you going? If you go, what will you do with the nobles in the capital?”

Kong Gaohan said indifferently: “Why go and never lie, since he said so, then the importance of this person to Da Qin is even above the entire Baiyi Department. So the old man must go and see.”

“As for the nobles in the capital, it’s fine if there are other people from the White Clothes Department. It shouldn’t be a problem to support them for a while. It’s impossible for them to die of illness as soon as I leave.”

“Be careful!…Hey. You can go, but you have to listen to me when it comes to safety.”

“it is good.”


In Yuezhou City.

Fengyin has once again walked around Yuezhou City, a full circle.

Using my identity here before, Fengyin once inquired about Now it has been more than a year, and revisiting the old place, Fengyin has no emotion in his heart, just follows the original route and goes around the circle again.

Record all the secluded places, especially the tall and strong trees with dense branches and leaves and huge crowns.

I also chatted with street vendors and beggars I met occasionally.

I was having dinner in a restaurant, and I also had a few high-level discussions with Xiao Er and the boss.

I have learned about the changes in prices, food, cultivation resources, etc., and some slight changes.

In particular, some terrains that have been changed recently, and some buildings that have been newly added or demolished, have been read back and forth several times.

Even some dog holes, sewers, ditches, and rivers are clearly remembered, especially ditches and rivers, or garden ponds that are big enough for some big families…

Even where the river is deep, where the water is shallow, where the water is turbid, and where the water is clear.

This intention, although Feng Yin can’t guarantee that he is unique in this world, but he is confident that he can be as detailed as himself, absolutely not many.

This is the first job that must be done every time the wind seal goes.

Step on the field.

Although I still don’t know and can’t be sure what the next task will be and what area it will be in, it’s always right to prepare more.

So Fengyin, based on his own nature, has investigated almost all the ways of advancing and retreating in detail, until he has a map in almost detail in his mind.

I finally felt a little relieved.

At the very least, there are already thousands of routes in my mind to retreat after performing the mission…


[Transition chapters, so more points. 】

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