Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 318

Vol 2 Chapter 145: Recognized [2 In 1]

, Biluo Tiandao

Chapter 308 Recognized [Two in One]

But among these few people, there are also some knowledgeable ones, and one said: “Let’s proceed with caution, this girl drives this car with her own strength, it is difficult to guarantee her origin, maybe she is a ruthless character like Dong Xiaoyan, a female evil star. , do you want to try again?”

Another person disdainfully said: “Impossible, absolutely impossible, who is Dong Xiaoyan, a cold-blooded killer who slaughtered a living person without a word, his reputation is prosperous, and the newly emerging killer is gentle, all such things. Look at this driver again, a beautiful auntie Liang. She is dripping with sweat, pouting her lips and pursing her sack. She is obviously an eldest lady who does not touch the spring water with ten fingers. like!”

“makes sense.”

One of them approached and said, “Girl, are these goods all yours?”

“It’s not mine, or is it yours?” Dong Xiaoyan was feeling pity for herself, she said in a displeased way.

“Well, where did you get these goods from?”

“Where else could it come from?”

Dong Xiaoyan felt more and more that the other party’s words were weird. I just wanted to hire you to drive the car. Why do you ask so many?

“The few of us are really a little bit puzzled, why is the girl alone in the car? Isn’t this unreasonable?” said a suspicious one.

Dong Xiaoyan didn’t get angry: “It’s because I’m the only one who can’t control this carriage well, so I’m going to ask you to help me drive it!”

“You can’t control the carriage? Um… great, great!”

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned: “What is great? You agreed?”

But seeing that guy pulled out the knife with a swipe, he said with a grin: “Since the girl can’t even drive a carriage, how can she be able to keep so many good things? Thank you girl for giving our brothers a big gift!”

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned, straightened his upper body, and looked surprised: “You… are you trying to rob me? Robber me?”

Miss Dong, who has already realized this, is still a little bit confused.

What’s wrong with me… I got all these things from robbery!

Unexpectedly, there are still people who dare to rob me. Fresh, so fresh!

“Little girls! Don’t you understand?”

A guy grinned: “Today, we will teach you a good boy who doesn’t reveal his wealth. Later, he will accompany the uncles to be happy and happy, and let you go on the road happily! Don’t toast, eat or drink fine wine, and suffer many zero sins!”

Dong Xiaoyan’s eyes widened, and her eyes were full of strange colors: “Aren’t you afraid of being on the list of Jun Tianshou?”

“Afraid? I won’t grab it if I’m afraid!”

A guy laughed and said, “Brothers, come on!”


Dong Xiaoyan was angry.

I just want to hire a driver. It’s fine if you don’t accept the hire, yet…

“I urge you to think about it again. I don’t want to rashly kill. I’m not so good at talking on weekdays!”

“Oh, the little girl is still bluffing, why don’t you just say that you are Yun Gong Yujian Dong Xiaoyan, maybe we are really afraid…”

It’s a pity that the taunting words were not finished before the sword light flashed!

Miss Dong angrily drew out her sword, and blood splattered immediately.

A corpse suddenly fell into dust, and blood gushed from its throat.

How arrogant he was just now, how quickly he rushed into the street.

When things changed like this, the others were immediately stunned and stunned.

Looking at the long sword that looked like white jade in this weak girl’s hand, it was pure and flawless, and there was no trace of blood.

On the pretty face, the murder secret was announced, mixed with a bit of anger.

“It’s worth it…”

The rest of the three were shaking their teeth, and they didn’t know that they had provoked a ruthless character that they should never have provoked.

“You’re right, my mother is Dong Xiaoyan! How dare you rob me!”

Dong Xiaoyan was so angry that her chest was a size bigger, she jumped out of the carriage and swung her sword to kill: “I just want to hire a worker…”

Before he could finish speaking, the three people who had escaped had all turned into corpses.

On Dong Xiaoyan’s carriage, there were several more packages, several swords, several bottles of medicinal pills, and a pocket of gold, silver and silver notes.

“Ah ah ah!”

Dong Xiaoyan went crazy.

No people were hired, but there were more goods. Can this be better?

“I shouldn’t be so greedy for money ah ah ah…”

“But these things are left here to waste ah ah ah ah…”

“What should I do…”

Looking around, I saw a guy in front of him speeding up his pace and running towards the distance.

“You! That who… stop for me!”

Miss Dong shouted loudly, and immediately began to perform a superb movement technique, hurriedly chasing after her.

Fengyin saw that this **** was chasing him, so he naturally ran away quickly, but his cultivation was too far from Dong Xiaoyan’s, and the distance was so close.

It was only the first time to change the body technique of stealing the sky and changing the sun, and before the speed was mentioned, it was already intercepted by the other party.

“There is a profitable business, do you want to do it?”

Miss Dong asked aloud.

The long sword in his hand was swung one by one.

Feng Yin was dumbfounded: “…”

I want to say I don’t do it, okay? !

Feng Yin sat briskly on top of the chariot, holding a horse whip.

Under Miss Dong’s coercion and enticement, Feng Langzhong naturally turned from a kind person to a coachman.

But in this line of work, Fengyin is actually much more skilled than Dong Xiaoyan.

Although the wind seal is said to be loose and loose, I think that all four of our wheels were able to soar to 260 drops, not to mention that there are two horses for boosting.

With the current height and deep cultivation base, he really meant to fight where and how, and the two horses were instantly tidied up by him.

The control is smooth and stable, making the whole process shockingly smooth.

The hiring process is like this.

“Do you want to make money or not?” Dong Xiaoyan waved her sword, fierce and vicious.

“Do it! But don’t do it if it’s too little!”

“Is one thousand taels enough? Do you want to do it?”

“Silver… that definitely won’t work, you have to add more money, Lingjing can be considered!”

“One hundred spirit crystals!”

“One hundred spirit crystals, don’t do it, am I such a cheap person!”

“Two hundred!”

“No! I’m an earth-level cultivator!”

“Three hundred!”

“Don’t do it! I’m a real fifth-grade earth-level cultivator!”

“Eh? Earth-level fifth-grade!?” Dong Xiaoyan waved her sword again, fierce and vicious.

“It’s not impossible to do it!”

“make a deal!”

When Miss Dong talks about business, she is so neat and efficient. In a few words, it was done, and the commission was paid as soon as it was agreed.

In all fairness, the work of driving a carriage, three hundred spirit crystals, would have to compete to the point of breaking the head on weekdays!

Once upon a time, a celestial cultivator like Zhuang Weiran actually ran around for a few low-level spirit crystals…

However, for Miss Dong, this deal is still a good deal.

There was a windmark to drive the car, and Dong Xiaoyan immediately relaxed. Shi Shiran sat on the back of the car with his legs hanging in the air, swinging around, especially when he had time to pull out a bag of snacks and eat.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} Looking at the back of Fengyin’s car like this, an advantage of ‘I’m so smart’ emerges spontaneously, and it doesn’t go away for a long time.

But what followed was an inexplicable, somewhat familiar meaning, but what was going on?

“Hey, what’s your name?” Dong Xiaoyan asked.

“Hu Dayang.”

“Hu Dayang?”

This apparently common name caught Dong Xiaoyan’s attention.

Because she was very sure that among the people she knew, there was absolutely no one named Hu Dayang; it just so happened that the current wind seal had already removed the appearance of Hu Dayang, although it was not his true face, it also had three or four parts of his true face.

In Fengyin’s heart, after a thin line of sky and broken jade city, the sea is wide and the fish leaps, the sky is high and the birds fly, and there is no obstruction. How can I think that Dong Xiaoyan, the big girl, will catch the strong man.

Just keeping the disguise like this is enough to be cautious enough.

But Fengyin didn’t feel too embarrassed about the current situation, and with Dong Xiaoyan, he added another layer of disguise to himself. If that’s the case, why should he care about the details, let alone earn extra money and help others Oneself, why not do it.

Taking 10,000 steps back, Dong Xiaoyan still needs her help, but Feng Yin never forgets it.

That was a huge extra cash.

Even if he is rich now and has two golden arms, the more wealth the better, the better, and he will not refuse!

He was driving the car in front of him and was content. He didn’t realize that in Dong Xiaoyan’s careful eyes, he had already started to think about many strange things.

At this moment, Dong Xiaoyan cares about everything in her heart.

“Hu Dayang? I have no memory of this person.”

“But this person gives me the feeling that I have clearly met and communicated with each other.”

“And it’s still a very important and crucial kind of communication, otherwise the memory will not be so clear, but who is the other party?”

Dong Xiaoyan frowned and pondered for a long time, but she still had no answer, and suddenly blurted out: “Have we met?”

“I haven’t seen it before.” Feng Yin replied very smoothly.

“Ha ha……”

Dong Xiaoyan didn’t answer any more, she gathered her eyes and opened her eyes.

She is very talented and can see the grievances in the world. Now that she has a firm mind, she simply uses this heavenly eye to corroborate her thoughts.

Anyway, it’s not too hard, let’s see what’s the point.

But this time, it was a big surprise to Dong Xiaoyan, because on the head of the wind, there was only a clear sky, a clear sky, auspicious clouds fluttering, and there was no resentment at all!

“I got a… hiss!”

Dong Xiaoyan looked at it again and again and confirmed that it was correct, she couldn’t help but gasp!

She was shocked to the extreme.

I’m so… I just randomly pulled a coachman to drive a carriage, but he’s actually a holy figure like a saint? !

How many people have I seen in my life, no one can really show such a clear sky and auspicious clouds floating in the sky.

This… This is not only a situation that has never been done to harm nature, but also a surreal existence with boundless merit!

In the whole world, before this, there is no one!

Such a character, who is the real person? !

“You…you never killed anyone?” Dong Xiaoyan asked Fengyin in shock, “Hu Dayang?”


Fengyin thought about it for a while, and felt that the people he killed, judging by their actions, didn’t seem to be considered human at all?

He simply shook his head: “What are you doing to kill? I never kill anyone, it’s just plain bloody.”

“Then what do you do to make a living? With your earth-level cultivation, isn’t it completely useless?”

Dong Xiaoyan is truly respectful. Such a person with infinite merit, no matter what he did to accumulate such merit and auspicious clouds, he was worthy of respect, and he did not feel blasphemy!

“I’m… an unemployed vagabond. If I have a cultivation base, I don’t necessarily have to fight and kill, right? Isn’t it one of the original intentions of a practitioner to keep fit?”

“Haha… I believe it.”

Dong Xiaoyan continued to use her brains to check the people she knew one by one.

In the face of such an almighty—although the cultivation base is really not high, in Dong Xiaoyan’s eyes, this kind of merit is still a great power, definitely a great power! Even the greatest power in the world!

How can we not find out his true identity?

But since the other party chose to hide his identity, I will not reveal it to you after I find it out.

“…This is not my grandfather, nor my father…”

Miss Dong began to investigate one by one, and she didn’t speak for a while.

Fengyin is driving the car while comprehending various martial arts that he has just acquired, studying and understanding the past little by little.

The road is long.

There was silence.

The mountain breeze is coming.

The moon is white and the wind is clear.

Until evening, the two of them hit a point; after serving the two horses, they finished eating the hay, and immediately put the carriage on the side of the woods, set up a fire, and made something to eat.

Feng Ying and Xiao Snake naturally huddled in Feng Ying’s pocket and slept.

There is nothing to do now, and he can’t be enlightened for a short period of time for two hours.

Especially the little snake, who has just undergone a new round of evolution, for it, the entire realm is new and unfamiliar.

It takes a little bit of time to understand, what did this evolution get, and the new cognition derived from bloodline inheritance…

And Feng Ying’s situation is not too bad.

This trip, she also jumped a lot and achieved the body of the seven tails. Naturally, she needs to sort out her current knowledge a little bit.

As far as she is concerned, the awakening is still more related to the related talents of the seven orifices civet…

Feng Ying curled up her little body, lying down obediently in her pocket, and occasionally grabbed a few of her beards with a small paw, silently meditating, comprehending, seeking good luck and avoiding evil?

Um… Now that I’m in this pocket, I can feel the safest. This is the perception of chasing good luck and avoiding evil, right?

Feng Ying turned over happily.

“Hey, what’s in your pocket?”

Dong Xiaoyan asked curiously.

“Oh, a little pet.”

Fengyin said vaguely: “It’s a long journey, and it’s very lonely, so I bought a small pet to accompany me, it’s not worth a while.”

“Little pet? Let me see!”

Dong Xiaoyan immediately became interested when she heard the words.

Of course Fengyin would not offer Fengying, but instead took out the ghost snake.

The jade color of the little snake on the peak of the ghost snake is excellent, but now it has a few more tender colors. It does not have the legendary nine poisonous and ferocious appearances, only it is cute and cute, and its jade color is crystal clear.

As it is now, even if the ancient head of the Imperial Beast Sect came, he would not be able to recognize that it was a ghost snake!

Dong Xiaoyan couldn’t recognize it either.

“What kind of snake is this? Why is it so cute.” Dong Xiaoyan’s eyes lit up.

“The White Jade Snake, a heterogenous snake genus that feeds on herbs.” Fengyin said, with a real meaning.

“White Jade Snake?” Dong Xiaoyan was puzzled: “Why does this one look sapphire?”

“Heh, according to legend, the white jade snake only becomes jade-white when it reaches the highest realm. This is not far behind.” Feng Yin said.

try{mad1(‘gad2’);}catch(ex){} “So, is this snake poisonous?”

“Haha, the White Jade Snake doesn’t eat meat or blood, so how can it be poisonous? It’s not poisonous at all.”

Feng Langzhong answered very calmly, as if it were true.

“For me, it’s a pet. It’s nice and cute to take with you.”

Speaking of which, he raised a finger, the ghost snake did not hesitate, climbed up obediently, and wrapped its thin body around the finger.

Dong Xiaoyan’s eyes were filled with envy.

“It’s so cute.”

Seeing the dazzling beauty of Dong Damei, Fengyin showed off more and more. Following his thoughts, the little snake obeyed, from this finger to that finger, wandering back and forth, and finally in the palm of his hand. Turning in circles with head held high.

The small green bean-like eyes are swarthy and indescribably beautiful and cute.

“Originally, I also have pets… eh.”

Dong Xiaoyan sighed, at this moment she inevitably thought of her Ice Phoenix.

Then I thought of that Master Ling, my only hope…

Ice Phoenix… Ice Phoenix… Master Ling…

“What the hell!”

Dong Xiaoyan suddenly burst out with such a sentence, staring straight at Feng Yin’s face.

After a moment of clarity, I finally felt something!

“It turned out to be you! It turned out to be you!”

Dong Xiaoyan gritted her teeth: “You foolish fellow!”

Fengyin was stunned: “What? What are you talking about?”

Dong Xiaoyan’s cheeks bulged out: “You disrespectful fellow!”

Fengyin scratched his head, with a confused look on his face: “It’s only the first time that the girl and I met… this, this…”


Dong Xiaoyan puffed her cheeks: “You keep pretending!”

“What am I pretending, girl, don’t get me wrong!”

Feng Yin’s face is full of injustice, his expression is sincere, and his feelings are full of sincerity: “We just met for the first time today, girl… just now you insisted on hiring me to drive you a car… I will express a little bit. If you don’t want to, you will draw your sword… I, I am so wronged, I have been wronged through the ages.”


Dong Xiaoyan squinted at this guy, and said strangely: “I thought you raised snakes well just now, but now that I think about it, is this just a reasonable thing?”

“The girl won the prize.”

Fengyin murmured in her heart: Crap, this girl doesn’t really see something, does she?

So he became more careful and said, “Dare to ask the girl’s surname?”

Dong Xiaoyan’s chest became a size bigger: “You don’t know me? You said you don’t know me?”

“I really don’t know!” Feng Yin’s face was full of confusion, and the actor was possessed.


Dong Xiaoyan gritted her teeth, gasping for breath.

Originally, I planned not to dismantle him. I had a good time these few days. Watching this guy pretend to be confused on purpose was actually quite a sense of accomplishment.

You thought I didn’t recognize you, but I didn’t know that I already recognized you, I really recognized you!

If you pretend to be confused, I will play with you by pretending to be confused.

During this process, only I was awake.

Isn’t it also a kind of happiness? !

But I didn’t expect this guy’s act of confusion to be so irritating!

Whether it is bearable or unbearable, if it is unbearable, then there is no need to bear it anymore.

With her cheeks puffed up, she asked coldly on her pretty face, “You said you didn’t know me, so why did you accept my spirit crystal?”

“Isn’t that the salary you gave me?” Feng Yin was dying.

“Yeah, it’s the employment salary for you, but not the employment salary this time!”


“Could it be that you really forgot the deposit you received from me last time?”

Dong Xiaoyan turned her head sharply, roared in a low voice, and was extremely cute: “I can’t forget who the lion was talking about! Speaking of which, when will I treat my Ice Phoenix? Huh?”

With a ferocious expression, even Bai Shengsheng’s little tiger teeth were exposed!

Feng Yin’s face was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dumbly: “Ah, I didn’t expect you to recognize me! Good eyesight!”

Dong Xiaoyan hummed angrily: “Tell me, what should I do?”

Now that he recognized it, Feng Yin became more calm.

After all, the other party has something to ask for from him, and the other party will never dare to do anything to him until he confirms that the treatment is complete or cannot be treated at all!

“If you recognize it, you will recognize it. What else can you do?”

He fell back, his two arms were placed under his head, and Erlang’s legs were raised; he actually lay flat.

“You… what do you mean?” Dong Xiaoyan was stunned.

I recognize you.

I recognized you!

You pretended to be mysterious and pretended to be a ghost, and you concealed it so well that I exposed it. Shouldn’t you be embarrassed?

Shouldn’t you be ashamed?

Ashamed? Incoherent? Stuttering…

All of the above should be your current performance, right?

Dong Xiaoyan had long thought about those situations, how to take advantage of the overall moral and psychological advantages, how to be unreasonable, how to tease, how to oppress the other party, do things for yourself, do a lot of things…

The words are all ready.

Right at the mouth.

Pour at any time.

I don’t vomit quickly anymore.

But the other party actually accepted it so calmly, and lay down directly?

This kind of calmness, this lying made Dong Xiaoyan prepare a belly, all of which were held in her stomach and could not come out.

Do you not vomit quickly?

I just didn’t vomit. Are you angry?


“It doesn’t make any sense, what can it make sense?”

Fengyin said very naturally: “You also said that we are old friends. We meet again in different places and recognize each other once. It’s a happy thing, isn’t it good? In front of old friends, naturally, what else can there be?”

Dong Xiaoyan’s nose crooked with anger: “Is that what I mean?”

Fengyin was surprised: “Then what do you mean? Please make it clear that I am an honest person, and I don’t understand the truth of those who go around!”

Dong Xiaoyan exhaled furiously and stretched out her hand: “Give me back the spirit crystal!”

“Isn’t that inappropriate, it’s all my salary and labor income, why should I give it to you! Especially the word ‘return’, where does it come from!”


“I definitely don’t have to say if you want Lingjing, but as an old friend, I’ll treat you to some barbecue…”

Feng Yinjing took out a large piece of centipede meat weighing dozens of pounds from the ring and grilled it on the fire.

“Among friends, is there anything that can’t be solved by having a barbecue, right?” Feng Yin said leisurely.

“That won’t work!”

Dong Xiaoyan was very determined.

A piece of meat, a barbecue, and you want to bribe me?

No way!

Where in the world is there such a cheap thing!


[Writing here, I suddenly got thirsty and went to have a barbecue. 】

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