Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: Hand Of Juntian! 【Thank You Brothers For Joining Us】


“Our brothers… that’s really all…”

The three brothers Xu Lao turned their bodies over and over, and then they collected 250 taels of silver.

The bag was clean, and there really wasn’t even a penny left.

And one of the results of this pouring out is that the two brothers stayed in the hospital room and stayed in the hospital.

As the saying goes: Conscience is lost in difficult places, and it is impossible to move without money.

No inn to live in, no food to eat, and no shame to stay in the hospital, these two standard poor and disabled brothers, apart from fighting their homes, they are left to die of starvation.

“We’ll take care of our injuries… As long as there is a little improvement, we’ll leave and go to pick up the task, and we’ll have money after completing the task…”

“We can still work…”

“We can do anything…”

“Anyway, we don’t have a single penny left. You are so kind, chivalrous, and gentle as you. You won’t look at our brothers in vain. Let’s lie before the corpse hospital…”

Mr. Xu said with a drooling face.

Elder Xu, who was beside him, was flushed all around.

Brother can say that, he is really sick.

But he was clearly not injured, and he was strong… how could he be so embarrassed to lie down?

After a long time, she said, “I… I take care of my brother…”

After a pause, he added: “In the daytime, I’ll go out to work to earn money, and pick up quests… If I can complete a quest and sell the pills I’ve earned, I’ll be able to do so soon. rich.”

“What’s the matter? Sell the pills you earn?!”

Fengyin Divine Doctor, who was about to make a sarcastic sentence, glared at him, his eyes full of unbelievable absurdity.

Can such good things be sold?

I ate it all by myself…

“You are an expert in treating living people. When it comes to killer business and quest rewards, our brothers have more say. Our Juntianshou quest rewards medicine pills, which are high-quality products recognized by the whole continent, even the most common and most common. Ordinary Yuan Lidan, that is also hard currency!” Xu Laosi’s face was full of pride, and his chest stood up.

“I’m an iron-killer of Juntian’s hand! Iron-colored iron, very high-level!”

“Tsk… It’s really awesome, not even five hundred taels… It’s really awesome… A mere iron card, it’s really awesome!”

Feng Yin clicked his tongue twice, shook his head and went out with his hands behind his back.

There is a very light wind and clouds, and it is full of force.

Your grandma’s, now you know that iron-brand killers are awesome?

Two little cuties, the great God is right in front of you!

It’s a pity that the two of you have eyes and don’t know Mount Tai!


The continuous drizzle rained for three full days. Although it was not big, the drizzle did not stop.

But it also led to the fact that the three brothers Xu Lao sat in the city of sorrow and sorrow one after another, their faces full of bitterness.

In Jun Tianjian, tasks are constantly refreshed.

The iron and wooden quests are endless and endless. It is definitely not a joke to let you take the quest softly.

But most of them are simpler, easier, and closer. When Xu Laosi rushes past, others will have completed it…

Very vividly fulfilled an old saying: Eating **** can’t keep up with the heat!

Jun Tianshou killer’s business is booming, and the competition is fierce… It’s evident.

A few times, I had to go back halfway and have to go back. There is no way, the goal has been completed.

And it was done gently by that iron card…

Xu Laosi’s running legs were all thin, and he didn’t catch a single one.

In my heart, I directly scolded that gentleness to the point where I would never survive!

This **** gentleness, is it the nemesis of Lao Tzu?

Wherever I go, you follow.

Do you want to nod your face?


In the same three days, Fengyin found that he had lost a lot of money. He had managed the two brothers’ board and lodging for three days in vain, and also took herbal medicines to heal the wounds.

Although I stole the business, but… you can’t live without paying me, right?

Looking at the two people living in their own hospital, they gradually became more at ease, as if they meant to live and work in peace and contentment. How can this be done?

Mr. Feng’s face was naturally unsightly from the naked eye.

However, the third and third brothers Xu are also surprisingly resilient. They insisted that Qingshan would not relax. In addition to actively and diligently rushing to cook, wash dishes, and clean up, and finish all the chores, they also had a submissive face. …

As for the complexion… what is the complexion?

Could it be more important than starving and freezing without a place to sleep?

Anyway, Fengyin wants to follow the ordinary methods of human affairs and drive out the two pieces of hob meat, that is absolutely impossible!

Once Fengyin made up his mind, he dragged Xu Laosan and threw it to the door, but when he was cooking, Xu Laosi sneaked in to cook, and reminded attentively, “Sir, the meal is ready. , you can eat, don’t worry about our brothers, one or two meals will not starve people to death.”

Afterwards, he served the dishes diligently, and then stood at the dining table, watching Feng Yin while eating while snorting.

Mr. Xu was lying on the side of the door, crooked his neck and staring at him, watching Feng Yin while he was eating and babbling…

This Nima…

What should I ask Laozi to eat?

How can I eat?

The wind print with a face like black charcoal took out a piece of paper and a pen.

“I swear by my heart demon, connect the heavens and the right path, follow the law of cause and effect, write an IOU, and press a fingerprint; I owe two hundred and fifty taels for medical expenses, plus the cost of food and lodging until recovery, about four hundred and fifty taels, and the rounded price is five hundred taels. Two. Give your brothers three months to repay the debt, with the principal and interest of 1,200 taels, sign it and leave it, or not sign it away, the choice is yours!”

The muscles on the faces of the three brothers Xu Laosan twitched for a long time, but they recognized them with dark faces.

Although the conditions in Feng Langzhong are harsh, and there are restrictions that can never be repented in eternity, the interest rate is even more maddeningly high…

However, the two brothers who are at the end of their lives can only recognize them now.

The two people who have also experienced the world’s feelings very well understand that Fengyin’s actions have already shown kindness and gave the two brothers a way to live!

The two brothers have nothing to do with their talents, and they have no outstanding career in art. It is in their best interest to throw them out and let them fend for themselves.

As for the two brothers, one of them was seriously injured, and the other was as shallow as paper, with little to make a living, they would starve to death in ten days at most, leaving no bones.

In this world, ordinary manpower is the most worthless!

The two brothers breathed a sigh of relief with sadness on their faces, and they quickly signed their signatures, pressed their fingerprints, and swore an oath…

Then he settled in the hospital room in the backyard of the hospital with peace of mind.

Then, the two of them unexpectedly discovered that there was a quilt cover, and when they lay down on the bed, they couldn’t help but sighed comfortably.

“What a black heart…”

The two brothers sighed in relief.



The wind imprint left these two people naturally not out of kindness.

Fengyin’s kindness has already been fed to dogs with the gradual understanding of this chaotic world.

Bored after dinner is a good time to chat.

Xu Laosi was checking his Juntian Jian, and he kept sighing: “You can only take things out when you say this thing. If you can put your own things in, you can take them at any time… It’s a bit of a waste.”

Xu Laosan and Fengyin laughed at the same time.

You are so beautiful.

Wouldn’t that be the legendary storage space? There are so many killers in Jun Tianshou, it is unimaginable to be able to do this now.

If there is another storage space provided by manpower… Haha.

All I can say is, I think too much… Dreams are not so beautiful.

Fengyin’s words interrupted Xu Laosi’s fantasy.

“What’s your specific name? You’re not going to be called the third Mr. Xu and the fourth, right?”

“How is that possible? Of course we have names. The third and fourth are just our rankings at home…”

“Ranking? Then there are at least two older brothers above you, Mr. Xu and Mr. Xu?”

“There are not only two brothers, but also a sister, but girls don’t belong to our boys’ sequence. The second sister and the third sister are older than the fifth and the sixth, and the fifth and the sixth are still the same as the fifth and the sixth…”

“Second sister and third sister? The fifth and sixth? Father Xu, that’s your father. I admire it!”

“Oh? Do you know your father?”

“I don’t know each other, let’s talk about your big things!”

“My name is Xu Qingtian, and the fourth is Xu Dadi.”

Xu Laosan is very proud: “This is the name we chose after walking the rivers and lakes. It is important to know that when we walk in the rivers and lakes, we must have a loud name, and it doesn’t matter what we call it at home. I call myself the whirlwind knife, the whirlwind knife Xu Qing God, the fourth child is Snowflake Sword and Xu Dadi.”

Self number? !

Xu Laosan actually started to scribble and scribble?

The whirlwind knife, Xu Qingtian…

Snowflake Knife, Xu Dadi…

Looking at these two rough faces with wide mouths that can almost see the stomach…

Fengyin’s lips twitched subconsciously, and the muscles on his face also spasmed a bit: “I’ll call you Xu Laosan and Xu Laosi, don’t talk about it.”

“Anyway, it’s a certain family anyway.”

It seems that he remembered his identity as a Jianghu person, and Xu Laosi also followed suit and called a certain family up.


Feng Yin sighed.


“What kind of Juntianshou organization of yours… are all so free? There are no rules and regulations? Do you need to keep organizational secrets?”

It has been more than ten years since he came to this world, and he is cautious. Except himself, no one knows that he is the killer gentleman.

But another consequence of such a low profile is that his information, information, and even his understanding of the organization are far inferior to others.

Because he never inquired, and occasionally eavesdropping was considered a bonus.

Never deliberately explore, let alone seek it out.

Pay attention to the update of iron-brand tasks every day, and go out to the task when there is an appropriate task, and return silently regardless of whether it is completed or not.

As the so-called poem goes:

Both ears do not hear things outside the window, and they concentrate on practicing the killing scriptures.

When it’s time to be reckless, Mr. Feng never lacks the courage to take risks.

But when it was time for Gou, Mr. Feng was also very clear in his heart, and Gou was safe and sound.

“Jun Tianshou is of course free, or how much can his members be?”

Mr. Xu touched his chest, and the itch that was recovering after taking the medicine made him feel uncomfortable and comfortable.

“If you want to make money, you can work, if you don’t want to make money, don’t do it; if you want to join, you can join. When you don’t want to work, you want to quit and no one will stop you. You don’t have to do anything. After that, you won’t take any tasks, even if you graduate…”

“Real and complete freedom, everything depends on your own strength and choice.”

“It’s your own choice to expose your identity, and it’s also your choice to keep it strictly confidential. You can use whatever you want to do after earning the magic pills. It’s also a personal choice to use it for yourself or sell it.”

Feng Yin pondered while listening.

Having said that, he couldn’t help but think of a profession on earth: a network writer.

It seems that it is also so free, and it is also so that if you want to do it, you can do it if you don’t want to do it…

There are many thoughts, and my mind is actually full of weirdness: Juntian Hand Killer = Internet Author?

Then, my favorite author with the same surname, who is handsome and dashing, and who writes the best, must be at least at the sacred level, right?

That person is so arrogant, how could he have this level…

The most rare thing is that he is still so handsome… He can rely on his face to eat, but he has to rely on his talent…


“Actually, who doesn’t want to live in peace and stability? But there’s no way. In this world, it’s impossible to live in peace without enough strength.”

Xu Laosan, who boasted that he had advertised Jun Tianshou, began to complain.

“The fourth brother and I also thought about performing a mission for a period of time, improving our cultivation base, saving up a sum of money, buying a house and land to find a wife, and no longer rolling around in the rivers and lakes… But how can it be so easy for him? Fighting until now , if you get injured, you will lose all your savings, and you will not stop returning to the era of impoverishment overnight, and you have to… and…”


Feng Yin immediately gave him a sideways glance.

This isn’t quite right, isn’t this a sign of Lao Tzu’s black heart and swallowing their savings?

Lao Tzu has a black heart and a conscience to charge!

Dare you go on, I want you to look good!

Xu Laosan hurriedly changed the subject: “To say that every day every month, many Juntianshou killers quit, no longer accept quests, and even more extreme, directly throw away the cards, and there are more killers who can come back to accept quests… The level doesn’t drop anyway.”

“The world is chaotic, and the rivers and lakes are not easy to mix. We are looking for a living, and we have seen many big landlords who look like they are not good-looking, but they have a big house and a lot of land in the blink of an eye. Eat, like a guy who hasn’t eaten in eight lifetimes, three lifetimes, three lifetimes, and never played with women… There must be many of them who are our colleagues, making up for the hard times before… But that’s someone’s luck, they are Better than we are…”

“But like our brothers, there is a precarious situation, there are only more people who have one meal and no next…”

“Fengfan sleeps in the open air for home, wanders around the world and is lonely… If you have enough strength, who doesn’t want to have a happy birthday…”

“I don’t want to think too much in my life. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on the fields. If I can work with the fourth to reach the gold medal level, I can advance, attack, retreat, and defend. I can go home and live a happy life. At that time, not only will I be young If you have a rich life, you have strength, you don’t have to worry about people who care about you, and if you dare to ask us to trouble you to fight the autumn wind, you have to think about it, and then you can say that you are safe and sound. Then take 10,000 steps back and say that if you run out of money again, you will come back to pick up The task, the strength of the gold medal is not unconventional no matter what, aiming at the right task, you can make a lot of money with one vote, and continue to enjoy the happiness, that day, just thinking about it is beautiful…”

“Sleeping in a dirt pit on a snowy night is as comfortable as hugging your wife in a warm blanket? Tsk… Suck, suck…”

Speaking of their beautiful vision for the future, the third and fourth Xu looked forward to each other, their eyes were sparkling, and they were full of fascination.

The saliva was sucked into several bowls like noodles…

Feng Yin removed his eyes from looking at the faces of the two of them, rolled his eyes to look at the roof, and said very insincerely, “Come on.”


Mr. Xu quickly got off the kang and added some oil to the oil lamp with a wink.

The lights flickered, from dim to bright.

The silhouettes of the three people landing on the wall were much clearer than before.



“The rivers and lakes are difficult…”

Mr. Xu thought for a while and continued to sigh.

“There are countless masters, but one of them. There are also countless black hearts and eyes in countless masters, which makes it even more difficult… In such a chaotic world, who can become a master of the rivers and lakes, where can there be any good people… All of them are killing people. Kill the embryo without blinking…”

“Human life is the cheapest in a chaotic world. There are only seven or eight killer organizations in the whole continent, not to mention there are many small organizations with strength, local snake sects… Other transportation, dart shops, salt gangs, boat gangs… What, what… Anyway, the way that people can survive is almost occupied by people… Even the position of beggar boss has broken his head, and the eyes are full of confusion, where is there no competition…”

“And those hidden world sects, the major sects in the rivers and lakes… grass!”

“Conspiracies, spears, and secret arrows are hard to guard against, and it’s hard to resist… There are also monsters, and monsters, who jump out from time to time to devour living beings, destroying doors, destroying villages and destroying entire towns. Individual human nations are still at war… Grandma drops…”

“Speaking of which, our brothers’ luck is really good. We joined Juntian Shou as soon as we debuted… Thanks to our Great Qin Empire’s Juntian Shou, they are much stronger and more orderly than those in other places. ”

Xu Laosi’s words were full of small happiness.

“Oh? Xu Laosi, what do you mean, the Juntian Hand Killer of the Great Qin Empire is quite different? Tell me, tell me.”

Regarding this point, Feng Yin, who has never been fond of inquiring about investigations, is really ignorant. Given this opportunity today, of course, he has to get to the bottom of it.

“Hey, I told you that you don’t understand. You are a village boss, and you know too much, which is detrimental and unhelpful.”

Xu Laosan glanced at Fengyin with a little contempt.

However, this look immediately aroused Fengyin’s frowning hair. Under a frown, his eyes were fierce, revealing the creditor’s rampant face: “Pay back the money immediately, or get out if you don’t!”

“I was wrong… Lord!”

Xu Laosan begged again and again with a sad face.

Xu Laosi looked at his brother angrily: “You ripped mouth, can you still do it?”

I still owe so much when I owe someone an account.

“The Juntian Hand Killer of our Daqin Empire, strictly speaking, should be regarded as an official, at least semi-official organizational force.”

Speaking of this, Mr. Xu suddenly forgot his embarrassment, and his face was filled with two points of pride and two points of glory.

There was also a complacent look on Xu Laosi’s face, which was a sense of ‘I am actually an official’.

“Official?” Fengyin discovered the New World with a look on his face.

In fact, the same is true in my heart, which is extremely shocking.

What’s so special… Laozi is actually a civil servant in his bones?

The kind that has been compiled?

This…why don’t I know?

What about benefits?

What about permissions?

What about the many benefits of public office?

Who should I take a bribe from?


“Officials naturally do not admit this, but Daqin has a ‘Dark Guard’, do you know this?”

“The dark guard… is actually the helm of Da Qin Juntian’s hand.”

“I have to say that our Daqin is really scheming, wise and martial… It is said that many years ago, there was a martial arts genius in the Daqin royal family who joined Juntian’s hand, and his cultivation has grown by leaps and bounds. He has completed many tasks that were impossible before. The card level climbed all the way, pointing directly to the honor level… Then I didn’t know how to operate, so I marked the Daqin piece out.”

“Of course, even on the Daqin side, most of the tasks in the cards were handed out by Juntian, but there are also a small number of tasks issued by the dark guards, and the targets are naturally inconvenient for those officials. It seems that the corresponding reward for this part of the task was handed out by Juntian, but in fact, there are other channels, and the real source is the headquarters of the Dark Guard.”

“To this day, everyone knows this is the case. Even if the dark guard clearly refuses to admit it, everyone already knows the truth, um, do you know what it means?”

“Jun Tianshou killer can choose to reveal his identity and improve his reputation. Once he reaches the silver level or above, he may also be placed by a dark guard, or certain assistance… But this is rarely the case.”

“And those killers with a silver medal or above who quit Juntian’s hand can choose to join the dark guard and become a real official person. Although they still cannot have an official body on the bright side, their status is not as good as that of Six Doors and Rainbow Sky Clothes. It is because they enjoy the national salary and welfare treatment, and even pensions… And these people will no longer be able to come back as killers, because their Juntian Jian has been converted into a dark guard nameplate at the first time. It is said that Once this procedure is over, the cards will not be lost, and the original functions and effects are similar, but after that, I can no longer see the tasks of Juntianshou, and the connection with Juntianshou is cut off from the root…”

Xu Laosi sighed: “Every time I think of this, I have to sigh that Master Qing Ming is really capable, and what a capable person can’t…”

“Master Qing Ming?”

Feng Yin asked sensitively.

“Well, the master of the Daqin royal family mentioned earlier is the Master Qingming; the honorable title of Qingming Dazun is the number one killer and the number one expert in the world today.”

“No. 1 master? Isn’t there a sacred second-tier above the rank? Why is he the No. 1 master?” Fengyin asked.

“The two levels of the sacred… are only spread in legends. The Juntian Hand has been established for a long time. In fact, there is no relevant information about these two levels of honor, not even…even legends…”

“Oh…then, besides being from the Great Qin imperial family, does anyone know the exact identity of this Great Master Qing Ming? No rumors or guesses?”

“Why not, it is said that among the royal family, the most delicious and lazy, the ninth uncle who is idle every day is Lord Qingming… But after a detailed comparison and investigation, no one believes it at all… After all, the eagle king is only in his seventies this year. Years old… and the legend of Qingming Da Zun has been at least a few hundred years old… right?”

“Then you might as well not talk about it, there is really no need to compare and explore…”

“Aren’t we gossiping… If you are serious, you will lose. Do you think I can understand a lot?”

What Mr. Xu said was actually quite righteous.

Feng Yin pondered silently in his heart and said, “What about the martial artist rank? What is the similarity with the Juntian hand rank?”

“How can there be anything in common? Those are two completely different things.”

Xu Laosan rolled his eyes, obviously because he was ignorant of Fengyin and expressed his sincere contempt, but after the lesson that he was almost kicked out before, he didn’t dare to show his face…



“The general direction of Jun Tianshou’s mission is to kill people. Of course, the killer’s strength is excellent, but he may not be able to complete the mission without the strength of his hand, and there is no necessary connection with cultivation… For example, a Scholar, he poisoned enough targets with poison to complete enough tasks…then he is also a gold medal killer, the real thing.”

“Of course, this chance is very small, and high-level killers are basically very strong in their own right.”

“I see. On top of the gold medal?”

“Mr. Langzhong, you are too embarrassing for me. I only have an iron medal now, how can I know about the gold medal…” Mr. Xu rolled his eyes.

Fengyin was choked by this sentence, only to feel that the other party made a lot of sense, but he was speechless for a while.

“However, martial artists have no rank, the so-called Nine-Rank Heavenly Road; it’s just a statement accepted by the vast majority of people.”

“True ninth grade, reverse ninth grade; heaven and earth, anyway, we pass on these by word of mouth, we don’t know why, and we don’t understand what is going on. I say this, do you understand…”

Xu Laosi muttered.


“True ninth grade? Negative ninth grade? Heaven and earth, is it anyway? You can directly say what you know, and what you understand is fine.”

“True ninth grade is under the innate. From the first grade to the ninth grade, the ninth grade is the highest. It is probably the peak of the acquired day, and the highest is half-step innate.

Speaking of these, Xu Laosan suddenly became energetic: “More specifically, I am now the seventh rank of the acquired day, and after a while, I will be able to reach the ninth rank, half-step innate, as long as I break through the innate… it will be awesome. .”

“Oh… Let’s not talk about whether you are a good person, let’s talk about your grade first.”

“The people who entered the ninth-rank were all warriors above the innate, but it was no longer the first-rank to the ninth-rank, but the lowest ninth-rank, followed by the eighth-rank seventh-rank, and the highest first-rank…”

Fengyin was a little confused: “You made me confused. Why did you turn it upside down?”

“It is said, hum… This ninth rank of the acquired martial artist is the level of the common people’s rivers and lakes. It is half a step in the innate… It is not in the stream, so it can be divided arbitrarily, but when it is above the innate, it is transcendental and invisible. With the status and status, it is like an official master, so follow the official rank, the ninth rank to the first rank, the first rank is the highest…”

“It’s quite particular… Then, Heaven and Earth, why is it right?”

“When you reach the human-level level, you are detached to another level. What kind of detachment is it? The level is too high, I can’t say it, but it is reversed again, from the first to the ninth…”

“The prefecture-level level is reversed, from the ninth rank to the first rank, increasing from large to small.”

“The higher level of the sky is reversed again, from the first rank to the ninth rank, so back and forth, why is it not the right way?”

“And when it reaches the heaven level, it is the level of gods in the eyes of ordinary people… It is said that there are not many in the entire continent; all of them are very mysterious.”

Xu Laosan felt that he was erudite and talented, and when it came to the division of martial artists, he said it in a straightforward manner, and it was exactly the same.

In fact, he didn’t expect that this black-hearted man actually knows nothing about the things that basic mainland warriors know…

I really don’t know!

A proper hillbilly.

Mr. Xu lowered his head and gouged out his eyes, and looked at Feng Yin with contempt.

Feng Yin was thinking about it, but he didn’t see it, otherwise it would definitely be another roar.

“What about the specific situation?” Feng Yin said.

“This…” Xu Laosan was numb.

I just know this…

As for the more in-depth…you ask me, who should I ask?

Can you not look down on me that much?

“I don’t know, I really don’t know!”

“I don’t know? You already know so many grades, but you don’t know anything about the grades?” Feng Yin frowned.

“I also know how big a 9th-rank official is… but it’s true that I can’t be an official!”

Xu Laosan shouted aggrievedly: “Who doesn’t know what an official has to do every day? Is it to marry a concubine every day or raise a second concubine every other week… In the end, how to embezzle and not be caught, how to accept bribes and not be discovered, when I don’t even know if I should go to the brothel to find a girl after the ninth-rank official, or if I secretly watch the widow take a bath… Who knows?”

Xu Laosan looked innocent: “That’s all very profound things… The officials and gentlemen have studied…”

Feng Yin was startled.

Your understanding of the officials and gentlemen is really… don’t go out of your way, it’s very unique!


At this moment, Feng Yin’s face suddenly changed slightly, and the position of his chest became hot without warning.

It was after he crossed over and found a blunt and inconspicuous knife pendant hanging around his neck. Fengyin had tried to study this small pendant, but no matter what he tried, even if he burned an axe and chopped it, it would still burn. It’s not broken, it’s not rotten, I’ve tried everything, but I haven’t even had a slight deformation.

Fengyin knew that this thing was extraordinary, and always cherished it and kept it close to him.

Because he had a feeling that this might be his golden finger in this world.


This feeling is completely unfounded, but it is extraordinarily sure and true.

It’s a pity that he didn’t activate the so-called golden finger no matter what he tried.

Fengyin has tried more than ten times for the so-called identification of the master by a drop of blood, but Ren Fengyin soaked the knife in it with his own blood for three days and three is still useless…

For ten years, it can only be used as a pendant on one neck, and it can only be used in close contact every day.

This is also the last attempt. Warming up with the body is similar to Pangu’s jade pendant. I hope it’s a fluke!

For plug-ins, Feng Yin can be said to have been longing for it for a long time. Ordinarily, there must be, right? Otherwise, what did I do when I crossed over?

But it’s been ten years.

Except for the hang on the neck and the hang in the crotch, I really didn’t find any other hang.

Now, the hardship is finally over.

Why did this thing suddenly get hot?

Could it be that the day is good, and the fire is coming!

This little knife was revitalized by yourself? !

Then, Fengyin had a very subtle feeling, the small dull knife seemed to be pointing outside the hospital?

But what’s outside?

At this moment……

Bang bang bang, the door of the hospital was slapped, and a soft voice asked, “Is anyone there??”



[Today is the first day, so I will post more to make it easier for everyone to invest. 】

[Tell me about the update time. Before the new book is released on the shelves, it is basically an update around 12:00 in the morning and another around 6:00 in the afternoon, just in time for everyone to have dinner. cough……】

[During the period of the new book, follow-up and recommendation votes are extremely important; of course, rewards are also very important, I am very confused, the new book can actually vote for a monthly vote.

So do you need a monthly pass? It’s only two chapters, will others call me shameless if you ask for a monthly pass?

A face is still needed. But I also want a monthly pass.

So, let’s not discuss the face issue, let’s just talk about the monthly pass.

Please cast a monthly vote for Tiandao! Thanks! Thanks! 】

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