Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 29

Chapter 28: Sense Of Crisis

The little guy is very flexible now.

I don’t know if its racial talent is inherently detached, or it is the result of an initiation, or the effect of the combination of the two. In short, its vitality far exceeds that of ordinary cubs, far beyond the cognitive scope of Wind Seal.

After feeding it from Fengyin and having a full meal, it began to move around around Fengyin, being flexible and vigorous.

A little thing the size of a palm is incredibly agile.

Feng Yin was lying on the bed, leaning against the pillow to read a book, frowning and studying hard to walk with the wind and turn the legs. Careful research, no distractions.

Xiao Fengying started running up and down. At first, she just turned around his head, then drilled from one side of the neck to the other, drilled in from the neckline, and climbed out of the trousers.

like an adventure.

Both eyes are always bright and full of excitement and fun.

Finally… Fengying’s nose moved and moved again, her eyes seemed confused and curious, as if she had discovered some new continent.

What does this smell like?

it’s wired.

After turning around, I finally found out where the smell came from…

The little guy looked up, Feng Yin didn’t respond, so he ran over excitedly, put his small nose on Feng Yin’s feet and took a deep breath.

Then his nose and face were wrinkled; his eyes were full of confusion and disgust in circles, his hind legs softened, and his buttocks sat on the bed.

The two hind legs twitched, and the eyes were full of stars.

Shaking his head, he got up wrinkling his nose, and hurried away with his tail between his fingers.

Then he grabbed his foot and sniffed it, took two bites, and found that it was all right…

So he tilted his head, his two big eyes were full of ignorance, he didn’t understand, how could he smell like that?

It shouldn’t be.

So Pidianpidian ran to Fengyin’s face, tried breathing, then took a deep breath, then licked it, and then took two bites…

It’s alright.

Did you make a mistake just now?

The little guy thought about it for a long time with his eyes in circles, and finally he took another small step towards him…

I tried again to use my little nose to put my little nose on the foot of the wind and smell it again…


Then he jumped up high and fled at a higher speed…

Then I didn’t dare to go there anymore.

Although he didn’t dare to go there, the little guy had a good time and never got tired of it.

Seeing his feet look like he was facing a big enemy, his small body jumped over, jumped over, protested against his feet, and arched his body, ready to attack at any time.

Seeing that there was no response, after a period of demonstrations, bluffing, threats, and jumping to and fro to show force, they turned into covetous eyes.

It goes on and on again and again.

Anyway, I just can’t go.

Feng Yin watched the little guy compete with his feet, and wanted to put it away quickly.

But he was surprised to find that the little thing moved faster and faster, until it jumped back and forth and turned into an afterimage.

After jumping a few times, he actually learned to turn back in the air without a teacher.

Fengyin measured it secretly, and was stunned to find that such a speed was already a speed that he couldn’t even reach when he was in the third rank of the day after tomorrow!

This discovery made Feng Yin a little shocked.

A human warrior, reaching the third rank of the acquired realm, is already a basic introduction to the practice. The speed of the acquired third-rank is equal to more than six times the full speed of ordinary people.

Little things have just learned to walk for two days, but they have already reached this speed!


Feng Yin felt that he had found a treasure.

“The future will definitely be very strong! Although it’s nibbling on my feet now…”

“It’s a pity that the demon vein was sealed by her mother. Otherwise, he should have awakened his innate abilities by now. I wonder what this little guy’s innate abilities are?”

The little thing has been bouncing around for a long time, Feng Yin finally worried that the little guy was tired, put down the secret book, got out of bed, and put on his shoes.

The little guy stood beside the bed with his head lowered, his beard moving and looking at the feet that were already in the shoes, his little tail waving, obviously not giving up!

When I have the opportunity, I must investigate and find out why it emits that strange smell…

The little guy made up his mind.


It is worth mentioning that Xu Laosan’s injury has recovered very quickly in the past two days; he almost feels nothing.

Based on the assessment of the wind, it is estimated that ordinary battles that are not too intense can be dealt with.

In other words, recovered.

And Xu Laosi went out to work these two nights, and also completed the robbery of two targets.

It finally reopened, and finally got silver and Yuanli Pill, Xisui Pill; then Xu Laosi immediately shot the pill; it was almost beyond Fengyin’s expectations.

Even more unexpected, the transaction price for such a rush shot is actually not bad. One medicinal pill is one hundred taels; the total harvest is four hundred taels; plus the two target rewards of twenty two, there are a full four hundred and twenty taels. Twelve earnings.

Just these two transactions made the two brothers’ pockets swell all of a sudden.

It was when they saw the windmark, they suddenly stopped breathing.

“Have you made money?”


“How many?”

“Three hundred… four hundred taels…”

“Bring it!”

Feng Ying brush revised the IOU: “I still owe 1,180 taels.”

“Isn’t there a total of one thousand and two?” The two brothers were bewildered.

“It was originally one thousand and two, but the pills for these two days are not worth the money? Three times, one hundred taels each time, this is the medicine to bring me back to life! Do you know how much I lost, and I want you more than fifteen thousand. Is it?”

“There are also accommodation, food, and mental damage… After all, it’s one thousand and sixteen, is that too much?!”

“You paid 420 taels this time, and you still owe 1180 taels. Is there a problem?”


Mr. Xu wanted to talk about your three medicines, but one of them didn’t matter… And didn’t you say fifty taels?

But after thinking about it, he swallowed it wisely.

He knew very well that as long as he said it, Fengyin would definitely find other excuses to double the arrears. This guy is more like a killer than the two of them. He has a dark heart and is ruthless. can speak…

Thankfully, he wasn’t a killer. Otherwise, if he ate meat, my two brothers probably wouldn’t even be able to drink soup, so they could only go to the Northwest Wind.

“Okay, our brothers still owe you one thousand one hundred and eighty taels.” Xu Laosan signed and signed with a bachelor.

Never give Fengyin the opportunity to borrow the theme.


Fengyin couldn’t help but look at Mr. Xu carefully. He never thought that this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes had become smart…

After receiving the IOU, he said in a venomous voice: “If your injury is almost healed, you should quickly find a way to make money! I owe a lot of debt, are you really embarrassed? You can eat and drink for free, two big men, are you embarrassed? I said so. , you two brothers, are you really embarrassed? Have a face, okay?”

Before he finished speaking, he walked straight out of the door.

The brothers looked at each other.

A black-hearted lender actually said the reason so righteously and arrogantly, and they formed a parallel sentence, and it is true that there is no one…

Xu Laosi didn’t feel anything. He just settles in his heart.

“Two more targets were killed, and my name went up a few more… I’m one step closer to my goal of becoming a bronze medalist. Maybe I can become a gold medal killer earlier than the boss…”

Xu Laosi’s eyes were full of circles, apparently caught in an infinite reverie.


Xiao Fengying is now more and more flexible, almost the same for a while. With the cultivation of Feng Yin, the tide has risen, and it has become more and more vigorous, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It has only been a day or two. The molar stick prepared by Yin—a low-level demon beast’s phalanx was chewed to pieces, and the end was a good tooth.

“This kind of talent and instinct, the descendants of powerful monsters, the growth rate is so amazing… I just don’t know if there is my enlightenment here.”

While Fengyin was in awe, another doubt lingered.

How long is it now?

The little thing’s teeth have been sharpened, and the claws under the pads of the originally small feet also have a radiant posture.

Occasionally, when he gets angry, his sharp little claws show up, full of fierce and cute taste!

Kacha went down with a claw, and there were several deep marks on the hard wooden table.

“I’m guessing that Spirit Gathering has a certain effect, but I don’t know which one is more effective compared to the natural instinct, but it doesn’t matter. It will only benefit me to make the little things stronger.”

In the past two days, Fengyin has devoted himself to practicing Qigong and taking care of small things. Basically, he has not paid attention to the task list on Juntianjian.

Otherwise, his strength is as great as him, and he is only one step away from the innate. How could Xu Laosi complete the task for two consecutive days without being robbed once.

Fengyin felt his own strength and diligence, and at the same time, he was quiet and thoughtful, and planned to do two tasks to confirm his own tasks. Besides, no matter how small a grasshopper is, it is still meat, not to mention the task of Jun Tianshou, which is really not a grasshopper. , is still very oily, especially when Xu Laosi completed the task for two days in a row, he didn’t realize that he was happy, he took out Jun Tianjian, and was about to check the task list and find the task target, when he suddenly heard from outside. From far to near, I made a loud I couldn’t help but let out a thump in my heart.

Is the battle over there?

Thinking of this, I hurried over to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a man in Tsing Yi came to the door of the hospital with his **** on fire, with a man dripping blood behind him.

Behind, a long line of Tsing Yi and sergeants carrying the wounded.

“Mr. Feng…Mr. Feng…”

The man in Tsing Yi was confused, Feng Yin was in front of him, and he still shouted twice habitually.

“Please look at my brother, help…”

“So many wounded?!”

Fengyin was startled, turned his head and shouted: “The third and fourth, you two quickly come out to help, first vacate the ward, then pull up the curtain in the yard, pull up the canopy, there is not enough space in the hospital… …”

A group of people in Tsing Yi quickly helped arrange the arrangement.

The few hospital beds that were left were instantly filled with the wounded, and even the quilts and mattresses became makeshift beds, which were laid on the ground to place the wounded first.

Fengyin’s bed also suffered, and even the bedding was dismantled into six hospital beds.

There are two shelves at the head and foot of the bed, one bed board, one mat, one quilt, and one mattress…

Rao is so still unable to accommodate this wave of wounded, and the follow-up wounded are still coming one after another.

“Why is there such a big damage?” Feng Yin quickly began to check the pulse one by one, and then began to boil the medicine.

“Where is this going? These are just the early stages…”

The headed man in Tsing Yi was sweating profusely: “The battle is not over yet. It is estimated that there will be a lot of wounded in the future. We were caught in an ambush by Dayan…”

“Dayan’s ambush?”

Fengyin’s mind turned when he heard the words, but just these five words, suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

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