Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 18

Chapter 17: Why Go

Then the old man sat down at the table, slowly stretched out his hand, and said, “Sir, please, my old injury has been around for many years. The well-known doctors in Daqin, the old man have basically visited, and most of them can only treat the symptoms. It’s a little relief, but it’s rare to get to the root of it. I heard that Mr. benevolent and skillful, hehe…”

While speaking, there was a wry smile on his face, he glanced at Wu Tiejun, his eyes were full of helplessness.

Obviously, the old man didn’t have any hope for this time to see a doctor. Mostly Wu Tiejun persuaded him to come here after a long time, and at most it was a hope.

Another thought is to debunk the trick of this fake doctor-if it is fake!

Wu Tiejun’s face was old-fashioned, and he said solemnly: “My lord, this is a bad word! If you are ill, you should see a doctor, and if you are injured, you should treat the injury. There is no magic doctor who can treat all diseases, but there are good doctors who specialize in one subject. The doctor is a good doctor specializing in old wounds? Give it a try, maybe it will be cured!”

The blue veins on the old man’s forehead twitched.

He squinted Wu Tiejun fiercely, sighed helplessly, and had no choice but to stop talking.

As the head of Tiannan Road of Daqin Caihong Tianyi Qingyi Department, he can be said to be a high-ranking official, or a general official of the frontier, or a higher level than him, but he definitely does not act arbitrarily and unrestrainedly!

But who knows the pain in his heart?

Which big boss thinks of a way to help me and transfer me Wu Tiejun, a stunned young man?

It’s really hard to deal with this kind of person who only understands the truth, is stern and serious, doesn’t understand the slightest flexibility, and has a temper as hard as a stone in a ditch!

Especially as one of his subordinates, the chief executive of himself would often be overwhelmed by him and would not want to speak!

Every now and then, it’s just a sentence: Your words are bad!

Every time I heard this sentence, I wanted to run back to the capital immediately and take Wu Tiejun’s grandfather out of the house and beat him up!

It’s short of your head!

To put it to the top, if it weren’t for the fact that your grandfather and Lao Tzu are old brothers, I’m afraid you would have been driven to the horizon long ago.

For example, this time, I clearly didn’t want to come, but this guy was right in front of me, so I didn’t leave.

Follow you wherever you go, just a word.

“Please, Lord, take me to see a doctor.”

The tone is old-fashioned, without ups and downs, as if giving an order – is Lao Tzu a superior or are you a superior? I’m dozens of levels higher than your kid, okay?

But…no way.

“If you don’t go, with so many things on your body, how can you find time to see a disease? Besides, this disease can’t be cured even in the capital. How can there be a good doctor in this countryside?”

“My lord, that’s a bad word!”

“As a subordinate, you must respect your boss and obey orders. If I say no, I won’t go.”

“My lord’s words are bad. If you are sick, you should treat it!”

“You get out!”

“My lord’s words are not good. I have important things to do, and it is also for the sake of my lord’s body.”

“You, you…you’re going to be mad at the old man!”

“My lord’s words are too bad, my subordinates are dedicated to the public…”

The old man pooped angrily.

Almost collapsed.

There was no other way but to hide, and as a result, this guy had to follow him when he went to the latrine.

He didn’t want to be with him either, so he stood upright and watched him relieve himself…

Then while he was urinating himself, he persuaded: “Sir, you must go and have a look. You see, your pee is about to freeze…”

“I’ll go to your grandfather’s… can’t I go!”

The old man couldn’t bear it any longer. After a furious rage, he still obediently followed him to see the doctor…

Can’t be provoked, can’t be provoked!

I also wanted to see, what kind of sorcery did this countryman give Wu Tiejun? Let him be so convinced.

To know this kind of stubborn stubborn, it is also a great ability to make him admire and agree with him wholeheartedly.

Even his own grandfather couldn’t do it. He never thought that a wild man would be able to do it.

The old man felt helpless, and now he is looking forward to either transfer this guy away, or the old man himself…

Grandma, Nima can’t stand it anymore… How can there be such a muscle in the world!

It’s best to transfer this guy to the headquarters and stay far away from your sight… But thinking about it like this makes me discouraged.

Because this stinky and hard guy in the pit was driven down from the headquarters step by step. He has been demoted and demoted for more than ten years, from Beijing to Dao, from Dao to prefecture, and from prefecture to prefecture.

All the way to Yuezhou, the southern border where birds don’t shit.

From the general manager to the thousand-man general, to the 500-man squadron captain, to the 300-man squadron captain, to the 100-man squad leader, to the 50-man brigade, and now, the 30-man team is… …

It is already impossible to drop!

A team of 30 people carrying the rank of sixth-rank official—the only one in the entire Daqin Empire, who is truly the only one in the Scorpion Baba.

It has come to this point, and he still doesn’t know how to repent.

The temperament is even more stinky and hard…

While his thoughts were racing, he found that the young doctor had taken his fingers from his wrist.

He raised his head and asked, “How?”

Wu Tiejun also took a step forward, looking at Fengyin full of hope, obviously hoping that Fengyin could give a curable answer.


After the few “years of internal injuries” were fooled by Fengyin yesterday and left in a daze, the name of Fengyin’s genius doctor has spread like wildfire.

And this result inevitably made Wu Tiejun’s confidence in Fengyin even greater.

That’s why the general, the old superior, stayed up all night like an eagle last night.

Both of them didn’t sleep all night, and they survived so hard!

Finally, when the old man urinated, he couldn’t hold on anymore, so he stood opposite and stared at the old man urinating…

Although he was beaten up afterward, he still pulled the old thing over.

“This… the injury of the old gentleman is very troublesome, and it is also an injury from old age, which damages the fundamental life essence, and links the lifespan of the inner essence. Forgive my shallow experience.

Feng Yin said bluntly.

These words seem straightforward, but Fengyin actually understands in his heart: This kind of big man is injured, and famous doctors are scrambling for diagnosis and treatment.

If it can’t be cured, wouldn’t it be the root of life and the source of damage?

Only when everyone is helpless, will Wu Tiejun drag him to find him in a hurry and go to the doctor. It’s not an old injury, but what is it?


Wu Tiejun’s face darkened visibly.

The old man showed admiration and said, “My injury is really old, it’s not surprising to see this, but it can be seen that the injury is linked to the number of inner life, but it is not a good doctor… The cause of this injury is Qimen’s infuriating spirit. You can’t tell why, and it is reasonable. How can you know the secrets of many strange sects at your age? They have all disappeared…”

Fengyin changed the conversation and said, “But…but…”

Talking and talking, hesitant color is on top of seven emotions.

“But what?” Wu Tiejun’s eyes gleamed again, full of expectations.

“Sir, I am able to heal this old disease with my own hands. It is indeed beyond my ability… If it is said that there is no cure, it may not be…”

Feng Yin frowned, and said with a distressed expression: “In those days, my ancestors once left me some medicinal herbs, claiming to be able to cure scabies, cure terminal illness, life and death, flesh and bones… I have been on the verge of death before, but it was beyond my ability. The endangered patients in the category have been asked to use this medicine to treat them, and they have all come true. , constantly experimenting with the configuration, there is also wear and tear. At the moment, although there is progress, it is difficult to have the magical effect of the ancestral elixir… The severity of the old gentleman’s injury is even higher than that of the most severely injured patient I have ever encountered… This this… …”

He frowned in embarrassment.

However, the words ‘sickness, cure for terminal illness, life and death, flesh and bones’ had already landed in Wu Tiejun’s ears like thunder, especially the word ‘elixir’, which made people particularly sensitive.

The prefix left by the ancestors… is the most important thing.

Obviously, the ancestors of this man should have quite a history…

Wu Tiejun’s eyes suddenly lit up like a light bulb.

With an eager face, he grabbed Fengyin’s wrist: “Brother Feng, if you can cure He Lao’s illness, you will be my brother Wu Tiejun in the future! You…you must think of a way.”

He Lao.

This is the first time Fengyin knows the old man’s surname.

While thinking about it, I couldn’t help but think of a legendary big man. Looking at the pale golden complexion on the old man’s face, it was basically certain.

Seeing the look on Feng Yin’s face, the old man smiled: “Why should I go, old man!”

Why go.

Indeed it was him!

Rainbow Tianyi Tsing Yi Department, Chief Supervisor of Tiannan Road.

He is called the Lord of the Shura Palace by the people in the rivers and lakes, so why go there.

Rumor has it that if it wasn’t for the fact that he was seriously injured and hard to recover, he would have been promoted to one of the three leaders of the Tsing Yi Department.

Or, it might become one of the four inspectors of the entire Rainbow Sky Clothes.

Why go, Kong Gaohan; Feng Poji, Chu Xiaotan…

These are all big figures in Rainbow Sky Clothes, who are famous and shocking all corners of the world.

Fengyin had never imagined that a mysterious place suddenly appeared in a border town would actually attract such a person to come, and he even came to see a doctor.

“Since it’s Mr. He, then Feng Mou should give it to him. The old gentleman is for the country and the people. He has worked hard and made great achievements in his life. With a mere pill, Feng Mou can naturally take it out.”

“You two wait a moment.”

Feng Yin nodded apologetically and walked away.

When he got to his room, he took out a jade bottle from the cabinet.

Inside, of course, are the pills he just kneaded.

Each grain is carefully wrapped.

Take one out of it, and then put the rest back to its original place.

It was vaguely visible, but there were only two in it.

In the medical hall, why did he squinted his eyes slightly, his spiritual thoughts flowed, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

Immediately Fengyin stepped in, and said with a tangled expression on his face: “It’s not stingy, it’s really this medicine, just use one less, I’m so ashamed, after so many years, Without the ability to fully develop it, trying to covet the power of heaven, but it is beyond one’s own capabilities.”

“This ancestral elixir was used to save my life and was ruined by me, so there are only the last three left, and now I take out this one, there are only two left… Hey, Feng is really ashamed of his ancestors. , I am also ashamed of Mr. He.”

The wind print is full of emotion.

Why go to nod slightly. I feel very comfortable.

Not for anything else, just for…

This kid didn’t tell a In my judgment, although this medicine has miraculous effects, only one pill may not be able to eradicate the old man’s condition, but it can be done to stabilize the injury… Of course, my judgment is based on my past efficacy of this medicinal pill as the basis of judgment. Even if it has no effect on the old gentleman, it is not impossible. ”

Fengyin said sincerely: “So, I don’t have any guarantee for the recovery of Mr. He’s injury, and I don’t know how much the effect will be. Mr. He, look…”

“It’s okay.”

Why did he smile lightly: “It is a great joy to be able to use one, and this trip is worthwhile. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, this old man is full of Mr. Feng’s hospitality.”

“Well, because of the age, I re-wrap it with wax shell every year… Please use it, sir, just swallow it directly.”

Feng Yin opened the package, revealing a dark ball.

Carefully peeling off the wax shell, a medicinal fragrance has faintly emanated.

“The wax shell has been opened, so it needs to be taken immediately, so as not to damage the efficacy of the medicine.” Fengyin said hurriedly.

Why go to take the pill and swallow it without any hesitation.

And in the first moment of taking the medicine, the spiritual energy of the whole body has penetrated the heaven and earth.

Even if the medicine was poisonous, he was sure that he would spray it out right away.

Although it seems that all the performances of this little guy are realistic, and he is very simple and honest.

But it is necessary to guard against others, how do you know that everything is not contrived, not a play, a game?


[I have deleted that paragraph, and I have also deleted all your screenshots; don’t say I deleted the post. If one day my mythical beast comes up and sees it, it can’t be solved by one hundred and two hundred. In the afternoon update, I also deleted this paragraph. 】

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