Blue Sky Sword

Chapter 10

Chapter 9: A Gentleman Can Deceive Him


A man in Tsing Yi who followed Wu Tiejun smiled and said, “You are funny, you are a medical clinic, so what else can we do when we come to you?”

“Absolutely not.”

Fengyin shook his head affirmatively, looked at the three of them up and down again, and smiled: “The three of them look very good, in good health, and have no disease or disaster. Where is the need to take care of the hospital.”

The three of them came out of each other, and they are all masters themselves, so naturally they are free from disease and disaster.

But this kind of words came out of Fengyin’s mouth, but it was different from what ordinary people said.

In line with his look up and down just now, his eyes were full of confidence.

It makes people feel that the doctor’s superb medical skills are evident.

It was obvious at a glance that we were not sick!


Commander Wu Tiejun looked in admiration, looked around, looked at the simple facilities of the medical center, and said: “The doctor looks at the smell, asks the doctor, and the word is the first lesson for the doctor. The gentleman takes care of it at a glance, and has a firm mind. It can be seen that the medical skills are excellent and admirable. But this couplet at the door…why…”

Another man in Tsing Yi laughed and said interestingly: “Whether I open the door or close the door depends on my mood. Whether the doctor is good or not depends on your luck… Haha, Mr. is really a wonderful person.”

Fengyin smiled bitterly: “Sir Rong, this town has only one doctor, Xiao Ke, the world is difficult, and the relationship between doctors and patients is also tense… Even if a person is cured, it is not uncommon to be blackmailed. Kindness, when encountering people who have lost their hearts, but what to do… It is better to make it clear in advance; hey, the world is getting worse, people are not ancient, although conscience is lost in troubled places, morality is invisible. , it can never be exchanged for a bit of respect…”

The corners of the mouth showed a few bitter meanings at the right time.

Like a doctor who was frightened by the medical troubles, he sighed and sighed all the sufferings in the world.

The unfinished meaning is like a clear reminder: doctors need to be respected and treated with conscience.

This is a question of quality, a question of character.

Wu Tiejun pondered for a long time, sighed for a long time, and said, “Sir said yes.”

Fengyin’s face was full of radiance, he sat upright, and said in a cadence: “Every great doctor treats a disease, he must calm his mind, have no desires and no desires, first show great compassion and sympathy, and vow to universally save the suffering of the soul. If someone comes to ask for help from an illness, don’t ask about the poor, the lowly, the wealthy, the elders and the young, and the elders. A heart without a trace of effort. This is a great doctor for the common people, otherwise it is a giant thief with spirit.”

Fengyin had a dignified face, and sighed: “The doctor is the foundation of the world, nothing more than saving the dead and the wounded, treating the sick and saving the patient, but the doctor is not a god, the manpower is sometimes poor, the mortal injury cannot be cured, and the treatment is not timely. Death, the so-called medicine does not die, it is exactly this principle. We also want to have no disease in the world, or to cure the disease and bring back the dead, but sometimes we have to use some means to protect ourselves. After all, the world is chaotic and people’s hearts are different, so , Xiao Ke is much more selfish than the ancient sages, and I am really ashamed.”

Wu Tiejun was immediately awe-inspiring, nodded again and again, and sighed: “It’s not the fault of Mr., Mr. is good at benevolent, helping all living beings; it is the Buddha of all families. It’s a pity that it is this world that has to let Mr. make this move. ; Wu fully understands.”

“If the gentleman is harmed by the villain, it will be a disaster for the common people.”

“It’s no wonder that Mr. is so skilled in medicine, yet has such a pair of couplets. It’s all forced by the world. Wu is deeply ashamed.”

Feng Yin shook his head, smiled, bitter, and sighed.

But he said in his heart: Your eye sees my superb medical skills?

But he didn’t know that Wu Tiejun was shocked after listening to the great doctor’s sincerity.

This sentence is unheard of and has never appeared in this world.

When I heard it suddenly, it was really deafening.

Is it possible that Langzhong, who can say such words, is a person with superficial medical skills?

After some words, the image of Fengyin has risen more than a hundred times in Wu Tiejun’s heart!

She was a little cautious when she spoke.

I am even sincerely ashamed that the world has forced a divine doctor into such a state.

The world is getting worse, and people’s hearts are not ancient.

Wu Tiejun sighed in his heart.

Feng Yin is just a fool.

And Wu Tiejun’s psychological activities are much more complicated than Fengyin.

Some even feel that they are alive.

After pondering for a while, he thought about it and said, “I must have seen it, sir, that something big has happened here.”

“Well, it was also shaken last night.”

Fengyin sighed and shook his head: “The turbulence is huge, and the creatures here will inevitably suffer… I wanted to go out and hang the pot to heal, but the lord came first, hehe…”

Well, if you have something to say, go away quickly, don’t delay me in saving people.

Wu Tiejun had a look of shame on his face, but he insisted.

“Sir, I don’t know. In the foggy mountains not far from the town, the Great Demon Cave Mansion was discovered. Now the Great Demon has left… and the things inside are priceless treasures for practitioners.”

Wu Tiejun said: “Now this is the place where the dragons and snakes of the entire continent gather, and the people who come here are just close enough to try their luck… In the next few days, more people will come, and the level of cultivation will only increase. Come higher.”

“I see.”

“That’s why we came here this time to maintain the situation. In our hearts, it may not be a matter of life and death. Once the cave is opened, it will inevitably lead to a large-scale melee. Injury and death are inevitable.”

Wu Tiejun said with a bit of difficulty: “We came here with a dangerous mission, and our rainbow healers, for some reason, did not come with the team.”

Feng Yin’s heart tightened: “Oh?”

“I wanted to recruit Mr. into the team.”

Wu Tiejun sighed: “But I was shocked when I heard the words of a great doctor to help the world, how can I force it, and I dare not use any means… Fortunately, the other side is not very far from here, if there are wounded, please see Mr. For the sake of me waiting to fight for the country, I will give priority to the treatment, and I have a lot of work.”

This is the usefulness of the previous paragraph of Fengyin.

In fact, when Captain Wu first entered the door, Fengyin had some guesses about his purpose.

If you come to the hospital without injury or illness, what else can you do?

Since he came here to do something, he could only catch the strong men.

But here is safe and secure. Joining the team to take risks is a near-death experience… Fengyin doesn’t want to go.

No matter how big the opportunity is, I don’t want to go.

Sometimes he would be reckless without hesitation, but more often he was sober as ice and snow.

So starting from entering the door, from the expression hints, to the direction of the language, and finally the language hints and expressions, as well as various micro-expressions, even the great doctor’s sincerity has been moved out…

After some performances, Wu Tiejun cancelled his original plan.

But Fengyin also knew in his heart that this was purely his own scheming, taking advantage of Wu Tiejun’s upright character.

It is the gentleman who can deceive him and change the person, and his chances of success are very slim.

If Wu Tiejun forcibly recruited and did not give Fengyin a chance to speak, Fengyin would have no room to resist, and he could only be forced to submit, and there was no way out.

Now listening to Wu Tiejun’s expedient plan, Fengyin immediately said sternly: “It’s nothing to do with Captain Wu’s instructions, Feng is also a citizen of Daqin! The blood flowing in my body is also Daqin’s blood!”

Wu Tiejun shrugged, took a deep look at Fengyin’s face, patted his shoulder hard, and said nothing more.

Immediately, he led the person out, carrying his hands on his back, with a very relieved expression on his face.

The voice came leisurely, full of sighs: “There is a great sage in the countryside.”



“Reasonable people are really fooling around.”

Fengyin whispered quietly in her heart.

“However, it is only a small measure to make use of one’s character by observing words and expressions. It can be applied for a while, but it is not a long-term solution. In this world, strength is still the most important thing. If my strength reaches the level that he does not dare to forcibly recruit, why should I use it again? This is a little trick that can’t wait for the mainstream?”

“The higher the cultivation base, the simpler the means and the more convenient it is to do things; that’s the truth.”

Feng Yin sighed in his heart.

“Actually, according to the purpose of this Captain Wu, here is no different from following the team; the difference is not big, this Captain Wu seems to have taken a step back, but in fact it doesn’t matter, but it also makes me owe Human…”


. . . . . .

Xu Laosi began to clean the front of the store.

Xu Laosan was drinking medicine, plus he changed the medicine himself.

Feng Yin didn’t care, he could only do it by himself, screaming in pain with long and short bursts.

Fengyin was not idle either, he started to stir again, after all, there was still a little ancestor to feed, and when feeding the little guy, Fengyin obviously felt that the little guy was a little restless, very dishonest.

Feng Yin couldn’t help but wonder, what happened?

The last meal was just open mouth to eat and drink, this time how…

Holding him in his arms and feeding him about half a bowl of Goo, the little guy struggled to move his hands and feet, then fell back to sleep and returned to peace.

After one night passed, I felt that my meridians had basically adapted to the wind and started a new round of cultivation.

Just like yesterday, as soon as he ran the Spiritual Transformation Technique, he once again attracted the vortex of spiritual energy.

If it is said that the amount of aura motivated by the previous Fengyin practice Juntianshou basic exercise method is one, and the quality is one, then the number of auras motivated by the current windyin is ten, and the quality is also ten.

In this way, it is not a ten-fold increase, but a huge increase of more than a hundred times!

Change the quality and quantity together.

Although compared to high-level cultivators, such agitation is not worth mentioning, but for Feng Yin at this stage, it is already a great surprise, and there is a feeling of winning the big prize in my heart.

“It’s so fast! It’s so cool!”

He carefully controlled the gong circuit, quietly running the gong body for a week.

The aura frenzy entered.

The little guy suddenly struggled, with his eyes closed, he tilted his head and tried to search everywhere… Finally, he snorted somewhere in Feng Yin again…

The wind seal trembled.

It’s up to him.

The current Dad Feng has already accepted his fate.

Eat, eat.

Not only will I be your dad, but now I can be your mom…

With the exercise, I feel that the meridians can fully bear it, UU reading www.uukanshu. com felt that the flexibility of the meridians had increased by another point, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief and continued the exercise of the second week.

This qi practice continued until the meridians felt bulging and splitting, and then they stopped.

The kitten became quiet in his arms; motionless, even breathing much lighter.

But just after the end of the exercise here, the little guy started to struggle.

The little claws shook softly in the air, looking very anxious.

Feng Yin hurriedly took it out, but the big and the small came together.

“It smells so bad…”

Feng Yin wrinkled her face, her nose twisted.

Originally, he had longed for the little guy to be the heir of the great demon, maybe he wouldn’t be a stinker or something, but now his extravagant hopes have come to nothing.

The wind seal of resignation was carefully wiped clean, and then the little guy was put back again, and he sighed softly.

“Why don’t you open your eyes…”

Seeing that the little guy is now covered in soft white fine hair, and the pink skin is not exposed like yesterday, Feng Yin was surprised and couldn’t help but touch it.

Oh, it’s so comfortable…

This hair grows so fast?

But why only grow hair? Body is not long?

He didn’t even open his eyes.

But now it can be finalized, the little guy will be very beautiful in the future.

He couldn’t help but have new associations and guesses.

“Could it be that this little thing… is quiet or something, and the hair is so fast… is it related to my cultivation of the Spiritual Transformation Sutra?”


[Everyone has forgotten the habit of voting since I haven’t opened a book for a long time, so I have to remind you again. Lose all the recommended tickets, and give the two characters Fengyin and the little guy a heart-to-heart. 】

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