Bloodlines of the Ancient Pantheons

Chapter 613: DCXIII. The Inspirer

The bearded man stood up, resting one of his feet on the wooden block under the harp and holding it with one hand to make an elegant bow and thank his listeners.

"Wow... he was very good... that harp sounds beautiful! I've never heard anything like that, who is that man?" Dag asked, who despite studying the inhabitants of Asgard for a long time, did not know them all and did not remember the names of some of them.

Before Fulla could answer, the bard, who had his ear trained to distinguish sounds in the crowd, identified an unknown voice among the buzz of the people and stretched his eyes, sharpening his sight.

He looked at Dag immediately and without saying a word, the bearded man walked towards him.

Dag, looking at Fulla's face, realized that he had caught someone else's attention and when he turned around, he noticed that the musician had now arrived in front of him and was staring closely at him with his piercing light brown eyes, almost orange.

"Oh, fuck! H... hello!" the young Earth warrior exclaimed, taking a step back so as not to lose his balance, after that close and unexpected encounter had frightened him.

The people around them expanded as if suddenly the centerpiece of the show had become Dag, who for some reason had caught the bard's attention.

Dag looked again at Fulla, who was giggling up her sleeve, suggesting that the man posed no danger.

Then he looked at the other people, observing the amazement in their eyes.

"The Midgardian! I've already written a song about you, hahahaha! You're finally here! Welcome! Welcome to Asgard! Hahaha!" the man suddenly exclaimed, abruptly changing his gaze, which a few seconds earlier seemed incredibly suspicious, but had now become cheerful and smiling.

After his words, the people around him began to talk to each other, amazed that a Midgard native had arrived in the divine city, ignoring its true motive.

"Uhm... yes, it's me, ehehe... I was walking and I remained ecstatic by the melody you were playing! I've never heard anyone play the harp like you!" Dag exclaimed, trying to mask his nervousness arising from the ambiguous situation and to compliment the street artist.

"Oh, well... finding someone who plays the harp better than the God of music and poetry is impossible for you too, boy! Hahaha! My name is Bragi and I am one of the sons of Odin who chose to dedicate his life to the sacred art of music! Hahah!" the man replied, as if he was a madman out of himself, alternating moments of lucidity with moments when he lost control.

"Son of Odin? I didn't know the Alfather had so many sons! Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you, Bragi. The sound of your harp is awesome, I couldn't resist the temptation to approach and hear it better!" Dag replied, extending his hand towards the God of music, intent on formally introducing himself to him.

Bragi observed Dag's hand and after a few seconds of hesitation, stretched out his arm and shook it, knowing how humans used to present themselves.

"You have just arrived in Asgard, mortal, however, your deeds are already known! I've created songs that talk about it and I can't wait to play them! Hahaha!" the bard exclaimed again, happy to meet in person one of the subjects from whom he had taken inspiration.

Dag was incredulous at those words and his gaze fell again on Fulla, who confirmed what Bragi had said nodding with her head, making it clear that the street musician had already spoken of Dag since the first time the dark power manifested itself.

The people around them, who before realizing that that boy was the earthling that was talked about so much had remained on the sidelines, after finding out that the real Dag was right in front of them, gasped.

"So you are the mortal that Odin strongly wanted to have by his side?" 

"Dag? Dag the earthling?" 

"It is a real pleasure to meet you, we people of Asgard are happy to welcome you into the kingdom of heaven, boy!" 

The strong words of solidarity from unknown people gave the official welcome to the young warrior of Okstorm, who could not believe his ears.

"I didn't think what I've done in the past in my fight against the Xis had so much resonance... these people are Gods or demi-Gods, and they all know my name! I wish Freydis and Reidar were here with me... if I became so well known, I owe it to them too!" Dag thought, who was saddened for a moment, thinking back to his dearest affections left on Skjold.

"So, boy... what are you doing here? Do you have to meet my father?" Bragi asked, strangely approaching Dag's face as if he wanted to see the details of his eyes up close.

"Uhm... yes... I think so. During my last battle, Odin came to my rescue and saved my life. It's a real honor to be here and meet you in person, but I'm afraid I'm late. The Alfather is waiting for me in Hlidskjàlf" he replied, trying to take his leave courteously, after the effect of the music that had caught his attention vanished.

"Yes, Dag. We have to go" Fulla added, helping him unravel from that situation.

"Oh, sure, sure! Go, earthly boy, and bring my greetings to my father! He is always so busy fighting, conquering, and maintaining order in the kingdoms, he never has time for good music, or to listen to my poems... but I am sure that when this nightmare will end, we will sit down together to drink good mead and I will be able to play the harp and the cittern singing your deeds! Goodbye, earthly warrior, see you soon! Hahaha!" Bragi exclaimed again, who, as if he wanted to suddenly drive Dag away, pushed him forward playfully.

He thanked the bard for paying him so much attention and as he greeted all the intrigued people, he continued his walk to the Vàlaskjàlf, the royal palace.

Fulla noticed Dag's strange silence, walking and looking down, smiling in disbelief.

"What did you expect? That the Asgard's bard didn't know you after what you did? Dag, not even Thor, and Asgard's strongest Gods have ever managed to kill the most powerful Frostsinners, of course you're already so popular!" Fulla said, thrilled that her host was happy with what he had just heard.

"All this is amazing... I remember very well my first steps in the Jernhest Arena when my greatest dream was to become a warrior... and now... here I am, walking through the streets of Asgard between Gods and Goddesses, flanked by a gorgeous girl like you. For the first time since I remember, I'm... I'm... happy!" Dag replied, looking up towards the street and continuing to smile.

The handmaid's cheeks blushed, not believing that her interlocutor could confess so explicitly and in such a short time his physical attraction to her.

Gnà and Hlid, Queen Frigg's other two handmaidens, had been talking about Dag since before his arrival in Asgard, discussing his physical characteristics and good looks, almost as if they were both in love with him; Fulla, on the other hand, who was the calmest and even smartest of the two, had not seen anything special in him.

However, during those moments, a strange sensation in her stomach made her realize that she really liked something about him, that she was attracted to the way he spoke and to his humility.

Dag's eyes turned to her, which immediately looked away, embarrassed.

"What about Thor? Where is he?" he asked, hoping that his idol would be with the Alfather in the palace.

"I am a simple handmaid, Dag... I have no idea where he is. But knowing his warrior nature, he will be going around one of Yggdrasil's kingdoms. Thor is a traveler, an adventurer... he spends very little time here in Asgard" she replied, diverting the direction of their walk and following a wide curve around a huge golden palace.

Amid the embarrassment of their first meeting, Fulla and Dag remained silent for the rest of the journey that separated them from Odin's palace.

The earthly warrior merely looked around and marveled at everything, imagining what it felt like to live in a city like Asgard, so beautiful and perfect.

"Behold, this is the Vàlaskjàlf. We have arrived" Fulla said, pointing to a very high staircase leading to the main door of the royal residence.

Not wanting to waste any more time hearing useless explanations or admiring the landscape, Dag immediately began to climb the stairs, noting that that palace was so high that its summit lurked in the dense clouds that enveloped the floating city.

Continuing to touch the sides of his belt almost as if it was a habit, he felt naked without his weapons.

"What do you have in mind, Odin? If you Gods can't kill the most powerful Xis, then why did you bring me here? Maybe you just want to give me your consent?" Dag thought, who, at that point, totally ignored Fulla, who was walking behind him and watching him carefully, curious about his reaction in front of that wonder of divine architecture.

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