Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 7

Ji Bai in the holster frowned slightly, and turned his gaze to the sound source.

Chapter 12 ~ Are You Brave?

“Well said.” A thick and steady voice sounded, but there was no sense of praise or praise in the single, orderly applause.

Ji Bai turned his head and looked to the other side, the tall middle-aged man in linen clothes who did not know when he appeared.

Familiar voice, and long-lost face.

“Teacher Manda! You, you are here!” The short-haired knight and the other knight who was still awake instantly found the backbone, his ashen-like face was suddenly excited, without the slightest fear of passing through the’Oh’ in front of him. Terman’, he crawled to the middle-aged man’s side.

They knew in their hearts that as long as they were under the eyes of this middle-aged man, they would never suffer. This tutor would not watch the students in his temple get beaten by outsiders.

Ji Bai, who stayed in the holster, did not obstruct the two passing by him in any way. Through the small hole under the light bulb, he looked at the middle-aged man who was wearing plain clothes and was not angry and arrogant. , There was a trace of nostalgia and suddenness in his eyes.

Long time no see, Manda.

The middle-aged man named Manda in front of him was a student of Ji Bai. No, to be precise, he was a former student. The specific time he joined the Brilliant Knights was about before his success. At that time, he was just A depressed uncle who lost his wife and children due to war and was blinded by hatred.

“Holy Flame Knight” Manda, his holy martial ability is a kind of high-pressure burning flame that can be attached to the blade, and it has a very significant increase in damage to the demon species. Because the flame color is gold, it is bestowed on the knighthood. For; Holy Flame.

He is a follower who joined relatively late. Although Ji Bai and his age are very different, it does not hinder the communication between them. Now Manda, who has the knighthood, can be regarded as an existence in the Holy Martial Association. It can be said that Ji Bai has witnessed his step-by-step transformation into growth.

Although he met an acquaintance, Ji Bai didn’t worry that his identity would be exposed. After all, he was in a leather case and his voice was very different from usual. As long as he was more careful in his actions, he wouldn’t. Arouse awareness.

“Teacher Manda! You, you want to call us the shots! We were so dumb to perform official duties here, this guy from unknown origin jumped out to obstruct us, not only verbally insulted, but also injured two of our companions! You! , Look”

The short-haired knight may not be up to the standard in terms of ability and combat effectiveness, but his acting skills and the posture of holding his thighs are absolutely nothing to say. As far as the speed of the transformation of his face and the appearance of his nose and tears, bitter hatred, It feels like how wronged, the words deliberately distorted some of the facts, the whole operation does not seem to be proficient for the first time.

Gee tee, brother, Oscar owes you a golden man.

With such a superb acting skill, Ji Bai didn’t want to understand why he wanted to be a knight, a fame or something. Isn’t it a better choice to be a glamorous and gorgeous actor?

“I see, you guys step back first.” Manda nodded and looked at the sluggish noodle shop owner, then looked at the braid and Karen who had fainted on the side, and gradually set his gaze on the swagger. Standing on the’Ultraman’ at the entrance of the store.

“Young man, I think you need to give me an explanation.” Manda squinted those gray eyes, with an aura like a cobra spitting out a snake letter, ready to go, making people afraid to confront him. Depending on.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh? Explain?” Ji Bai, who carried half of his sword on his shoulder, was stunned. “Old uncle, haven’t you been watching the live broadcast in secret since the beginning of the conflict? What happened during the whole process, did you? There is really no Hercules in my heart?”

In an instant, Manda’s pupils shrank, and the alertness and surprise in his eyes increased sharply.

This person’s insight ability is outstanding and should not be underestimated.

“Presumptuous! Do you know who this is? He is one of the tiger generals under the seat of the Radiant Knight, Holy Flame Knight! Talk with respect!” Before Manda could speak, the short-haired knight on the side arrogantly crowed. Barking, this reminded Ji Bai of an idiom: Doing nothing.

“It’s your turn to speak? Believe it or not, I’ll let you eat **** on the spot?” Ji Bai grinned and raised the sword in his hand.

“You” the short-haired knight blushed, but didn’t say a word anymore.

“Young people, they did not do this thing properly, and as you said, after returning, I will let them master the knight’s creed in three days.” Manda stared at Ji Bai closely. The figure slowly said.

This old Man is really the same, as always, guarding the calf, and hurriedly and preconceived before I speak.

Ji Bai smiled helplessly. His evaluation of Manda has always been upright, but he is very easy to be emotional. It is not worth it for certain special tasks. Anyway, he is not a Radiant Knight anymore. The dog takes the mouse. What are these? He was only responsible for drawing a sword and helping each other in the face of injustice. As for the internal affairs of the Knights, Ji Bai didn’t plan to mix up.

Just as Ji Bai dropped his sword and was about to turn around and walk away, the voice behind him stopped him.

“Young man, I think we should get back to the subject. I also said just now that the rewards and punishments within the Knights will make a decision. However, you injured two trainee knights of our Knights and left without saying a word. Now, this is a bit unreasonable, right?”

“? So, are you going to continue to trouble me?” Ji Baipi smiled and turned around again, and looked up and down the former student.

“I’m serious, I just want to be fair to my students.” Manda said indifferently.

Okay, so you old Man, you haven’t seen you in a year, but you have become a master? Don’t even pay attention to your former teacher?

Chapter 13 ~ BGM is online

“Just be fair? Sorry, Altman can theoretically only support the earth for about 3 minutes. Forgive me, I really don’t have much time to match your skills. We will be transformed back into the human body in a while, you see Has any special film hero exposed his true identity in advance? So, I’m sorry.” After looking anxiously in the air with Manda for a while, Ji Bai shrugged, and chose not to entangle with Manda. Mouth escaped.

To be reasonable, if it is the usual thing, let alone what the net is open, Ji Bai not only has to hammer the four stunned heads, but also beat the old man, who is more than reasonable. It’s just a moment of rest, but now is an extraordinary period, and his true identity has been counted as a dead person in human society, and it is inevitable that this old man will become suspicious when he plays with the old man who is familiar with his moves.

After thinking about it, Ji Bai decided it was best not to have anything to do with him.

“Oh, oh? It’s said that blue is better than blue. Isn’t the young man afraid of the old man who is about to pass the sixtieth birthday?” The old eyes narrowed into a gap, and Manda touched the long sword at the waist with his back hand.

“I don’t mean anything else, I just want to make a few tricks with my little friend and make friends.” Manda stared at the silent figure moving backward.

Who believes it? ? If it wasn’t me who saved the field today, I would have to break a few ribs if others said less? Old Man, is it really good for you to protect your calf so openly? In the face of justice, you chose to be partial?

“Okay, what are you going to do?” Ji Bai, who knew he would not be able to leave for a while, tightened his holster, straightened up and looked at Manda.

For a moment, Manda felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but didn’t think too much, just classified it as an illusion of her own. “Your Excellency Guan is well versed in the way of knights, presumably, he is a folk secular knight? The old don’t make it difficult for you, I want to have a duel with you.” Manda stared at Ji Bai closely, and his eyes burst into war. Sparks.

Sure enough

“I thought it was what it was, so let’s start and end it quickly, the earth is crying, and Ultraman is very busy.” Ji Bai moved his cervical spine and said indifferently.

Manda frowned slightly. Although he didn’t care much, he was also a famous knight, right? Knowing his name, he answered so simply, if this person is not an iron-headed baby, he is a master in hiding in the city.

But this also fits Manda’s meaning. This time he saw the behavior of the Cavaliers’ four-man team all the time. He is not an old and stubborn man. How could he not understand the reason and stand there? The reason for the challenge is that the mysterious person in front of him aroused his eagerness to win.

“Okay, I answered without procrastination, and the old man can’t be procrastinated.” Manda took off the long silver sword hanging from his waist, stood up straight and placed the long sword flat on his shoulder blade to make a knight’s salute.

At the same time Manda saluted, Ji Bai on the opposite side dropped the sword in his hand and did not know where he got a small speaker and placed it on the wooden table.

“??” Seeing Ji Bai’s move, Manda frowned, always feeling that things were not so simple. The two knights and the boss on the side were also dumbfounded. Hey, fight, be serious.

Ji Bai didn’t care about the eyes of the people around him, twisting the sound channel of himself, and pressing the button.

“Wannatakeyoubaby, takemehigher” was ups and downs, and exciting rock music played.

Everyone present:

“OK, let’s start! In my BGM, no one wants to beat me.” The Ultraman in front of him moved his shoulders a little, his left hand was palm and his right hand was a fist, posing a special posture for Ultraman when he was hitting a small monster. I am really grateful to this little brother in front of me, but can you not be ashamed? The owner of the noodle shop, who looked so embarrassed, couldn’t help covering his face.

A serious knight’s duel, abruptly made the style strange by this teasing.

As for Ji Bai? He doesn’t care about it, anyway, he is not a knight anymore, he just wants to play as he pleases.

Occasionally, I want to let myself go.

Compared with the noodle shop owner, Manda’s focus is obviously not on this exaggerated action.

“Your Excellency, it seems that I forgot to take my sword.”

“Sword? No need. If you use a sword, someone might say that I bully you.” Ji Bai was thinking about picking out his ears, but he was still wearing a holster and could only give up.

As soon as this word came out, it was not just the other three people, but Manda’s face instantly stiffened.

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