Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 51

“Oh oh? Are you guarding the gate?” Gum tilted his head in doubt, and looked at another brilliant knight inquiringly.

“Uh, uh, I…no, no, it was Master Gemm who was very aware of the situation and came to the battlefield in time to take control of the situation. He captured the vanguard knight who was running for his life, and repelled the troll man in one fell swoop.” The knight was stunned for a moment, and he felt the eight characters. Hu Knight’s meaningful eyes changed his mouth suddenly.

“Hmm.” Gorm nodded in satisfaction.

“Did you see it? You said you were guarding the gate? But everyone didn’t see it? I said, old gentleman, don’t rely on the old and sell the old, make you right and wrong?”

“you guys……”

“Do you know how many people will be homeless and displaced by your unauthorized resignation, and how many civilians will lose their families forever?? This city is devastated by life, is this what you saw first? You, will not be with you The devil has fornication, right?!” Gum asked aggressively.

“You, you…cough cough!” The old knight widened his eyes and pointed at Gem tremblingly.

“You vanguard knights, tried to escape, neglected their duties, concealed their feelings! Doing this is worthy of your respective relatives, worthy of the people in the city? I ask you, what should be the crime!?” The eight-character Hu knight greeted viciously.

“Master Gem, don’t talk nonsense with them. According to the commandments of the Brilliant Knights, fornicating the demon species plus fleeing and making a decisive battle! Come on, execute these traitors who betrayed the human race!”

The eight-character Hu knight gave an order, and the surrounding knights drew out their swords and walked towards the exhausted and defenseless pioneer knights.

“Stop! I see who dares!” the old knight shouted angrily.

“Look at these heroic souls who died at your feet, and then look at you who helped him to abuse the dog!…Are you really worthy to be knights!?”

The old knight’s roar caused the sword-wielding knights to stagnate and struggle.

“Recall the moment you joined the Knights, your oath! In contrast to the present, you…”

The old knight wanted to continue, but couldn’t speak anymore.

A cold blade pierced his throat.

“Teacher!” The bruised pioneer knights rushed forward and hugged the weakly fallen figure.

After serving in the army for more than 20 years, the old knight closed his eyes feebly.

“This old thing is crazy, get rid of it as soon as possible.” Taking the blood-stained dagger into its sheath, Gemm frowned.

“You guys, are you going to end with them? For the traitors, the Brilliant Knights never knew what kindness is.” Gem swept his stern eyes, and the sword-holding knights shuddered and clenched the swords in their hands.

With a few chopping sounds, blood splashed on the city wall.

Chapter 17 ~ Scapegoat

South City Wall.

It snowed heavily in the border town.

The wind and frost of the twelfth lunar month slapped Randy’s cheek mercilessly, which could not bear the cold in his heart.

“During the period of extraordinary combat, the violent circumstances are equivalent to disobeying the order. I am now released to the Border City Prison and waiting to be sent down. Do you have any opinion on this decision? Do you need to check it? Captain Randy.” The iron-clad knight tucked the command letter back into his pocket, with a little mockery in his eyes.

“No need, next, listen to the message.” Randy replied quietly.

“Observe, then, let’s go? Captain Randy, the rich man must have never experienced prison life when he was born? Maybe it would be a good experience? Haha.”

“Wait a minute, there is something puzzled below.” Randy didn’t mean to stand up.

“Oh? Lord Randy has any advice? Do you think you have been wronged?” The high-ranking knight turned around, joking in his eyes.

“The branch is under the control, it doesn’t make sense to be there, but why?? What did the pioneer knights do wrong? They abide by the knighthood and their duties until they shed the last drop of blood… The Brilliant Knights have always rewarded and punished clearly, just and fair. When did the butcher knife be aimed at the warrior who returned triumphantly?? You, is this framing Zhongliang?!”

“Bold rebels! You don’t want to cover up the traitors and try to discredit the Knights?! I think you think the cell is too comfortable and want to go straight to hell!”

“Hey, don’t give him an insight.” The high-ranking knight grabbed the hilt of his adjutant and motioned him not to get angry.

“Yes, Master Randy, according to what you mean, you are Zhongliang in the entire Knight Order? Go up to Bishop Enzo, go down to fellow knights? In some time, you won’t even connect with my Lord. Hui doesn’t pay attention to it, right? Okay, adjutant, I’ll remember to add an extra to Randy’s charge in a while.”

“If my lord is still…you dare to be so arrogant?” Randy’s voice was crushed hard.

“Haha…” The high-ranking knight smiled and gently moved to Randy’s ear.

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. Talking to people, talking nonsense to people, only fools do things that have high risks and low benefits.”

“…Executive Officer, you are not worthy of being a knight, have you considered switching to planting potatoes?” Randy said lightly.

“The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp!” The adjutant snorted.

“Come on, stop arguing with him, it’s all people who are dying, what do you tell him, let the young master enjoy the rotten prison, and take it away.”

“You don’t need to come, I will go by myself.” Randy stood up.

“Where are my players??”

“Those remaining defeated generals under the city gate? Don’t worry, they are all right, although few are intact… Unfortunately, they are guilty of you, because they picked a good captain, hahahaha…!”

The Border Town Branch of the Brilliant Knights.

Randy tapped on the table slowly, closing his eyes to rest.

There was the sound of the doorknob turning.

“How is the situation going?”

“Fortunately, your life, Minister Minister.” Gemm looked respectful.

“Very good.” Lan Yu opened his eyes and smiled slightly. “I have handed over your promotion copy to the headquarters. I believe that soon, you will be able to replace it with the gilt medallion that you wear for three years.”

“Your Excellency Minister Xie!” Gemqiang suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and said gratefully.

As a knight with a holy weapon, Gem has the qualification to break through the golden knight, but he has not been appreciated by any branch for a long time.

Gem was depressed, and on the surface he got along well with his teammates, but he was full of arrogance in his heart. This group of knights without paladins could sit on an equal footing with him, which made him feel a great insult and shame.

Until that day, he got an opportunity to get to know the Minister of Border Town Lan Yu…

Longing for the air at a height and the feeling of being admired in his heart, Gum decided to follow the blue jade to the dark.

“However, there is a question below.”

“Let’s talk.” Lan Yu looks good now.

“Why don’t you execute the Vanguard knight and the defiant guy on the spot, and kill them cleanly?”

“Haha.” Lan Yu stood up with a smile, and walked to Gehm.

“Explanation, no matter what, it needs an explanation, doesn’t it?”

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