Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 34

“The Pioneer Cavaliers have detected the target location, everyone in the Pomodoro Group, prepare for it. If nothing else, your first battle will start.” Putting the phone in his pocket, Lin Tuolue pointed towards the people present with solemnity. Said the five.

“Where?” Without saying any nonsense, Ji Baizhu stood up with his long sword, staring at Lin Tuo with scorching eyes.

“I can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, everyone took out their phones and searched the Internet for an app called Under the Night Sky. I will send you your respective work numbers.”

Hearing that, everyone present took out their mobile phones and opened them in a familiar way. Only Ji Bai stood there and looked at Lin Tuo meaningfully.

“I know you are in a hurry if you don’t download the app, I can’t give you a specific navigation route.” Lin Tuo helplessly spread his hands.

“I, I don’t get traffic, and I don’t get money.” Ji Bai said emotionally.

“Fine, I’ll open a hot spot for you.” Lin Tuo narrowed his mouth and turned on his cell phone.

After some operations, after confirming that the exact location of the map had been sent to the APP, Ji Bai took the long sword, turned and left.

“Huh? Classmate Ji Bai wait a minute.”

“What are you waiting for? Do you think you have this leeway now? It’s urgent.” Ji Bai responded coldly.

“Hey, don’t forget that you are a collective, of course you are acting together. Gang work is better than doing it alone.” Lin Tuo stepped forward to explain.

“I don’t need it.” I glanced around my classmates indifferently. When Xiaosha was sighted, the girl thought about making a face on her own, and immediately hid behind Lin’s thigh. “Your greatest help to me is to wait and I will chop those demons into meat sauce.”

I never need a team or something.

“If you go alone, Ke’er might be dead.” Lin Huan said coldly.

“I said, classmate Ji Bai, did you make a mistake? We lost the hostages this time, not a big killing. Don’t forget that Ke’er is still in their hands. Even if you have the ability to reach the sky, you can shoot at the trolls. Did you save Kerr before?” Lin Tuo’s tone was full of solemnity, and there was a hint of reprimand.

“Then, is there a way to follow you?” Ji Bai looked at Lin Tuo and then at his classmates, Ji Bai chuckled.

He thinks that he is not so nervous that he does not take any precautions against demons, even if he is a nominal classmate.

“Of course, thinking alone is not as good as the consensus. In fact, the general idea is already in my mind. I have sent out the specific 3D structure diagram of the building occupied by the trolls.”

Ji Bai raised his eyebrows and clicked on the message prompt in the discussion group. A 3D model roughly constructed from various lines appeared in everyone’s eyes.

The location and building structure were so detailed that Ji Bai was slightly surprised. To be honest, there was no pioneer knight with such an enchanting detection ability in his previous knights.

“First of all, the target was tied to the third floor by a hostile unit, but he hasn’t done anything for a long time. It seems that he is waiting for something, so we simply will count.”

“Directly rush to the building.” Ji Bai stood by his sword, his eyes cold.

“Qi, vulgar barbarian.” Lin rolled her eyes in disdain.

“Student Ji Bai, your ancestral home is actually the United Soviet Union? What if you act so recklessly and the trolls jump over the wall in a hurry? This kind of task can’t be attacked but outsmarted, but too many people will cause commotion.” He took a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it for himself, and took a deep breath.

“So, do you have a plan?”

“Yes, my idea is roughly formed. We sent a classmate up to negotiate with them to attract their attention. Taking advantage of the situation, the dark support team rescued the target in one fell swoop.”

“It’s too general, how can you take advantage of it?” Ji Bai looked up and down Lin Tuo, always feeling that this unreliable fool was talking on paper.

Lin Tuo didn’t speak, and smiled and looked at the cat behind Lin.

“Xiaosha, you, are you a veteran student in our academy, right? Your magic characteristic is to change the space where you or your goals are located, right?”

“That’s it, but it’s not far, it’s really not far.” Xiaosha swallowed her saliva and poked out her head cautiously, looking at Lin Tuo with a smile, feeling like she was about to lie down with a gun.

“Well, it doesn’t need to be too far. Change the position of Kerr, can it be done? Isn’t the effective range of replacement very far?”

“Wow! Don’t be kidding! The replacement is to rescue another cat and bring it back, so I’m unlucky! That’s a troll man!” Xiao Sha wowed her head back.

“Isn’t there a five-second space intervention, immune to physical collision?”

“It’s only five seconds! After five seconds, people will still become cat cakes! No, no, let me deal with trolls or something” Xiaosha hugged Lin’s thigh and said that she didn’t want to come out.

“It’s hard to do.” Lin Tuo scratched his head in distress. If Xiaosha was afraid of the situation, the plan this time was half-failed first. Ji Bai didn’t speak, staring at Xiaosha, walking slowly.

Seeing Ji Bai walking with expressionless face, Lin frowned slightly, but surprisingly did not act to stop her.

“You, you, you, you, you are going to be a god?! Don’t come here! You can’t just exchange an innocent cat for another cat just because we have hatred and personal affair! Wow! Sister Lin, help! Uncle Xianshi is going to shoot me!”

“You, don’t you want to go?” Ji Bai knelt down, his eyes leveled with Xiaosha calmly.

“Who wants to go!?”

“If you are willing to participate, I, Ji Bai, guarantee that you will be fine with the knight’s credibility and life.” Ji Bai put his hand on his chest and swore.

Seeing Ji Bai’s sincere and even begging gaze, Xiaosha was slightly shaken, but she also shaken those few times.

“Promise or something, it doesn’t count at all!? That’s the troll person who is known for being unreasonable and vicious, I dare not.” It seemed that it brought back some unpleasant memories, and Xiaosha’s low voice brought it up. With a hint of crying, Huo Lei lowered his head when he heard the description of his own race.

“Really? Okay.” Ji Bai stood up and carried the sword on his shoulders.

“It’s okay to watch from the sidelines, I will go by myself.”

“Hey, uncle, are you sure? For a hostile race that has not been together for a few days, maybe you have to take your life or something, do you really think it’s worth it?” Xiaosha couldn’t help but asked.

“I’m not saving the devil species, protecting the innocent and weak. It is the honor of the knight and it is incumbent.” Ji Bai wiped the sword and said firmly.

Huo Lei raised his head, a glimmer of imperceptible appreciation flashed through his eyes. Lin stared at Ji Bai with a bright expression in his eyes, while Lin Tuo smiled slightly.

“Cut, you can speak beautiful words” Xiao Sha whispered, whispering.

“Are you all right? This small body, why don’t you go? It’s not cost-effective to take another life. They are all trolls. They should be able to listen to me.” Huo Lei, who has been silent, said, just about to go. Before, Lin stopped him.

“Let Ji Bai go, he can do it.” This is the first time Lin didn’t call Ji Bai a cockroach.

Chapter 54~

Border Town, Division of the Brilliant Knights.

“Minister! According to the Frontline Pioneer Detection Report, a group of troll soldiers gathered outside the border city. The black pressure is already confining the city! The Pioneer Detective Outpost is asking for reinforcements!” The knight with dense sweat on his forehead caresss. Jian knelt down on one knee, reporting in a panic.

“What’s the rush? The city gate is still there, so why don’t the demons gather? It won’t help.” The blue jade, who was sitting on the mahogany fur chair, was calm and unhurried.

“Yes, but! The barrier stopped operating for unknown reasons. Only the gate is left. There are only a few vanguard knights on the wall. It will be sooner or later for the trolls to break through the wall.”

“Soldier, are you teaching the general manager what to do?” Lan Yu glanced at the knight coldly, with a hint of coldness in his words.

“My subordinates, don’t dare to subordinates” The knight trembled slightly and bowed his head respectfully.

“Then, what should you do? The director has his own plan.” Lan Yu said proudly, leaning back and leaning back on the seat comfortably.

The knight knelt on the ground and hesitated.

“Why? Don’t you believe in the director?” Lan Yu frowned slightly, feeling very dissatisfied that his subordinates couldn’t move. “The trolls are brave and combative, fierce and fierce. They can’t fight against this kind of impassable barbarians. They can only outsmart, but can’t attack. Understand? Get out! Do you want to disobey orders in an extraordinary period?”

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