Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 17

“Instead of worrying about this, you should think about yourself first, do some preparation activities or something, don’t be too nervous, right, have you eaten breakfast? Hurry up and eat if you don’t eat it, maybe there will be no chance in the future. “

“What do you mean? Listening to your tone, how do you feel that I can’t survive three chapters?” Ji Bai’s eyes narrowed.

“Well, that’s why it’s business.” Lin Tuo turned his head with a smile on his face and patted Ji Bai on the shoulder.

“I forgot to tell you that every trainee member who joins the group needs two assessments, one is the written test, and the other is the test.” At this point, Lin Tuo looked at something funny as if he had thought of something funny. To Ji Bai. “Well, practice assessment.”

“Practical assessment? What’s the assessment? Men don’t have to be handsome, but they must learn to steal cars or something?”

“No, no, no, the so-called practical assessment is used to measure the tester’s physical fitness, physical skills, strength, ability to fight offenses, and immediate reflection of whether they can use their own elements such as the ability to use them freely, so as to ensure that they are not leaking.”

“Speaking of people.” Ji Bai has roughly guessed what Lin Tuo is laughing at.

“Ahem, ah, to put it in a more layman way, came out to be beaten, and I was wrong, it was an actual combat exercise.” Lin Tuo forced to stop the smile in his heart, and said solemnly.

While these words were being said, the three had already walked to a square building constructed with transparent glass walls.

“Let’s go, let’s go! The freshmen who have joined the group are all ready to go. You can form a group and get beaten.” Lin Tuo ignored Ji Bai’s weird gaze and pushed open the glass door eagerly. Inside, I can’t wait to see the beautiful picture of Ji Bai being beaten.

Ji Bai smiled slightly, he could roughly see what he was thinking from the face of the servant, and walked in with his chest straight, but Ji Bai timidly hid behind Ji Bai, like a small tail.

The inside of the glass building is square, without any excessive decorations. In the center is a large square pit surrounded by an iron fence. Below it is an arena. It seems that it is deliberately designed to prevent any blows. The pit wall is wrapped. With a variety of mechanical armor and lacquered wood chips.

There are no people on the upper level, but the bottom of the big pit is very lively at the moment.

A group of young people wearing various protective gear such as chain mail, shoulder guards and leggings, holding a half-sword, a Lanmu lance and other knight weapons, shudderingly looked at the one opposite them, wearing a heavy body. The plate armor only reveals a big man with his head outside. Although facing an enemy that is several times as large as his own, the big man is very contented. He doesn’t even look at the group of tense young people on the opposite side, moving his joints on his own. Invisible, a heavy pressure is released.

Chapter 29 ~ Chariot

“Now, do you see the tall bald head below who is wearing a full-body plate armor and looks like a fortress? He is your new examiner. Calculated by the regular knights, those young people below the golden knights and you are in the ranks of strength. The same, they are all freshmen who have just entered school. Standing at the iron fence, Lin Tuo pointed to the bottom and introduced Ji Bai.

“This is your first assessment. Don’t panic, relax. After all, even if you panic, you won’t be able to escape the fate of being beaten.” At this point, Lin Tuo laughed unkindly, observing Ji Bai’s face. There was a significant change, but what disappointed him was that Ji Bai had that expressionless face from beginning to end.

Scared to be silly, is this?

“Give you a piece of advice. This bald instructor is named Morton. He is famous for his violent temper. As long as he has a breath, he will fight to death. Don’t expect him to show mercy to your men. For this assessment, prepare your own weapons. Armor, of course, you can also use our official temporary equipment.” Lin Tuo smiled and pointed to the pile of rusty broken copper and iron on the love table.

From here you can probably see why no one wants to use them.

“Give me a sword.” Ji Bai was not fussy, walked to the wooden table and picked up a hand-half sword with a severely rusted blade.

“I advise you to wear some armor. Although the rust is severe and the protection is reduced, it is better than being beaten to the flesh.” Lin Tuo frowned when he looked at Ji Bai who was about to go down the ladder with his sword. Explained.

“No, he can’t hit me.” Ji Bai cast his gaze to the tall figure that was very stressful. “Is it enough to flip that guy?”

“Huh?” Lin Tuo felt for a moment that Ji Bai was a fool.

“What are you talking about? What are you doing?! It’s a good thing for young people to be confident, but don’t take it too far! Your task is only to hold on for three minutes. Have you seen the hourglass on the referee’s table? All the sand has drained, you Even qualified.”

“Oh, then if I knock him over in full view, will he lose face?” Ji Bai asked seriously after thinking a little bit.

“Isn’t you afraid that you haven’t woken up yet? There used to be people who asked this, but in the end they were all speechless. Do you know why?”

“Okay, I see. If the rules are these, I will go down first.” Ji Bai nodded, and after hanging half of his sword on his back, he drew down the ladder.

“Mr. Ji Bai, he won’t have anything to do?~” Ke’er looked worriedly at Ji Bai’s thin back, then looked at the tall and strong bald knight who was completely out of proportion to him.

“Don’t worry, we have all kinds of medical rescue facilities here. The medical team has rich experience. It provides one-stop service with white cloth, mortuary, and crematorium. There is no need to question.” Looking at the stunned young man who has entered the arena, Lin Tuo faintly explained.

“Meow, meow~?!”

The long-handled big axe in the hand of the heavy-armed man who stopped in the center of the arena moved his cervical spine a little, and his deep gaze was not far away, the group of new student trainees with different expressions.

Most of them were terrified because of their ignorance of the enemy and the pressure of the first actual combat. A few of them had a touch of arrogance and a disapproval and invincible attitude.

It doesn’t matter, when first arrived, everyone is almost nervous and wants to retreat. No one is surprised. This kind of freshmen can adapt to it by playing a few more times. As for those who disagree, well, they need to suppress their vigor. The same is also true. Just a day is enough to educate freshmen. Morton likes him the most.

“Instructor Morton, it’s time to start.” At the referee’s table, a young man with a gentle smile, casual clothes and fair skin that didn’t look like a boy smiled at Morton.

“Understood.” Morton nodded, and after formally putting on the knight helmet on his back, he drew out the long-handled large axe that entered the soil three-pointers in one fell swoop, and the dust brought out by the drawing splashed half a meter high.

“Let me repeat the rules of the game again. In this assessment, those who still have the fighting ability after three minutes pass with a qualified score, even if the actual combat assessment fails, it doesn’t matter. There is a written test with a larger value behind. You can do your best. “The young man on the referee’s bench smiled gently and kindly.

“With this hourglass as the criterion, then I declare that the test begins.”

“…” The freshmen looked at each other, you look at me and I look at you, but none of them are willing to step forward.

In the face helmet, Morton looked through the gaps at the group of fearful new students, who were waiting for others to rush up to explore the reality of the new students. An invisible smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He wouldn’t wait for these newcomers to adjust their status, guess a punch to decide who to play the striker, and it seemed unnecessary to him to test or something. Mo Mouxiang likes to chase and fight fiercely.

“Boom!” On the battlefield, the heavily armed iron can moved. With every step taken, the ground of the arena seemed to tremble slightly, but Morton, who was wearing a clumsy full-body plate armor, moved very sensitively. Just like a fast-moving fortress, these newcomer knights who had never seen the world were frightened by their momentum alone, and the formation was in chaos, except for a few of them, they were still in place.

“Wow! Wow!” The recruits in the front row looked at the fortress splashed with dust and almost shouted to their mother. Just thinking about retreating, they made a bang, and only felt like they were flying over their chest. The top of the mountain clicked, and the bones and muscles all over his body were shattered. When he was knocked into the air, his eyes whitened and he fainted.

“Emma? It’s already started? Am I late?” Ji Bai, who moved off the ladder, just caught up with this scene, but given the level of chaos on the scene, no one could notice him.

emmmm… How do you say this scene? It’s like a rampaging bowling ball, unstoppable all the way, constantly crashing and dispersing the ‘bowling bottles’.

“Everyone! Organize the formation! Unite and take the initiative to attack, we still have a chance to win!” After the first round of collision, one of the well-equipped trainees shouted.

“That’s right! Go!”

Following his lead, everyone seemed to have found the backbone of the main body, dragging the broken armor on their bodies, picking up weapons and following forward.

Have you learned how to use human tactics?

Morton smiled faintly, his body bent, and the long axe swept to the ground like a whip. The three stunned greens who bore the brunt, accompanied by a few metal cracking sounds, fell to the ground fiercely.

“Heh!” Morton shook his backhand, and the long axe in his hand was like a broom, sweeping the three fallen freshmen aside like a sweep of garbage.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) His hook hooked his arm armor and was thrown out like a football, smashing several piles of charging soldiers.

Chapter 30~


The long axe in Morton’s hand is like a long and powerful arm. With the metal sparks from several blades, the weapons in the hands of various recruits with swords and spears are picked up in one fell swoop.

“What…” Before they could react, the long axe, like a sickle of death, splashed up the dust and forced it suddenly.

The blade of the axe rotated 360 degrees, and it took all five people into flight like a kebab. The five new students who had fallen into a faint spun with the windmill, and they were all thrown away in the end. Go out and hit the metal wall of the arena like a salted fish.

Well, I finally understand why I want to design a built-in metal wall.

Looking at the brutal and inhumane unilateral massacre in front of him, Ji Bai complained silently.

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