Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 1440

“Forget it, it’s okay, let’s go.” Bai Ji smiled slightly, and took Ke’er away without paying attention to the guard’s remarks.

Through the attitudes of all parties towards Solanya, Bai Ji’s thoughts of the unborn queen in her heart were completely broken.

“Even soldiers dare to blatantly despise you. This is really interesting.” Bai Ji muttered to herself.

Rather than sympathy, her emotions are more of a kind of puzzlement. If Solanya is in front of her now, she will definitely point to the other person’s nose and curse: Even the soldiers dare to give you the middle finger. You have lived for so many years. Go to the dog? ?

You are the first in line, the righteous emperor of the Blood Spirit Empire, and even the soldiers look down on you, so how weak are you? ?

No bloodline is not an excuse for cowardice. Since there is no bloodline, try to make up for the lack of bloodline and weakness. This is what Solanya should do.

Rather than staying in my room all day long to complain and feel depressed.

What’s the use of you being upset? You are troubled, and the people who want you to make troubles are happy. You don’t want to say what you’re going to do for yourself, and you let others succeed.

Bai Ji sighed. For Solanya who didn’t know which world line it was, she could only mourn her misfortune and anger.

“Ke, help us get tea, we are a little thirsty.”

“Oh, okay, your Highness, let’s go back first. It’s a bit difficult to make tea here.”

“Why are you going back?” Bai Ji looked at Kerr inexplicably. “We haven’t even entered the venue yet, so let us go back.”

“But, those rude soldiers won’t let us in”

“If they don’t let us in, we won’t go in? Find out whose home the Blood Spirit Palace is, and if you don’t let us go in, I can’t help them.” Bai Ji coldly snorted, this has to be replaced by the original world, with native soldiers. Dare to speak to yourself in this tone, don’t wait for him to let go, his head will be bàozhà in the next second.

Bai Ji rested on the spot for a while, and after about a while, she saw Ke’er, who was holding the tea tray, running over with her calf.

“His Royal Highness, this is the tea from the kitchen. The quality is not very good.”

“Well, it’s enough to quench your thirst. She stood up from the bench with her long skirt elegantly, Bai Ji took the tea tray, and sipped her mouth gracefully. The ugly tea leaves on her hand seemed to have become a superior thick. tea.

The two guards saw Bai Ji and Kerr who were approaching gradually. They did not speak, and closed their eyes slightly, as if they hadn’t seen them. When the two were about to step into it, the two spears stopped unexpectedly. To their way.

“employees only.”

“Idlers should not enter.” Bai Ji covered her mouth. “But what if we just want to go in?”

“We are also ordered, your Highness, don’t let us go.” The two guards calmly set aside their posture.

“Don’t call you guys? That’s wrong, you don’t seem to have your position right, do you need us to teach you.” Bai Ji leaned over with a smile.

“You, don’t get close anymore, here it is”

“But what, keep talking?” Bai Ji walked up to the guard, and chuo chuo the chuo guard Xiongkou’s medal.

“This is the private palace of the Blood Spirit Royal Family. In other words, it is our house. You are just the guards who are loyal to us and work as bodyguards for us. Is this your attitude?”

Chapter 2~Who is this? ? (under)

Bai Ji pulled the guard’s neckline and dragged his head to the same height as herself.

The soldier subconsciously wanted to push away the woman in front of him, but when his gaze touched the girl’s eyes that looked like an endless starry sky, it suddenly seemed that the body had lost contact with the nerves.

The girl’s strength is not enough to make him lower his head, and the girl’s looks and terrible are not at all marginal, but I don’t know why, being watched by her, the native soldier seems to be emptied of all the strength, as if in front of the noble her , I only deserve to lower my head and listen to her orders and reproaches…

This kind of pressure that makes people stand upside down, as if he had to listen to his temperament, he has only experienced it in the current queen. At the same time, this also made this soldier deeply puzzled. It is rumored that the emperor Solanya is a xingge. Weak, imperturbable deep-seated emperor, the word “Queen” is a thousand miles away from the word “Queen”.

The queen in front of me is full of temperament, and the girl who has the upper hand even more than the queen is really Queen Solanya? ?

“Soldier, remember, without the grace of Lassambo, you are just a farmer who cultivates the land, or an unclaimed bone in the moat.” Bai Ji slowly pushed away the soldier’s body, giving him a shudder. Another meaningful look.

The soldier shivered suddenly, that look contained too much shock, as if tomorrow morning, he would really become a dancing corpse on the moat.

“Why, are you going to continue to obstruct us?” Bai Ji narrowed her eyes and looked at the other soldier.

If Bai Ji’s previous cāo work had already surprised Kerr who was watching behind, then the next approach would simply shock her.

Without saying anything, Bai Ji drew the long sword from the soldier’s waist and threw it to him.

“Just talk about it and don’t make a fake handle.” Bai Ji opened the xiong chamber. “Come on, stab us.”

“Use your sword to pierce our xiong chamber and let Lassambo’s blood splash on you!” Bai Ji snapped.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare…” The two guards were completely frightened, how could they still look like stern and stern before, and they knelt down to beg for mercy.

“Why, don’t you even have the guts?” Bai Ji grinned and sneered. “Before I asked us not to confuse you, now I’m giving you a chance, why don’t you even have this courage?? We are not afraid, you are the first to persuade you.”

“His Royal Highness, we were also ordered and helpless.”

“Yeah, yeah, I was helpless by bi…”

“Be helpless by bi? Then who gave you the order? Yana? Oh, let’s ask you, who is the emperor?”

“Yes, it’s you…”

“Should you give priority to our orders, or Yana’s orders?”

“Your, your…”

“Then stand up, draw the sword, and then pierce our xiong chamber.”


“If you don’t do that, we will have to pierce your xiong chamber with a sword.”

After listening to this, the native soldier stood up tremblingly, holding the sword in his hand, and seeing only majesty and a little teasing in his eyes, Bai Ji, who was not afraid of half, felt even more panicked.

“Prick, what is it?” Bai Ji urged impatiently.

“I, I, I…we dare not…” The sword fell to the ground, and the soldiers fell to the ground begging for mercy.

“Hey, little boy who hasn’t even been penetrated by Xiong’s mouth, are you embarrassed to say that you have fought?” Looking at the native soldier begging for mercy at his feet, Bai Ji said contemptuously, stepping in on the shoulders of the two of them. Training Course.

“What are you doing in a daze, keep up.”

“Oh, oh oh!…” After Bai Ji reminded, but now from the dazedness and sluggishness, she woke up and followed Bai Ji’s pace.

Until now, Kerr has a dreamlike feeling.

Is this domineering and leaky emperor really her own young lady? ? What kind of cāo did the weak emperor who used to be indecisive and cautious about everything, walking one step and looking back three times? ?

Without knowing Kerr’s doubts, Bai Ji has already begun to visit the layout and design of the training ground.

After coming in, there is only one word in terms of impression, big and big.

It is so spacious that it can accommodate several football fields. There are all kinds of facilities and equipment in the field. Bai Ji doesn’t know its use. Only the bullseye can be recognized. She can’t name the rest.

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