Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 14

This image, or the upgraded version of the little match girl in the big winter?

Ji Bai wanted to say not to buy it. After all, he was so poor as to be like this. How could there be any spare money to buy candy? But when the words reached my throat, I couldn’t say anything.

“Can I buy a few if I can? Mom, my mom really needs money”

This sentence suddenly hit the softest part of Ji Bai’s heart. For a moment, he suddenly recalled the dangling leaf in a heavy rain.

The knight only knows how to protect the world by killing and killing, but he can’t eradicate all the injustices and man-made disasters in this world. This is the only thing he can do.

Ji Bai didn’t even look at it, and stuffed all the money in his pocket into the little girl’s broken basket.

“I have brought so much, I hope I can help you.”

“Thank you, thank you brother~” The girl was ecstatic, and when she was about to grab the candy from the basket, Ji Bai stopped her.

“I’ll just take one.” Ji Bai smiled at her.

“Big Brother~ Thank you, I really appreciate it”

Under Ji Bai’s attention, the ragged little girl walked away carrying the basket.

“Cut, poor ghost, just said that with such a small amount of money~” The previous pitiful appearance disappeared, and the girl looked at the money in the basket with her mouth full of disdain.

Chapter 24 ~ The Secret

In the blink of an eye, Ji Bai had been sitting in the station for about twenty minutes. The cold stainless steel seats were warmed by body temperature, and the icy wind blew by. Ji Bai, who was wearing only a thin shirt, jacket and sweater, remained motionless. , Sat firmly on the seat of Ningshuang, holding his hands, his face as usual.

As time went by, the deserted station gradually had some people waiting for the train.

They were all ordinary people, Ji Bai could tell from their ordinary clothes and slightly blank eyes.

It is said that the low-class people who insisted on coming out to work hard in this cold winter weather is certainly not unreasonable. Even Ji Bai’s physique feels a little cold, not to mention the surrounding areas. The ordinary people waiting for the car, each dressed like a bear, and trembling as if they were pounding garlic.

Who wouldn’t want to stay at home and squat on the kang’s head in this horrible weather? If it is not forced by life, whoever does not want to spend more time with his family will have to suffer.

After waiting for a while, he watched waves of people step onto the bus. Ji Bai, who was sitting in his place, was still doing nothing with his legs up.

Feeling a little bored, Ji Bai squeezed out the wrinkled candy in his pocket and tossed it like a dice.

“Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The waiters whose limbs were numb from the cold for a long time eased their brows, as if they were relieved, and stepped onto the bus.

There must not be as many people coming down. Among them, a little girl who was not tall enough to Ji Bai’s arm socket caught his attention. He looked at the man in suit and leather next to her. Ji Bai estimated that he was a pair. Father and daughter are coming.

But Ji Bai was a little surprised. The man in the suit didn’t mean to go with the girl. As soon as they got out of the car, they parted ways and went their own way. Looking at this posture, it seemed that they didn’t know each other at all.

A little girl in a big winter, riding a bus without her family?

Ji Bai looked at the little girl who walked down from the back door of the bus with a slightly surprised look, and felt a little bit of doubt.

She didn’t seem to notice or care about Ji Bai’s gaze. The little girl was chewing something in her mouth, with a trace of indifference in her indifferent expression. After looking around the station, she walked slowly to a distance not far from Ji Bai. One of the top beam pillars of the station, with his hands around his chest leaning against it.

At first glance at the dress of this loli, Ji Bai never felt a chill.

The whole body is covered with that white one-piece short skirt, the two arms like lotus roots are completely exposed to the icy cold wind, the legs are not put on any stockings for keeping warm, and the soles of the feet are wearing a pair of sandals, ten pieces The lovely pink toes came out.

It’s very cute, yes, but in winter, this kind of dress will only make people feel suffocated and weird. Not to mention Ji Bai, even passers-by who glanced at the girl slightly showed a shocked expression.

The girl didn’t feel the surprised look around her, holding her hands and leaning on the pillars while blowing bubble gum.

Are all the bear kids so tough now? Okay, maybe I’m getting old.

Ji Bai slowly sighed and looked at the candy in the palm of his hand. He had never liked to eat sweets, he couldn’t talk about sweets, but it would be a pity if he lost it.

Bored, Lai looked around, his eyes fixed on Lolita who was leaning on the pillar not far away and blowing bubbles constantly.

“Now, little girl, brother, there is a candy here, do you?” Ji Bai leaned over, his face was filled with friendly and friendly smiles, just like a big brother next door (thinking to himself)

However, before he could finish speaking, the loli in front of him glanced contemptuously at the candy in Ji Bai’s hand, and a curve of disdain appeared at the corner of her mouth. “I want to hook up Miss Ben with this kind of routine like rotten pickles? Uncle, you don’t want to find a mirror to take a picture of your face. Don’t talk nonsense. One (meow) three thousand five times, three times have a discount, including night Thousand, in theory, you can do whatever you want. If you get hurt, you have to pay for medical expenses.”

“???” excuseme? Whatthefa?

She, what did she just say? Am I wrong?

At this moment, Ji Bai was in the midst of the recurring problems of the great universe, and fell into endless contemplation.

In this world, did the chicken or the egg come first? If it is an existing egg, where did the egg come from? If it is an existing chicken, what is standing in front of it now?

“Ling Ling Ling” Just as Ji Bai wondered whether he couldn’t keep up with the trend of the world, or the world was letting go by himself, a bell rang in his pocket.

“Hello? Lin Tuo?” At this moment, Ji Bai wanted to take out a cigarette and light it for himself, but his poor B couldn’t afford it, so he could only make a false gesture of smoking a cigarette and pretend to be in his mouth. It looks like smoke.

“Hello? Can you hear it?” Lin Tuo’s voice came from the other end.

“Well, that’s it.” Ji Bai let out a foul breath.

“Is your kid a bit abnormal? Lost in love?” Lin Tuo on the other side found that Ji Bai’s tone was wrong, and asked suspiciously. What girlfriend did you find?

“No, I don’t know what is young and frivolous, I only know that the winner is king.” Looking at Lori at the side, Ji Bai has such a feeling that he is old, belonging to his own time, that frivolous young The blood seems to have drained.

“?? What kind of calf are you kidding? Forget it, I’m here to tell you that the person who meets you has set off, um, I guess it’s almost there for you by now.”

“Oh.” Ji Bai replied without saltiness, pressing down the melancholy and emotion in his heart, and letting out a sigh of relief.

“Her characteristics are very obvious. You can tell at a glance as long as you are not blind. She looks like a twelve-year-old girl wearing a thin white jumpsuit and skirt? Can you hear it?”

Lin Tuo didn’t respond. When he heard these words, Ji Bai was stunned, and turned his eyes to the loli who also started to look at himself.

Chapter 25 ~ What Unfolds?

“You, is the new student mentioned by Four Eyes?” White Dress Lolita had a trace of disdain in her eyes. After looking up and down Ji Bai, she gave an overall evaluation. “It’s so poor that it’s a clean stream.”

It can’t be refuted in any sense.

The corners of Ji Bai’s mouth twitched, and he was about to ask Lin Tuo on the phone, but saw that this guy didn’t know when to hang up.

“Physical fitness is pretty good~” After staring at Ji Bai’s thin sweater for a while, Lori nodded, revealing her gaze with approval.

“Come with me~” Lolita cherished her words like gold, and after indicating that she walked to the dilapidated building named’Xingyu Building’ outside the station. ? ? Didn’t you say you want to report to the group branch? Why are you walking into this building?

No one explained his doubts for Ji Bai, and Lolita, who was walking with her calves in front of her, didn’t have any meaning to explain to Ji Bai.

This knight group has a lot of doubts. Why did it assign a girl who seemed to be twelve years old to be the connector? Apart from other things, this little girl gave Ji Bai the most weird feeling, just like a vodka in a bottle of happy water from the fat house. The appearance and the inner rhythm are completely different, and it always feels not that simple.

The reality didn’t leave Ji Bai thinking about it. Just when Ji Bai’s thinking was slightly distracted, when he looked back, the figure had only left a small black spot in his field of vision, and he would be lost if he didn’t keep up.

Looking at the candy still in his hand, Ji Bai followed in three steps and made two steps. What made Ji Bai feel strange is that the girl in front of her has a very small stepping frequency and a small amount of striding. , Just like a little girl walking, behind herself walking at the speed of an adult, but she has a feeling of being thrown farther and farther.

While feeling surprised, Ji Bai speeded up and chased up with a stepping frequency that was almost running.

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