Blood Princess and the Knight

Chapter 12

“It’s not as interesting as Baiji, my daughter is really the best~”

“Eh eh? Bai Ji? Your Royal Highness Princess Bai Ji?” The maid was stunned and asked subconsciously.

“Yes~ these human-style outfits, but she proposed to install them.” Lilias seemed to have thought of something, and smiled faintly.

“But, the servant girl seems to have heard that Princess Bai Ji, she seems to have ran away from home recently, don’t you worry about her? The ministers seem to be anxious,” the maid asked, driven by curiosity.

“Nah~ the tea has bottomed out.”

“Oh!” The maid hurriedly filled Lilias’ tea cup with black tea.

“Ah, it’s just a child’s temper, it’s not a big deal, but I’m really uncomfortable with the pillow that I have recently lost sleep~ but” Lilias squinted her eyes. “She seems naive to think that she has escaped from the palm of my hand, ha ha, she must break her fantasies at the right time, so that she can understand her own identity and identity.”

“She is indeed a special existence. After becoming a vampire, she can still remain under the human body before, which even I did not expect~” Lilias smiled meaningfully.

The reason is that she insisted on a certain kind of creed in her heart and the sense of belonging that she identified as a human being, which allowed her to barely maintain her human form.

But what if you have a firm faith? Someday

Lilias looked out the window, her mouth slightly raised.

Chapter 21 ~ Hemophilia

The dream is already messy, in the chaotic darkness, as if there is a woman’s voice whispering vaguely to myself, everything around me gradually appeared in my eyes with the clearer voice, this is, a piece of The scarlet village is the main color of the broken village, and the dried and solidified blood is deeply immersed in the soil.

The surface is like a feast for vultures, full of disgusting broken corpses, the degree of mutilation is even unclear which race it is. It can be seen that the murderer’s hands are very cruel and vicious, and very familiar.

The desolate wind blew by, as if to sing the last funeral song for the dead souls again. On the sand dunes, a girl in a Gothic white and black silk-brimmed gothic jumpsuit bowed her head, quietly Stopped here, two silver horsetails like flowing water moved with the wind, carrying a dragon head inlaid with bones in his hands, entwined with a red iron chain, and a huge white sickle longer than his two bodies.

The girl lowered her head quietly, her jewel-like scarlet eyes were full of numbness and apathy. The tip of the sickle was dripping with blood that had not yet dried up inside a small rental house in a fringe city of a human city-state.

“Woo woo woo” The small bed is full of wrinkles, which shows that the people on it are not sleeping very peacefully.

The tightly wrapped quilt protrudes with a petite outline. It tossing and turning, constantly rolling from the head to the foot of the bed, and from the foot of the bed to the side of the bed. After going back and forth several times, a small head poked out of the bed. .

“Emmmm” poured down her unfettered silver hair and spread to the ground. His two big scarlet eyes looked a little dull and sluggish, and he had a confused face that was not awake at all.

“Hey.” With the sound of pressing the button, the white, deserted light filled the room. A petite girl wearing only baggy men’s underwear was sitting on the bed with a dumb duck. The light was in cool colors. It hit her white back like a milky jade, and after a while, the girl’s eyes slowly began to focus.

“How can emmmm be like this?” Looking at his figure in the bedroom mirror, Ji Bai frowned slightly.

He remembered that he had suppressed the vampire well, how could he automatically transform into a vampire state after he slept?

At the same time, the thirst in the throat is unstoppable, and there is a desire (meow) that makes the whole body feel hot and unbearable. It is not to eliminate this indescribable thirst and desire. It can be solved with a drink of water. You must drink a certain amount of blood of intelligent creatures to temporarily eliminate this torturous desire (meow).

Haemophilia committed again? Damn it, didn’t I just drink blood yesterday? Why has it suddenly become so frequent?

Before he could think about it, Ji Bai jumped off the bed and rushed out of the bedroom to the refrigerator in the kitchen before he even put on the slippers.

Hemophilia is not a disease, it is a symptom. When a vampire is not moisturized by blood for a long period of time, her body functions will speed up, making the whole body hot and unbearable. If the blood is not drunk for a long time , She will become violent, and her intellect will be completely burnt under the fire of this scorching desire (meow), and she will instinctively attack all creatures except vampires until she tastes the blood.

“It’s like human beings are hungry and need to eat. When the vampire’s energy is about to run out, the body will instinctively release a certain hormone to speed up the functioning, and at the same time quickly burn the remaining energy in the body to find food.” It was Lilias who gave Ji Bai’s explanation.

Find, I found it! There is one last blood bag left~ Thank goodness.

Just as Ji Bai wanted to savagely tear open this bag of blood and pour it into his mouth immediately, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind, “This will soil the body, and the posture is too savage, not a lady at all. Okay? ’

Therefore, Ji Bai ghostly managed to endure the fire of desire that burned his body, ten slender fingers slowly tore open the package, and gracefully and courteously pulled out a straw from the bag, and slowly inserted it.

After all this, Ji Bai felt that her tears were about to drop.

This terrible habit has penetrated deeply into his own bones, even when he burns his eyebrows, he still has to execute it in a thunderous manner.

Blame that nasty ergonomic juicer girl! Smelly female cousin, wave hoof!

In his heart, he cursed a certain evil spirit Lolita far away in the sky, the refreshing scarlet liquid inlet, Ji Bai felt refreshed for a while, and every cell in his body was groaning (meow) with pleasure, burning hot. Desire (meow) looked like a few pots of cold water, and gradually extinguished in Ji Bai’s heart.

“Hmm~” Holding the shriveled blood bag in his hand, Ji Bai let out a long sigh, only to realize that his back was soaked, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help showing a bitter smile.

Sometimes, Ji Bai always feels like he really wants the kind of drug addict whose nerves and body are paralyzed by opium, but what can he do? In order to stop going mad, there is no other way.

At first, it was not that Ji Bai had never thought of suicide, but there was no way. Even Ji Bai himself didn’t know **** him. As for the method of starving himself to death, it was even more outrageous, because he was unreliable. Thinking, Ji Bai once slaughtered several villages because of his madness.

“Linglinglingling” Just when Ji Bai’s mood gradually calmed down, the phone placed by the table vibrated.

When I picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number.

Ji Bai looked at the sky outside strangely. It was still dark, and it was only about five o’clock now. No one knew about this mobile phone number. Who would call him?

“Hello, who are you looking for?” Ji Bai answered the phone, and to her surprise, after hearing her own voice on the other end of the phone, she was silent for an instant.

“Could it be that I called the wrong number? This is not Ji Bai’s number?” On the other end of the phone, there was a familiar whisper, as if he had heard it somewhere.

“You take the liberty to ask~ What is your name?” Ji Bai asked tentatively.

“Oh, my eldest brother is Lin Tuo. I’m sorry, little sister Ha, I seem to have made the wrong call.” There was a sneer on the other end of the phone.

Chapter 22 ~ Report

Lin Tuo, Lin Tuo? ? The name seems to have been heard

Ji Bai frowned slightly, and fell into thinking for a while.

correct! Isn’t that the gentle tease this morning?

“It looks like I made a mistake. I’m sorry, I’ll hang up first.”

“Wait, wait a minute! Well, sir, you are looking for my brother Ji Bai, right?” Ji Bai hurriedly stopped Lin Tuo who was about to hang up, and the sweet and tender voice got on the other side of the phone. Lin Tuo felt itchy.

This girl’s voice is so nice, like the clear and sweet spring water

“Ah, yes, yes, I came to see Ji Bai, so little girl, you are his Ji Bai’s sister? Uh, that guy doesn’t seem to mention that he has a sister.” After a moment of dullness, Lin Tuo said The tone became a little puzzled.

“Uh~ Actually, I am a distant cousin of Brother Ji Bai~ I happened to come to my brother to play for two days during the holiday~”

“Oh, that”

“Yes, yes~” Ji Bai secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

“Then, little sister, can I make an abrupt request?” The voice on the other side became serious.


“Border town, the security has not been very good these past two days. Some demon traffickers are particularly rampant! Little girls like you go out to play but very dangerous behavior! At this time, you need someone who can feel safe. A reliable hunk will **** you! If you want to go out next time, please call me. Lin is not talented. It’s not a problem to fix a few demon species!”

You protect me?

Thinking of this guy’s performance this morning, Ji Bai felt contemptuous in his heart.

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