Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 38: Binding Spirit Lock

“What Captain has been up to in the past couple of days? She even left everything to Lieutenant.”

“I don’t know. Maybe she was so immersed in her new research. Didn’t this happen to 3rd Seat Suitaku before?”

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Hearing what other Division Members said, Kimura Muyang just shook his head helplessly. As they said, Hikifune Kirio has been cooped up in her office ever since she accepted Kimura Muyang’s request. He was starting to think that Hikifune Kirio forgot about him.

Handling the Division affairs was no easy task, and Kimura Muyang himself realized this after handling it personally. Being a Captain truly was not a laughing matter.

“Ah! Captain!”

“Captain !”

    • ·····

A few Division members who happened to be standing near the door suddenly saluted.

Kimura Muyang immediately turned around, where he saw the exhausted-looking Hikifune Kirio in front of the door. It was clear that the past few days have been rough for her. However, there was a hint of joy on her face.

Hikifune Kirio waved her hand as a sign that the rest didn’t have to bother with the pleasantries before turning to Kimura Muyang and said: “Come with me, Kimura. It’s done.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to take a break, Kirio-san?” Kimura Muyang hesitated when he saw Hikifune Kirio took the lead at her current state. She obviously didn’t rest at all in the past couple of days.

“It’s okay. I know my body better than anyone. Don’t just stand there like an idiot. Hurry up!” Hikifune Kirio said indifferently, followed by a laugh.

Kimura Muyang said no more and obediently followed Hikifune Kirio. As they kept walking, he realized they were heading towards the training room. However, as far as he remembered, most rooms around the training room were basically unused because the 12th Division wasn’t a combat-specialized Division. Thus, most members were not that interested in sparring or combat.

Hikifune Kirio stopped in front of a certain door and said, “stay back!”

After Kimura Muyang took a few steps back, Hikifune Kirio reached out as if touching something invisible to the naked eye.

With a slight force behind her hand, a blinding light flashed, and a transparent Spiritual Energy that looked like a barrier emerged in front of the door. After Hikifune Kirio muttered something, his hand was shrouded by light, and the transparent barrier in front of her disappeared like a huge glass shattering into pieces.

“This barrier is another implementation of Kidō.” Hikifune Kirio explained, “But this is too advanced for you now. It’ll take a while before you can master Kidō to this degree.”

Kimura Muyang nodded as he realized his own capability, “I understand, but just what room is this, Kirio-san? Why does it have a barrier?”

“Laboratory.” Hikifune Kirio then further explained, “We conducted some dangerous experiments here, after all. I must cover the whole room with a barrier. Otherwise, the whole barrack may go down.”

Hikifune Kirio already opened the door and walked in as she explained. Kimura Muyang immediately followed behind her because he was afraid that he couldn’t enter if he took his time.

After Kimura Muyang entered, Hikifune Kirio put his hand together. A certain Kidō quickly covered the whole room, and she immediately explained once again because Kimura Muyang still seemed puzzled: “This is to prevent the impact on the outside world. Although I heard this building contained Sekkiseki, which can block Reishi, it’s not completely made of Sekkiseki because it’s so rare and precious, and we can’t just waste it all on one building. Thus, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

After erecting the barrier, Hikifune Kirio shifted her attention to Kimura Muyang and said with a serious look: “I have developed the Kidō that you want. Your idea does make sense, and that Kidō indeed can help you. Even so, I have to ask once again, are you sure you want to use this dangerous method?”

Kimura Muyang just lightly smiled: “Of course! No pain, no gain! I’m ready for the risk!”

Seeing the look on Kimura Muyang’s face, Hikifune Kirio realized that he had made his resolve, and it was pointless to persuade him at this point.

“Well, since you’ve made up your mind, shall we, then?

“Put your hands together.” Hikifune Kirio said as she pointed a finger towards Kimura Muyang. A bright yellow light emanated from her fingertip, and it didn’t seem like any ordinary light.

Kimura Muyang took a deep breath as he put his hands together, and Hikifune Kirio made a circular motion around Kimura Muyang’s hand using her fingertip. The bright yellow light then suddenly tightened and bound Kimura Muyang’s hand.

Without giving Kimura Muyang the time to react, Hikifune Kirio did the same to his feet. Kimura Muyang suddenly lost his balance as both of his hands and feet were tied up, but he managed to buffer the fall with his hands.

“How do you feel?” Hikifune Kirio asked with a smile.

“You definitely did that on purpose, didn’t you, Kirio-san?” Kimura Muyang said as he turned his body around.

“Aw, how can you say that, Li’l Yangyang. I can’t believe you’re so mean to me.” Hikifune Kirio pretended to be dejected because of Kimura Muyang’s words.

Kimura Muyang rolled his eyes as he knew Hikifune Kirio was teasing him on purpose.

As Kimura Muyang tried to stand back up, he had a hard time moving his wrist and ankles. Thus, he nodded in satisfaction and said: “A very powerful binding.”

“Of course, I designed it to restrain even a Captain. Are you having a second thought, Li’l Yangyang?”

“Captain…” Kimura Muyang murmured.

Kimura Muyang slightly shook the head. Although the binding was very powerful, that wouldn’t discourage him.


Kimura Muyang roared lightly, discharging immense Reiatsu, and successfully freed his wrist and ankle.

Although both of his hands and feet were no longer bound to each other, the Kidō reapplied to each of his limbs. It was like a magnet that was drawn to each other, restricting his movement.

“Li’l Yangyang, your Reiatsu is even stronger than an average Captain! I didn’t expect that you’ve come this far!”

Kimura Muyang just blushed when he heard Hikifune Kirio’s compliment. He didn’t say anything back because he realized that he still had ways to go before he could be compared to a Captain, especially the senior Captains.

“Does it take everything you got to keep this up?” Hikifune Kirio asked.

“No, it certainly is tough, but it takes up about 80% of my power to stand normally.” Kimura Muyang shook the head said frankly.

“But it will be a little troublesome at this rate. Kirio-san, it seems I have to take a few days off.”

“Well, I know you still have to get used to it first. You can’t even suppress your Reiatsu, and it constantly disperses at your current state. If you go out there like this, the weaker Division Members may not be left unscathed.”

“I know.” Kimura Muyang also knew that he might endanger others if he went out there carelessly. He had to maintain this level of Reiatsu at all times to move, but the others might fall victim to his Reiatsu as it constantly disperses. Not to mention, it put a huge load on his body.

“By the way, Li’l Yangyang, what should we call this Kidō? You came up with this idea, and you’re the one I use it on, so give it a name!”

“Name?” Kimura Muyang pondered for a while, “Let’s call it Hakureisa for now!”

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