Bleach Swordsman of Kusajishi

Chapter 34: Kido

It has been several months since Kimura Muyang became the 12th Division’s Lieutenant.

After having breakfast, Kimura Muyang, as usual, took some Division members to patrol the area that the 12th Division in charge of. Shinigami’s job turned out to be relatively easy, especially the 12th Division, which was neither a combatant Division nor a  Division that specialized in treating others like the 4th Division. Thus, they weren’t that busy and mostly just patrol around the area they were in charge of.

After briefing his subordinates, Kimura Muyang left everything to them and left. There was nothing more important for him than honing his skill. Besides, there was no need for Captain or Lieutenant to step in if it were just for patrolling.

Kimura Muyang used his all-out Shunpo, leaving the main street of Seireitei, and arrived at the remote woods in a short amount of time.

As Kimura Muyang quietly reached the woods, he concentrated every nerve on his body and vigilantly observed his surrounding, trying to pick up any slight movement.

Kimura Muyang’s ear slightly twitched when he heard a faint sound and immediately turned around, where he saw Hikifune Kirio was smiling at him.

“You can at least pick up my presence now, Li’l Yangyang.”

“What do you take me for, Kirio-san? I am technically a Lieutenant now, so I must at least be able to do this.” Kimura Muyang acted like it was no big deal.

That being said, Kimura Muyang knew that Hikifune Kirio’s skill was on another level. Despite being fellow Captains, Watanabe Keiryū was nowhere near Hikifune Kirio’s level. Had it not for Bankai, he might be just as strong as Kimura Muyang.

Even now, Kimura Muyang still couldn’t get a clear read on how strong Hikifue Kirio truly was. Although she did mention that she was adept at concealing her presence and Reiatsu, Kimura Muyang was still shocked sometimes when she popped out of nowhere.

Hikifune Kirio just smiled and then said: “Don’t worry, I know how strong you are. I can safely say that you won’t fall short to an average Captain, but your Kidō is… Well, you don’t need me to say any further, right?”

Hearing Hikifune’s words, Kimura Muyang was a bit embarrassed. His Kidō might be considered good back when he was in the Academy, but he was too far behind compared to other Gotei 13 Seated Officers, let alone other Lieutenants. Almost all Lieutenants were good at Zankensoki, and even though his Zanjutsu, Hakuda, and Hohō exceeded other Lieutenants, his Kidō was nowhere near their level.

“That’s because… I mostly spent my time practicing Zanjutsu, so Kidō is just…” Kimura Muyang explained embarrassedly.

“I know.” Hikifune Kirio understood Kimura Muyang’s situation and thus immediately added. “However, Kidō is also important, especially for you.”

“Huh?” Kimura Muyang had a puzzled look upon hearing Hikifune Kirio’s remark. Why was Kidō especially important for him?

“You realize that you are a Lieutenant, right? And with your aptitude, you can be promoted to Captain in no time, so it’d be better if you eliminate any flaw in any aspect.” Hikifune Kirio seemed to have high hopes for Kimura Muyang.

Realizing the expectations Hikifune Kirio had toward him behind her words, Kimura Muyang nodded and immediately smiled: “That depends on how well you teach me, Kirio-san,” followed by a wink.

Hikifune Kirio then replied with a smile: “Relax, Li’l Yangyang, I will be sure to teach you well. That’s why I came here today, after all.”

Kimura Muyang was overjoyed. Recently he felt that he couldn’t get any stronger even though he trained his body every day as Shiun told. Aside from its amazing impact at the beginning, he barely felt any impact nowadays.

Even though mastering Kidō itself wouldn’t enhance his physical strength, he’d become stronger nonetheless.

“Kirio-san, let’s get started right away. I am so excited.” Kimura Muyang said anxiously.

Hikifune Kirio lightly smiled and said: “Let’s start by showing your Kidō. I want to find out how much you can do.”

Kimura Muyang agreed and then stretched out one of his hands with the other holding it.

Based on the gesture, it was safe to say that Kimura Muyang planned to use Shakkahō, one of the common Kidō taught at the Academy. Seeing Kimura Muyang’s stance, Hikifune Kirio secretly thought that Kimura Muyang really didn’t take his Kidō lessons seriously because his rigid movement was just the exact copy of what he learned at the Academy.

“Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!”

As Kimura Muyang finished his incantation, Reishi gathers in his palm, generating an orb of crimson red energy.

“Hadō #31. Shakkahō!”

The crimson red energy was discharged from Kimura Muyang’s palm and left a small hole on the tree as it hit it.

“So, this is the extent of your power?” there was a hint of disappointment on Hikifune Kirio’s face when he saw the hole on the tree.

Kimura Muyang himself seemed embarrassed. With his Reiatsu, he was supposed to be able to blow away the tree, even with such a low-level Kidō.

Hikifune Kirio shook her head slightly before pondering for a while and then said: “Kidō mainly relies on talent and hard work.”

Kimura Muyang frowned because he thought that applied to everything, not just Kidō.

“Although you have an immense amount of Reiatsu, and you did manage to use the Kidō earlier, you can’t unleash the intended firepower because of the lack of control.”

Kimura Muyang nodded. As Hikifune Kirio said, he could not properly control his power the moment he realized the Kidō. Although he wanted to increase the power output, he just could not seem to channel his Reiatsu into the Kidō, so he couldn’t produce the firepower as intended.

“But…” Hikifune Kirio immediately added, “with your exquisite Reiatsu control, you should have no problem learning Kidō. High-Level Kidō may not be that easy, but as long as you practice diligently, you should be able to do it.”

“Hmm.” Kimura Muyang nodded. It seemed that it would take some time to figure out Kidō, but it was the perfect way to help him become stronger. Furthermore, there was a Kidō expert who was willing to teach him.

“By the way, Kirio-san, which Kidō did you use to restrain me back then?” Kimura Muyang was curious what kind of Bakudō that Hikifune Kirio used to stop his movement back then. He was confident that it should be a #90s Bakudō.

“That’s…” Hikifune Kirio paused. “That’s a little trick that I came up with. It’s not a traditional Kidō, so it wasn’t numbered.”

Kimura Muyang was taken aback. Those who could create their own Kidō must have a profound understanding of Kidō. Not to mention the Kidō that Hikifune Kirio used back then was powerful too

A fire was lit inside Kimura Muyang, and he immediately asked, “Kirio-san, can you teach me that Kidō?”

“You? Well, you should learn the basics first. That trick is too early for you.” Hikifune Kirio turned Kimura Muyang down without hesitation.

“Eeeh……” Kimura Muyang himself was speechless at how bad he was at Kidō as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

“Starting tomorrow, you have to come here and practice Kidō every day, but I will oversee your practice.” Hikifune Kirio walked to Kimura Muyang and poked his nose as she smiled gorgeously: ”Be sure to take your practice seriously, Li’l Yangyang, don’t disappoint this Onee-san.”

Kimura Muyang blushed as he stared at Hikifune Kirio, who slowly disappeared from his sight. Although he often fell into her scheme, he couldn’t resist her charm since he was a virgin even in his second life now.

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