Black Onyx - Forgotten Magic

Chapter 78: Earth Dragon, Part 2

"Run!" Gerald yelled and immediately prepared his other spells.

To block the advance of the beast, he quickly cast a Stone Spike and Stone Shower.

The ground cracked and a sharp rock came out, right below the lizard's head. It struck quick and hard, but the lizard quickly reacted and moved its head, avoiding most of the blow, only sustaining a scratch on the side of its jaw.

Meanwhile, the Stone Shower projectiles shoot up in the sky, and immediately after, they were blasted back down with the fastest speed.

The lizard noticed the danger and it tried to dodge, but many Stone Bolts still hit it on the back.

Although it was struck hard and many stones shattered from the impact, the actual damage that the lizard sustained was not that great. Only a few sharp rocks managed to draw blood.

"Ow! That really hurt, you bastard!" the lizard roared.

It looked at Gerald with deep hate in its eyes, "You think you are the only one that can use magic? Pah! All of you humans are so pathetic, you can't even grasp the basic meaning of magic!"

Gerald suddenly got a bad feeling when he heard the lizard mock him. With the help of Magic Eyes, he was able to observe the flow of Mana in the lizard's giant body. He always had the impression that animals were incapable of using magic, or at least he didn't know any that could.

Now, with eyes wide open, he observed, as the Mana inside the lizard surged and gathered near the heart. It gathered into a single point and then exploded outward, rushing to every single part of its massive body. It was especially dense right under the skin as if it was forming an extra armored layer.

"Fuck me, that almost looks like my Unmoving Boulder!" Gerald was horrified. From what he understood, the lizard's defense just shot up greatly, and it appeared to be even stronger than his Unmoving Boulder Combat Art. At least it utilized much more Mana at once.

"Stone Spike, Stone spike…" Gerald cast many of his spells, mainly Stone Spikes right under the belly of the beast, but they proved to be ineffective. When the stone struck the brown scales of the lizard, it was almost like it struck a solid metal wall.

The stone crumbled and broke apart on impact, leaving the lizard completely unharmed. The most it could do was shake it a little.

"Hahaha! What are you going to do now, human!?"

The lizard laughed loudly as it threw itself forward, completely ignoring the stones coming its way. It had its giant maw wide open, ready to bite the human in half.

Luckily Gerald was prepared, and at the last second, he dove to the side towards the ground, making a forward roll to lessen the impact of the landing.

The lizard was quite fast in a forward rush, but due to its short and stubby legs, it was quite difficult for it to turn quickly. The stones creaked and cracked under the weight as it moved its heavy body and the sharp claws left white marks on the bedrock below.

Gerald did his best to stay in the blind spot of the lizard, running so that he could stay on the lizard's side where it could not attack him.

He quickly chugged his potions, since his Mana and stamina were quickly depleting. Fire magic was completely useless and the Earth magic he was so proud of also proved to be ineffective.

The Wind was out of the question. For a beast of that size, even if he used all he had, it would at most be a light breeze for the lizard. It was probably weighing something similar to a grown-up elephant.

The last option was water, but the place was bone-dry, completely unsuitable for any form of beginner's Water magic.

A sense of panic was slowly creeping inside Gerald's heart. It was like a chain gripping him, making it hard to breathe and think. His body was flooded with adrenaline and his heart was beating so hard he felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.

While desperately trying to stick close to the lizard's blind spot, he tried to strike it down with his fire sword.

Clink, clank!

He struck down with all his might, he slashed, stabbed, and kicked, but all that did was make the lizard angry.

Sparks were sent flying on the spot where the scales and metal collided, but at most, there was a millimeter-deep scratch left on the beast's back.

As a last-ditch effort, Gerald decided to copy Owyn's Stone Javelin spell. He didn't have time to come up with his own version, so he just quickly chanted just like Owyn did, he just shortened it a little, "By the powers I control, Stone Javelin!"

He extended his hand as if he was waiting for a weapon to come out of the ground. And in fact, it did. A two-meter-long stone spike, the thickness of a human leg, shot out of the ground and hovered in the sky.

If there was anyone that could see Mana, they would be able to notice a thick transparent light column, going from Gerald's hand to the Stone Javelin in the sky. His fingers bent as if he was holding the javelin with his own hands.


With a loud yell, he swung his hand down and the Stone javelin in the sky mimicked the movement. Telekinetic control and gravity worked together to accelerate it towards the raging lizard.



The projectile was able to penetrate the strong defense of the lizard, although the ten-centimeter deep wound was far from being lethal for the massive Earth Dragon.

However, Gerald didn't have time to celebrate his small victory, as the beast roared in pain.

"Enough!" Suddenly, the lizard shook hard and its tail flicked towards Gerald like a massive whip.

Gerald only had a split second to activate the Unmoving Boulder and bring up his hands, like a boxer, to defend himself.


The tail hit like a truck and Gerald was blasted backward. Luckily he wore metal forearm guards and padding otherwise his bones would probably turn to mush, but just the blunt force of the impact was enough to send him tumbling a few times on the ground.

When he finally came to a stop his head was spinning and he felt disoriented.

Just as he was getting up he heard a fast 'thud, thud' noise, and in the next instant, a shadow came over, and a gaping mouth, covered with sharp white fangs, it bit down.

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