Black Market Merchant

Chapter 51: Smashed

"What in the world!?" Garret shouted in surprise. "How do they have those machines working?"

The three Minion Class Mineral Mover Mechs (MCM3) came marching out of the warehouse in single file, shocking all that saw them. Their new dull yellow and black paint shinned brightly in the early morning light. Each Mech was over five meters tall and almost twice as wide. Their heavy metallic footsteps vibrated the battlefield pavement and caused the gangsters to waver unexpectedly. These Mechs slowly turned towards each of the directions that the gangster’s leaders were attacking from. Now that they were facing the gangsters, the sounds of the heat exhaustion fans whirred steadily faster at this point.

It then suddenly dawned on Garret, the Mechs were going to attack! Though they had no weapons, and were not built to carry any, each Mover Mech was equipped with a wide and tall bucket loader. These Mechs had been designed to move large amounts of rock, rubble, or soils in all kinds of terrain that traditional tires or treads could not. Construction was their function but plowing over people was not all that farfetched.

"Are they planning to attempt to run us over?" Garret thought in a panic.

The center Mech suddenly sounded out a low rumbling horn. At its call, every Militia member started to immediately retreat. Abandoning the front lines of the battle and leaving the car wall defenses, they retreated back behind the Mover Mechs, all the while under fire from Zane's forces. Several foolhardy gangsters also tried to give chase, only to be quickly repelled by a hail of bullets from the ERM forces that were already undercover behind the mechs. The gangsters retreated behind the car wall. Then those still with guns took aim at the Mechs pilot housing.

The sounds of the Mechs fans grew increasingly loud now as their engines menacingly warmed up. The militia's wounded soon disappeared inside the warehouse, while the battle able members formed up behind the huge Mechs. Whenever the gangsters shot at the Mechs they found that they were unable to hit the pilot housings. The pilot's housings apparently were modified with thick metal plates that replaced nearly all the glass, leaving only small slits for the pilots to see. The gangsters were not accurate enough to shoot through these slits either.

"This is bad!" Garret thought looking around him.

There was nowhere else to hide. The buildings were too far away to escape towards. Even if they did make it to the buildings those monstrous MCM3’s would just demolish the houses and everything inside. Their only hope was to outrun the MCM3s and disappear into the town. He then realized something horrible.

There were only three unblocked roads leading to this location. Three roads, three Mechs. It was a trap!

The Mechs fans were whistling loudly now. A second horn sounded and simultaneously all three Mechs lurched forward. Every step they took filled the wavering gangster with increasing fear.

"Burrrr, clunk! Burr, clunk! Bur, Clunk! Clunk, Clunk!"

The legs of the Mechs sped up drastically and took rapid strides reaching, in just seconds, speeds near 40kph as they charged at the gangsters. The gravel on the parking lot bounced violently with every thundering step the Mechs took.

"Run!!!" Garret screamed as he himself turned to flee.

At first the gangsters scattered across the open parking lot. Some ran for the houses, others to the three unblocked roads, and a daring few tried to jump past the Mechs direct line of attack. This was no longer a fight between the two forces. The gang’s superiority in the battle for the town was over. It now was a bid for survival.

Moments before the MCM3s were sent out of the warehouse, Mr. Yates was climbing up a ladder to get in his Mech. The sounds of the battle outside were greatly muffled by the building’s walls, but still it only served to fuel his anticipation. When he was halfway up the ladder, someone called up to him.

"Mr. Yates! I know you want revenge, but please remember we need to win. Please refrain from attacking too soon." The voice called up to him. Mr. Yates looked down to see Nathan standing at the foot of the ladder.

"I understand." Mr. Yates called back. "You have my word."

"Good, and again, thank you. You probably saved many lives by getting these Mechs working." Nathan replied.

Mr. Yates nodded resolutely and resumed climbing. Nathan watched him ascend and thought to himself. "I hope he doesn't lose himself any further. When we first met years ago, he was such a kindhearted man. Nowadays he seems so far away."

Then turning away Nathan headed over to where Gillian and the fourth Match Fighter, Dilly, were waiting.

Dilly was nothing like how his cute name sounded. Dilly was more like a monster than a man. He stood exactly two point one meters tall and appeared to be even taller with his big combat boots on. His long black hair rested on his broad muscular shoulders in black sweeping waves that made a horse’s mane pale in comparison. Everything from his looks to expression seemed to mimic a stone golem, even his voice was impossibly deep.

"Are you two ready?" Nathan called out to them.

Gillian smiled and replied. "As we ever will be. I still can't understand how these Mech's controls really work, but I understand the basics. So, no need to worry. What about you big guy?" Gillian asked looking up at the huge man next to him.

Dilly didn't speak, he merely glanced down at Gillian and gave a deep grunt.

"I'll take that as a yes." Gillian replied.

"That's good." Nathan said coming up to them. "I wish you guys well and be safe."

Dilly gave a heavy nod and turned to leave. His heavy booted footsteps echoed clearly on the concrete floor. The two watched him go, hair waving behind him.

"Are you sure he can pilot that Mech?" Nathan asked softly.

"Absolutely." Gillian replied quickly. "Yesterday, when Mr. Yates had us do some test runs, he learned all the controls and commands nearly immediately. He even read the entire manual last night. I just don't think he actually needs the Mech. He's just as powerful and nearly as big!"

Nathan chuckled. "You are probably not wrong about that. He is a very remarkable man."

"Well, I better get up into my Mech." Gillian said patting Nathan's shoulder.

Turning around, Gillian climbed up the ladder and plopped into the cockpit. He looked down once more and Nathan waved back. Flicking a switch, the door let out some air and closed downward and then gave a slight squeak as it sealed up.

A series of multicolored lights illuminated the control panel and monitor at its center. Pressing several of them, the heat exhaust fans on the back of the MCM3 slowly whirred to life. Being electric, the sounds of the running engine was practically nonexistent and only the movements of the Mech were audible.

Then in each hand Gillian grabbed two of the three leavers that controlled the MCM3’s movement. The two leavers’ in his hands controlled the legs, while the third raised and lowered the bucket loader arm. To move forward or back or to make a turn, he just needed to pull on the leavers in the intended direction, the Mech would react accordingly. This was one of the most basic of designs of any currently manufactured Mech, though he didn't yet know it.

Looking through the thin strip of glass layered in the metal plates, he was able to see two hundred degrees around. However, directly below was exceedingly difficult to see. He had to stand awkwardly in the cockpit to do so. Seeing that Nathan was standing by the button which opened the warehouse doors, he knew it was time to go. Pushing forward with the leavers his Mech took a slow heavy step forward.

Reaching down at the control panel he pressed the communications button. "Dilly, Mr. Yates, are you ready to proceed?"

"Yes." Dilly's low voice replied.

"All systems nominal and ready. Lead the way Gillian." Mr. Yates replied.

"Very good. Mr. Yates if you see your target you may attack in that direction. Once you do, I know I don't need to say this but, don't hold back." Gillian said.

"Understood." Mr. Yates replied quickly.

Gillian then grasped the third leaver and pressed down. The loading bucket started to lower down towards the ground. He stopped it less than a meter above the ground. This was the signal for Nathan to open the warehouse doors. The doors slowly parted, revealing the chaotic battle taking place outside. Striding slowly forward in the Mech, Gillian saw that the ERM forces were not fairing to well.

"I wish I could have been out there sooner! So many lives have been lost on our side." Gillian said to himself out loud. After reaching a place outside where the other MCM3s could get by him, Gillian stopped his Mech. Then smashing a big red button at the control panels center, the low rumble of the horn sounded.

To his relief, he saw everyone start retreating behind them to safety. Scanning the grounds below he spied his target dead center of him, Garret.

As soon as the doors opened Mr. Yates was intently scanning the ground for the man responsible for killing his wife and unborn child. He had never seen the man personally. He only knew a description from those that were at the scene. That was all he needed though.

One year ago, Mr. Yates was out working at his job hauling scrap metal to the docks to sell to merchants. His wife worked as a bar maid at a dreary looking bar. She hated the job. Always complaining everyday about how everyone mistreated her there. Yates had promised her that eventually he would earn enough that she could quit working there and live at home.

He was nearly done for the day when another bar maid that worked with his wife, came running up to him. Out of breath she managed to say one word. "Hurry!"

Knowing exactly what she meant, he felt his throat tighten. It wasn't all that uncommon that a bar maid would befall some horrid encounter with dangerous costumers. Dropping everything, he dashed towards the bar hoping his fears were not needed. Busting into through the entrance to the bar, he realized he arrived too late!

The bar owner already had her body covered under a sheet, upon seeing it Yates froze. The owner came up to him and quietly spoke. "I am so sorry. It happened so fast, no one could save her."

Collapsing to his knees next to the sheet, he reached out a shaking hand and gently pulled back at it. Maybe it was a mistake, and this was someone else's wife and his was still alive. As soon as he saw that it indeed was his wife's lifeless pail face that was revealed, he couldn't control himself. He wailed in anguish and a flood of tears ruptured down his cheeks.

No one, not even the bars patrons, disturbed him. An hour later he, though still sobbing, he asked the bar owner what happened. The bar owner had been waiting patiently and already had the story prepared.

Several Black Rats gangsters, that had never come here before, arrived already drunk. They ordered several drinks and were very disruptive to the locals. They messed around for a time before announcing they were leaving. It was his wife's table to wait on and so she brought over their check. They laughed at her and tried to leave without paying.

She tried standing in their way and insisted that they pay. The leader of the group took one look at her. Pulled out a large blade and stabbed her through the heart! No one could have expected all of that to happen as fast as it did. There was no warning, reason or trigger, just cold-blooded murder.

"Mr. Yates, I deeply regret this outcome. I should have been the one to deal with such obviously dangerous customers. If I can do anything to help just tell me!" The bar owner offered sincerely.

Mr. Yates didn't respond, he just sat there rubbing a hand across her small bulging belly where his lost child was. There was no longer any expression on his tear-stained face. Without a word Yates just picked up his wife and silently left. It was only days later he returned to get her killers description.

Now was the day he would have his revenge! His eyes drifted towards the left side of the battle. There, standing on top of the car wall waving towards the gangsters to retreat, stood the man responsible!

It was Adam, the second in command of the Black Rats. The description he had been given, was spot on.

Mr. Yates could feel his blood boiling over and very muscle of his body was uncontrollably tense. Yates was gripping the leavers so hard that his knuckles turned red. Smashing the communication button he yelled at Gillian.

"I see him!! Let's attack now!!"

Hearing this, Gillian knew Mr. Yates wouldn't wait much longer. The engines were nearly ready now anyway. Gillian once again sounded the MCM3’s horn to attack.

Hearing the horn, Mr. Yates's vision turned red. Being completely blinded by rage and blood lust. All he could see was the terrified face of Adam as he charged his Mech forward at full speeds.

Covering the distance between them in seconds, Mr. Yates raised the right foot of his Mech as high as it could go. Frozen in shock below, Adam was rooted to the spot. Everything happens so unexpectedly, Alan forgot to run.

The MCM3’s foot came crashing down. Adams body splattered, like a wine grape, under the intense strength of the Mech.

Justice had been served!

"I did it, Jane! I did it for you!" Mr. Yates sobbed.

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