Black Market Merchant

Chapter 43: Hate

"Did we get all the data we needed from the fight?" Special Officer Hawkins called out to everyone working in the headquarters.

"Yes Sir." Second Lieutenant Caswell said. "We got everything from her facial features and voice recognition. We also got good data on her fighting skills. In my opinion I think she actually is a Queen type soldier. Though she hid it well, there were still moments where her technique was similar to what we have on file."

"Excellent work everyone." Hawkins said to everyone in the room. Then he turned to the Fly Drone’s Intelligence Operator (IO), Gill, who was still monitoring the Queen. "Corporal, keep that Drone on her location at all times. We need to figure out what her goals are here in this area."

IO Corporal Gill saluted while one hand still remained on the controls to keep the Drone positioned on the hallway wall, just outside of Jackson's office. Keeping control of the drone was not as easy as one might think. Auto pilot and auto-tracking capabilities were designed into all the military drones, however, inside an unmapped building every movement needed to be manually preformed. If he wasn't careful, Gill could crash the drone or cause it to be discovered. Getting a replacement from Astra Aeronautical Industry (AAI) or home base was not going to be cheap or easy, so caution was paramount.

The Queen was just about to enter the office and when the guards opened the door for her, Gill flew right on in undetected just moments before the door whooshed closed. The Drone was still having trouble transmitting sound and the conversation between Jackson and Queen was very broken up. Hawkins and Caswell stood right behind the Corporal watching everything unfold on the drones holo-display screen. Hawkins already knew who Jackson was, but hadn't picked him as a traitor to his boss. From what he was able to hear, his speculation was correct, and Jackson was still loyal. It was then Sadie appeared that his concerns grew.

"Hey, who's she?" Hawkins asked pointing at her on screen. "Someone try to get an ID on her."

"Sir, I ran a facial matching program and she's a Match Fighter Association manager. She's been assigned to this region." One of the soldiers called out from two desks away.

"The MFA? Why on earth would a Queen type soldier be joining such a group in this area?" Hawkins thought aloud.

"Perhaps she is trying to get in contact with someone in the Association?" Caswell suggested. "Perhaps a supporter to the cyborg soldier’s cause? Queen here could be acting as a contact for them."

"Perhaps." Hawkins said tapping his chin. Then speaking loud enough for all present to here, he said, "Anyhow, get this information to the Commander and continue monitoring her location and anyone she contacts. Understood?"

"Understood, sir!" Everyone chanted in reply.

Alan and Darius's eyes were locked in on each other, neither man wavering. Nothing going on around them could possibly distract them from their inevitable fight. Men from both sides screamed vicious war cry's, weapons clashed violently, and blood was spilled onto the cracked pavement. The once quiet city street was now dotted with wounded and dying body's as the fight shifted closer towards the direction of the Skulls main camp.

Alan and Darius were now left alone on this death strewn street.

"Are you ready to have another hole in your gut?" Alan smirked while brandishing his weapon, a firefighter’s tactical hammer. It was a meter long in length, with a 3-kilogram hammer head, a crowbar pry on its end, and a thick sharp hook sprouting from behind the hammer head. A useful tool for a firefighter, but a nasty weapon in Alan, the Bone Flayer's, skillful hands.

Darius sneered back at Alan. "You got lucky that time. I won't ever turn my back to you again!" Darius raised up one of his own weapon's as he spoke. It was a diver’s harpoon. A very unique weapon to be found in the dry desert’s southern region below Salt Lake City.

Like birds of prey the two eyed each other, looking for any opening or weaknesses. They were apparently evenly matched. Simultaneously they lunged out at each other, weapons swinging with every intention of killing. The clash of metal on metal rang out loudly over the noise of the nearby fading gang battle.

Breaking apart, the two stabbed and slashed at each other, yet neither of them could land a blow. Agilely they kept enough distance from one another to dodge the attacks, all the while dishing out their own. The sounds of their furious foot work, scrapping on the pavement, sounded like a woodworker sanding. Adding all the more proof to the skills they both possessed.

They battled tirelessly for nearly five minutes. Both were sweating heavily now, despite the cool weather and breathing heavily, though neither we close to being tired. Then unable to make any progress, Alan switched up his attacks. He abruptly came in close to Darius and grabbed his shirt with his free hand. Then Alan swung Darius sideways at an awkward angle. Darius staggered slightly off balance and was regaining his balance when his leg hit a body lying on the road.

Darius tumbled backwards onto the ground and Alan was immediately bearing down on top of him. Holding his hammer high above him with both hands, Alan sent it crashing down aiming Darius's head. At the last possible second Darius flicked his head to one side and the hammers head buried deep into the pavement.

Then instinctively Darius kicked up at Alan's middle, catching him in the ribs. Alan let go of his weapon and stepped back, slightly winded. With an athletic display, Darius jumped up off from his back and took a stab at Alan. The harpoon nearly skewered Alan, but he pushed out his hand just in time to deflect it!

The harpoon cut a deep gash into Alan's side. Blood immediately rushed down his side and soaked into his jeans. Darius tried his attack again, this time swinging at the defenseless Alan. Alan jumped back while attempting to hold a hand over the wound. He then turned to run towards the ongoing battle behind them in the street.

"Get back here coward!" Darius yelled giving chase. An adrenaline-fueled smile was plastered on his face. His revenge was so close now.

One year ago, Darius and some others were on border patrol along the river area. They were making sure that there were no Skull members trying to steal cargo from merchants that they were trading with. The situation was rather relaxed and there were no signs of danger.

Then casually walking down the roads center came a huge Skull gangster. He was by himself and had nonchalantly draped his weapon over one shoulder. The gangster was Alan, though at the time the two didn't know each other.

Darius pointed his harpoon at this unwelcome gangster. "Stop right there, Skull scum." At the sound of his call, the other Mad Dogs with him also approached with weapons ready.

"Oh, my bad." Alan said holding up one hand defensively. "It seems that I have turned the wrong way. Who are you guys?"

"I am Darius, a Second Lieutenant of the Mad Dogs. I see your face paint, you’re a Skull member." Darius said gruffly. "Go away now or suffer the consequences."

"Oh, don't worry, I'll leave." Alan said taking another step forward. "It's just that I need that cargo on the boat behind you. You see it, came to the wrong dock. I am here to get it back."

"Not on your life. Skull freak!" One of the men with Darius shouted and charged at Alan.

Alan seemed to have been anticipating this and a wide grin crinkled the skull painted on his face. He took his weapon off his shoulder and quickly swung it behind him. Then giving one massive strike sent the hammer flying into the charging man’s chest. The sound of his sternum cracking was like the sound of a bag of chips getting stepped on. The force of the impact sent the man tumbling past Darius.

Darius was shocked upon seeing the sudden turn of events. He turned around and knelt to see if the man was alive. That was his mistake. Alan leapt foreword and used the flat crowbar end to stab Darius right through the back and out his stomach.

Darius gasped stunned by the indescribable feeling of the metal weapon penetrating him. Alan yanked the weapon out of him to defend from the other remaining gangsters’ attacks.

The last thing Darius could recall was rolling over to see the rest of his companions dying at Alan hand. Blood pooled around the wound in his own gut as Alan looked down at the dying man.

Alan sighed. "That's what you get for turning your back on the Bone Flayer." He said while stepped over Darius's body. That's when Darius blacked out.

Yet he had survived and now he had the advantage! Darius's ever-growing hate had helped him overcome his death and had brought him here to kill this Bone Flayer.

Alan had mingled into the fight, outpacing Darius’s pursuit. A few Mad Dogs had tried attacking Alan, only to be countered by Alan's raw power and speed. He managed to grab a chunk of rebar from some rubble. He turned to see Darius knocking aside one of his own men as he pursued him.

Alan let out a roar and started viciously swinging at Darius with the rebar. The ferocity of the attack cause Darius to retreat backwards through the fight. Seeing the two leaders fighting in such a vigorous manner and that Alan was seemingly now wining, fueled the men on the Skulls side. Their leader wasn't finished yet and so neither were they!

Darius was pushed back out into the street center and pressed back past were Alan's hammer was still stuck in the pavement. Alan kicked Darius in the shin and then chucked the rebar at his head. Darius swerved awkwardly to avoid the attack as he was hopping backwards in pain on one foot. Just at that moment, Alan effortlessly was able to wrench his hammer out of the pavement. Now they were evenly matched once again.

Seeing the massive battle taking place in the center street, Hugo knew this was the decisive fight. He waved at his other men waiting in the left street, signaling that they were to attack. He then yelled out to the men nearby with him. "Now is the time to show these Skulls how brainless their attack was. Charge!"

The two large forces converged on the ongoing battle. The Skulls forces were hopelessly outnumbered now, three to one. They struggled to regroup and retreat back towards the building that they used for camp. The Skull forces were now almost half gone. Alan seeing this development and growing plight was forced to break away from Darius and he tried to escape with his men. Yet Darius wasn't about to let him go that easily! Every step Alan took back was met with a heavy-handed strike from Darius's harpoon.

Things were bad. Really bad. It seemed that the Skull forces were done for. Then from down one of the streets came a distance clamor of voices yelling.

Alan spared a glance in the sound’s direction. He let out a holler of excitement. "Hold on boys, help is on the way! This fight is just getting good now! For the Skull!"

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