Black Market Merchant

Chapter 38: Sadie

"Sadie!" Rickshaw called out from his office that was attached to the Weightlifting room. This adjacent office-like-room was split into a set of cubicles. This was where many of the Match Fighters handlers and managers worked for the gang and the Match Fighter Association. Also known as MFA Branch #392.

A quiet female voice stammered shrilly from the back of the room. "Y-Yes, boss Rickshaw?"

"Get in my office. You are finally getting a Fighter." Rickshaw said gruffly turning to go back into his own glass walled office.

The entire room immediately went dead quiet. Sadie, a small woman sitting in the secluded back of the room, got up from her chair and with her head down, headed towards the office. She didn’t even glance around at anyone as she walked. The small woman could feel every oppressive eye on her.

"Seriously?" Someone whispered as Sadie walked nervously through the office room, zig-zagging the cubicles.

"I bet Rickshaw is just joking." Another voice whispered.

Sadie never had any fighter before, even though she had worked with the gang far longer than most others here. She was a klutz. Always screwing something up that seemed simple to everyone else. No one ever gave her any important jobs, ever. Sadie was just as surprised as everyone else. She too even doubted Rickshaws words. No one would have picked her to be their manager.

"I bet he's actually going to fire me." Sadie thought glumly.

She opened the glass door to Rickshaws office. He was sitting in his chair with his arms crossed on his chest. In the middle of his desk was a large orange envelope. He gestured towards a seat opposite of him and Sadie sat down nervously rubbing at her own wrists.

"Sadie, Sadie. You finally got a job." Rickshaw said shaking his head in mock disbelief. "Let me make this one thing clear. Jackson himself is the one giving you this job, not me."

Sadie was ecstatic! This wasn't a joke after all! She quickly hid her excitement by covering her mouth with one hand and nodding while remaining quiet as Rickshaw continued.

"You are being paired with a new Fighter. She goes by Queen and had just beat Owen Wales just an hour ago." Rickshaw said tapping the desk with a finger. "Take this envelope and get over to Jackson's office. He and Queen should be having some kind of talk in there. You might want to hurry."

Sadie quickly leaned forward in her seat and carefully picked up the envelope, while timidly eyeing Rickshaw, just to be sure it wasn't a trick. He made no such indication, and she opened the envelope. Lifting the pages inside she glanced at the title, "Match Fighter Association Regulation and Rulings". The next paper was a nearly blank Fighter Form. At the top was only the nickname slot that had been filled in with: Queen.

"S-sir, there isn't hardly any information on her? Is this correct?" Sadie asked looking at him, while also pushing up her thick black rimmed glasses at the same time.

"That's because she is a complete outsider. She's not a Mad Dog member or affiliated with anyone associated within the MFA." Rickshaw said giving a shrug. "That's also the main reason you got the position. You are not working with anyone else here. This will allow you to stay off the compound with her and monitor any fights she might be in. Additionally, this way we can also keep her up to date on any fights."

Sadie was almost disappointed upon hearing this. Basically, he was saying that she had a job, but was getting kicked out of the compound at the same time.

Thinking quickly, she tried to motivate herself. "Come on Sadie. This is your shot. You can show them that you can do the job right!"

Then speaking to Rickshaw, she gave a nervous smile. "T-thank you, boss! I won't let you down."

"Whatever." Rickshaw said waving his hand dismissively. "Shouldn't you be hurrying towards Jackson's office right now?"

Sadie nervously pushed the paper back into the envelope, before getting up from her seat and then quickly turned to leave the office. She went to push the door open and then, 'Thunk'!

She smacked right into the glass door!

Rickshaw yelled at her annoyedly. "For god’s sake Sadie! The door opens inwardly. You have gone through it a thousand times!"

"S-sorry!" Sadie muttered quietly feeling quite embarrassed. She then opened the glass door properly to leave the room and immediately headed for the hallway exit. She didn't even look around the room at her co-workers. If they had seen her blunder, they were surely snickering at her.

One of the other workers came into Rickshaws office after Sadie left and poked his head inside. "Did she really get a Match Fighter?"

"Yep, and God help the poor fighter she's with now." Rickshaw said rubbing his temples.

Lisa and Jerry once again arrived outside of Jackson's office under the strict gaze of the guards. She had collected all of her things and thoughts, this time ready for a proper conversation. She needed the gangs support to get her plans in motion. Entering the office, they found that Jackson was already waiting for them. He didn't look happy as he stood behind his desk with his arms crossed over his chest, but rather more unconcerned at the moment.

"Ah, finally here." Jackson said as Lisa walked into the center of the room. "Congratulations on your lucky win."

"There wasn't any luck involved. My skills are legit." Lisa replied giving a broad smile. "Now about my bet. What's your answer?"

"No. I didn't agree to it, so I won't accept it." Jackson replied immediately.

"Come on. You can't break the rules." Lisa said as her smile faded, and her expression grew serious.

"Like I care. If neither party committed to the bet than its null." Jackson said giving a shrug. "What I will do is give you your own handler or manager if you will. A manager will help keep track of who your opponents are for any upcoming fights or tournaments. Additionally, they will keep you in contact with the Match Fighters Association and gang in case you are needed for something. A Match Fighter is more than just a fighter you know. They do other work for us by solving disputes between gangs or its own members. Not to mention dealing with the many other Match Fighters that are all over the world."

"Basically, he's giving me a leash." Lisa though to herself. "He wants to keep tabs on me and what my intentions are."

There was a sudden small knock at the side door that led to the small hallway.

"That must be her." Jackson said uncrossing his arms. "Come in." He called out towards the side door.

Slowly the door opened, and a small brown headed woman peeked inside. "S-sorry. I hope I'm not interrupting?"

"Your fine. Come in." Jackson said flatly.

The woman quickly tiptoed into the room, closing the door gently behind her. She stood off to the side, hiding half her face behind a large orange envelope. Her doe brown eyes darted back and forth like ping pong balls inside of her black glass’s rims, looking from Jackson to Lisa nervously.

"This is Sadie, she has been working with us for a long while now." Jackson said gesturing to the woman. "She is going to work as your manager. Please rely on her for any questions that you might have."

Lisa gave a friendly wave to the small woman. Sadie gave a slight bowing nod, but quickly ducked nervously further behind her envelope.

"She's huge!" Thought Sadie looking at the Queen standing before her. "Why does she have a giant coffin on her back? She is so pretty too! How did this woman beat Owen?" A plethora of questions and observations kept coming to her mind, but she kept them to herself as the other two continued speaking with each other.

Lisa turned back to look at Jackson. "I really don't think it will be necessary to have a handler. I just want to fight Martinez." She spoke to him without hesitation declaring her intention.

"Is this woman insane!" Sadie nearly let out a gasp hearing this. "He's the Boss of the whole Mad Dog gang and the strongest of everyone here." Sadie looked at Lisa but failed to see any trace of fear or that it was a joke. Lisa was seriously considering fighting Martinez.

"Again, no. You don't even have a record worth mentioning to him. Let alone propose a fight. Sadie will explain why to you in more detail." Jackson replied with an annoyed and dismissive tone. "Just get out of my sight and don't come back here unless you have another fight, or I call you. Guards, escort her out of the Arena, now!"

The two guards watching over the meeting walked up to either side of Lisa. Their presence didn't bother her on bit. However, it looked like she would have to try again some other time. At least now she had an opening to speak with the gang and an excuse to enter the compound if need be.

Lisa sighed. "Fine, I get it. I will go. Just remember this Jackson, I will get what I want. Always have and will continue too."

She turned airily to go, and the two guards followed closely behind. Her black hair swaying proudly behind her as she did. Jackson sat down in his chair watching them go, clearly displeased, until the door closed behind them.

"That Queen is so infuriating. She better watch herself or someone might put a bullet in that smart mouth of hers." Jackson said aloud to no one in particular. He got up to leave and turned to see that Sadie was still in the room with him.

"What are you doing here? Get out and go with your Fighter!" Jackson yelled pointing at the main door.

Sadie nearly dropped her envelope hearing Jackson's yelling. She hadn't been paying any attention to what was going on around her. She was lost in her own world of though.

"S-sorry Sir! My mistake, I'm going now!" Sadie said scurrying after Lisa. "Again, excuse me!" She said dashing from the room. The door slammed loudly behind her and Jackson heard her muffled apology once again.

"What an odd woman. No wonder she hadn't gotten a job till now. She's a train wreck." Jackson grumbled as he left the office.

Sadie struggled to catch up to the two guards and Lisa that were further down the hall, as they had a head start. Lisa was taking such long strides, that it took two steps for Sadie to match her. It wasn't until she arrived outside of the Warehouse Arena entrance that she finally caught up. Here the guards left the two alone and headed back inside.

Sadie was panting slightly, and she had to bend over to rest her hands on her knees. She glanced up to see that Lisa was staring down right at her. Sadie gulped visibly.

"So, you're my handler?" Lisa asked giving a questionable tone.

"I-I am. I hope we can work well together, Miss Queen." Sadie said in a quiet nervous voice. She stood up straight and brushed back her loose brown bangs and her single braid rested on her right shoulder.

"Well then Sadie, let's get going then." Lisa said turning towards the gate she had entered from earlier. "Also, don't call me Queen, unless we come back here. Just call me Lisa."

"Ok, Miss Lisa." Sadie said giving a nod.

"Seriously, just Lisa will do." Lisa said while talking over her shoulder.

Sadie could only nod in reply. The air of authority coming from Lisa was just so overpowering. A completely different kind of woman than she herself was.

Following Lisa out of the gate back into the desolate town, Sadie had forgotten the terrible state the town had been in. She had been working in the conclave for several years. Rarely did she even leave the Arena area. She worried that things were going to quite different from now on.

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