Black Lotus Daughter She is Not Easy To Mess With

Chapter 629

Chapter 629: Qingda Is Very Good

Chapter 629 Qingda is very good

[Although…but, I hope it’s not what I thought, Mr. Shen should not be pushed out by other team members, so we didn’t return to China together. 】

With the first one, there will be a second one who thinks so.

After all, the national team went out to compete collectively, and only Shen Lingxi acted alone, which inevitably caused criticism.

After Shen Lingxi came back, she was called by Director Jiang to the grade office. She couldn’t see this little episode on the Internet for the first time.

The strange voice came out, and it was Wang Zhuo who saw the news first.

“Brother Feng, look, some people said that Sister Xi was ostracized by the team because of her bad personality, and she deserved to go back to China by herself.”

Xie Feng said directly: “Let his uncle’s fart, open his mouth and talk nonsense. If you don’t need this organ, please donate it to those who need it!”

No wonder he is angry, some people are envious and others are jealous.

Shen Lingxi’s achievements have aroused the envy of many online sour chickens. They have no way to admit the excellence of others and the mediocrity of themselves.

just holding the keyboard, behind the computer screen, wanton guessing others with the most dirty psychology and dirty thoughts.

Wang Zhuo and the others were also very angry: “Wait until Grandpa opens 108 trumpets, he won’t kill him!”

“Lend me one for the trumpet, and I’ll come too.”

Wang Ningxiu has a good temper, and she was so angry that she wanted to go into battle, which shows how much those people said.

Shao Heng was so busy that he forgot his day’s work and sent a message to Xie Feng before going to bed.

Shao Heng: What are you doing?

Xie Feng: Open the microphone and curse!

Xie Feng replied to the scolding sour chicken while replying to Shao Heng’s news, and the speed was really urgent.

The intermittent news, Shao Heng can be considered to understand what he is saying.

Shao Heng: Stop scolding, take a rest, leave it to me.

Xie Feng: You can’t, you are a gentleman, how can you scold them.

Shao Heng laughed angrily at him, did he really think he was going out to find someone to quarrel?

Before the computer was turned off, Shao Heng took two certificates and sent it to him.


After the picture was loaded, Xie Feng was shocked!

Before his shock was over, VTB officially released an announcement.


#Holographic simulation technology

#The youngest researcher

【Who are you going to fool with these two pieces of paper? Don’t think that the word “research institute” is so awesome. Maybe it’s a pheasant research institute? 】

[You’re an idiot upstairs, that’s VTB, an internationally renowned research institute, don’t talk nonsense if you don’t have culture! Shen Xueshen, please accept my knee! 】

[Is this the gap between me and the boss, you think she and I were excluded and didn’t return to China together, who would have thought that someone would take the time to go to the research institute to do an experiment]

As soon as the black fans on the Internet said a few words, they were speechless by a bunch of educated people who knew how powerful VTB was.

VTB is a research institute at the world level. Since its establishment, it has conducted a lot of valuable research and won numerous awards.

For a while, the three words Shen Lingxi swept the hot search on Weibo.

In the    grade office, Director Jiang was talking to Shen Lingxi about the olive branch sent by the college.

Shen Lingxi’s goal is very clear and clear.

Since you want to wake up Xie An, it is bound to follow the real situation in some things.

In the real world, her Tsinghua University student is also a professor of Tsingtao University.

She likes her alma mater very much, so there is no need to go to another school to experience life.

Director Jiang and Yang Jingwu looked at each other, feeling like they wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say.

Qingdao University is very good, a top university.

(end of this chapter)

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